Passive 1 (is done / was done) Study this example: This house was built in 1935. Was built is passive. Compare active and passive: Somebody built this house in 1935. (active) subject object This house was built in 1935. (passive) subject When we use an active verb, we say what the subject does: □ My grandfather was a builder. He built this house in 1935. □ It's a big company. It employs two hundred people. When we use a passive verb, we say what happens to the subject: □ This house is quite old. It was built in 1935. □ Two hundred people are employed by the company. When we use the passive, who or what causes the action is often unknown or unimportant: □ A lot of money was stolen in the robbery, (somebody stole it, but we don't know who) □ Is this room cleaned every day? (does somebody clean it? - it's not important who) If we want to say who does or what causes the action, we use by ... : □ This house was built by my grandfather. □ Two hundred people are employed by the company. The passive is be (is/was etc.) + past participle (done/cleaned/seen etc.): (be) done (be) cleaned (be) damaged (be) built (be) seen etc. For irregular past participles (done/seen/lcnown etc.), see Appendix 1. Study the active and passive forms of the present simple and past simple: Present simple active: clean(s) / see(s) etc Somebody cleans this room everyday. passive: am/is/are + cleaned/seen etc. This room is cleaned every day. □ Many accidents are caused by careless driving. □ I'm not often invited to parties. □ How is this word pronounced? Past simple active: cleaned/saw etc. passwe: was/were + cleaned/seen etc. Somebody cleaned this room yesterday. This room was cleaned yesterday. □ We were woken up by a loud dunng the mght. □ 'Did you go to the party?' 'No, 1 wasn t mvited. □ How much money was stolen in the robbery. Exercises Unit 42 42.1 Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form, present or past: cause damage hold invite make overtake show surround translate write 1 Many accidents.....^StS& dangerous driving. 2 Cheese.................................................-.....................from milk. 3 The roof of the a storm a few days ago. 4 the wedding. Why didn't you go? 5 A cinema is a place where films......................................................................... 6 In the United States, elections for president........................................................................every four years. 7 Originally the Spanish, and a few years ago it ........................................................................into English. 8 Although we were driving quite fast, we........................................................................ by a lot of other cars. 9 You can't see the house from the road. trees. 42.2 Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past. 1 Ask about glass, (how/make?) .....tfflW #,.,#63» fPftM......................................................................................... 2 Ask about television, (when / invent?) .............._......................................................................................................................... 3 Ask about mountains, (how / form?) ................................................................_......................................................................... 4 Ask about Pluto {the planet), (when / discover?)........................................................................................................... 5 Ask about silver, (what / use for?) .................................................................................................................................................. 42.3 42.4 Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive. 1 It's a big factory. Five hundred people......WSLSSS^iSS^k^ (employ) there. 2 .....somebodlj...dean.....(somebody / clean) this room yesterday? Water........................._.................................... (cover) most of the earth's surface. How much of the earth's surface...............................................................(cover) by water? The park gates............................................................... (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. The letter...................................................... (post) a week ago and it...................................................... (arrive) yesterday. The boat hit a rock and............................................................... (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody ............................_................................. (rescue). Richard's parents............................................................. (die) when he was very young. He and his sister ................................................................................. (bring up) by their grandparents. I was born in London, but I........._....................................................(grow up) in Canada. While I was on holiday, my camera ............................................................... (steal) from my hotel room. 11 While I was on holiday, my camera......