podmiňovacím způsobu 9. Otázky Otázky Úroveň A (Cvičení 1-185) jednoduché otázky v přítomném čase (1-30); otázky v přítomném průběhovém čase (31-40); otázky v minulém čase (41-60); otázky v minulém průběhovém čase (61-70); otázky odkazující do budoucnosti (71-80); doplňovací otázky s what, who, where, when, why, how, which a whose (81-140); tázací dovětky v přítomném prostém a průběhovém čase (141-185) Úroveň B (Cvičení 186-345) tvoření doplňovacích otázek odkazujících na přítomnost, minulost a budoucnost (186-210); překlad doplňovacích otázek (211-235); doplňovací otázky s who, whose nebo what (236-265); tázací dovětky v minulém čase (266-300); tázací dovětky při vyjadřování budoucnosti (301-310); tázací dovětky s modálními slovesy (311-345) Úroveň C (Cvičení 346-450) what a how v otázkách dotazujících se na povahu a vzhled věcí (346-355); přímé a nepřímé otázky s what, who, where, when a how (356-390); další nepřímé otázky s when, where, why a how (much/many) (391-415); nepřímá řeč z přímé otázky (416-425); otázky v předpřítom-ném čase (426-440); tázací dovětky v předpřítomném čase (441-450) Úroveň D (Cvičení 451-505) doplňovací otázky pro více pokročilé (451-465); tázací dovětky (466^175); tázací dovětky ve větách s there is/are (476-505) □ □ □ Úroveň A (Cvičení 1-185) Z následujících vět utvořte zjišťovací otázky. Přítomný prostý čas. 1) It is October. [Is...?] 2) She is tired. 3) They are here. 4) He is eighteen. 5) English is difficult. 6) She has got a brother. She has a brother. 7) Her brother has got a girlfriend. Her brother has a girlfriend. 8) His girlfriend has got a cat. His girlfriend has a cat. 9) The cat has got a problem. The cat has a problem. 10) She has got a dog too. She has a dog too. 11) She gets up at ten. [Does...?] 12) She goes to bed at nine. 13) She buys a lot of cakes. 14) She drinks a lot of whiskey. 15) She watches the television all day. 16) He eats healthy food. 17) He exercises every morning. 18) He dislikes alcohol. 19) He prefers mineral water. 20) He studies English a lot. 9. Questions Questions Level A (examples 1-185) basic questions with present simple (1-30); questions with present continuous (31^10); questions with past simple (41-60); questions with past continuous (61-70); questions with the future (71-80); questions with what, who, where, when, why, how, which and whose (81-140); question tags with present simple and continuous (141-185) Level B (examples 186-345) WH questions in present, past and future (186-210); translating WH questions (211-235); questions with who, whose and what (236-265); question tags with past tense (266-300); question tags with future (301-310); question tags with modal verbs (311-345) Level C (examples 346—450) what and how for asking about the nature and appearance of things (346-355); direct and indirect questions with what, who, where, when and how (356-390); more indirect questions, with when, where, why and how (much/many) (391-415); reported speech from direct questions (416-425); questions with present perfect (426^40); question tags with present perfect (441-450) Level D (examples 451-505) WH questions for more advanced students (451-465); question tags with conditional (466-475); question tags with there is/are (476-505) □ a □ Level A (examples 1-185) Present simple 1) Is it October? 2) Is she tired? 3) Are rhey here? 4) Is he eighteen? 5) Is English difficult? 6) Has she got a brother? Does she have a brother? 7) Has her brother got a girlfriend? Does her brother have a girlfriend? 8) Has his girlfriend got a cat? Does his girlfriend have a cat? 9) Has the cat got a ptoblem? Does the cat have a problem? 10) Has she got a dog too? Does she have a dog too? 11) Does she get up at ten? 12) Does she go to bed at nine? 13) Does she buy a lot of cakes? 14) Does she drink a lot of whiskey? 