5 a) This flower smells wonderful. b) I think you are being very silly. c) She is having a baby in the summer. d) Nancy is thinking of moving to Scotland. e) They are having a meeting. f) I am seeing Janet this evening- actually. g) Good clothes cost more and more. h) I am tasting the soup to see if it needs more salt. i) Helen is having a bath at the moment. j) 1 feel that you would be happier in another job. 6 1) am just writing 2) appreciate 3) am getting on 4) am really enjoying 5) am studying 6) am spending/spend 7) am still staying 8) am looking for 9) live 10) seem 11) go 12) study 13) am writing 14) think 15) costs 16) am saving 17) gets 18) know 19) have 20) am also learning Grammar 5 1 a) Mary's having a b) I was having c) been working here for d) are having a meeting e) ages since I have had f) arrived, David had gone g) arrives at h) will have i) have lost my j) started wearing glasses 2 1) decided 2) had spent 3) are going to move/are moving 4) announced 5) am selling/have sold 6) are going to live 7) loaded 8) have been trying 9) started 6 1) B 10) was mixing 2) D 11) opened 3) A 12) had told 4) A 13) would be/were going to 5) C be/were 6) B 14) spent 7) D 15) have happened 8) C 16) woke up 9) A 17) was dripping 10) C 18) have spent 11) B 19) closed down 12) D 20) haven't found 13) C a) lack had already 14) A 15) C b) you ever driven c) I have been to d) I was having/eating dinner the e) are you doing on f) been doing this job for g) you own this h) going to i) will have been married for j) last time I went to 4 a) sat 2) read 3) was wondering 4) noticed 5) began 6) went 7) Do you go 8) have you been putting off 9) was saying 10) will hurt/is going to hurt 11) suddenly realised 12) had stopped 13) was opening 14) opened 15) called 16) pushed 17) was waiting 18) shouted 19) Have you ever done 20) hates 5 1) been 2) by 3) / 4) is 5) about 6) have 7) S 8) are 9) / 10) have 11) / 12) I 13) will 14) at 15) ✓ Grammar 6 1 a) b) c) d) e) f) 8) h) 2 a) b) c.i d) e.) 0 g) h) 3 a) b) c) d) e) Do you tike Did you do Does Have you seen will you get did you go did you get Is '/'// see you torn said Graham. 'Your swimmin aren't here,' sai 'Your letter arri yesterday,' said 'I'll see you thi Larry,' said Shii 'I haven't been morning, StepI 'Phone me tom said Margaret. 'I'm leaving thi Ron,' said Tim. 'I lost my light* Michael,' said ( The police offic that he couldn't Peter told Helei would see her i next morning. Janet said that i taking the 5.30 next/following Paul told the di that the trouser ready that after Susan told then had left her um two days earlier Brian said that ought to be the end of the folio