_.......................................................(disappear) from my hotel room. 12 Why.................................................................................(Sue / resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it? 13 Why................................................................................. (Bill / sack) from his job? What did he do wrong? 14 The company is not independent. It............................................................... (own) by a much larger company. 15 1 saw an accident last night. Somebody............................._..............................(call) an ambulance but nobody ...............................................................(injure), so the ambulance................................................................................. (not / need). 16 Where.......................................................................................„........................................ (these photographs / take)? In London? .................................................................................(you / take) them, or somebody else? 17 Sometimes it's quite noisy living here, but it's not a problem for me -I................................................................................. (not / bother) by it. Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using somebody, they, people etc., write a passive sentence. 1 Somebody cleans the room every day. .....Tftfr.JfflW1 M, .......................................... 2 They cancelled all flights because of fog. All................................................................................................................................... 3 People don't use this road much. ........................................................................................................._.................................. 4 Somebody accused me of stealing money. I......................................................................................................................................... 5 How do people learn languages? How............................................................................................................................. 6 Somebody warned us not to go out alone.............................................................................................................................................. 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 85 Passive 2-3-Units 42-43 By-Unit 128 Key to Exercises Key to Exercises 344 4 What would you do if you were in a lift and it stopped between floors? 38.3 2 If he took his driving test, he'd fail (it). /... he would fail (it). 3 If we stayed at a hotel, it would cost too much. 4 If she applied for the job, she wouldn't get it. 5 If we told them the truth, they wouldn't believe us. 6 If we invited Bill, we'd have to invite his friends too. / ... we would have to ... 38.4 Example answers: 2 I'd be very angry if somebody broke into my house. 3 If I didn't go to work tomorrow, I'd have a much nicer day than usual. 4 Would you go to the party if you were invited? 5 If you bought some new clothes, you'd feel much better. 6 Would you mind if I didn't go out with you this evening? UNIT 39 39.1 3 'd help / would help 4 lived 5 'd live / would live 6 would taste 7 were/was 8 wouldn't wait ...'d go / would go 9 didn't go 10 weren't... wouldn't be 39.2 2 I'd buy it /1 would buy it if it weren't/wasn't so expensive, or ... if it were/was cheaper. 3 We'd go out / We would go out more often if we could afford it. 4 If I didn't have to work late, I could meet you tomorrow, or ... I'd meet /1 would meet... or ... I'd be able to meet... 5 We could have lunch outside if it weren't raining / wasn't raining. 6 If I wanted his advice, I'd ask for it / I would ask for it. 39.3 2 I wish I had a mobile phone. 3 I wish Helen were/was here. 4 I wish it weren't/wasn't (so) cold. 5 I wish I didn't live in a big city. 6 I wish I could go to the party. 7 I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. 8 I wish I knew something about cars. 9 I wish I were feeling / was feeling better. 39.4 Example answers: 1 I wish I was at home. 2 I wish I had a big garden. 3 I wish I could tell jokes. 4 I wish I was taller. UNIT 40 40.1 2 If he'd missed / he had missed the train, he'd have missed / he would have missed his flight. 3 I'd have forgotten / I would have forgotten ... you hadn't reminded 4 I'd had /1 had had ... I'd have sent /1 would have sent 5 we'd have enjoyed / we would have enjoyed ... the weather had been 6 It would have been ... I'd walked /1 had walked 7 I were / I was 8 I'd been /1 had been 40.2 2 If the road hadn't been icy, the accident wouldn't have happened. 3 If I'd known / If I had known (that Joe had to get up early), I'd have woken / I would have woken him up. 4 If Jane hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to buy the car. or ...I couldn't have bought the car. 5 If Karen hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she'd have been injured / she would have been injured (in the crash). 