Unit 2 Personal Assistance Services Lead In - Speaking 2.1 What do you think about the following utterance? "You are not just helping somebody out, you are not just doing things for me. You are enabling me to be me! To be seen for who I am and what I am by helping me out with the stuff that I just can't do by myself." "Too many people think disable means unable, but it does not. We are all really different!" Reading General information on Personal Assistance Services 2.2 What Are Personal Assistance Services (PAS)? A personal assistant (sometimes called a personal care attendant or PCA) provides the support necessary for someone with a disability to live and work in the community. Typically, a personal assistant works direcdy for the individual with a disability, although similar services may be provided by home health aides who work for an agency. At one time, personal assistants mainly performed hands-on activities such as bathing, dressing, using the bathroom and transferring between bed and wheelchair. Other activities included cleaning the home, running errands, and driving the person with a disability wherever he or she needed to go. Over the years, personal assistance has come to mean any support a person needs to maintain his or her independence. This can include caring for children, using a checkbook, or translating speech that might be difficult to understand. A person with an intellectual disability who has good physical function may need verbal coaching to accomplish the tasks of the day. The definition of a personal assistant has continued to expand as people with disabilities increasingly join the workforce. A personal assistant may come into the workplace at lunchtime to assist the employer (the individual with a disability) with lunch and using the restroom. Or a personal assistant may accompany the employer all day, driving him or her to meetings, assisting with paperwork, note taking, and phone calls as well as personal tasks. http:/ /www.ct.gov/brs/ cwp/view.asp?a:=3955&q=465118 Vocabulary attendant (n) ošetřovatel, provázející necessary (adj) nutný, nezbytný accomplish (v) dosáhnout, splnit perform (v) vykonávat, plnit, zahrát aid (n) pomoc provide (v) poskytovat although (conj) ačkoli, sice, i když restroom (n) toaleta coaching (v;n) připavovat; vést run errands dělat pochůzky continue (v) pokračovat speech (n) řeč, mluva disability (n) postižení, nevýhoda support (n;v) podpora; podporovat expand (v) (roz) šířit se task (n) úkol, úloha checkbook (n) šeková knížka transfer (n;v) přesun; přemístit include (v) obsahovat, zahrnovat wheelchair (n) invalidní vozík increasingly (adv) stále víc, narůstajíce workforce (n) pracovní síla, zaměstnanci maintain (v) pokračovat, udržovat Speaking 2.3 Answer the following questions: 1. What are the main aims of personal assistants in social services? 2. Name some typical activities personal assistants usually do. 3. What skills and personal characteristics should a personal assistant fulfil? (Use the table below to write down the words.) 4. Is personal assistance in social work only about hard physical work? 5. Would you like to work as a social personal assistant? 6. Can you imagine any pros and cons of such a job? SKILLS of a PA CHARACTERISTICS of a PA Writing 2.4 Based on your knowledge of personal assistance services, create a small advertisement asking for somebody to become an assistant of a person with a disability. Two examples are given below. eg. I'm a disabled gentleman living in my own house with a little garden. I require a -——friendly reliable PA to assist me to remain independent. Tasks include personal care. You /^vsx_^->> will be part of my small team of PAs and must be able to provide some cover for Annual Leave and sickness. /|W£_Y^t • Mon to Fri: £8.00/hr Sat to Sun: £10.00/hr ~~^yn * Various shifts available: \ / ° Monday-Friday: Mornings and afternoons to be agreed '' " ° Saturday & Sundays: Mornings and afternoons to be agreed Please apply if you can do any of these shifts. You are also required to be flexible in order to cover other shifts worked by another PA if they are unwell or on annual leave. eg. Personal assistants are required to help support a disabled teenager living at home in this area, to access the most out of life and have fun! Help is needed with all aspects of personal care and with life and participating in sensory activities in and outside of the home. Applicants must have a good sense of humour be flexible and innovative to support someone with complex and challenging needs. We are looking to build up a fun and friendly care team so it's desirable that applicants have held a clean driving license. Training for specific care needs will be provided but a willingness to learn and have a patient approach is essential. Successful applicants are required to provide an enhanced DBS disclosure. Disclosure expense will be met by employer and hours are flexible across the week days for £8.50 per hour. 2.5 Hiring a personal assistant - The steps you should follow when getting a new PA 1) Read the following steps. 