Listening fcheck- ..... ____^_„-—r^-.—;——■ 9 information +\ ♦customs-'ijMmnmm m Introduction Look at the photographs of different ways of travelling. Match each one to a clue below and write the words in the crossword. Now finish the crossword. The other clues don't have photographs. Across 1 It takes lots of people to school, to work and around town. 5 It is only found in cities and travels on rails. 7 It carries a few people in the air. 8 It transports goods by road. 9 You need to be fit to travel on it. 11 You often find it outside the railway station. 12 It travels at about 850 kilometres per hour. 13 It goes on long journeys across water, carrying people and goods. Down 2 It has two wheels, only carries one person and has a very small engine. 3 Many families own one. 4 It takes people across water. It travels quite slowly. 5 It runs on rails and has several carriages. 6 It has no roof and often goes faster than a car. 10 It spends a lot of time on motorways carrying people from one place to another. 2 Work in a group. Compare your crosswords. Can you help the other people in your group? Grammar need; countable/uncountable nouns; quantit Vocabulary transport; compound nouns t 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 How many of the different ways of travelling do you use? Count them. Write three sentences using usually, sometimes and often. example: I often travel by train. Write each of the words from the crossword under one of these headings: AIR, LAND, WATER. (a) Corpus spot & (5) Vocabulary spot Correct these mistakes made by PET students and complete the rule below. a We always go to the city centre with car. b We can go there by foot. We, train, bicycle, plane, boat but we go........foot. UNIT 5 American English has some different words from British English. What do these words mean in British English? Use your dictionary if you need to. truck. cab................ freeway. ^ hotel reservations -------~ departure \ lounge \äJ MSW§MiM'4shops"~" m ^ passport ^8^Mmm?\ r control ^mmmmAm ILB91 mm •><; 'ft ± ticket sales 1 Where do you find all these signs? 2 *M Listen to six conversations. Each conversation happens at one of the places above. Write the letter to show where the speakers are. 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ..... 6 Language focus Need 1 Listen again and answer these questions. Conversation 1 a What does the man need? b What doesn't the man need? Conversation 2 c "What doesn't the woman need? Conversation 3 d What does the man need to do? Conversation 4 e What do they need to buy? Conversation 5 f Does the woman need to pay any tax? Conversation 6 g When does the man need to come back? h Does he need to reconfirm his return flight? (§) Grammar spot Need If you have a copy of the recording script, underline all the sentences containing the verb need i nen complete the table below with the correct form of the verb. Need* noun B 1........................a taxi. He needs a taxi. I I........................a visa. He doesn't need a visa. I .....I............a boarding pass? Does he need a boarding pass? Weed + verb some shampoo. B He needs to buy some shampoo, ^fl H< 'eedn't is only used before a........................, not a don't need to pay / I needn't pay any tax. any tax. ........I.....................reconfirm my flight? Does he need to reconfirm his flight? . Needn't isn't used in a question. WHEELS AND WINGS 35 2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of need. a It's very hot here -1 »^d...................................a drink. b ................................................(you) ft new suitcase to take on holiday? c .........................................(we) book a taxi to the airport? d You................................................(not) take the train because I can drive you home, e Lorry drivers................................................stop for a break after a few hours on the road. f Do........................................(I) wear a helmet on a bike? g My brother................................................(not) a car because he catches the bus everywhere, h You................................................(not) come to the station with me - I know where it is. ^1GF page 207 Countable and uncountable nouns 1 Joe is going to stay with a Brazilian family who live by the seaside. Here are some of the things he is planning to take. What are they? 2 Put them into the correct column. Countable (singular) Countable (plural) Uncountable a, cajmara. some magazines some shampoo (5) Grammar spot Countable and uncountable nouns Complete these rules with the words countable and uncountable. ........................................nouns can be singular or plural. ........................................nouns cannot be plural. We use a or an before........................................nouns. We use some before .....................................nouns and plural ..,....;„.....>....................nouns. With uncountable nouns we often use a countable noun like bottle. Match these uncountable nouns to a word below: shampoo water tea chocolate bread a bar a bottle a glass a packet a loaf EXAMPLE: a. bottle, of shampoo 3 Joe can't carry his backpack because he has too many things. The weather is hot in January in Brazil. Work in a group. What does Joe need to take? What doesn't he need to take? Make two lists. Things Joe needs to take Things Joe doesn't need to take ■I 4 Tell some other students what you decided. Do they agree with you? 5 Work with a partner. Imagine you are going to stay with a friend in Britain for a week in January. What things do you need to take? What things don't you need to take? Write them down. Read your list to another pair of students. Do they agree with you? / need to take. a, warm coal. I don't need to take a. sun ha£ or any sunscreen. 'H GF page 207 (5) Corpus spot Countable and uncountable nouns Correct these mistakes made by PET students. a I have a lot of works to do at home tonight. b We can eat fishes and big plates of salad. c We came to a set of traffic light. d Listening to English musics is good. e 1 have a lot of furnitures in my room. f My friend Noelia always gives me good advices. g They travel to other country every year. CO Expressions of quantity (5) Grammar spot Expressions of quantity Complete the column headings in the table below. ....................