6 If you'd had / If you had had (some) breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now. 7 If I'd had /If I had had (some) money, I'd have got /1 would have got a taxi. 40.3 2 I wish I'd applied /1 wish I had applied for it. or ... for the job. 3 I wish I'd learned /1 wish I had learned to play a musical instrument (when I was younger). 4 I wish I hadn't painted it red. or ... the gate red. 5 I wish I'd brought /1 wish I had brought my camera. 6 I wish they'd phoned / I wish they had phoned first (to say they were coming), or I wish I'd known /1 wish I had known they were coming. UNIT 41 41.1 hope wish wished hope wish ... hope 41.2 2 I wish Jane/she would come. or ... would hurry up. 3 I wish somebody would give me a job. 4 I wish the/that baby would stop crying. 5 I wish you would buy some new clothes, or I wish you would get some new clothes. 6 I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. 7 I wish you wouldn't leave the door open (all the time). 8 I wish people wouldn't drop litter in the street. 41.3 2 OK 3 I wish I had more free time. 4 I wish our flat was/were a bit bigger. 5 OK 6 OK 7 I wish everything wasn't/weren't so expensive. 41.4 3 I knew 4 I'd taken / I had taken 5 I could come 6 I wasn't /1 weren't 7 they'd hurry / they would hurry 8 we didn't have 9 we could have stayed 10 it wasn't / weren't 11 he'd decide / he would decide 12 we hadn't gone UNIT 42 42.1 2 is made 3 was damaged 4 were invited 5 are shown 6 are held 7 was written ... was translated 8 were overtaken 9 is surrounded 42.2 2 When was television invented? 3 How are mountains formed? 4 When was Pluto discovered? 5 What is silver used for? 42.3 3 covers 4 is covered 5 are locked 6 was posted ... arrived 7 sank ... was rescued 8 died ... were brought up 9 grew up 10 was stolen 11 disappeared 12 did Sue resign 13 was Bill sacked 14 is owned 15 called ... was injured ... wasn't needed 16 .were these photographs taken ... Did you take 17 'm not bothered / am not bothered 42.4 2 All flights were cancelled because of fog. 3 This road isn't used much. 4 I was accused of stealing money. 5 How are languages learned/learnt? 6 We were warned not to go out alone. UNIT 43 43.1 2 it can't be broken 3 it can be eaten 4 it can't be used 5 it can't be seen 6 it can be carried 43.2 3 be made 4 be spent 5 have been repaired 6 be carried 7 have been caused 8 be woken up 9 have been arrested 43.3 2 The meeting has been postponed. 3 The computer is being used at the moment. 4 I didn't realise that our conversation was being recorded. 5 ... we found that the game had been cancelled. 6 A new ring road is being built round the city. 7 A new hospital has been built near the airport. 43.4 3 It's been stolen! / It has been stolen! 4 Somebody has taken it. or ... taken my umbrella. 5 He's been promoted. / He has been promoted. 6 It's being redecorated. / It is being redecorated. 7 It's working again. / It is working again. ... It's been repaired. / It has been repaired. 8 The furniture had been moved. 9 He hasn't been seen since then. 10 I haven't seen her for ages. 11 Have you ever been mugged? UNIT 44 44.1 2 I was asked some difficult questions at the interview. 3 Linda was given a present by her colleagues when she retired. 4 I wasn't told about the meeting. 5 How much will you be paid for your work? 6 I think Tom should have been offered the job. 7 Have you been shown what to do? 44.2 2 3 4 5 6 being invited being given being knocked down being treated being stuck 44.3 2-6 Beethoven was born in 1770. Agatha Christie was born in 1890. Galileo was born in 1564. Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869. Martin Luther King was born in 1929. Elvis Presley was born in 1935. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452. William Shakespeare was born in 1564. 7 I was born in ... 44.4 2 got stung get used got stolen get paid got stopped get damaged get asked UNIT 45 45.1 2 The weather is expected to be good tomorrow. 3 The thieves are believed to have got in through a window in the roof. 4 Many people are reported to be homeless after the floods. 5 The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over a wall. 6 The man is alleged to have been driving at 110 miles an hour. 7 The building is reported to have been badly damaged by the fire. 8 a The company is said to be losing a lot of money, b The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year, c The company is expected to make a loss this year. 45.2 2 He is supposed to know a tot of famous people. 3 He is supposed to be very rich. 4 He is supposed to have twelve children. 5 He is supposed to have been an actor when he was younger. 45.3 2 You're / You are supposed to be my friend. 3 I'm /1 am supposed to be on a diet. 4 It was supposed to be a joke. 5 Or maybe it's / it is supposed to be a flower. 6 You're / You are supposed to be working. 45.4 2 're / are supposed to start 3 was supposed to phone 4 aren't / 're not / are not supposed to block 5 was supposed to arrive UNIT 46 46.1 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 46.2 2 To have my jacket cleaned. 3 To have my watch repaired. 4 To have my eyes tested. 345