OÖDMPQß CäXXfiXKgB In this type of exam task you need to read a text with gaps and choose the correct answer for each of the gaps from four possibilities. The answer must be grammatically and lexically correct. Below, you will find examples of the structures which are most commonly tested in this type of exam task. Tenses (grammatical tenses, reported speech, the passive) Test yourself! <|j) Read the text and choose the correct answers. Explain why the other options are incorrect. Decide which structures are being tested in each of the gaps. Problems with a twin brother I had to clean the flat in the morning because my friends A to dinner that night. (§)were coming C would be coming B have come D would come He claimed that he _C_ a complaint before but I find that difficult to believe. A has never had ©had never had B never used to have D never had Modal and auxiliary verbs You _C_ me dress. I could have managed myself, my arm is much better now. A can't have helped ©needn't have helped B might have helped D should have helped Determiners and quantifiers___ The outbreak of swine flu could have J3_ significant impact on the aviation industry. A many ®a Clots Dthe Prepositions He's been arrested for drink-driving and sentenced _C_ 20 days in prison. A for Bon ©to Dwith Linking words J2_ Joe is very busy today, we've decided to postpone our meeting until Tuesday. A Due to C Owing to B Because of ©Since Synonyms Motorists will be _A_ up to £1,000 for using a mobile phone in their cars. ®fined B punished C penalised D paid Collocations I'm sorry but I can't cancel your reservation at such _D_. A little time C postponed date B late warning ©short notice Phrases and expressions At first J3_, one might think that the answer to this question is obvious. A view ©sight C opinion D point Phrasal verbs There are many reasons why a teenager may _F3_ crime. A go on ©turn to C put up D get down Recent scientific research into a breed of sheep showed that females with male twin siblings were less well equipped to survive their first months in the world. They were also found to be significantly smaller and lighter when compared to those with female twin siblings, as well as usually having fewer young1 E3 . The results of the research suggest that there is fierce competition for minerals and other nutritional elements between male and female twins in the mother's womb, which the male twin seems to win. Moreover, females2_by being exposed to their male twin's hormones. The study was3_on a herd of wild sheep living on an island off the coast of Britain.4_, the findings suggest that a very similar process might be found in humans as well. The scientists point out that it has already been known for a long time that male and female needs in the womb are very different, especially at early stages of development. The new findings showed that this sibling rivalry might start very early and that females might actually lose out5_their twin brothers, with important consequences later in life. 1 A in life B over their lifetime expression ©lifelong D in life's history 2 A may also be damaged B should have also been damaged C will also be damaged D would have also been damaged 3 A carried out B taken over C set up D put off 4 A In contrast B Even though C Though D However 5 A from B over Cto Don Tenses (grammatical tenses, reported speech, the passive)1^^B Determiners and quantifiers Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Tom .(learn) to play the trumpet since he was six. This time next week I expect I_ (sunbathe) on the beach in Majorca. The novice driver admitted that he (hit) into the other car while reversing. 4 I'll wait here until the rehearsal _(finish). 5 I'm afraid it's too late. By the time we get there, the film_(start). 6 He looks at me as though he. 7 I (know) me, but I've never seen him before, had a nightmare yesterday - (chase) by a pack of hungry wolves. ^ Choose the correct answers. 1 I wish l_work in a small town and not in London when I immigrated to the UK for the first time. A had found C found B would find D have found 2 When he got scared, he_for a long time in the wardrobe. A would have hidden C was to hide B was hiding D would hide 3 Martha_her class reunion next week. Everything has already been arranged. A has C is having B will have D would have 4 If I_taller, I'd have joined a basketball club. A would be C had been B used to be D were Modal and auxiliary verbs <||> Choose the correct answers. 1 I'd rather you_use that kind of language at home. A didn't B don't C won't D mustn't 2 It_have been just a mistake because they kept on doing it. A mustn't B can't C shouldn't D needn't 3 At least a thousand people_thought to have died in the earthquake. A will be B have C are D - 4 I'm freezing cold! I_put my winter coat on as my mum had told me. A had to C must have B should have D might have 5 I wish you_whistle all the time - it does get on my nerves quite a bit! A won't B wouldn't C hadn't D don't w Complete the sentences with the missing determiners and quantifiers. 1 The woman sitting in front of fireplace is singer who can also play the piano quite well. 2 I can't understand why children are afraid of dogs, while others can play with them for hours without sign of fear. 3 We started our tour in Samoens (which is beautiful mountain village in the French Alps) and finished in Amsterdam, capital city of Netherlands. 4 Have you got idea how rubbish your family produces in a day? 5 There were few people waiting when we got to airport, but of them knew why the plane was delayed. ^) Choose the correct answers. 1 Crime is_subject on which people have strong opinions. A the B one C a D some 2 'Would you like beer or coke?' 'I don't want_.' A any B either C both D none 3 The most rewarding aspect of_university job is human contact. A the B a C some D an 4 There are many different ways of looking at a single object,_of which will give the whole view. A neither B both C any D none Prepositions ^ Each sentence below contains one preposition that is incorrect. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 I'm afraid Mr Jones is not available at the moment - he's for a business trip. 2 Do you sometimes laugh from practical jokes played on other people? 3 I'm sure you're capable with putting some more effort into your work. 4 A common misconception is that you'll be safe of the storm if you shelter under a tree. 5 Please forgive me by not being there for you when you really needed my support. Choose the correct answers. 1 In some countries public housing discriminates against young people, giving priority_ middle-aged singles or couples. A for B to C in D over 2 The patient died_bronchopneumonia within one month of initial assessment. A of B for C by D to 3 A 27-year-old male was charged_robbery and a number of related offences. A of B with C against D for 4 Don't lean_the railings because some of them can be quite shaky. A by B at C off D against 40 41 Linking words ^ Match sentence beginnings 1-6 to endings a-f. Use the linking words in the box. incase despite so that although since due to a it's quite dark, b it rains, c I've been invited. 