Irregular verbs 1 Complete the crossword by filling in the correct part of each verb (intinitive or past tense) in the table. (See example) 'B 2 0 U G H 6T 7 Across—► Down 1 Infinitive Past tense bring 2 Across (7) 5 Across (5) broke teach 6 Across (6) speak 8 Across (5) carry 10 Across (7) meet 12 Across (3) hear 14Across (5) - sell 15 Across (4) get 17 Across (3) 18 Across (3) saw Infinitive Past tense buy 1 Down (6) 3 Down. (5) wrote be 4 Down (3) think 7 Down (7) sit 8 Down (3) say 9 Down (4) do 11 Down (3) 13 Down (4) fell sleep 15 Down (5) lose 16 Down (4) 13 Irregular verbs 2 Complete the crossword by filling in the correct part of each verb (infinitive or past tense) in the table. 1 2 3 A 5 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 i 12 13 14 15 16 17 Infinitive Past tense ging 1 Across (4) 2 Across (5) built 4 Across (3) ran give 6 Across (4) break 7 Across (5) 8 Across (6) froze catch 9 Across (6) take 12 Across (4) fly 13 Across (4) go 16 Across (4) Infinitive Past tense cut 17 Across (3J 1 Down (4) swam bite 2 Down (3) drink 3 Down (5) understand 5 Down (10) 7 Down (6) became 10 Down (4) hid 11 Down (4) made leave 14 Down (4) keep 15 Down (4) 29