15) Does she watch the television all day? 16) Does he eat healthy food? 17) Does he exercise every morning? 18) Does he dislike alcohol? 19) Does he prefer mineral water? 20) Does he study English a lot? H OO M„„i fiviiebnice anglické gramatiky Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 123 9. Questions 9. Otázky 21) He can surf. [Can...?] 22) She can make good chocolate cake. 23) They can see us. 24) He can read Chinese. 25) She can explain grammar well. 26) She has to/must pay them today. 27) We have to/must change trains. 28) The work has to/must be finished tomorrow. 29) He has to/must work hard for the exams. 30) I have to/must help you with it. Přítomný průběhový čas. 31) It is raining. [Is...?] 32) The sun is shining. 33) The birds are singing. 34) The wind is blowing. 35) The leaves are falling. Minulý prostý čas. 41) It was terrible. [Was...?] 42) She was angry. 43) It was interesting. 44) They were pleased. 45) He was shocked. 46) They had bad luck. [Did...?] 47) He had a headache. 48) She had an exam yesterday. 49) He had a good idea. 50) They had a good time on Saturday. 36) Summer is ending. 37) Autumn is coming. 38) He is looking at us. 39) She is feeling better. 40) They are waiting for me. 51) Jack celebrated his birthday on Friday. 52) He invited a lot of friends. 53) Everyone came. 54) They gave him some nice presents. 55) He drank a lot of wine. 56) They played rock music. 57) Everyone danced. 58) The neighbours complained. 59) The police came. 60) Jack enjoyed the party. Minulý průběhový čas. 61) They were talking about her. [Were...?] 62) It was snowing on Saturday. 63) He was sitting alone. 64) She was sleeping when he phoned. 65) It was raining when they left the house. 66) He was walking along the street when it happened. 67) You were having a shower when I phoned. 68) They were talking when the teacher came into the room. 69) She was looking for us. 70) It was starting to get dark. Budoucnost. 71) You will be happy here. [Will—-J 72) Emma is going to be there. 73) You will have time for it. 74) They are going to write to you. 75) She will like it. 124 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 76) It is going to be a surprise. 77) You will help us. 78) They are going to buy a new car 79) She is going to look for a new )ob. 80) There are going to be a lot of guests. 21) Can he surf? 22) Can she make good chocolate cake? 23) Can they see us? 24) Can he read Chinese? 25) Can she explain grammar well? 26) Does she have to pay/Must she pay them today? 27) Do we have to change/Must we change trains? 28) Does the work have to be/Must the work be finished tomorrow? 29) Does he have to work/Must he work hard for the exams? 30) Do I have to help/Must I help you with it? Present continuous 31) Is it raining? 32) Is the sun shining? 33) Are the birds singing? 34) Is the wind blowing? 35) Are the leaves falling? 36) Is summer ending? 37) Is autumn coming? 38) Is he looking at us? 39) Is she feeling better? 40) Are they waiting for me? Past simple 41) Was it terrible? 42) Was she angry? 43) Was it interesting? 44) Were they pleased? 45) Was he shocked? 46) Did they have bad luck? 47) Did he have a headache? 48) Did she have an exam yesterday? 49) Did he have a good idea? 50) Did they have a good time on Saturday? 51) Did Jack celebrate his birthday on Friday? 52) Did he invite a lot of friends? 53) Did everyone come? 54) Did they give him some nice presents? 55) Did he drink a lot of wine? 56) Did they play rock music? 57) Did everyone dance? 58) Did the neighbours complain? 59) Did the police come? 60) Did Jack enjoy the party? Past continuous 61) Were they talking about her? 62) Was it snowing on Saturday? 63) Was he sitting alone? 64) Was she sleeping when he phoned? 65) Was it raining when they left the house? 