„.........„......nouns I've got a lot of / lots of bags. I haven't got any bags. I haven't got many bags. I've got a few bags. I've got several bags. I've got a couple of bags. ...................................,..„ nouns I've got a lot of / lots of luggage. I haven't got any luggage. I haven't got much luggage. I've only got a little luggage. At the airport, Joe meets the woman in the picture. He emails his mum from his laptop. Circle the correct words. ..................oj 0 B £ 3D Delete Reply Reply All Forward Pnm - - Hi Mum I'm at the airport now. I'm waiting to check in. There aren't (a)CmaiTg)/ much passengers waiting for my flight yet - that's probably because I got here so early. I'm so pleased I haven't got (b) many / much luggage. There's a woman sitting next to me who's also going to Brazil. I hope her friends meet her at the airport because she has (c) lots of/ many luggage. She's got (d) several / a couple of suitcases, (e) a few/a little carrier bags and (f) much / a lot of boxes. She's even got (g) a few / a couple of backpacks. I bought a book about Brazil in the airport shop. The one Uncle James gave me didn't have (h) many / much information about the area I'm visiting. I've got (i) a little/ a few English money left, so I'll go and spend it on a coffee now. Talk to you when I get there. Love, Joe 1 Fill in the missing words in these sentences. a I need b I've got................couple................suitcases. c They need................take their passports. d He's got................lot................luggage. e Do we a taxi? f You 2 '20 Listen and repeat the sentences. What do you notice about the words you filled in? 3 Try saying these sentences. Put a circle around the words which are not stressed. a I need(a)hotel room, b You need to pay tax. c I want some shampoo, d I'd like to go swimming, e He's got a few magazines. ' f I've got a new pair of shoes. 4 'Ma Listen and repeat the sentences. Were you right? <2S325^ What do I need? Your teacher will give you a card. Don't show it to the other students. Guess the activity on your friends' cards. Ask questions like these: Do I need other people to do this? Do I need good weather? Do I need any special equipment? Do I need to go to a special place? Answer their questions truthfully. You can answer Yes, No, Sometimes or It doesn't matter. Compound nouns Sometimes we put two nouns together to make another, e.g. address book. Your teacher will give you some cards with nouns on them. Find the student who has a noun which goes with yours and decide which word comes first. <> iddress book Exam folder 5 Reading Part 2 □71 □ 1 Look at these five people. They all want to go on holiday. Now look at the suitcases. Can you guess which suitcase belongs to each person? There is one extra suitcase which doesn't belong to anyone. Now read some information about the five people and try again to match them with their suitcases. Underline the words which help you choose. 1 Karen likes pop music and dancing in discos and she would like to find a hotel where she can swim every day. She also enjoys using a gym. 2 Tom needs to find a quiet hotel in the country which has a good restaurant. He is taking some work on holiday with him and needs to hire a room for a business meeting in the hotel. 3 Maggie would like to relax in her hotel, sunbathing, swimming and reading. She wants to stay somewhere quiet with a good restaurant. 4 John wants to stay in the mountains. He likes walking and is interested in flowers and birds. He wants to stay in a family hotel. 5 Mike wants to spend his holiday sightseeing in the city. He likes taking photographs of the places he visits and wants a hotel which can organise trips. He would like a hotel with a swimming pool. 3 Read these descriptions of places to go on holiday. Which hotel would you like to go to? swimming pool in the centre of the city. It is near all the famous buildings and art galleries. The hotel arranges coach tours to other towns. (D I^Hffiffl is on the edge of the city with its own gardens and has 200 rooms, a first-class restaurant and three swimming pools. It is ideal for a really relaxing, quiet holiday in the sun 0 is a large hotel in the centre of the city. It has evening entertainment including a disco twice a week. There are coach trips to the mountains where visitors can walk and enjoy the flowers and the birds. 0 ^^^^2521 has 10 rooms. It is in a quiet spot in the country. It doesn't serve food but there are restaurants in the city, which is about 10 kms away. The hotel arranges coach tours of the city for those people who do not like walking. 1 m J^^SMEJESm is a family hotel in the city with its own swimming pool and gym where guests can keep fit. There is a disco in the hotel every night and it also has two restaurants. SIM H is a large hotel in a village surrounded by mountains and is very quiet and peaceful. It has a gym and a good restaurant. Meeting rooms are available. El The Hotel Regam is very old and beautiful. It is in the middle of the city and is close to lots of good restaurants. It has several meeting rooms and is suitable for business conferences. El is a quiet family hotel in the mountains so it is very easy to go for walks without needing to use a car. There are flowers and birds to enjoy all year round and restaurants in the village. 4 Look at page 38 and read the text about Karen again. Look at the words you underlined. 5 Now find a hotel for Karen. Look at the table. Read the hotel texts again and tick which hotels have a disco. Can Karen swim and use a gym at any of the hotels which have music? Tick the boxes. Which hotel is best for Karen? Hotels B C D E C H disco? swimming? gym? 6 Read the text about Tom again and underline any other important information. Check you have underlined the information to look for. 7 Now find a hotel forTom. Read the hotel texts again and tick which hotels are in the country. Which one has a good restaurant? Hotels A B C G) B F mfmm ■Mi H in the country? good restaurant? room for meeting? 8 Now do the same for Maggie, John and Mike. Maggie Hotels B C D E F C H quiet? swimming? restaurant? John Hotels B C D E G H family hotel? walking in the mountains? flowers and birds? Mike Hotels B C D E F G H city? swimming pool? organises trips? Exam Advice When you choose an answer, check the text has all the things the person wants.