Practice 33 Emphatic do 1 Introduction Oh, that picture's new. It is nice. Yes, I do like : Melanie wants to emphasize the idea that the picture is nice and that she likes it. She wants to say this in a strong and positive way. NEUTRAL It's nice. I like it. emphatic It is nice. I do like it. 2 Emphatic forms Often we can be emphatic by using a Full form like is or have, rather than a short form such as *s or Ve (see Unit 32). We stress the word when we speak it. Yes, it is late. It's half past one in the morning. My goodness you have done a lot of work. Well done. We can also stress modal verbs such as will and should. You wilt write to me, won't you? Yon really should drive more carefully. We almost had an accident. In the Present Simple we put do before the verb. You re so right. I do agree with you. Your hair is much too long. You do need a haircut. We do hope you can come to our barbecue. I'm getting fed up with those dogs. They do make such a noise. In the third person singular we use does. The city centre does get crowded, doesn't it? Emma says Matthew doesn't care about her, but he says he does care. We do not add -s to the verb. It does look nice, not it dees-leeks trice-. In the past simple we use did. We did enjoy the concert. It was really good. Vicky is quite sure that she did see a ghost. We do not add -ed to the verb. We did enjoy it. not We-d id-enjoyed it. 5 The imperative with do We can use do with an imperative for emphasis. Do hurry up, or we'll be late. Oh, do be quiet. I'm trying to concentrate. Here do makes the speaker sound more worried or annoyed. We use this structure only in an informa situation. But we can also use do with an imperative in offers and invitations (see page 122). Do have some more soup. Do take a seaty won't you? Here do sounds very polite. You shouldn't have forgotten. I did remind you. A Emphatic do (1-2) Put In the emphatic forms of these sentences: / like my new portrait. I'm smilmo It's foggy today. Yes, riLbe_,ate home. Yes, / remembered the water. Yes, I will be l&te liowe. B Emphatic do (1-2) Complete the answers. Use a pronoun + emphatic do + a verb. ► Tom: David: 1 Trevor- Laura: Jessica: Natasha: Daniel: Matthew: Nick: Tom: Vicky: Rachel: Melanie is always helping people, isn't she? Yes, >"<■ does help a lot of people. How much did that dress cost? Well..............................................rather a lot. Someone once told me I look like the singer Arlene Black. Well,.............................................a bit like her, actually. This train doesn't stop at our station. Are you sure? I think.............................................there. Why didn't you go to the match on Saturday? What do you mean? the match. Matthew and Emma never quarrel. Oh yes,...............................................All the time, in fact. Emphatic do (1-3) What would you say? Use do, does or did. ^ Tell your friend that you worry about your job prospects. You know, I do worry About My job ,£ro£p£Ct£......... |1 Say that you finished the crossword today. Actually, ....................................................................... p Admit that your room needs tidying up. I'm afraid .................................................................... 3 Explain to your teacher that you find the work difficult. [ I'm afraid..... .............................................. 4 Say that you wanted to give the course up. Actually, ....................................................... 5 Offer your friend a chocolate. Here you are................................................................... " Admit that this place depresses you. You know, PAGE 82 • VERBS VERBS • PAGE 83