7 It isn't yet certain. or It's not yet certain. 8 We'll be pleased to see you. 9 Don't worry. 10 I'd like to buy a new computer. 11 We're willing to help. 12 We won't know the result for some time. B 1 Where's, It's 2 don't, isn't or s not 3 What's, He's C 1 I would like a coffee, please. 2 There has been an accident. 3 That is correct. 4 I had seen the film before. 5 Who has got the key? 6 We would have stopped if we had seen you. Unit 33 A 1 I am smiling. 2 I do like my new portrait. 3 It is foggy today. 4 Yes, I did remember the water. B 1 it did cost 4 I did go 2 you do look 5 they do quarrel 3 it does stop C 1 I did finish the crossword today. 2 my room does need tidying up. 3 I do find the work difficult. 4 I did want to give the course up. 5 Do have a chocolate. 6 this place does depress me. Unit 34 A 1 offering 2 making a suggestion 3 asking for information 4 requesting 5 inviting 6 asking for information 7 asking permission B 1 Are you a rich man? 2 Are quizzes your only hobby? 3 Did you work hard at school? 4 Have you got/Do you have any other interests? 5 Is it an interesting life? 6 Does your wife ask you quiz questions? 7 Do you answer questions in your dreams? C 1 Are you going to America? 2 Does Laura play tennis? 3 Did you enjoy your holiday? 4 Shall we (both) go for a walk? 5 Will you be at the club tonight? 6 Is the train on time? 7 Do Mike and Harriet go camping? 8 Could I/Can I/May I borrow your squash racket? 9 Have you got/Do you have a motor bike? Unit 35 A 1 Yes, I can 5 No, they aren't 2 Yes, it is 6 Yes, I do 3 No, he hasn't 7 No, he isn't 4 Yes, I did 8 No, I haven't B 1 No, we won't 5 Yes, she does 2 Yes, I did 6 No, we aren't 3 Yes, she has 7 No, we can't 4 No, I didn't 8 No, I'm/I am not C 1 b) 2 b) 3 b) 4 a ) 5 b) 6 a) 7 b) 8 b) Unit 36 A 1 What's/What is the date (today)? 2 When does the course finish? 3 Who have you invited (to your party)? 4 How can I/we get tickets (to the concert)? 5 Where are we going to have lunch? or Where shall we have lunch? B 1 Where 6 How far 2 How many 7 How often 3 When 8 What kind 4 Who 9 How long 5 What C 1 where do you record 2 How many programmes have you done? 3 How much money do you earn? 4 When did you start acting? 5 What are your plans for the future? Unit 37 A 1 a) Rita b) Rita 2 a) Mark b) a bus 3 a) a/the lorry b) a/the car B 1 Who is/Who's having a party? 2 What were you reading? 3 What have you learnt? 4 what should we do? 5 Who is/Who's looking for me? 6 Who are you looking for? 7 What is she planning? 8 Who has/Who's moved in next door? 9 What is/What's worrying you? 10 Who do you want to meet? C 1 photos can I keep? 2 flowers look lovely? 3 (money) went missing? 4 house did you pass (earlier)? 5 children has the doctor got?/does the doc have? PAGE 390 • KEY TO THE EXERCISES