2) Order the steps as you should proceed when looking for a new PA. 3) Match them with further explanations of the particular steps. Training - Checking - Recruitment - Hiring - Supervising - Interviewing -Terminating - Self-assessment I. Contacting applicants' references helps you narrow down the choices. Many employers don't take this step seriously enough, but it is critical. II. You are the boss. Talk to other employers of personal r"*"^^^ /^V^N. ^^^*^7 assistants about developing these skills. Good supervision can make the difference between a successful relationship and one that is problematic. Make gentle corrections where needed. III. Determine how much assistance you need and what kind. For example, do you just need support getting up in the morning, or assistance throughout the day? Someone to drive? Someone to provide support at work? Can assistive technology fulfil any of these needs? IV. Teach your assistants what you want them to know about you and how you like things done. V. Telephone interviews are the first step in screening candidates. In-person interviews are important in making hiring decisions. VI. You may choose to put up flyers; place ads in the newspaper, post the position on job-search websites; purchase a subscription on a particular web page, which has a searchable database of resumes; or use several methods at once. VII. Choosing the right assistant is a skill that develops over time, be alarmed if you hear an occasional horror story. There are dependable, competent, and caring people out there. Your job is settle for anything less. VIII. Nobody wants to fire an employee, but if you have a assistant whose performance is poor and repeated warnings caused improvement, you may have no choice. http://wwwcLgov/brs/cwp/viewasp?a=3955&q=465118 Vocabulary Don't many not to personal have not ad(n) reklama (advertisment) occasional (adj) občasný assessment (v) hodnocení, stanovení particular (adj) určitý, jednotlivý, zvláštní dependable (adj) spolehlivý, důvěryhodný proceed (v) postoupit, ubírat se, vzejít determine (v) určit, vymezit, vypočíst purchase (n;v) nákup; (na)koupit, pořídit employer (n) zaměstnavatel recruitment (n) nábor, najímání, doplňování fire (v;n) vyhodit (někoho); oheň resume (n) souhrn, závěr flyer (n) leták (US) screening (n) třídění, prosévání following (adj) následující, další searchable (adj) vyhledatelný further (adj) dál(e), další, pozdější seriously (adv) vážně, opravdově, skutečně gentle (adj) jemný, mírný, laskavý settle (v) usadit se, urovnat hire (n;v) nájemné; najmout, zjednat subscription (n) členský příspěvek, předplatné check (n;v) kontrola; kontrolovat, ověřit terminate (v) ukončit, zakončit improvement (n) zlepšení throughout (prep; adv) během, skrz, po celou dobu narrow (v;adj) zúžit; úzký, omezit warning (n) varování,! výstraha Find the excerpts (in bold) of the text in the article above and write it down in English again next to the Czech translation. Fill in the correct Czech word. A) učiňte mírné B) když činíte_ tam, kde je třeba J) vyvěste. rozhodnutí C) jak máte rád(a), když D) opakovaná varování. E) vám pomůže zúžit_ . dělají zlepšení K) zveřejněte stav na L) asistent, jehož_ reklamy _ webových stránkách jsou slabé M) stanovte si, asistence budete potřebovat N) nikdo nechce vyhodit F) zakupte si členský příspěvek (předplatné) na webové stránce O) při třídění kandidátů G) spolehliví, kompetentní a lidé H) někoho, kdo _ I) neberou tento podporu dostatečně vážně P) nelekejte se, když uslyšíte hororu Q) mohou pomocné technologie těchto potřeb historku jak: některé z R) rozvinutí těchto Watch the video (till 2:38) again and fill in the missing bits of the text. Do not worry about the spelling at first, put down what you hear and correct it later. There are many words left out so before listening for the second time you might like to work out a strategy with your neighbour to catch all the words. So what d'you say your role involves, because I guess__get the wrong idea about what personal assistant actually does. Yeah, well, I think that the most_thing is that I am not seen as a .1 think I am an enabler. So