Requirements Please · Bring positive attitude and your will to work! · Don´t be late (come on time)! · Don´t disturb yourself and others with your mobile phone! · Don´t eat! · Try to use the time by talking in English, to an English question always answer in English! · Be ready for lessons: have your homework, bring your course books and your school aids! · Don´t discuss your private business in the lessons (unless you want to share it with the class in English)! · Be honest! Feel free to share your ideas, opinions with your teacher (either personally or write an email:! · Hand your written tasks into odevzdávarna. · To take a new test you have to pass the previous one first. Bonus 100% attendance – you don´t have to write the final test Being ready in time – you don´t have to write for/against essay Passing 1st version of a test (65%) - 5% added to the next one How to pass our English course? * be active in the lessons * 75% attendance (you can miss five sessions) * hand in written tasks * perform a presentation * pass tests (chance to retake 2x each) If you don’t keep the requirements repeatedly (you can be asked to leave the classroom) and the lesson will be registered as you were absent.