2 I 6 The lecture was postponed need to get a password Take a raincoat with you The visibility is quite good Small firms are thriving I'll probably go to Tom's party d the illness of the speaker, e the recession. f I can access the online periodical databases. ^) Choose the correct answers. 1 _clever he was, he couldn't figure out the answer to this question. A Although C However B Despite D In spite of 2 Their successes are_their customer approach and commitment to service. A due to C result from B lead to D caused 3 Tom must be in his thirties,_his brother looks about twenty. A so B whereas C in spite of D as a result 4 The campsite was dirty and expensive. _, it was much further away from the beach than we had expected. A However C Besides this B In contrast D For example Synonyms Choose the correct answers. Mrs Smith was charged after her 14-year-old son was_, shoplifting. A found B caught C captured D noticed 2 The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation _that around 840 million people are undernourished. A points C estimates B approximates D counts 3 The_of street children is a growing concern in many developing states, particularly in Africa. A event C occurrence B phenomenon D incident 4 The candidates were given the opportunity to show how they can apply their management_ and knowledge within an organisational context. A skills C talents B capabilities D abilities Collocations Choose the correct answers. 1 In the mid-1980s, some researchers at Cleveland State University_a surprising discovery. A found B made C disclosed D did 2 I've decided to look for another job - I'm going to hand in my_when my manager returns to work. A notice C dismissal B appeal D application 3 Walking is an ideal way to_fit and healthy. A make B go Cdo D keep 4 I think this piece of jewellery is gorgeous and_ with your new outfit. A matches B suits C goes D fits Phrases and expressions Match the words to make typical phrases and expressions. a a doubt b rate c tune d costs e mistake 1 at all 2 without 3 out of 4 at any 5 by ^ Choose the correct answers. 1 I would like to say 'good luck' to Anna_everybody who has had the pleasure of working with her. A instead of Con behalf of B according to D as for 2 I can't possibly pick that last pear - it's out of_. A reach B hand C distance D stretch 3 I suppose I enjoyed the party on the_. A whole B average C impression D sight 4 There is a public telephone in the village but it has been out of_for several months. A work B order C function D practice Phrasal verbs Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box. take after get over let down look down on make up 1 In a recent survey, one in five British workers admitted that they had_an excuse to call in sick. (INVENT) 2 I've never_people who are poor through no fault of their own. (SHOW DISRESPECT) 3 A good general never_his troops. (DISAPPOINT) 4 _the death of a pet can be very difficult and it will take time. (RECOVER) Martha_her father in both looks and personality. (RESEMBLE) ^ Choose the correct answers. A new report has revealed that young single people_almost ten per cent of all Australians living in poverty. A take off C come from B bring on D make up I'm sorry I haven't_replying to your messages yet. A looked down on C got round to B put up with D run out of The thieves_in a stolen car, which was later found abandoned. A got away C went out B turned down D took up 1 might be able to_if you need somewhere to stay for the weekend. A turn you away C take you on B calm you down D put you up Exam task 1 Read the text and choose the correct answers. A Pint Of Milk A Day Cuts Chances Of Heart Disease And Stroke Researchers found that drinking more than half a litre of milk a day - just under a pint - reduces your chances of suffering heart attacks and strokes by up to a fifth. It also reduces your chances of developing diabetes and colon cancer. The findings appear to reverse the commonly1_ view that drinking too much milk is bad for you and suggest the removal of free milk from schools in the 1970s2_a mistake. Scientists at3_University of Reading and University of Cardiff analysed more than 324 studies from across the world,4_covered health and milk consumption in thousands of people. They found that those who drank around a pint of milk a day had greatly reduced chance of contracting cardiovascular disease. Professor Ian Givens, a nutritionist and co-author of the study, said it is believed that proteins in milk help reduce blood pressure which5_reduces stress on the heart and blood vessels. "I think that this shows that the bad press milk6_is undeserved," he said. The study also discovered the incidence of diabetes was also reduced by7_four and nine per cent and colon cancer rates were also lowered. Other cancers, such as prostate and bladder showed slight increases. The findings published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition do not distinguish between low and high fat milk.8_, they do seem to suggest that the health benefits of drinking milk outweigh any dangers that lie in its consumption. 1 A announced C claimed B held D admitted 2 A had to be C could have been B should have been D needed to be 3 A an Cthe Ba D- 4 A which C whose B that D what 5 A on behalf C at any rate B by chance D in turn 6 A has been getting C will have got B will be getting D had got 7 A about C over B between D from 8 A On the contrary C However B In addition D What's more Exam task 2 ^ Read the text and choose the correct answers. 'Telemedicine' House Helps Older People Stay Safe And Independent It sounds like a fantasy straight from The Truman Show, a house that monitors your every move, from bedside to bathroom and from medicine cabinet to fridge. The aim,1_, is to help the elderly to lead safe and independent lives. Researchers are working on a 'health house so sophisticated that it2_only track everyday habits but also check weight and blood pressure and predict whether a person is3_of a serious fall. Britain is one of the largest investors in 'telemedicine'— using medical technology to help chronically ill and older people to be4_ for longer at home rather than in hospitals or care homes. The system, developed by GE Healthcare and Intel, uses sensors5_track a persons behaviour and send alerts when unexpected disruptions or data are *_. Similar networks 7_by about 3,000 people in care-home settings but researchers now hope to introduce a much more sophisticated model for private homes. 