someone working with guidance from their OK I think PA sounds a bit more professional. to help them do what's needed. , like any other profession, not everybody's cut out to do it. Yeah, but when you say PA, people think assistant to the boss, people in business suits and that sort of thing. But there's such a side to what we do. There's a real balance between and _ care. PA in a broad sense is to ... not only be a_ need assistance with_a disability, etc. in many ways, but also do those jobs that sometimes people plus you know it is a company Having a personal assistant ... it really helps because they connect as a_ ... to have somebody to back and bowl, just everyday tasks for. The role of a PA is to ... I think ... for more_ cos the people that I work for just may need a little bit of help with certain_. Oh, It could be_from you know housework hoovering, helping them to keep their house straight, helping them with__, helping them to get out... up and about, in some cases it might be personal care or making meals for them. Just sometimes it's just a companion_... you know you might just be ... having a chat and cup of coffee ... and somebody that's for example. You're not just helping somebody out, you're not just doing things for me. You're enabling me to ! To be seen for who I am and what I am by helping me out with the stuff that I just can't do by _but also in keeping with who you are ... even on the day It's all about me helping you live as_as possible on your terms. Too many people think disable means_, but it does not. And we are all really _ So I am lucky in a way that is specific to your practical. how you're That's why I work differently with _ways of working. You adopt the way you work to employers, because everyone's got different needs and them. Right, but of course it is up to the employer - you - to make your own life So that's_you're a personal assistant and not a carer! Exactly It's a professional arrangement. You pay me to service. I just help out with that. Probably the most important service I '11 ever. for, to be fair ... enabling me to stay independent and me: news item 68: THE HOMELESS A group of squatters have taken possession of a derelict building under the slogan "The Homeless Help Themselves"". Although the commandeered building is in an appalling condition, they promise to make the hovel habitable again. They will do it up and turn it into a place where the homeless can have a warm bed and a hot meal. The deserted property had remained disused and boarded up for the last year. Even in its present state, the squatters say, it is much better than sleeping rough. At the moment, there are seventy people housed there, their ages ranging from twenty to seventy-six. In a press interview, the man behind the project talked about how easy it is to end up on the street and, describing the meagre resources now at his disposal, appealed for donations and voluntary work. Impressed by his determination to keep the project going, many people have responded. Donations of bedding, clothes and food are slowly coming in. The action raises the question of the government's responsibility to provide cheap rented accommodation for people who need assistance in this respect. Too many of the nation's poor are unable to find an affordable place to rent. However, among them are people who have made themselves intentionally homeless. These cases are not top priority on the housing list. It is widely felt that the government money, which is desperately needed to finance shelters for the desolate and the dispossessed, is being misused. Most of the "meals-on-wheels" programmes and soup kitchens are funded by charity organizations. The current action offers more than just a roof over people's heads. It is a means of helping the homeless to move back into the social system. Yet, despite their efforts at self-help, the squatters may still face eviction, as the city council is reluctant to give up its plans to pull the building down. A demolition contractor-has already surveyed the building, which is scheduled for demolition next month. for discussion topics go to page 300. squatter (n) - person who occupies empty, deserted buildings without permission ■ kdo se neoprávněně nastěhuje do prázdného domu derelict (adj) - abandoned, leň to fall into ruin - opuštěný commandeer (v) - confiscate, take over - neoprávněně se zmocnit, zabrat hovel (n) - poorly cared for, dirty building - zanedbaný neudržovaný dům, ruina habitable (adj) -fit to be lived in - obyvatelný deserted (adj) - one that has been abandoned - opuštěný meagre (adj) - insufficient, poor - nedostatečný respond (v) - ac( in answer - reagovat the desolate (li) — Deon/*» whn j»f*a Innalv — rtruifit&wí squatter, ten, reluctant (adj) - unwilling, disinclined - váhavý, zdráhavý demolition (n) - pulling down buildings - demolice survey (v) - nere: examine the condition of building - zde: provést znalecké posouzeni EXERCISE 1. HEADLINE Rearrange the words to form the headline to the story: (answer - page 325.) SQUATTERS - HOMELESS - FOR - CLAIM - SCHEDULED - SHELTER -DEMOLITION EXERCISE 2. COMPREHENSION Answer the following questions: 1. What are the squatters going to do with the disused building? 