66) Was he walking along the street when it happened? 67) Were you having a shower when I phoned? 68) Were they talking when the teacher came into the room? 69) Was she looking for us? 70) Was it starting to get dark? Future 71) Will you be happy here? 72) Is Emma going to be there? 73) Will you have time for it? 74) Are they going to write to you ? 75) Will she like it? 76) Is it going to be a surprise? 77) Will you help us? 78) Are they going to buy a new car? 79) Is she going to look for a new job? 80) Are there going to be a lot of guests? Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 125 9. Otázky Přeložte následující doplňovací otázky v přítomném prostém čase. 81) Co je to? 82) Kolik je hodin? 83) Kolikátého je? 84) Jak se jmenuješ? 85) Jaké je vaše telefonní číslo? 86) Kdo je ten pán? 87) Kdo zná odpověď? 88) Kdo umí plavat? 89) Komu dáváš přednost? 90) Kdo se jí nelíbí? 91) Kde je záchod, prosím? 92) Kde je pošta? 93) Kde bydlí? [oni] 94) Kde je jeho kancelář? 95) Kam jezdí tramvaj číslo sedm? 96) Kdy máš narozeniny? 97) Kdy vstáváš? 98) Kdy chodíš do postele? 99) Kdy jsou v Anglii Vánoce? 100) Kdy jsou prázdniny? 101) Proč posloucháš tuto hudbu? 102) Proč jede [řídí] tak rychle? [on] 103) Proč si to myslíš? 104) Proč necvičíš? 105) Proč se jí nezeptáš? 106) Jak se píše „Shakespeare"? 107) Jak se dělá omeleta? 108) Odkud [Jak] znáš mého bratra? 109) Jak vo víš? 110) Jak to dělá? [ona] 111) Kterou barvu máš raději? 112) Které znáš americké spisovatele? 113) Které země chce navštívit? [on] 114) Kterými mluvíš jazyky? 115) Na jaké filmy chodí? [ona] 116) Který je jejich dům? 117) Kterou chceš sklenici? 118) Který je tvůj kabát? 119) Která kapitola je nejtěžší? 120) Které dny chodíš do školy? 121) Čí je tato kniha? 122) Čí jsou tyto boty? 123) Čí je tato zelená bunda? 124) Čí básně máš raději? 125) Čí je to sako? 126) Jak dlouhý je ten film? 127) Jak daleko je z Londýna do Edinburghu? 128) Jak těžká je čeština pro cizince? 129) Jak dlouho musíme čekat? WH questions 81) What is it/that? 82) What is the time?/What time is it? 83) What is the date?/What date is it? 84) What is your name? 85) What is your telephone number? 86) Who is that man? 87) Who knows the answer? 88) Who can swim? 89) Who(m) do you prefer? 90) Who(m) does she dislike?/Who(m) doesn't she like? 91) Where's the toilet, please? 92) Where's the post office? 93) Where do they live? 94) Where is his office? 95) Where does the number seven tram go?/Where does tram number seven go? 96) When is your birthday? 97) When do you get up? 98) When do you go to bed? 99) When is Christmas in England? 100) When are the holidays? 101) Why do you listen to this music? 102) Why does he drive so fast? 103) Why do you think that? 104) Why don't you exercise [tělocvik]/practise [na hudební nástroj]? 105) Why don't you ask her? 106) How do you spell 'Shakespeare'? 107) How do you make an omelette? 108) How do you know my brother? 109) How do you know? 110) How does she do/make it? 111) Which colour do you prefer? 112) Which American writers do you know? 113) Which countries does he want to visit? 114) What/Which languages do you speak? 115) What/Which films does she go to? 116) Which house is theirs?/Which is their house? 117) Which glass do you want? 118) Which coat is yours?/Which is your coat? 119) Which chapter is (the) most difficult? 120) Which/On which days do you go to school? ■ 121) Whose is this book?/Whose book is this? 122) Whose are these shoes?/Whose shoes are these? 123) Whose is this green jacket?/Whose green jacket is this? 124) Whose poems do you prefer? 125) Whose jacket is it? 126) How long is the film? 127) How far is it from London to Edinburgh? 128) How difficult is Czech for foreigners? 129) How long do we have to/How long must we wait? Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 127 126 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 9. Otázky 130) Jak často chodíš k zubaři? 131) Kolik má volného času? [on] 132) Co [Kolik] o tom ví? [on] 133) Kolik to stojí? 134) Kolik máš peněz v bance? 135) Kolik cukru potřebuješ na tento recept? 136) Kolik má listopad [je v listopadu] dní? 137) Kolik znáš britských herců? 138) Kolik dní s námi můžete strávit? 139) Kolik vypije každý večer piv? [on] 140) Kolik hodin každý den trénuješ? Tázací dovětky v přítomném prostém a průběhovém čase. Přeložte. be 141) Ty jsi Fredův bratr, že jo? 142) Má hlad, že jo?[ona] 143) Jsou teď ve škole, že jo? 144) Váš otec je řidič autobusu, že ano? 145) Dnes je horko, že jo? 146) Jsem dobrý student, že jo? 147) Její kancelář je v přízemí, že ano? 148) Má vždycky pravdu, že ano? [on] 149) Jste zase unavená, že ano? 150) Toto je vaše taška, že ano? 151) Není to jednoduché, že ne? 152) Vy nejste pan Jackson, že ne? 153) Není ve tvé třídě, že ne? [on] 154) Dnes večer nejsou doma, že ne? 155) Nejsem tlustý, že ne? 156) Ona není starší než ty, že ne? 157) Nejsme spokojeny, že ne? 158) Jeho auto není bílé, že ne? 159) Není to důležité, že ne? 160) Nejsi si jist, že ne? have/has got Přeložte každou větu dvakrát, jednou za použití has/have a podruhé za použití has/have got. 161) Máte dva bratry, že ano? 162) Má dlouhé, hnědé vlasy, že jo? [ona] 163) Má na zahradě bazén, že jo? [on] 164) Pavouci mají osm noh, že jo? 165) Máme čas, že jo? Další slovesa. Přítomný prostý čas. Přeložte. 166) Mluvíte německy, že ano? 167) Pracuje s tvým mužem, že jo? [ona] 168) Rozumíme tomu, že jo? 169) Vypadá to dobře, že jo? 170) Bydlí v Olomouci, že jo? [oni] 171) Nemáš rád česnek, že ne? 172) Nepije alkohol, že ne? [on] 173) Nevědí o tom, že ne? 174) Nevěří tomu, že ne? [ona] 175) Nefunguje to, že ne? Přítomný průběhový čas. Přeložte. 176) Cekají na nás, že jo? 177) Ona má na sobě jeho svetr, že jo? 178) Dnes večer pracuje, že jo? [on] 9. Questions 130) How often do you go to the dentist? 131) How much free time does he have? 132) How much does he know about it? 133) How much does it cost? 134) How much money have you got in the bank? 135) How much sugar do you need for this recipe? 136) How many days are there in November? 137) How many British actors do you know? 138) How many days can you spend with us? 139) How many beers does he drink each/every evening? 140) How many hours do you train each/every day? Question tags in present tense, simple and continuou 141) You're Fred's brother, aren't you? 142) She's hungry, isn't she? 143) They're at school now, aren't they? 144) Your father's a bus driver, isn't he? 145) It's hot today, isn't it? 146) I'm a good student, aren't I? 147) Her office is on the ground floor, isn't it? 148) He's always right, isn't he? 149) You're tired again, aren't you? 150) This is your bag, isn'r it? 151) It's not easy, is it? 152) You're not Mr Jackson, are you? 153) He's not in your class, is he? 154) They're not at home this evening, are they? 155) I'm not fat, am I? 156) She's not older than you, is she? 157) We're not satisfied, are we? 158) His car isn't white, is it? 159) It's not important, is it? 160) You're not sure/certain, are you? 161) You've got two brothers, haven't you? You have two brothers, don't you' 162) She's got long, brown hair, hasn't she? She has long, brown hair, doesn't she? 163) He's got a swimming pool in the/his garden, hasn't he? He has a swimming pool in the/his garden, doesn't he? 164) Spiders have got eight legs, haven't they? Spiders have eight legs, don't they? 165) We've got (the) time, haven't we? We have (the) time, don't we? 166) You speak German, don't you? 167) She works with your husband, doesn't she? 168) We understand (it), don't we? 169) It looks good, doesn't it? 170) They live in Olomouc, don't they? 171) You don't