Match the opposites: • success • rich • win * receive ■ poor • give • lose • failure A Discuss which two of the following are the most important in achieving success. ■ family • appearance - hard work - teacher • talent or ability - luck B Look at the successful people below. Which of the things above do you think were most important in their success? Whose success do you think is the most impressive? •A J Steve Redgrave has won 5 gold medals Naomi Campbell earns£10,000 a day Tatum O'Neal won an Oscar aged 10 George Solti had 31 Grammies by the time he died in 1997 Skills 1 Thinking about the text A Read the first few lines of the article and choose the best title for it from 1-5. 1 Finding time for your work 2 How to get to the top 3 Going nowhere fast 4 A teenage success 5 A question of luck B Read the rest of the text quickly and see if you were right. 2 Reading for specific information Look through the text quickly to find specific information. When you see the information you are looking for, read that part of the text more carefully. Read the article again and tick the statements which are correct. Underline the parts of the article which help you to do this. Correct any incorrect statements. 1 Schwarzenegger's parents wanted him to take up weightlifting. 2 Daniel's headmaster had no confidence in him. 3 Schwarzenegger believes the secret of success is difficult to explain. 4 You have to have great natural talent to succeed. 5 You will work harder if you get something in return for your effort. 1 Do you want to be successful? Do you wish you could become a top athlete, a movie star? This article looks at one psychologist's view of how to achieve your dream. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a skinny teenager living in 5 Austria when, against his parents' wishes, he started weightlifting. Three times a week he went to the local gym to train, and each evening he worked out for several hours at home. Today the champion bodybuilder-turned-actor has succeeded in becoming one of the most popular actors 10 in the history of the cinema and one of the richest men in show business. Daniel Green's headmaster told the 17-year-old schoolboy he 'would go nowhere'. But Daniel was already sending high street clothes shops samples of his own fashion 15 range. By 22 he had contracts with 30 shops. To achieve his dream - of an enormous store with all the designer brands under one roof - he spent seven months in a tiny flat in London persuading 150 leading designer labels to buy his products. Today the Brand Centre shop he created 20 is making millions of pounds a year. What brought two very different people to the top of their professions? Schwarzenegger put his finger on it when, in a recent interview, he was asked to explain his success. 'Hard work,' he said. 'And lots of discipline and 25 positive thinking.' Reading 3 Understanding the text Multiple choice questions nearly always follow the order of the information in the text. Look at all the answers carefully before you make your choice. Answer questions 1-4 by choosing the correct answer, a, b or c. Look at the first one, where an example has been done for you. 1 Before Schwarzenegger became a successful actor, he a worked in a gym. (The text says ... 'he decided to take up weightlifting.... he went to a local gym to train'). A is incorrect because he didn't WORK in the gym, he TRAINED in the gym. b was a champion bodybuilder, c worked in a cinema box-office. 2 What did Daniel achieve before he was 22? a He opened a giant store selling designer brand clothes. b He had contracts with 150 designer label companies. c He was supplying shops with clothes he designed himself. 3 The author of the text thinks the people who succeed are those a with the most natural talent and ability, b with the most time. c who work harder than anyone else most of the time. 4 What does 'This' refer to in the last sentence? a working hard b achieving your dream c givi ng you rself a rewa rd Whatever you do, it's important to have ambition and determination. Those who rise to the topmost heights in any field aren't just the ones with the greatest natural talent, or luck. They're the ones who not only put in the 30 hours but work effectively by creating enough time for their work. They also learn to improve their weak points instead of worrying about them. Whatever your work or studies are, always promise yourself a reward for what you have managed to achieve. 