1 A therefore C however B although D despite 2 A is not C has not B does not D will not 3 A at risk C on the verge B under the impression D in the middle 4 A taken care C treated B cured D examined 5 A of which C who B that D whose 6 A turned on C looked into B picked up D searched for 7 A will have been used C are already being used B have been using D would be using 42 43 Sentence trans In this type of exam task you need to rewrite sentences keeping the meaning the same as in the original sentences. There are two types of this exam task: in type 1 you are given the beginning and the ending of the new sentence, whereas in type 2 you are also given a word or an expression that you have to use in your sentence. You are not allowed to change this word in any way. (1) Nothing matters to me except your health and happiness. The only thing that matters to me is your health and happiness. (2) My mother was too worried to concentrate on the movie. (THAT) My mother was so worried that she could not concentrate on the movie. Below, you will find examples of the structures which are most commonly tested in this type of exam task. Reported speech 'Why did you leave your previous job?' asked the interviewer. The interviewer asked me why I had left mv previous job. The passive and have/get something done _ The police are interrogating one suspect in connection with the crime, One suspect is being interrogated in connection with the crime. Your hair needs cutting. You ought to have vour hair cut. Conditionals _ You didn't succeed because you didn't do your best. You would have succeeded if vou had done your best. Grammatical tenses My parents' twentieth wedding anniversary is in March next year. (FOR) By March next year my parents will have been married for twenty years. Inversion We had only just taken our seats when they started showing trailers. (WHEN) Harrtlv had we taken our seats when they started showing trailers. Structures / wish and if only, wishes, advice and suggestions It's a pity she didn't make any effort to justify her decision. (WISH) I wish she had made some effort to justify her decision. Please don't use my laptop without my permission. (RATHER) I 'd / would rather you didn't use my laptop without my permission. 44 Linking words I enjoyed our trip although I felt a bit under the weather. Despite feeling a bit under the weather / the fact that I felt a bit under the weather I enjoyed our trip. Modal verbs (referring to the past)_ It's possible that she didn't receive our wedding invitation. (NOT) <;hP might. / mav not have received our wedding invitation. Verb patterns _ I'd rather stay at home than go to the pub with them. | prefer staying at home to ao'ma to the pub with them. Phrasal verbs _ The board meeting has been postponed until next Thursday. (PUT) The board meeting has been put off until/till next Thursday. Test yourself! Q Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. Decide which structures are being tested in each of them. 1 I'm sure that tall man was following us all the way home. (BEEN) That tall man must have been following us all the way home. modal verb referring to the past 2 John isn't similar to his father. (AFTER) j0hn___his father. 3 I'm sorry I lost your favourite pen. (APOLOGISE) I d0__ your favourite pen. 4 You'd better find a way to solve this problem quickly. (YOU) If |___a way to solve this problem quickly. 5 I shouldn't have told her the truth. (ONLY) If_ her the truth. 1 will never lend him any money again. (CIRCUMSTANCES) Under. again. him money Reported speech ^ Complete the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 'How much did you spend on your child's first birthday party?' she asked us. She asked us_child's first birthday party. 2 'You've broken my favourite vase!' shouted Kate. Kate accused_favourite vase. 3 'Don't leave the classroom without permission!' said the teacher to the class. The teacher told_without permission. 4 I'm so sorry I've stained your new blouse,' said Olivia. Olivia apologised_new blouse. The passive and have/get something done ^ Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 People who live below the threshold of absolute poverty must_(not forget). 2 Coral reefs_(wipe out) by the end of the century. 3 So far no cases of swine flu_ (report) in this country. 4 1 hate_ older siblings. 5 I failed the test because I .(tell) what to do by my (teach) how to handle the stress of test taking. ^ Complete the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 No one gave us sufficient information about the meeting point. We_about the meeting point. 2 Many people believe that Hitler committed suicide in April 1945. Hitler is_suicide in April 1945. 3 Two painters are painting our house tomorrow. We_painted tomorrow. 4 The dentist will probably take out Mark's tooth. Mark will_out. Conditionals ^ Make conditional sentences using the situations below. 1 Tom hasn't got any money, so he can't give you a loan. 2 My girlfriend is absent-minded, that's why she forgot about our date yesterday. 3 I was late for work because I missed the bus. 4 It might rain heavily tomorrow. If so, we probably won't go for a walk. 5 Fiona doesn't have a well-paid job now because she dropped out of studies. ^ Complete the sentences using the words given so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. Do not change the words given in any way. 1 The customer wanted to complain about the faulty product but he didn't know who to turn to. (WOULD) If the customer_about the faulty product. 2 You won't know how it works if you don't read the manual carefully. (UNLESS) You won't___the manual carefully. 3 Matthew wants to go on a package tour to Spain but he hasn't got enough money. (WOULD) If Matthew_on a package tour to Spain. 4 I think the teacher won't let me off this time because I have already missed many classes. (HADN'T) If I_this time. 5 You will get a high mark for your essay unless you make spelling mistakes. (LONG) You will get_spelling mistakes. Grammatical tenses ^ Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 I'm absolutely exhausted because I_(paint) my room all day. 2 By the time we get home, the children _(go) to bed. 3 Mobile phones_(become) cheaper and cheaper. 4 I .(do) shopping yesterday, when I bumped into an old friend of mine. 5 I'm sure she'll call us as soon as the ship _(reach) its destination. ^ Complete the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 I haven't driven on the left side of the road for ages. It's ages_on the left side of the road. 2 Several thousand tourists visit the Natural History Museum in our city every month. By the end of the month_the Natural History Museum in our city. 3 When did you start learning Chinese? How long_Chinese? 4 We ate all the food before other guests arrived. By the time_all the food. 5 The last time this nation overthrew the government was about fifty years ago. This nation_for about fifty years. 6 Having introduced my girlfriend to my parents, I started talking about our engagement plans. After I_, I started talking about our engagement plans. 45 Inversion Complete the sentences using the expressions in the box. Should On no account Hardly Little Only once 1 _did I watch television the whole time I was on holiday. 2 _you need more information. don't hesitate to contact us. 3__did I know that one day my brother would be a famous writer. 4 _are you allowed to leave the school premises during the day without our permission. 5 _had we started our meeting when the chairman decided to put it off. ^) Complete the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 I realised only then that I had left my passport in the hotel. Only then_in the hotel. 2 The moment I stopped thinking about Dave I bumped into him in the town centre. No sooner__into him in the town centre. 3 Paul wasn't aware at any time that we were going to buy him a farewell gift. At no_we were going to buy him a farewell gift. 4 1 seldom speak English. Hardly. .English. 