2. What kind of help are they getting? 3. What kind of policy should the Government have for the homeless? 4. Is there any future for the shelter in question? EXERCISE 3. PHRASES TO LEARN Complete the following phrases. Each line stands for one word: ujmout se vlastnictví -1 ■ spát „pod mostem" - s_ ■ ocitnout se na ulici - e of... u the s obrátit se s výzvou o poskytnutí darů a sociální práci and v_w_ P - nastolit otázku - r - byt k pronajmutí za dostupnou čaástku - a___ - hrazené z prostředků dobročinných institucí - f_ - nebýt nakloněn k odstupování od plánů - be r_ P_ - zbourat dům - p_d_a b_ tor _by c_ tog_ u for translation practice go to page 275. Homeless and Sheltered Housing 3.2 Reading: Sheltered housing is one of the main housing options for vulnerable people who can be divided into the following groups: - former rough sleepers - people with mental health problems - people with a physical or sensory disability - people with learning disabilities - people with mental disabilities - seniors - street children - care leavers - victims of domestic violence, trauma or sexual abuse - young mothers or families There are many different types of sheltered housing schemes. Some will have a scheme manager (a warden) who lives onsite or offsite, and all should provide 24-hour emergency help through an alarm system Sheltered housing can offer a range of services to help people live independently as much as possible. Sheltered housing schemes are often run by local councils. There is sometimes a waiting list for sheltered housing. Each scheme usually has between 20 and 40 self-contained flats or bungalows, but there will often be communal areas, such as the lounge, laundry room and garden. Many schemes run social events for residents. People can rent or buy sheltered housing. Some schemes are designed specifically for disabled people and may have specialised facilities and specially trained staff to provide support. If people need more support, extra-care sheltered housing maybe available. This allows more independence than living in a care home, as residents would still live in a self-contained flat but would have their meals provided and may also receive personal care. The system of sheltered housing is closely related to de-institutionalization which is a process when people are released from institutional care (e.g. big care homes or psychiatric hospital) to care in separate houses or flats. 3.5 Use of English Finish the sentences: If I were a single parent and lost my job, I would.................................. If I left a children's home when I was 18,1 would.................................. If my partner destroyed all my belongings.................................. If I were 85 and my children lived in another country.................................. If my son had Down's syndrome and was 25.................................. 3.7 Use of English Connect the phrases, phrasal verbs and collocations from the text above, explain them in English and find the equivalent in C^ech: a get back 1 violence d to be 4 up g grow 7 on their feet b domestic 2 home e elderly 5 in their shoes h get 8 kitchen c deal 3 upset f soup 6 with problems Complete the sentences with the given phrases: 1 The local council provides more refuges for women escaping................. 2 He even ate at the..................................to save money and time. 3 I am sorry for them They have lost their home. I wouldn't like................. 4 For the last year Archie, under doctor's orders has been unable to work, but hopes .................within a few following operations. 51.................when he said to me 'Don't.................'. 6 I'll never be.................if I keep forgetting things. 7 This booklet gives you guidance on how..................................in the workplace. 8 The 85-and-older population is expected to more than triple between 2008 and 2050 in the United States alone. This statistic proves the growing need for.................