35 If you finish your day's work, then you watch a film. If you do well and your effort is'noticed by those around you, be proud of yourself and buy a new pair of trainers. This will inspire you to work even harder! based on an article in The Reader's Digest Vocabulary 4 Opposite meanings A Find adjectives in the article which mean the opposite of the adjectives below. They are in the order in which they appear. • well built • poorest • tiny • similar • negative ^ • strong • ashamed B Write sentences using three of the adjectives you found in the article. 5 Word formation A Find the nouns of these adjectives in the article. • ambitious • disciplined • determined • talented • lucky • successful • hard-working B Now use one of the nouns or adjectives in A to complete 1-7. .. He wants to have a shop 1 Daniel Green is very _ in every city in Europe by the time he's 30. 2 My brother is a wonderful singer. He is very__ 3 You need a lot of_to win a million pounds on the lottery. 4 I'm really tired. Climbing up that hill was__ 5 Arnold Schwarzenegger is a very_actor. He has made lots of movies and millions of dollars. 6 Sarah was so_to buy a bicycle that she didn't go out for six months and saved the money. 7 My teacher likes to have_in her classroom. We have to be quiet. These pictures show successful people. What would you like to achieve after you leave school? Do you agree with the writer's idea that the only way to succeed is through hard work? What do you think is the key to success? Grammar ozb> The past simple and the past continuous A Do you know who this is? B What bands or singers do you like? C Did any of them start their careers when they were very young? 1 A radio programme $Q 8+9 A Listen to part of a radio programme about Bjork, Iceland's most famous musician, and fill in the missing verbs. Björk She1_ her first album when she was just 11 years old. In the next eight years she in three bands. In 1981, she Rekyavik. on a TV programme, Rock in B Look at the verbs in A. They are all in the past simple. How do we form the past simple of regular verbs? When a regular verb ends in t or d (e.g. start or record) the -ed ending is pronounced /id/. When a regular verb ends in another sound the -ed ending is pronounced /t/ or Idl. C Look at the verbs in A again. How are they pronounced? D Can you pronounce these verbs? Listen and see if you were right. wanted walked turned ended jumped invented believed 2 Irregular verbs Many verbs are irregular. You need to learn the past simple forms: see, saw; drink, drank, etc. Look at page 134. Choose one of the verbs below and write it in the correct form to complete 1-5. Which verb is regular? write ■ win • be • play begin when she2 very young. Bjork's career1_ Bjork3_the Best Actress Award at the 53rd Cannes Film Festival for her role in the musical Dancer in the Dark. She4_a factory worker in the film. She also 5_the film's score herself. The past simple and the past continuous Match these examples with the time lines. 1 She met Einar Orn and Sigtryggur Baldursson when she was recording a radio programme in 1984. 2 When Bjork, Einar and Sigtryggur met, they talked about starting a new band. 1 Now 1 Now rammar cite etc Form Write these sentences in negative and question forms. 1 Past simple Positive P/arK phoned Cinar._ Negative Question 2 Past continuous Positive GitHtr was recording at the studio. Negative- Question-- Uses Complete 1 and 2 with the explanations in a-d. 1 We use the past simple- and_ 2 We use the past continuous and__ a for an action which went on for some time in the past. b for an action which happened at a particular time in the past. c for an action which was taking place when another interrupted it. d for actions taking place one after another in the past. 4 The past simple or the past continuous? Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1 When Bjork_(perform) with the new band, they -(release) two albums, The Eye and Holidays in Europe. 2 The band then_(go) on a European tour. 3 Bjork and her husband_(have) a son and _(start) the band the Sugarcubes in 1986. 4 Bjork_'(break) up with her husband, and _(move) to London with her son in 1993. 5 While she_(live) in London, her solo career -(begin). 6 She_(choose) a style that was influenced by the British dance scene. 7 She_(take) home the Best Actress Award at the 53rd Cannes Film Festival, for her role in the musical film Dancer in the Dark. 8 While she__(work) on her new film, she _(win) another award. 