like garlic, do you? 172) He doesn't drink alcohol, does he? 173) They don't know about it, do they? 174) She doesn't believe it, does she? 175) It doesn't work, does it? 176) They're waiting for us, aren't they? 177) She's wearing his sweater/jumper, isn't she? 178) He's working this evening, isn't he? 128 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 1 29 9. Otázky 9. Questions 179) Ještě prší, že jo? 180) Mluví o Jamesovi, že jo? [oni] 181) Nesedíš na mých klíčích, že ne? 182) Netěšíme se na to, že ne? 183) Nechodí s tvým bratrem, že ne? [ona] 184) Nejdeš dnes ven, že ne? 185) Moje angličtina se nezlepšuje, že ne? Úroveň B (Cvičení 186-345) Utvořte doplňovací otázky tak, že se pomocí zájmen who, what, where, when, how zeptáte na slova začínající na some-. Příklad: Somebody phoned me this morning. - Who phoned you this morning? Příklad: I phoned somebody this morning. - Who(m) did you phone this morning? 186) Something is happening. 187) He wants to tell me something. 188) She said something. 189) They found something there. 190) They were looking for something. 191) Someone is at the door. 192) Someone is waiting outside. 193) Someone did it. 194) Someone told you about it. 195) Someone stole the money. 196) She loves someone, [použijte who] 197) He is writing to someone, [who] 198) She is thinking about someone, [who] 199) They gave it to someone, [who] 200) It fell on someone, [who] 201) She's going somewhere tonight. 202) He's hiding somewhere. 203) They live somewhere in Prague. 204) He's going somewhere this weekend. 205) They want to travel somewhere next year. 206) We can visit them sometime, 207) You'll tell me sometime. 208) He's going to arrive sometime. 209) We'll do it somehow. 210) It broke somehow. Přeložte následující doplňovací otázky. Předložku dávejte vždy na konec věty. •)1R\ r.n nnslouchá? fonal 211) Co hledáš? 212) O čem byla ta přednáška? 213) Na co čekáš? 214) O čem mluvili? 215) Na co je tohle tlačítko? 216) Čemu se směješ? 217) Na co se těšíš? 218) Co poslouchá? [ona] 219) Z čeho se to dělá? 220) Na čem sedíš? 221) Od koho je ten dopis? 222) S kým jedeš do Itálie? 223) Na koho myslíš? [O kom přemýšlíš?] 224) Pro koho je ten dárek? 179) It's still raining, isn't it? 180) They're talking about James, aren't they? 181) You're not sitting on my keys, are you? 182) We're not looking forward to it, are we? 183) She's not going out with your brother, is she? 184) You're not going out today, are you? 185) My English isn't improving, is it? Level B (examples 186-345) WH questions in present, past and future 186) What is happening? 187) What does he want to tell me? 188) What did she say? 189) What did they find there? 190) What were they looking for? 191) Who is at the door? 192) Who is waiting outside? 193) Who did it? 194) Who told you about it? 195) Who stole the money? 196) Who does she love? 197) Who is he writing to? 198) Who is she thinking about? 199) Who did they give it to? 200) Who did it fall on? 201) Where is she going tonight? 202) Where is he hiding? 203) Where in Prague do they live?/Where do they live in Prague? 204) Where is he going this weekend? 205) Where do they want to travel (to) next year? 206) When can we visit them? 207) When will you tell me? 208) When is he going to arrive? 209) How will we do it? 210) How did it break? WH questions 211) What are you looking for? 212) What was the lecture about? 213) What are you waiting for? 214) What were they talking/speaking about? 215) What is this button for? 216) What are you laughing at? 217) What are you looking forward to? 218) What is she listening to? 219) What is it made from/of/with? 220) What are you sitting on ? 221) Who is the letter from? 222) Who are you going to Italy with? 223) Who are you thinking about? 