(10, p. 42): l.He is a member neither of Parliament nor of... 2. but also to appeal for... 3. from both teenagers and... (also: from both younger and older sections...) 4. in regard not only to grammar and vocabulary but also to phonetics, (or: not only grammatically and lexically but also phonetically as well.) 5. to forests, to animals... (or: to forests, animals, and indirectly ourselves.) 6. The police not only do not want to... 7.irrespective of their worth as individual people and (or: or) the importance of... 8. and that the young were therefore in need... 9. of taking on responsibility... (or: of responsibility and important decisions.) 10. There are no funds for classroom equipment, scientific laboratories or sports facilities, or even for... W.the urgent need for more supplies, and the seriousness of the situation. 12. would become not only a... 13. whether from Britain or America... (or: whether British or American...) 14. not only to edify young people... (or: not only for the edification of young people but also as a reminder for adults of...) 15. They will go west either for a few years or for ever. 16.He presents not only the... 17.to be kind and tolerant, (and) to love other people, nature and life. 18.becomes the object on the one hand of... 19. they steal cars, they break into... (or: and finally are sent...) 20. not only teachers but also parents were very rigid. 21. an important date in the history not only of... 22. and for the teachers, (or: good for both the children and the teachers.) 23.The reader not only witnesses... 24. rather than any real belief \n God. (also: rather than really believing in God.) 25. we must first of all do our best and try to change ourselves, and then start to find the way to communicate with our parents, (or: So if you want your family life to change for the better, first of all do your best etc.) 26. culture, taste and good manners, something shocking... (11, p. 44): l.The book and its scrupulous scholarship were well received by critics, (also: The critics gave the book a good reception, and they...) 2. but without reaching any agreement, (also: but reached no agreement.) 3. of responsibility or any kind of criticism. 4. and they find the picture of the "modern" woman very tempting. 5. and established closer economic ties with Lhem. 6. first a French and then a British colony. 7. adopted not only so-called American tastes but also some of the habits of what we might call the American life. (12, p. 46): l.The first sectarian killings this year, they... 2. Hard-working and reliable, he had within a short time... 3. A former Springbok captain, Gowen has received... 4.A corpulent man..., he... 5.Jealous... and implacably hostile... these groups... 6. A solitary man, a retired chemist..., he... 7. More a monarch..., Elizabeth Regina continues... 8. A democrat of the Left, he kept... 9. Petty and vindictive, she... 10.Weaker and poorer, Panama was defending itself... II. Hungry for knowledge, I was occasionally... 12. Cousins, both from failed marriages, polar opposites..., they conspired... 13.Once the scene..., Slovenia underwent... 14. A'politician..., Lumumba was also... 15.Himself a Vietnam war-veteran, Oliver Scott... 16. Almost mad with fear, he tried... 17. Anxious to appear..., he relished... 18. An admirer of Hitler, he was... 19. An old hand in the Kremlin, Yeltsin was... 20. Never one to turn down a free meal, Jagger bore... 21.Cozily small..., the $87 million structure will not be to... 22. Traditionally at the left..., Mrs Castle has always... 23. Frequently away..., Andrew began... 24. Ashen-faced and purse-lipped, he sat there impassively, an old man close to tears. (13, p. 48): 1. A lover..., Belloc's best work... 2. A brilliant correspondent, her letters.., 3. One of the most..., its place is now... (14, p. 49): 1.Drawn..., the sketch is a... 2. Forced..., he devoted... 3.Introduced..., comprehensive schools sought... 4. Galvanised..., he covered... 5. Abandoned... and mistaking..., she grew up... 6. Founded..., The Observer is the world's... 7. Made in black and white, Wajda's film skilfully evokes... 8. Endowed..., she spoke... 9. Waging... and deaf..., Mladych has led... (15, p. 50): The word being is possible in 12, p. 46-47, nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15 (Being himself...), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (Never being one...), and 23 (Being frequently away); in 13, p. 48, no. 2 (Being a brilliant correspondent...); and certainly in 14, p. 49, nos. 4, 5 and 8. (16, p. 51): 1.polling... 2.(Being) the first..., he became..., giving... 3.Prolix..., Grass's novels are nevertheless full of..., offering... 4.God's victim, I have been lying..., struggling... 5.(Becoming) increasingly radicalised..., Lumumba turned..., thus alienating... (17, p. 52): 1. Tired as they were... 2. annoyed as she was... 3. Inadequate though it is..., Inadequate as it is... 4. Poor sinner as I am... (also: Poor sinner that I am...) 5. finding it distasteful as they do. 6. Working as I do in the police-force, I have special opportunities... 226 227