5 The correct tense Complete this paragraph about a new band by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. When the band 1_(get) together, they 2_(not / be) worried about being compared to other bands. It 3_(not/ matter) to them because even then they 4__(make) music which was very different from anyone else's. They all like different types of music, however. When Mark 5_(grow) up in France, he 6_(like) to listen to rock music like Police and U2. Paul 7_(grow) up in _(learn) to play Spain. When he 8 _ guitar, he used to listen to quite heavy music like Metallica and Led Zeppelin. Since becoming part of the band, they have been able to meet some of their heroes. Anna 9 -(meet) Sting at a party but admits she 10_(can / not) think of a single thing to say to him! Activate 6 Information exchange Work in pairs. One follow the instructions for Student A, the other for Student B. Student A Read and complete the text using the past simple or past continuous. 'Michael (1) (have) breakfast yesterday morning when the post (2) (arrive). He (3) (listen) to the radio at the time so he (4) (not / hear) the postman ring the bell. His mother (5) (bring) him an official-looking letter a few minutes later. He (6) (open) it, wondering what it (7) (can) be. Imagine his surprise when he (8) (read) it and (9) (find) out that his application to enter the young musician's talent competition had been accepted! Student B's story is called 'Sarah's phonecall'. Find out what happened in the story by asking these questions. 1 Where was Sarah when she got the phonecall? 2 What was she doing? Why? 3 Who phoned her? 4 Why was she phoning? 5 What did Sarah do then? Student B Read and complete the text using the past simple or past continuous. 'Sarah (1) (drive) to France with her family last July. They (2) (go) on holiday for two weeks. Suddenly, her mobile phone (3) (ring). She (4) (answer) it. It (5) (be) her grandmother. She (6) (ring) to tell her that she had passed all her exams. She (7) (feel) so excited that she (8) (ask) her mother to stop the car at the next motorway services. To celebrate, she (9) (buy) everyone in her family lunch! Student A's story is called 'Michael's letter'. Find out what happened by asking these questions. 1 Where was Michael when he got the letter? 2 What was he doing? 3 Did he have any problems getting the letter? Why? 4 What did he think when he got the letter? 5 What was in the letter? <3> Listening Match the verbs to the nouns: • watch • see • listen to • hear • a CD • a picture • a programme on TV • a noise A Do you like adverts? Which is your favourite? B Look at these adverts. What do you think they are advertising? 1 True or false? 10 You will hear Sarah and Luke talking about advertisements on TV. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Luke likes the chocolate advert. 2 Sarah thinks all adverts are good. 3 Luke thinks some adverts are funny. 4 Sarah can't understand Luke's sense of humour. 5 Most actors appear in TV adverts in their careers. Note-taking mute* y/#»Fj- You should write no more than two or three words or a number when you write notes, so write only the information you need. A You will hear of a radio programme about two actors, Georgina and Danny, who work in TV advertisements. Look at these words. Which ones do you think they might use to describe their jobs? • glamorous - fun • tiring • embarrassing • exciting B Look at the boxes, listen carefully and complete the notes. age now:, how he felt filming his first scene: 2)lr(Q age now: how she felt filming her first scene: V 3 Stressed words w+13 A Look at the sentence below. Listen to the recording and decide which two words in this sentence are stressed. My favourite advertisement on the television is an advert for trainers. B Listen to these sentences and underline the word that is stressed most. 1 The adverts are terrible. 2 Why aren't there more adverts on TV? 3 Do actors really enjoy appearing in TV ads? Soundbites Gonna make you a star Listen to Gonna make you a star, a song by David Essex, then answer these questions. 1 What does the singer think is strange? 2 What is the singer going to do soon? 3 What does he not care about? 4 How would you feel if someone decided to make you a star? 1 Films In pairs, ask each other the following questions. 1 How often do you go to the cinema? 