5 If you'd told me the truth, I wouldn't have blamed her. Had _blamed her. Structures i wish and if only, wishes, advice and suggestions ^ Make sentences with / wish and if only using the situations below. 1 I'd like to be tall but I'm not. 2 Mark talks about himself all the time and I find it very annoying. 3 I ate too much chocolate yesterday and I regret it now. 4 I have to go to work tomorrow and I don't feel like it. 5 I regret that I was very impatient with my daughter the other day. 6 My sister often borrows my clothes without permission and it drives me mad. 7 I don't have enough time to read a newspaper every day. 4fy Complete the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 I regret that I told my parents about our engagement. If only_about our engagement. 2 Dorothy asks such stupid questions! It's really irritating! I wish_stupid questions. 3 I think you should collect your stuff and leave the room now. It's high time you_the room. 4 I don't want you to wait for me after school. I'd sooner_after school. 5 What would you do if you won the lottery? Suppose_, what would you do? 6 What a pity I didn't keep you company on your trip to Italy. If only_on your trip to Italy. 7 Sarah thinks it was a mistake not to go in for a beauty contest. Sarah wishes_for a beauty contest. Linking words ^ Complete the sentences using the words given so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. Although the head teacher takes special measures against truancy, there are still many pupils who skip classes. (FACT) Despite_against truancy, there 1 are still many pupils who skip classes. Her eyes were red with lack of sleep. (HADN'T) Her eyes_sleeping. We'll start baking a cake after you come home. (WON'T) We_you come home. In spite of his qualifications and intelligence, Tim didn't get the job he applied for. (INTELLIGENT) Although_, Tim didn't get the job he applied for. Modal verbs (referring to the past) Choose the correct response. 1 Do you know why Robert didn't come yesterday? a He had to stay at home and look after his sister, b He should have stayed at home and looked after his sister. 2 Fiona was not happy when you mentioned her boyfriend. a I know, I can't have done it. b I know, I shouldn't have done it. 3 Why is your little brother crying? a He must have woken up. b He should have woken up. 4 You're home very early today, Kelly. a Yes, I didn't have to do the shopping after work, b Yes, I needn't have done the shopping after work. Complete the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 I am sure they were following us in the car. They_in the car. 2 It wasn't necessary for me to take a sedative after the accident - it didn't calm me down at all. I_a sedative after the accident. 3 It's a shame you didn't anticipate any difficulties with this project. You ought_with this project. 4 I'm sure that Tom hasn't been introduced to Mr Brown before. Tom_to Mr Brown before. 5 Perhaps your mother didn't mean what she said. Your mother_what she said. Verb patterns ^ Complete the sentences using the words given so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 I think you should apologise to Mr Perkins for your disrespectful comments. (HAD) I think you _to Mr Perkins for your disrespectful comments. 2 I'm sorry but you have not been shortlisted for this post. (REGRET) I___you have not been shortlisted for this post. 3 I think it would be a good idea to remind them of the meeting. (SUGGEST) I___of the meeting. 4 I don't want to go out tonight. (FANCY) I_tonight. 5 Nobody managed to meet the deadline for the project. (SUCCEEDED) Nobody_the deadline for the project. ^ Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in the box. pass turn bring look go take give 1 I tried to learn Chinese but I it up after two months. It was too difficult for me 2 Could you_down the TV, please? It's very loud. 3 _out! There's a bee on your shoulder! 4 1 don't remember my grandfather - he _away when I was three years old. 5 It was boiling hot in the lecture hall, so we all _off our jackets. 6 Her parents died in a car accident and she was _up by her aunt. 7 I overslept yesterday because my alarm clock didn't _ off. 46 Complete the sentences using the words given so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 Only twenty people came to our school reunion. (UP) Only twenty people_._. our school reunion. 2 I can't tolerate rude behaviour and ignorance. (PUT) I_rude behaviour and ignorance. 3 We started our journey very early in order to avoid traffic. (OFF) We_in order to avoid traffic. 4 My parents never quarrelled about money. (FALL) My parents_____money. Exam task 1 Complete the sentences using the words given so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. Oo not change the words given in any way. 1 Robert and Peter have never had good relations with their stepbrothers. (ON) Robert and Peter _ their stepbrothers. 2 They gave my father a very warm welcome while he was lecturing at Georgetown University. (WAS) My father_lectures at Georgetown University. 3 We started whispering because we didn't want to wake up the baby. (ORDER) We started whispering_ wake up the baby. 4 I have never driven a car. (FIRST) This is_a car. 5 Fiona broke up with Robert because he is very conceited. (HAVE) If Robert_with him. Exam task 2 ^> Complete the sentences so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences. 1 You shouldn't disclose your password to any third parties under any circumstances. Under no circumstances_your password to any third parties. 2 When I was a child, my parents didn't let me go to a sleepover. When I was a child, I was_to a sleepover. 3 Robert tells stupid jokes all the time. I wish_all the time. 4 'It's true that I cheated during the exam,' said Jo. Jo admitted_during the exam. Mary is too old to play with dolls. Mary has grown_ with dolls. 47 In this type of exam task you need to read a text with gaps and complete it with one word in each gap. The answer must be grammatically and lexically correct. Below, you will find examples of the structures which are most commonly tested in this type of exam task. Modal and auxiliary verbs_ Facebook 1 could /will /might soon be helping bridge the divide between humans and robots. Researchers2 are giving a robot its own Facebook profile page to help foster meaningful relationships with people. The page will 3 be populated with interactions the robot has with people as well as photos of the time it spends in human company. Articles I The government has published controversial proposals to allow universities to charge students top-up fees of up to £3,000 for their studies. Upfront fees of £1,100 2 a year will be scrapped, and graduates will not have to repay3 the new loans until their earnings have reached " a certain level. Prepositions__ The Obama administration today declined to protect polar bears from the single greatest threat1 to their survival - the melting of sea ice2 by global warming. The decision brought immediate protests 3 from wildlife and environmental groups. Various structures______ II used to enjoy having long hair, but now I hate it! Too 2 much hassle in the morning with untangling and brushing it. It's decided - I'm going to3 have it cut tomorrow. Linking