1 The things we do for love Some people, it seems, would do just Roberto Filippi, a 27-year-old Italian man, became obsessed by a girl he saw on the Milan metro. Everyday as he took the 8.23 train to the Duomo, Roberto watched his loved one from a distance, until one day he found the courage to present her with some flowers on the return train back to the suburbs. She appreciated the gesture and they were soon going out together. It wasn't long before she, Lorella, moved town, and of course Roberto had to give up his job to follow her. eir tovea one... Then it was election time, and Lorella managed to persuade Roberto, a lifelong communist, to vote against his instincts, for a neo-Fascist party. Soon after that, Lorella was arrested for a suspected racial attack, but she got Roberto to swear in court that she had in fact been with him on the night in question. A few months later, to escape another prosecution, Lorella left for the United States, and naturally, like a faithful dog, Roberto followed her.- In America, Lorella quickly became involved in a satanic cult. When Lorella asked Roberto if he'd be prepared to act as a human sacrifice, for the first time in their relationship he managed to say 'no'. So, what would you do for your loved one? Would you 1 change your religion? 5 give up your Friends? 2 give up your career? 6 break all ties with your family? 3 emigrate? 7 vote against your conscience in a political election? 4 tell a lie to the police to protect him/her? 2 Marriage contracts_ It is becoming increasingly common for couples about to be married to sign a pre-nuptial agreement. This agreement is drawn up by lawyers and is aimed at avoiding possible disagreements during the marriage and to avoid contention during a possible divorce. The couples individually stipulate what they feel is important in terms of day-to-day living, such as how much money should be spent on food, going out, hobbies etc.; how domestic responsibilities should be divided up e.g. who does the cooking, who cleans the bathroom; who looks after the children; and whether it is possible for partners to take separate holidays. Having such a contract means that if such an issue should arise then at least there's a good basis for a reasonable discussion. The divorce clauses basically deal with who gets what should the marriage not work out. Discussions A-Z Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 1 997 53 3 Are you a good lover? 1 <-S f't is an art which needs to be learned if it is to be practised wel 2 You can /r>/YJ someone too much. 3 A man and woman can be really good friends without being in 4 Women have deeper relationships with same-sex friends than men. 5 Men are more attracted to women who are hard to get. 6 Women should never make the first move. 7 You cannot be truly in with two people at the same time. 8 You should only have eyes for your i^wr?. 9 It is impossible to /t^/y; and be ■ 10 wrse.