2 Do you prefer to watch a film at the cinema or on video? Why? 3 If you watch a film in another language, do you prefer it to have subtitles or a voiceover? Why? 4 Which kinds of films do you prefer? Use these words to help you. • romantic films • action films • thrillers • historical epics • comedies ■ horror films 2 Choosing a film A Imagine these three films in English are showing at a cinema near you. Which picture looks the most interesting? What do the numbers in brackets mean? IP, Chocolat(i2) Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp find romance in a small French village where life changes for all the inhabitants when Binoche decides to open a chocolate shop during Lent. Well worth seeing. Oscar-winner Russell Crowe shows real star quality in this monumental epic set in the ancient Roman Empire. The costumes and special effects are magnificent. Definitely worth seeing. Enemy st ?ates£j; A wartime story set in Stalingrad. Jude Law is an expert shot, Joseph Fiennes is his close friend, and Rachel Weisz is the woman caught between the two. Interesting for fans of action films. B Listen to or read the dialogue. Which film do Jim and Jane decide to go and see? 1 Expressing preferences * vghfct^-r or not to vgatt for ^ou. Anna r © TO - T'fA alad yo\i liKed the present. Four birthday weal \^as lovely. Po yov \jantto ßo throvßh yovr essay tonight atl7. l_ J © Dave Do \pu have Allies address and telephone number"? I'm supposed to be going round there to plan an essay and I've lost rmj address.. book. Ben_,__,_ Im Serry, I cxv\\ mako it \o Hie f.lm. i've op\ a bit} c-SSay \o fiVusU tcday^ So Iw op,*vj \o Spetod +ťvz. eVerWig al tUc library. Hcpc ycu cw'py See yctl tafcr'. And^ phoned. i{e's g0^ ^ 6c*efe tShe AYeta((cca coJcenS in ^. £>o l|oli -^anCLf going? Tine feet's are Us each. Please (ef me KnoiM asap as he (Mantfs an ansiue*- tfhes a-f^ocl. R06 Fob ffllTTmTf :W love, to tome to the 6oncert:±:it sounds!: great Could >jqu :pa>{ for :me;to give >jou the- mone^j batfc when I see- >fou?. 6,eor9ie. f TltTl1lTÍ111Ť1#r± :r±JT 77/yj Thanks fot~ ^iy /ct/e/y /present. X had a rea//y great áltthday. X hope, it didn't take too /ong to tidy up. Can toe arrange, -for you to he/p /yje ujrite /yiy literature eSSay? Jenny Be/, 7 think youh qddt-ess hook is on the kitchen tqhle. Afiywqy, Allies /tumheh is OI8&S SI3~)S4t Qfid heh qddhess is 11 The Hijh Stheet, yoKi hqve to 30 t-outid the hqck of the hvildi/ij, heh flqt's jot q t-ed dooh. See you Iqteh. 4 Steps to better writing 3 Informal language When we write notes to friends, we usually use short, informal language which is similar to the language we use when we talk to friends. Look at the notes in 1 again and do 1-6. 1 Find four examples of contractions. Example i'm going to see Bridget Jones' diary. 2 Find a short way of saying thank you. 3 There are two sentences containing the verb hope. What word is missing from one of them? 4 An informal way of saying goodbye appears in two of the notes. What is it? 5 Find these two sentences in the notes. What other words could you use to replace the words in italics? Sorry, I can't make it to the film. Do you fancy going? 6 Find asap in the notes. What do you think it means? 4 Prepositions of time A In some of the notes, the writers use times and dates -for example at 6.30, on Saturday. Look through the time expressions below. They are used with in, on, at or no preposition. Put the words in the correct column: tonight - six o'clock « December > midnight • Monday « Wednesday 18th • next week • 1995 • 12.30 • the 1980s • tomorrow Christmas Day ■ yesterday - the summer Writing notes in on at (no preposition) B Complete the sentences with in, on, at or no preposition. 1 Could you pick Jenny up from the station_ tomorrow? She's getting in_8.14. 2 My family always go away on holiday_the summer. 3 Just a quick note to thank you for the wonderful party _last night. 4 I'm afraid that we'll be away on holiday_June. 5 Do you feel like having dinner_Tuesday? 6 It's my birthday_the 15th. Making an arrangement You have received this note. You decide you want to go to see the film. Reply to Bob's note using the information on the cinema notice board. Tell him you want to go, and arrange a time to meet outside the cinema. 2>o you -5ti// toarit to go to the cJne/yra ■ tonight? X thought toe Cou/d go and ■See that neco 3a/>7eS Bond -fi/^i. Can you ■find out tohich dine/yja it 3 čhoujing at and tohat ti/yje it's on? *//o/?e to See you /ater. Boé> 6 Apologising When you get home from checking the cinema time, you find this message from your friend Anna. Write a reply, apologising and saying why you can't go. 1>o ifou. j-O-KCif- CoWiÍkcj, /oukcI \o hoy Infuse \o uittoh Ol fibm W^W? We Could bud} so\rft fizttL. 1 V^lvtK^ sttK ifůu foť (LcýLs. Word focus ^ Reading for pleasure mtbm The big time 1 Dppposite meanings Circle the correct adjective in these sentences. 1 Arnold Schwarzenegger is skinny I well built because he goes to the gym. 2 Bill Gates is one of the richest I poorest men in the world. He has billions of dollars. 