words_ Many PCs now come with anti-virus installed and 1 though / although an annual subscription can seem expensive, it might be cheap when you consider how much it could save you2 if it stops your bank details being stolen. Collocations___ With Windows it is also important to 1 keep your system up-to-date. Windows XP now regularly nags people about upgrades and Microsoft produces security patches on a monthly2 basis . Idioms__ Caroline's always had a1 sweet tooth and would love to have her own bakery. I think she'd be good at it - she loves baking and it's a2 piece of cake for her! Phrases and expressions As a matter of' fact , I'm not keen on learning things 2 by heart. And I don't like many other things about our school. I feel so much out of3 place there. Phrasal verbs__ 11 get on quite well with my older sister. We may sometimes fall2 out over petty things like clothes or housework chores but we3 make up very quickly. Test yourself! Read the text and match the structures in the box to the gaps in which they are being tested. Then complete the text with one word in each gap. article auxiliary verb collocation expression linking word phrasal verb preposition Japanese 'robot suit' to help disabled A Japanese company has unveiled 1 a robotic suit that is designed to help people with weak limbs or limited physical range to walk and move like an able-bodied person. The suit, called HAL - or Hybrid Assistive Limb - is the work of Cyberdyne Corporation in Japan, and has2_created to "upgrade the existing physical capabilities of the human body". HAL, which weighs twenty-three kilograms, is comprised3_robotic 'limbs', and a backpack containing the suit's battery and computer system. It is strapped to the body and controlled by thought. 4_a person attempts to move, nerve signals are sent from the brain to the muscles, and very weak traces of these signals can be detected on the surface of the skin. The HAL suit identifies these signals using a sensor attached to the skin of the wearer, and a signal is sent to the suits power unit telling the suit to move5_unison with the wearer's own limbs. HAL can help the wearer to6_out a variety of everyday tasks, including standing up from a chair, walking, climbing up and down stairs, and lifting heavy objects. The suit can operate for almost five hours before it needs recharging, and Cyberdyne Corporation says that it does not feel heavy to wear, because the robotic exoskeleton 7_its own weight. 1 article 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 6 7 ^> Find mistakes in the sentences below and correct them. 1 I wish I won't have to get up so early tomorrow. 2 A statue of a Roman god worth tens of thousands of pounds has being stolen from a stately home. 3 No wonder you're lost. You must have followed the teacher's instructions. 4 We would better not believe everything we read in the newspapers. 5 If you feel something is right for you, don't let anyone persuade you that you ought not do it. ^ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. Prepositions 1 I'd rather you drive so fast. This road is very narrow and steep. That_possibly be Lucy at the door - she's still at school. If I had known the truth about the state of his health, I might_acted differently. Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and more destructive, and poor countries are _hit the hardest, I am currently doing a six-month internship, which I_have finished by the end of February. Articles ^ Choose the correct answers. 1 Before - / a / the telephone was invented, communication was very expensive and time-consuming. 2 This is -1'a /the man Sandra's engaged to. 3 One of her relatives spent three years in - / a I the prison for fraud. 4 Have you ever been to- I a I the wedding in which one of the critical parties (bride or groom) didn't show up? 5 The possible presence of water on - / a I the Moon is a hotly debated topic. ^ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 It's never too early to start reading - even if you are just_nine-month-old baby, 2 The Tower of London covers_area of seven hectares. 3 If you want Robert to buy all_ ingredients, make a shopping list for him, 4 There was_time when the only temporary office staff were typists and telephonists. 5 Paris on the banks of_Seine stretches from Saint-Chapelle and the Notre Dame in the east to the Eiffel Tower in the west. <^ Choose the correct answers. 1 Congratulations_passing your driving test. Good job! A of Bwith Con Dfor 2 Our competitors are very strong, they will never withdraw_the race. A out B from C against D over 3 Mike has many years of experience_business, management and finance. A in Babout Cwith Don 4 The man was found guilty_falsifying documents and given a two-year suspended sentence, A of B with C from D for 5 I know that wasn't an accident. She did it_purpose. A in B at C for D on i Complete the sentences with one word in each gap- 1 Studying the connection between women's names and corporate hiring one researcher found a prejudice_certain names. 2 I prefer quiet evenings at home_wild parties at my friends' place. 3 It's better to check all the figures before you refer _them in your presentation. 4 I don't feel like going to a museum - I don't want to spend my free time in a dull place filled _dusky old objects. 5 Healthcare commission claims it has succeeded _improving standards. Various structures ^ Correct the mistakes in the sentences below. Write the correct word for each crossed-out word. 1 Mrs Clark, that is a very strict teacher, will never let us off homework. 2 It wasn't enough time to get any decent photographs since we stopped only for five minutes. 3 The band didn't have nowhere to rehearse, so they used my father's garage, 4 Leaving the campsite, please pick up any litter you find, whether it's yotrr or not, 5 Some venues are already sold out, and many have only a ttttfe seats left. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 The research shows that one out of_three teenagers is unhappy with his or her appearance. 2 Child development workers in Britain say that getting children_become library members can improve educational standards. 3 He worked_a teacher in an African country with ninety per cent illiteracy. 4 Unfortunately,_of my grandfather's two brothers survived the war. 5 No sooner had he arrived at his destination_ a police car with three officers inside approached him. 48 49 Linking words ^> Match sentence beginnings 1-5 and endings a-e using the correct prepositions. 1 Peter moved to a bigger city 2 She refused to marry John 3 He decided to go sailing 4 We won't start eating 5 Robert's keen on judo a he proposed several times, b his brother prefers karate, c he comes back home, d he could get a better job. e adverse weather conditions. ^ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 Why are some people depressed_though they have everything they need? 2 We tried to keep our voices low,_as not to wake up someone sleeping in an adjacent room. 3 _the fact that our clean, safe drinking water is available at the turn of a tap, we spend millions annually on bottled water. 