Vocabulary 1 Opposite meanings A Find the opposites of these words in the word square. • positive • proud • tiny • well built • strong • richest • different A N S T E B E P E S (s K I N N Y) 0 S I T H G 0 M U 0 I W 0 D A R I N R M V E C K M S L E I S N A Q 0 E T S L 0 R M K U B D T A z C L S S R F K R E N E G A T I V E B Now complete these sentences with the words from A. 1 You can't say Lucas is fat, but he's definitely 2 War and natural disasters have made this country one of the.........................countries in the world. 3 I like this jacket, but not in this colour. Have you got something.........................in a darker colour? 4 Congratulations! You must be.........................of your fantastic results. 5 There are hundreds of fantastic shops in the new shopping centre. It's a really.........................place. 6 I don't understand why you said such terrible things to Sophie. I'm.........................of you. 7 I've done lots of revision, so I'm feeling .........................about passing the exam. 8 Dad has lost too much weight on his diet. He looks really .........................now. 9 We need ten.........................people to move the piano into the school hall. 10 David isn't like his sister at all; they're very .........................from each other. 2 Word formation A Complete the gaps with an adjective form of the nouns in brackets. How to rise to the top If you want to be.........................in life, then you need to be really..........................Think about how and when you work best and plan your work around those times, (success, discipline) Don't be afraid to be..........................Keep trying to do your best. Positive thinking will help you to achieve your goals. (ambition) There's no quick way to success - be .........................at all times. Don't stand still. Keep moving forward, (determination) You may or may not be.........................but whatever your strengths are, you must be (talent, hard work) Some people are..........................Who knows, you j may be one of them and get your big break soon! (luck) B Complete the captions for the cartoons. Use one of the words from A in each caption, in its noun or adjective form, and any other words that are necessary. Poor Maria. She isn't.... This class hasn't got much Grammar ( >• Grammar reference, page 134 ) 3 The past simple A Put the verbs in the chart into their past form, present past be ......................... discover ......................... get ......................... go ......................... say ......................... start ......................... surprise ......................... talk ......................... teach ......................... want ......................... Unit 2 B Complete the gaps in this article with past simple verbs from A. Dominic McVey is Britain's young-est millionaire. My mum 1.........................me to be myself and say what I think. So I don't think it .........................her that I went into business when I 3......................... 11 years old. I 4.........................Viza scooters on the net, and I 5.........................about them all the time on holiday that summer. Mum 6.......................'Oh, another of Dom's crazy ideas.' But when we 7.........................home again, I 8.........................to the bank with a business plan. I 9.........................to sell the scooters in Europe. I 10.........................my company, Scooters UK, which is now worth five million pounds.' 3 Seeing a black cat means 4 Good old Tom! He's C Read the biography of Robbie Williams. Write questions using the prompts, then answer them. Robbie Williams started his musical career as a teenager in the boy band, Take That The band split up in 1995 and Robbie wanted to make it to the top of the music profession as a solo performer. His first solo single, Freedom, sold about a quarter of a million copies. More than a year later he produced his first solo album, Life thru a lens. It didn't sell very well at first, but success came suddenly, when the single Angels came out. He performed at the Glastonbury Festival in 2001, one of the most important events in his career. He is now one of the top pop singers in the world. Example when / Robbie Williams start his musical career? When did Robbie Williams start his musical career? He started his musical career when he was a teenager, his first solo single / sell a million copies? Did his first solo single sell a million copies? No, it didn't. It sold a quarter of a million copies. 1 which band / he perform in? 2 he/want to stay with the band? 3 his first album / sell well at first? 4 when / success come? 5 where/he perform in 2001? D © 4 The past continuous Put these phrases in the correct order to make sentences in the past continuous. 1 were you working / in 1998 / on the film / ? 2 about you / was thinking / last night /1 3 about / Mike's parents / his school report / very happy / weren't feeling 4 Christina / her new CD / in the English lesson / was listening to / yesterday 5 in Madrid / still living / you saw her / was / when / Teresa / ? 5 The past simple or the past continuous? A Choose the correct alternative for sentences 1-6. 1 It was a beautiful day - the sun was shining Ishone and it was very hot. 2 By mid-afternoon, lots of people enjoyed I were enjoying themselves at the open-air concert. 3 The main band appeared I were appearing on the stage at six o'clock. 4 They played/were playing their hit song when the sky became black. 5 Suddenly it started to rain really heavily and the band left /were leaving the stage. 6 The rain wasn t stopping / didnt stop so we all had to go home. B Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, past simple or past continuous. Last year 11.........................(stay) by the sea with my parents. One day my Mum, Dad and 12......................... (walk) along the sea wall near the marina when I 3.........................(see) a famous film star - one of my favourite stars! He 4.........................