FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE GRAMMAR ANSWERS 7 a) told b) asked, say c) told d) asked, told e) said f) said g) tell h) told 8 a) denied b) suggested c) apologised d) reminded e) offered f) admitted/confessed g) doubted h) advised accused confessed i) D k) decided a) b) d) e) f) g) W 10 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread. I doubt if/whether it will snow tomorrow. Jill apologised for not phoning me earlier. Brenda agreed to share the bill with Dave. Catherine refused to work on Saturday. Wendy suggested going out to the cafe for lunch. Larry denied ever having been arrested. Ann offered to help Bob do the decorating. Tom promised the children that he would take them to the park on Sunday. William advised Chris to see a doctor. it to had / were had me / them ✓ were / was that / Grammar 7 1 a) stops, press b) treated, would be c) help, will d) leaves, will e) is, will go f) find, will get g) take, will lose h) I'd be, lived i) did, would play j) phone, will you be 2 a) had told, would have helped b) hadn't stolen, wouldn't be c) hadn't driven, wouldn't have crashed d) smoked, wouldn't feel e) hadn't fallen, would have won f) had invited, would have been able g) had come, would have noticed h) would you feel, offered i) lent, would pay j) caught, would throw 3 a) had known, would have met b) had come, would have met c) had, would be able d) hadn't helped, wouldn't have passed e) would buy, had f) would do, won g) trained, would be h) had listened, wouldn't have married 4 a) I wouldn't have got wet if I'd had an umbrella with me. b) Unless you leave me alone, I'll call the police. c) If it's snowing, we don't go to school. d) If Jack hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have been able to move the table. e) If you make me some coffee, I'll give you one of my biscuits. f) Unless you'd told me about Sue's hair, I wouldn't have noticed. g) Should you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00. h) If you were to ask me to many you, I wouldn't accept! 5 a) b) c) d) 6 a) b) c) d) c.) If I'd known, I'd have told you. Tony wouldn't have crashed if he'd been more careful. If I'd had my credit card with me, I'd have bought the coat. You wouldn't have got lost if you'd taken the map. If Graham hadn't lost his watch he wouldn't have missed the plane. If you hadn't told me her name, I would've found out from someone else. If I were you, I'd try getting up earlier. 1) have 2) have 3) / 4) the 5) have 6) to 7) y 8) would 9) prefer 10) / 11) it 12) have 13) / 14) been 15) / Grammar 8 1 a) didn't live b) had brought c) didn't have to d) had told e) wouldn't make f) could be g> had come h) would give i) were i) hadn't bought 2 a) had gone b) had c) would do d) hadn't forgotten e) wouldn't do f) hadn't eaten R) had studied h) wouldn't leave knew i) went/could go 3 a) paid b) lived c) had d) left e) didn't f) hadn't drunk g) practised h) learned i) knew 1) stayed 5 a) knew I) b) were c) didn't smoke g) d) saw h) e) had been 0 started i) g) didn't put i) h) had i) had I) went 5 a) 6 a) could fly b) b) you didn't eat in the c) time we c) dj only we hadn't eaten d) e) wish we had e) f) wish you wouldn't f) g) sooner you didn't g) h) wish I wasn't/weren't h) i) time we started i) j) wish I had gone i) Grammar 9 1 a) has being b) was borned e) will been sent i) is writing j) are request 2 a) hasn't been finished b) were arrested c) had been born d) will be cancelled e) had stopped f) were you told g) were swimming h) was ridden i) had vanished j) will be asked 3 a) has already been sold b) was knocked down c) was John given/will John be given d) was not discovered e) are dealt with/will be dealt with f) has since been discovered g) was announced h) have been asked i) was written j) being invited a) not possible b) The poetry competition was won by fane. c) not possible d) not possible e) This cigarette lighter was lost by one of our visitors. The exact time of the match hasn't been decided yet. not possible Some children are read to by their parents every night, not possible Most of the food at the party was eaten. marketing manager was appointed is being supplied with furniture was built by has been decided is believed that Jenkins was to get your hair were being followed by the has not been seen since about the trip was put is thought to be good a) We had our house painted last month. b) I am having my hair cut this afternoon. c) I have had my motorbike stolen. d) Ricky has had all his teeth taken out. e) I haven't had my car washed for a long time. f) We are having the new central heating put in on Saturday. g) Harry had his nose broken in a fight. h) Isn't it time you had your television fixed? a) Freddie is said to have a wife in Scotland. b) Nothing is known about Brenda's family. c) The fire is thought to have been started deliberately./It is thought that the fire was started deliberately. d) You should have that cut seen to by a doctor. e) Chris is said to have been in the army. f) I must have my trousers pressed before I leave. g) This letter has not been signed. h) Mary hasn't had her hair cut yet. 8 1) it 2) to 3) it 4) were 5) ✓ 6) when 7) was 8) / 9) and 10) to 11) / 12) / 13) is 14) ✓ 15) was Grammar 10 1 a) rather you didn't b) what the time/what time it c) won't go out unless d) wish you were e) said (that) I couldn't f) advise you g) wish we had seen h) told us his i) me what time the next 1) accused me of 2 1) li 2) D 3) A 4) D 5) c 6) B 7) B 8) C 9) A 10) B 11) A 12) C 13) A 14) B 15) c 316 317