4 Please consider the environment - don't print this e-mail_you really need to! 5 I regret to inform you that we will not be taking your application further on this occasion. _, we may contact you in the future regarding other appropriate positions available. Collocations Q Match the phrases 1 -5 and a-e to make collocations. 1 complete the project from a distance at a steady pace without question ahead of schedule by chance at length g without trace h for the better 2 walk 3 vanish 4 speak about the problem 5 observe the birds 6 change 7 discover the truth 8 obey parents ^ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 l think our government should_an effort to restrain inflation. 2 On hearing the news about the accident, she burst into_immediately. 3 The news of their wedding_as a bit of a surprise for everyone. 4 We spent an hour discussing the situation only to reach the_that nothing further could be done. 5 My work-life balance is moving in the right direction: I get to spend quality time with my family and I_a good living, working with a great team. Idioms 4j> Complete the idioms below using the verbs in the box. fall get call keep break cut 1 To_a long story short, I'll come straight to the point and tell you exactly what happened. 2 Just remember to be prepared and be yourself, and the rest is going to_into place. 3 One of the easiest ways to_the ice with someone is to make them laugh. 4 I'm exhausted. Let's_it a day and go home. 5 Tell me what's bothering you. Come on!_ it off your chest and you'll feel a whole lot better. 6 Good luck! I'll_my fingers crossed for you. ^ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 We were stuck in the traffic for an hour but we got to the airport in the nick of_. 2 Finding accommodation does take time and is a _in the neck but don't be disheartened. _the moon when I won my place was on the team. A burglar was. . red-handed by the owner of a second-hand furniture shop. One day I put my foot_and refused to work overtime every day. Phrases and expressions ^ Put the words in the correct order to make correct phrases and expressions. 1 Personally, [my / of / from / view / point] _, the close and professional relationship with the staff was a definite benefit. 2 The purchase of this car may be expensive, but [long / in / run / the]_, it will save you a lot of money you spend annually on petrol. 3 I'd like a job which pays more, but [other / the / on / hand]_I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment. 4 We are offering free website to every member; [to / up/ it's / you]_if you want to use your current website or use this free website. 5 My decision to stay in London longer was made [spur / the / moment / on / of / the]_, completely without plan. ^ Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 Some people believe society creates criminals, others think the prison system is_fault. 2 As_as I am concerned, the matter is closed. 3 I was playing a game online when_of a sudden my computer crashed. 4 Many people object to genetic modification _environmental and ethical grounds. 5 I fell in love with him at first_. 1 Phrasal verbs 1 ^) Match phrasal verbs 1- -8 to their meanings a-h. 1 look up to a refuse an offer 2 make up for b find by chance 3 come across c cancel 4 turn down d respect and admire 5 breakdown e start a hobby 6 take up f stop working 7 put aside g compensate for 8 call off h save Exam task 2 ^J) Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1 Fiona's new boyfriend is so nice that all her friends took_him immediately. 2 Sometimes parents do not have the skills to bring _children appropriately. 3 I can stay longer because my mother-in-law is _after our children. 4 She will definitely win a seat in parliament as long as nothing unexpected_up. 5 The milk has gone_because it's been left in the sun. Exam task 1 ^) Complete the text with one word in each gap. ACTION PAINTING WITH A CUP OF COFFEE It has proven to be a great source of inspiration for all kinds of artists, and it is probably safe to say that there are many works of art that wouldn't exist if their creators had not been avid coffee drinkers. However, only recently has coffee been used as a medium for artists to work with. The Mona Lisa, the world famous painting by Da Vinci, has been reconstructed with 3,604 cups of coffee and 564 pints of milk. The different shades of The Mona Lisa were obtained by adding no,1_or lots of milk to regular cups filled with black coffee. The eight artists2_three hours to recreate the painting, which was 6 metres high and almost 4 metres wide. The event took place at The Rocks ^ Complete the text with one word in each gap. SUN PROTECTION THE BURNING QUESTION ON THE BEACHES It's no longer cool to have a suntan, but is there a healthy balance between exposure and protection? 1_upon a time, a suntan was a tangible indication that you could afford to go on foreign holidays, while your pallid pals only got as 2_as Brighton. Then cheap flights and fake tan 3_along and suddenly anyone could get brown. Gradually, evidence amassed that not only A_sun exposure trigger a range of skin cancers but it also gave you skin like an old handbag. This week's news that sunbeds are now 5_as carcinogenic as cigarettes will only heighten concerns. Meanwhile, the use of sunscreens has become something of a fetish in the cosmetics industry, where6_from body lotion to hairspray can now be found with added SPFs (sun protection factors). So, 7_this a sensible step forward, or will we, in years to come, wonder why we shopped around for organic food 8_covering the largest organ of our bodies in a cocktail of chemicals? Aroma Festival in Sydney, Australia, and was 3_by an audience of 130,000. Both the organisers and the visitors were delighted4_the outcome. The performance showcased the artists' talent and precision, as they needed to add varying 5_of milk to the coffee cups in order to create the different shades of The Mona Lisa. The whole performance turned out to be extremely engaging and6_public loved watching the 7_iconic work of art in history recreated from such an unexpected material. The result was outstanding and, as far as we8_, no one had ever done it before. 5G 51 In this type of exam task you need to fill in the gaps in a text using words that you make from the words provided. The answers must be grammatically and lexically correct. Below, you will find examples of the structures which are most commonly tested in this type of exam task. Prefixes • Prefixes that make words (a verb or an adjective) opposite (un-, dis-, ir-, //-, im-, in'), e.g.: I always use a Sat Nav or a map when I'm driving in an unfamiliar (FAMILIAR) place. • Prefixes that change the meaning of words (an adjective, a verb or a noun), e.g.: After 1 get my university degree I'd like to take a postgraduate (GRADUATE) course in Environmental Science and Technology. Examples of prefixes that change the meaning of words: anti- (=against), e.g. anti-war pro- (=for, in favour of), e.g. pro-British counter- (=in the opposite direction), e.g. counterattack co- (=with, together), e.g. cooperate over- (=too much), e.g. overcharge under- (=not enough), e.g. underpaid post- (=after), e.g. postcolonialism inter- (=between), e.g. intercontinental pre- (=before), e.g. prehistoric