3 I saw a tiny I enormous dog the other day. It was the smallest I've ever seen. 4 I bought a similar I different jumper to my sister. Now we look almost the same! 5 You should try and be more negative I positive about your life and try to be happy. 6 The film had many weak I strong points, for example, the ending was terrible. 7 I am very proud I ashamed of my brother. He is very clever. 2 Success A Use these endings to make the nouns below into adjectives. Some letters in the nouns may need to be changed. -ing - -ed • -d • -y • -ed 5 determination 6 luck 7 hard work -ful • -IOUS 1 ambition 2 talent 3 discipline 4 success B Complete this text about a successful person using the nouns and adjectives from A. Naomi is a model. She makes £10,000 a day! Some people say that she is very 1_because she was born beautiful, so her life is easy. However, being a model is 2__because you have to work long hours. You have to be 3_ about what you eat, no chocolate or cream cakes. Naomi knows that models can't work forever. She wants to show everyone that she has 4_, that she can sing beautifully. She is 5_to become a pop star. Her 6_is to sing on television. 3 "types of movies Rearrange these letters to make different types of films or movies. • noiact • llerthris ■ storicalih pice • mancetior * omecdies • rroroh Extension 4 Show business A Use these words to complete the table. film star ballet theatre film comedian cinema opera singer play musician concert hall • dancer show Place Type of entertainment Entertainer concert hall play / show film star B Write a sentence describing your favourite type of entertainment and your favourite entertainer. The audience Use one of these verbs in its correct form to complete sentences 1-8. c see watch goto hear listen to sit clap boo 1 Do you_much television? I_a really interesting film on TV last night. The actor spoke so quietly that I couldn't_what he was saying. We_the ballet on Saturday night. It was fantastic! We normally_ in the stalls at the theatre. 6 At the end of the hit musical, the audience_for about half an hour. 7 The play was so bad that everyone_when it finished. 8 I really don't like_classical music. Meanings of mate In each of these sentences, make has a different meaning. Match the sentences with their meanings a-e. 1 The top movie stars make millions of dollars on each film. 2 The film was terribly sad - it made me cry. 3 Hundreds of films are made each year in Hollywood. 4 It was a blockbuster and made her a star overnight. 5 In the story, the hero's father makes him marry a woman he's never met. a force someone to do something b produce or create something c have a particular effect or feel ing d earn e to become something i) r Erich Segal (retold by Rosemary Border) This extract is from a story which was made into a very successful film with Ryan O'Neal and All MacGraw. In the autumn of my last year at Harvard University, I studied a lot in the Radcliffe library. The library was quiet, nobody knew me there, and they had the books that I needed for my studies. The day before an examination I went over to the library desk to ask for a book. Two girls were working there. One was tall and sporty. The other was quiet and wore glasses. I chose her, and asked for my book. She gave me an unfriendly look. 'Don't you have a library at Harvard?' she asked. 'Radcliffe let us use their library,' I answered. 'Yes, Preppie*, they do - but is it fair? Harvard has five million boob. We have a few thousand.' Oh dear, I thought. A clever Radcliffe girl. I can usually make girls like her feel very small. But I needed that damn book, so I had to be polite. 'Listen, I need that damn book.' 'Don't speak like that to a lady, Preppie.' 'Why are you so sure that I went to a prep** school?' She took off her glasses. 'You look stupid and rich,' she said. 'You're wrong, I'm actually clever and poor.' 'Oh no, Preppie,' she said. 'I'm clever and poor.' She was looking straight at me. All right, she had pretty brown eyes; and OK, perhaps I looked rich. But I don't let anyone call me stupid. 'What makes you so clever?' I asked. 'I'm not going to go for a coffee with you,' she said. 'Listen - I'm not going to ask you!' 'That' she said, 'is what makes you stupid'. Let me explain why I took her for coffee. I got the library book that I wanted, didn't I? And she couldn't leave the library until closing time. So I was able to study the book for a good long time. I got an A in my exam the next day. We went to a coffee shop and I ordered coffee for both of us. 'I'm Jennifer Gavilleri,' she said. 'I'm American, but my family came from Italy. I'm studying music.' 'My name is Oliver,' I said. 'Is that your first or last name?' she asked. 