224) Who is the present for? 130 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 131 9. Questions 9. Otázky Příklad: Jak se jmenuje [ona]? - (a) What is her name (c) Can you tell me what her name rsř 356) Kolik je hodin? 357) Co si myslíš? 358) Co chce? [on] 359) Co to znamená? 360) O čem je ten článek? 361) Co řekl? 362) Co udělali? 363) Co jste koupil? 364) Co navrhli? 365) Co mu poslala? 366) Kdo je ta dívka? 367) Kdo je její nejlepší přítel? 368) Kdo ho učí? 369) Pro koho pracuje? [ona] 370) Do koho je zamilovaný? 371) Kdo to byl? 372) Koho pozvali? 373) Koho jsi tam potkal? 374) Koho se zeptal? 375) S kým šla? 376) Kde je nádraží? 377) Kde bydlí? [on] 378) Kde pracuješ? 379) Kde to začíná? [použijte start] 380) Kde mohu koupit nějaké známky? 381) Kdy je ta přednáška? 382) Kdy obědvají [mají oběd]? f (b) 1 need to know what her name is. Direct and indirect questions with what, who, where, when and how 356 357 358 359; 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372; 373 374 375 376; 377; 378 138 Nová cvičebnice ai nglícké gramatiky a. What is the time?/What time is it? b. I need to know what the time is./I need to know what time it is. c. Can you tell me what the time is?/Can you tell me what time it is? a. What do you think? b. I need to know what you think, c. Can you tell me what you think? a. What does he want? b. I need to know what he wants, c. Can you tell me what he wants? a. What does it mean? b. I need to know what it means, c. Can you tell me what it means? a. What is the article about? b. I need to know what the article is about, c. Can you tell me what the article is about? a. What did he say? b. I need to know what he said. c. Can you tell me what he said? a. What did they do? b. I need to know what they did. c. Can you tell me what they did? a. What did you buy? b. I need to know what you bought, c. Can you tell me what you bought? a. What did they suggest? b. I need to know what they suggested, c. Can you tell me what they suggested? a. What did she send him? b. I need to know what she sent him. c. Can you tell me what she sent him? a. Who is that girl? b. I need to know who that girl is. c. Can you tell me who that girl is? a. Who is her best friend? b. I need to know who her best friend is. c. Can you tell me who her best friend is? a. Who teaches him? b. I need to know who teaches him. c. Can you tell me who teaches him? a. Who does she work for? b. I need to know who she works for. c. Can you tell me who she works for? a. Who is he in love with? b. I need to know who he is in love with. c. Can you tell me who he is in love with? a. Who was that/it? b. I need to know who that/it was. c. Can you tell me who that/it was? a. Who did they invite? b. I need to know who they invited, c. Can you tell me who they invited? a. Who did you meet there? b. 1 need to know who you met there, c. Can you tell me who you met there? a. Who did he ask? b. I need to know who he asked, c. Can you tell me who he asked? a. Who did she go with? b. I need to know who she went with. c. Can you tell me who she went with? a. Where is the station? b. I need to know where the station is. c. Can you tell me where the station is? a. Where does he live? b. I need to know where he lives, c. Can you tell me where he lives? a. Where do you work? b. I need to know where you work. c. Can you tell me where you work? a. Where does it start? b. I need to know where it starts, c. Can you tell me where it starts? a. Where can I buy some stamps? b. I need to know where I can buy some stamps, c. Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps? a. When is the lecture? b. I need to know when the lecture is. c. Can you tell me when the lecture is? a. When do they have lunch? b. I need to know when they have lunch, c. Can you tell me when they have lunch? Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 139 6