semi- (=half), e.g. semicircle uni- (=one), e.g. unisex mono- (=one), e.g. monosyllables bi- (=two), e.g. bilingual tri- (=three), e.g. tricycle multi- (=many), e.g. multiracial non- (=not), e.g. non-stop re- (=again), e.g. rewrite ex- (=former, before), e.g. ex-husband trans- (=across), e.g. transatlantic super- (=above, more than), e.g. supernatural sub- (=under), e.g. subway de- (^acting against), e.g. deforestation Suffixes: • Suffixes that change verbs into nouns for people (-er, -or, -ar, -ee), e.g.: My History teacher (TEACH) is very knowledgeable. • Suffixes that change nouns into nouns for people (-/it, Aan), e.g.: Three terrorise (TERROR) threatened to kill all the hostages on a high-jacked plane. • Suffixes that change verbs into abstract nouns (-ence, -ance, -al, -age, -ment, -slon, -(a)tion, -ion, -y, -sis, 'lire), e.g.: A police investigation (INVESTIGATE) is uncovering more details about the possible crime. • Suffixes that change adjectives into abstract nouns (-ence, -ance, Aty, -ty, -y, -cy, -(i)ness,Aon, -ment), e.g.: Being afraid of darkness (DARK) is nothing to be ashamed of. • Suffixes that change nouns into abstract nouns (-hood, -dom), e.g.: Concepts of Christian martyrdom (MARTYR) changed greatly in England from the late Middle Ages through the early modern era. • Suffixes that change nouns into adjectives (-y, -yly, -ous, Ac, -ical) or verbs into adjectives (-able, Ave, -ed, Ang), e.g.: Astronomers have discovered a mysterious (MYSTERY) giant object that existed when the universe was only 800 million years old. • Suffixes that change adjectives into verbs (-en, 'C0fy)> e.g.: Education authorities should do more to widen (WIDE) access to higher education. Test yourself! Decide what part of speech (a noun, a verb, an adjective or a pronoun) should be used to complete each of the gaps. Then complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. 1 They have a rich variety (VARY) of shoes in different colours and sizes, noun 2 My sister has got an_(EXCEPT) gift for languages. 3 Not even the snow will_ (COURAGE) us from going out tonight. 4 I just couldn't refuse when she gave me one of those_(RESIST) smiles. 5 The blouse you're wearing looks. (SUSPECT) like the one I bought the other day. 6 More and more young people seem to be engaging in violence simply out of_(BORE). • Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. Then write three more words formed using the same suffixes and prefixes. 1 Some experts expect rapid economic_ (DEVELOP) in most of the Far East countries, development; encouragement, improvement, entertainment 2 My father hoped that sending me to Africa might _(BROAD) my outlook on life. 3 She is a good teacher but sometimes a little bit too _(PATIENCE) with slow learners. 4 Income taxes, taxes on_(INHERIT) and capital gains are all very common forms of taxation. 5 Children benefit from having a_(MEAN) relationship with both parents. 6 They danced so_(GRACE) that everybody clapped and sang along. Prefixes that make words opposite <^ Make the phrases below opposite using appropriate prefixes (un-, dis-, ir-, i\-, im-, in-). 1 a logical argument - a(n)_argument 2 regular bus service - a(n)_bus service 3 to load a truck - to_a truck 4 to approve of new government-to. new government 5 a comfortable chair - a(n)_ 6 a secure place - a(n)_place 7 an honest person - a(n)_person of .chair i Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. 1 Sue is addicted to shopping. She seems_ (CAPABLE) of walking past a boutique without going in and buying another piece of clothing. It was so hot that I decided to_ (BUTTON) my jacket and loosen my tie. We got lost because the area was completely _(FAMILIAR) to us. The soldier who_(OBEY) the order was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. An excellent paved pathway is an_ (RESIST) temptation to anyone desiring a leisure walk or jogging. Prefixes that chance the meaning of words <^> Match the prefixes 1-8 to their meanings a-h. pro- multi- semi- over- ex- trans- re- 8 co- a half b too much c with, together d across e in favour of f again g many h former, before <^ Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. 1 The charity organisation he works for raises money for the_(PRIVILEGE). 2 This school is_ (EDUCATIONAL) - for both boys and girls. 3 The employees went on strike because they felt_(WORK) and severely underpaid. It is now possible to. .(PLANT) tissue from one animal to another. A_(DETACH) house is a house that is joined to another house on one side by a shared wall. They divorced five years ago but he is still on very good terms with his_(WIFE). mi i J in 14B j Jh.jA tfAWMmman ^ Change the verbs in the box into nouns for people. Use appropriate suffixes and write the words in the table. Make all necessary changes in the spelling. train murder swim visit collect manage lie employ sail interview burgle compete act beg supply -er -or -ar -ee trainer trainee <||> Change the nouns given into nouns for people using appropriate suffixes (Ast or -ian). Make al necessary changes in the spelling. 1 music-_ 2 journal -_ 3 electricity - _ 4 communism 5 library-_ 6 Italy-_ 7 ecology -_ 8 art-_ ^ Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. 1 _(POLITICS) usually start to prepare for an election far in advance. 2 My favourite_(COMEDY) is Jim Carrey. 3 The_(PAY) is the person into whose bank account the money goes. 4 Bethany has received flowers from one of her many secret_(ADMIRE). 5 Many_(SURVIVE) of the earthquake in central Italy have found themselves homeless. 6 This is an absolutely amazing book written by the most famous_(HISTORY) of ancient Egypt. 7 British_ .(SCIENCE) have found a gene that can help explain why some of us put on weight more easily than others. 8 Thanks to eye-witness accounts, the bank _(ROB) was caught almost immediately. 52 53 Suffixes {-ence, -ance, -al, -acb, -/went, -sion, -won, -ion, -ation, -y, -s/s, -vre; -itv, -ty, -y, -cy, -ness, -fwess, -hood) | Change the verbs in the box into abstract nouns. Use appropriate suffixes and write the words in the table. Make all necessary changes in the spelling. arrange marry arrive diagnose deliver conclude injure educate differ revise encourage accuse analyse approve exist pass -ence -al -age -ment arrangement -sion -ation -y -sis ^ Change the adjectives given into abstract nouns using appropriate suffixes. Then write three more abstract nouns that are formed using the same suffix. Make all necessary changes in the spelling. 1 happy - happiness; laziness, loneliness, ugliness 2 child-__ 3 silent-__ 4 vacant-. 5 kind-_ 6 equal-. ^ Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. 1 The_(ABBREVIATE) for millimetre is 'mm'. 2 The final full dress_ (REHEARSE) for the Olympics opening ceremony is being held tonight. 3 Our website is currently under construction. We're sorry for any_(INCOVENIENT) this may cause you. 4 Some say_ .(MOTHER) is Che hardest job in the world. 5 I hope you all fully understand the _(SERIOUS) of this situation. 6 The fast-paced city life offers more _(ENTERTAIN) and career opportunities than a slow, more relaxed country life. 7 Always remember to check the _(EXPIRE) date when you purchase any medications. Suffixes (-y, -yly, -ous, -ic, -icai; -able, -ive, -ed, -i ^ Write the noun or the verb which was used to form the adjectives below. 