'First. My other name is Barrett.' 'Oh,' she said. 'Like Elizabeth Barrett the writer? 'Yes,' I said. 'No relation.' I was pleased that she hadn't said, 'Barrett, like Barrett Hall?' That Barrett is a relation of mine. Barrett Hall is a large, unlovely building at Harvard University. My greatgrandfather gave it to Harvard long ago, and I am deeply ashamed of it. She was silent. She sat there, half-smiling at me. I looked at her notebooks. 'Sixteenth-century music?' I said. 'That sounds difficult.' 'It's too difficult for you, Preppie,' she said coldly. Why was I letting her talk to me like this? Didn't she read the university magazine? Didn't she know who I was? 'Hey, don't you know who I am?' 'Yes,' she answered. 'You're the man who owns Barrett Hall.' She didn't know who I was. 'I don't own Barrett Hall,' I argued. 'My greatgrandfather gave it to Harvard, that's all.' 'So that's why his not-so-great grandson could get into Harvard so easily!' I was angry now. 'Jenny, if I'm no good, why did you want me to invite you for coffee?' She looked straight into my eyes and smiled. 'I like your body/ she said. * someone who has been to a prep school ** an expensive private school for rich people's children Understanding the story Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). Oliver studied at Radcliffe University. Jennifer had seen Oliver in the library before. Oliver and Jennifer did not get on well when they first met. Oliver did not like the building his grandfather had given to Harvard University. Jennifer had no idea who Oliver really was. Jennifer did not find Oliver attractive. Vocabulary Find words in the story which mean the opposite of the words below. • noisy • short (in height) • friendly • impolite • opening • proud • warmly Your reactions 1 If you were Jennifer, would you go for coffee with Oliver? 2 What do you think happens to Oliver and Jennifer in the end? Revision focus Units 1 and 2 Grammar 1 Complete this dialogue by putting the verb in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. r Chris Greg Chris Greg Chris Greg Chris Greg Chris Greg Is your brother here at the party? No he is_studying (study) late again tonight. Really? What1_(do)? He2_(finish) his maths homework. At the weekend? 13_(not think) that's fair. No neither do I, but his teacher4_ (give) the class a lot of homework, because she 5_(say) the exams6_ (become) more and more difficult. 7_(you know) that guy over there? Which one? The one who8_(talk) to Monica? Yes. Oh That's Pierre, the exchange student. He 9_(come) from France.10_(you want) to go and say hello? 2 Complete the sentences using can, can't or be able to. 1 My brother is good at speaking Arabic, but he_ write it. 2 Talk to Annie about your problem - I'm sure she will _help. 3 She started learning the piano years ago, so she_ play quite well. 4 I'm sorry, but I_come to the cinema with you tonight. 5 Jack-drive quite well, but he hasn't passed his driving test yet. 6 I'd like to_type as fast as you. 7 I might-come to the party, I don't know yet. 8 James-play the piano very well. It sounds horrible. 3 Complete the text using the past simple or the past continuous form of one of the verbs below. • pick • can ■ be • call • ring • watch Life is full of unexpected opportunities. Last Monday morning, 1 1_the news on TV when the telephone 2__13_up the receiver and, to my surprise, on the other end of the telephone 4_one of my father's friends. He owns a small local newspaper and he 5_to offer me a job. 1 6_not believe my luck. 1 had been looking for a job with a newspaper for several weeks. Combine the two sentences in 1-6 to make one sentence using the past simple and the past continuous and the words when or while. I walked home. It started to rain. My friend came to see me. I had dinner. I talked to my friend on the phone. Susan knocked at the door. The singer met the members of the group. She recorded a radio programme. Paul toured around France. He met his wife. Sally did her homework. Her mother called her for dinner. 5 Put a or the, or use no article in gaps 1-10. Usually I can't stand 1 films but we went to 2_ _ war Odeon cinema the other day and saw 3_ really fantastic film. The action began to 5. 6 United States, then moved Britain. It was about soldier who decides he doesn't want to fight any more and runs away from 7_ army. He travels as far as 8_Scotland before he is caught and sent abroad on active service. The film is full of 9_suspense and very exciting. 10_people in the audience seemed to enjoy it very much, and when it finished, no one appeared to be in a hurry to leave the cinema. Listening