(sit) on the deck of a luxury boat. While 15.........................(stare) at him, I suddenly 6.........................(fall) off the sea wall and into the sea! Dad 7.........................(manage) to get me out, but he 8.........................(be) angry with me. 'What 9.................(you /do)? Why10.........................(you/ fall off)?' he shouted. Tm sorry,' I said, '111......................... (stand) too close to the edge.' 112.........................(look) quickly at the film star again - he13......................... (laugh) at me. After that, I never14.........................(watch) any of his films again! Functions 6 Expressing preferences Number the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. A........ Jonny I'd like to see Shrek. What about you? B........ Luke OK. Let's go to the video shop on the way home and choose something we'd both enjoy. C........ Jonny Well I've seen that! I think I'd rather not watch all those dinosaurs again. D .../.... Luke Which video shall we get to watch at my house tonight? E........ Jonny Good idea! I'll see you later. F........ Luke I've seen Shrek. I'd prefer to get Jurassic Parklll. 7 Making suggestions Write four suggestions. Use the pictures and these phrases: What about ...ing?, Let's... and Why don't we...? CLUB i^7 fit 1 2 3 4 Giving an account of your evening Imagine you went out yesterday evening and had a fantastic time. Write notes to answer these questions. 1 Who did you go out with?......................................... 2 Where did you go?................................................. 3 Why was it a success?............................................ Your friend Kim is asking you about your evening. Complete the dialogue with your notes from A and some of these adjectives. • fantastic • boring • wild • glamorous • fun • OK • exciting • tiring • interesting Kim How was your evening with i.............................? You It was 2........................................ Kim What did you do? You We went to 3.......................................and then afterwards we 4........................................ Kim That sounds fun! Why did you have such a good time? You Because 5........................................It was really 6........................................ Grammar 2 (> Grammar reference, page 135 ) 9 the or no article? A Complete sentences 1-8 with the or leave the gap if the is not necessary. 1 Do you enjoy........funny films? 2 ........British enjoy films which have a lot of humour in them. 3 ........British director, Sam Mendes, has been very successful in........America. 4 ........films about famous people are always popular with ........film-goers. 5 ........first James Bond film came out in 1962. 6 ........big box office hits like Netting Hill were successful in........Britain and........United States. 7 ........American audiences needed explanations of the English language used in........British film The Full Monty. 8 ........successful films are still made in Britain today, but with money from........America. B Correct six mistakes with the in this conversation. Anna Have you seen new film with Nicole Kidman? Robert No, is it good? She usually makes the good films. Anna Yes, it is. It's called Moulin Rouge and it's set in the France, with Ewan McGregor. Robert What kind of film is it? Anna It's a love story and a musical. They sing lots of the famous songs. Robert It doesn't sound like type of film I like. Anna Oh well, perhaps you'd better just go to the horror films. C Add the to these sentences where it is necessary. Example the Have you seen any of / Jurassic Park films? 1 New Jurassic Park film will be a great success. 2 It stars same actors as in earlier Jurassic Park films. 3 Films based on popular books are often very successful. 4 Jurassic Park films are successful because of their great stories. 5 Stories are full of exciting events and interesting characters. 6 In Jurassic Park films characters really come to life. 7 Jurassic Park films have been very good for American film industry. 8 Have you read Jurassic Park book and seen films? 10 a, an or the? Complete sentences 1-6 with a, an or the. 1 Have you ever seen........Charlie Chaplin film? 2 ........Chaplin film The Gold Rush is very funny. 3 Did you watch........football match between England and Romania on TV last night? 4 Have you got........video recorder at home? 5 Yes, we've got........video recorder that my parents gave us last Christmas. 6 I'd like to watch........adventure film this evening - I'm bored with love stories. 'Unit Writing notes 11 Understanding notes Write two notes from sentences A-G. (Note 1 has four sentences, Note 2 has three sentences.) a) Come round soon for c\ meal os\d see (b) They need to be back, by lunchtlme as the library Ls closed this aftemocxv TKanks very much. d) After you left, I got most things Sorted out, SO the flat's beginning to look, like home. (T) I can't take them because I have to go to London for a meeting this morning. (F) Thanks very much for coming to the flat to help me move yesterday- (g) Could you take these books back to the library for me today T Notel Note 2 12 Informal language Read these two notes and underline language which is too formal. Rewrite the notes using contractions and these informal phrases. • thanks • sorry • asap • see you soon • Do you fancy • Hope you have • great Ludmild pta^ed. She Wis g©+ +ick.e+.s -fov- -Hie +ked+tre tovVigWf -H\A+ sVe camD+ wse. Anre you w+eves+ed gaiv*}? PieASe pta>v\e her AS soon AS possible fo +ell V»ev rf yoiA Would like +o go. Notes X'm a-fraCd- X toCjU *ert Le ahXe -to cjome. -to your bcr-tkdcy por^y. X kop>e you Move a. very succ.ess-fuX party. Tka/yjc you i/ery much -for Ou/vtc*q me.. IupoKOu^ -formar £ -to our *£X-t meetrCAq. jruMe 13 Prepositions of time Complete these notes with at, on, in or leave the gap if you do not need a preposition. Je/J/Jy Po you fahcy goirg cJu6&/*y 1........ +or>igr>+? X*// caji •for- you ........ +eSi o'c/oc/c we