1 friendly - friend 2 climatic -_ 3 adjustable-_ 4 courageous-. 5 annoying-_ 6 protective-_ 7 salty-_ 8 psychological ^> Some of the adjectives in the sentences below are incorrect. Find them and correct them. tiring 1 Although working in the desert was very tired, it was a very enjoyable experience. 2 I get frustrated when things don't work the way they should. - correct 3 It is a common misconception that you must be an interested person to get people to like you. 4 Overall, it was a hugely disappointing experience. 5 At first I was confusing by the story but it made sense towards the end. 6 We were disgusting by the rubbish left at campsites. 7 I would have found the situation amused if it had not been so serious at the time. Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. 1 The Lady is widely respected as England's oldest _(WEEK) magazine for women. 2 Drinks can be taken from the bar to the downstairs seated area; however,_ (ALCOHOL) drinks are not allowed upstairs. 3 Malaria is a_(CURE) disease if diagnosed promptly and adequately treated. 4 Robert was sincerely_ (APPRECIATE) of his parents' support. 5 Many reports warn of _ (DISASTER) consequences of delaying climate change action. 6 Our English teacher asked us to put all the words we learnt into_(ALPHABET) order. 7 Customs officials became_ (SUSPICION) when the man couldn't answer simple questions about what was in his truck. 8 Since museum hours may change, it is _(ADVISE) to call the museum before you go. 9 _(CREATE) writing is anything where the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emo'jons rather than to simply convey informat \ n. Suffixes that chance adjectives into verbs (-en, -(Qfy) ^ Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in capital letters. 1 Emerging infectious diseases pose a global threat to human health, and the problem is likely to _(WORSE). 2 Knowing how to_(PURE) water on a hiking trip is an important skill for any serious hiker. 3 The music was loud enough to _(DEAF) most people. 4 Is it true that drinking coffee before a workout can _(LESS) the pain of exercise? 5 Here's a small gift to. Exam task 2 Complete the gaps in the text with words formed from the words in capital letters. (BRIGHT) up your day. 6 Agriculture export competition will _(INTENSE), with rising share of trade by developing countries. 7 These figs_(RIPE) in the autumn and make up the main crop. 8 First we need to_(CLEAR) the difference between a blogger and a citizen journalist. Exam task 1 ^ Complete the gaps in the text with words formed from the words in capital letters. INDIAN WOMEN get on their scooters B ollywood (ACT) 'Preity Zinta is on her way to university when a group of young men whistle at her as she drives past on a pink scooter. But when they arrive at class, they find that Zinta is the professor. "Never 2_ (ESTIMATION) the power of pink," she says, as she looks at the camera in the TVS Scooty 3_(ADVERTISE). The scooter has become a vehicle of female 4_(LIBERATE) in India. TVS Scooty, Hero Honda and Kinetic Motors, the major Indian scooter makers, are using expensive advertising, female-only showrooms and a range of scooters as5_ (COLOUR) as any lipstick collection to attract women 6_(BUY). In the early 1990s, an Indian woman on a scooter was so rare that she was known as a "scooter walli madam," says Monocle. But that's changed. India's scooter business — like the country — is experiencing a revolution. John Lewis said that a Nintendo Wii, the best-selling games console, has for the first time made it into the top 20 most popular items to appear on young couples'wedding lists. Where once the dilemma for couples was whether it was rude to send out a wedding list along with an1_(INVITE) for the big day, now the decision appears to be whether to include an iPod, a Wii or a flat-screen television. Many couples have co-habited for a long time and already2_(JOIN) own crockery, cooking equipment and linen. As a result, both the value of the items and the type of gifts requested has changed a lot in recent years. John Lewis said sound docks for MP3 digital music players - a type of speaker - were3_(INCREASE) popular, while high-definition televisions were also making anA_(APPEAR) on wedding lists for the first time. Two years ago, the top 20 products on the Gift List were exclusively5_(TRADITION) items from linens, kitchenware, china and glass but, in the second half of last year, the Wii sports pack made itto the top 20. Silver photo frames, once one of the most popular gifts, have been6_ (TAKE) by digital photo frames, which allow the owner to show a revolving selection of their digital snaps. 54 55 Prefixes Suffixes The most common prefixes Prefix Example anti- (=against) anti-war, anti-government bi- (=two) bilingual, bilateral co- (=with, together) cooperate, coordinate counter- (=in the opposite direction) counterattack, counteract de- (=acting against) deforestation, deactivate ex- (^former, before) ex-husband, ex-wife inter- (=between) intercontinental, interdisciplinary mini- (=small) minicomputer, minibar mis- (=wrongly) mishear, misplace mono- (=one) monosyllables, monogamy multi- (=many) multiracial, multicultural non- (=not) non-stop, non-alcoholic over- (=too much) overcharge, overestimate post- (=after) post colonialism, post-war pre- (^before) prehistoric, prenatal pro- (=fbr, in favour of) pro-British, pro-life re- (=again) rewrite, retake semi- (=half) semicircle, semi-detached sub- (=under) subway, subordinate super- (=above, more than) supernatural, superstore trans- (=across) transatlantic, transmission tri- (=three) tricycle, triceps under- (=not enough) underpaid, underestimate uni- (=one) unisex, unilateral Prefixes that make words opposite Prefix Example dis- disadvantage, disappear, dishonest il-(+l) illegal, illogical im- (+ m or p) improper, impolite in- indirect, inconvenient ir- (+ r) irresponsible, irregular non- non-alcoholic, non-stop un- unconventional, uncertain Suffixes that change words into nouns Suffix Example -ment government, employment -ion/-tion/-sion discussion/proportion/ permission -ation/-ition invitation/definition -ence/-ance persistence/distance -ty/-ity certainty/security -ness willingness, sweetness -ing building, understanding Suffix Example -er/-or writer/editor -ist typist -ant/-ent assistant/student -an/-ian Republican/electrician -ee employee Suffixes that change words into verbs Suffix Example -ise/-ize (American English) revolutionise/privatise -en widen, brighten Suffixes that change words into adjectives Suffix Example -al professional -ic scientific -ive exclusive -ful successful -less hopeless -ous luxurious -y rocky -ly costly -able/-ible comfortable/comprehensible Suffixes that change words into adverbs Suffix Example -ly nervously, suddenly, recently THEMATIC PART r---\ 1 PEOPLE 2 HOME 3 SCHOOL «4 WORK 5 FAMILY AND SOCIAL LIFE 6 FOOD / SHOPPING AND SERVICES "7 TRAVELLING AND TOURISM CULTURE B HEALTH /SPORT *IO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 11 NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT STATE AND SOCIETY 56