Vocabulary 1 Verbs A Complete the chart with nouns made from these verbs. Use a dictionary if necessary. Verb Noun(s) care ......................... change ......................... destroy ......................... disappear ......................... survive ......................... B Complete sentences 1-10 with a verb in the correct form or a noun from A. 1 The language of the island of Hawaii......................... as a result of a project to teach it in schools. 2 The.........................of the Hawaiian language now seems more certain. 3 Some experts think that the.........................of the dinosaurs was caused by changes in climate. 4 After the climate had changed, the dinosaurs and many other species.......................... 5 The bus timetable.........................again last winter. I have to get up even earlier every morning now. 6 Check the bus timetable before you come on Tuesday. There have been lots of.........................to it recently. 7 The earthquake.........................several large buildings in the city centre. 8 The earthquake caused very little......................... outside the city centre. 9 Marisa.........................for her mother, who is old and quite ill now. 10 Governments today do not provide enough .........................for older people. 2 say, talk, speak or tell? A Match the verbs on the left with the phrases on the right. 1 say a someone something / that ... 2 talk b a language 3 speak c something to someone 4 tell d to someone about something B Complete sentences 1-10 with the correct form of say, talk, speak or tell. 1 'I didn't know what to do,' Ben..........................'I was so scared.' 2 Can you.........................Spanish? 3 I want to.........................to you about your homework. 4 .........................me that you love me! 5 Lucy.........................she's going to be a model when she leaves school. 6 Mike.........................his mother that he had the best marks in the test. 7 In the exam you have to.........................about your hobbies. 8 I don't know why Christina.........................that - it's not true. 9 .........................Gran what happened when we went to Paris. 10 Please.........................more slowly, I don't understand. 3 Verbs and nouns A Match the verbs on the left with their definitions on the right. 1 study a to change words from one language to another. 2 practise b to spend time learning about something 3 repeat c to read something again that you have learnt, often for an exam 4 revise d to say, write or do something again 5 memorise e to train regularly so that you become good at something 6 translate f to learn something so that you can remember it exactly B Now complete sentences 1-6 with the correct form of the verbs from A. 1 Speakers at the conference are not allowed to use notes, so you must.........................your speech. 2 Kate.........................two foreign languages this year, French and Spanish. 3 Joanna loves playing the violin. She......................... her pieces every day. 4 I'm going to say a word once, then you .........................it three times. 5 I can't visit Gran on Sunday. I've got to .........................for the Chemistry test on Monday. 6 I.........................difficult words into my own language. 4 Word puzzle A Complete the puzzle with words you have used in 1-3. Use the clues below to help you. Grammar 1 It is very sad when people stop speaking a language and it.... 2 I'm going to say the first line of the poem and I want you to... it twice. 3 What can we do to ... threatened languages and keep them alive? 4 Some people really ... about the environment and recycle all their paper, cans and plastic. 5 Did you ... Barbara to meet us at the cafe? 6 We're not going on the school trip on Friday because we've got to... for the end of term exams next week. 7 If you want to get into one of the best universities, you'll have to ... very hard now. 8 Lisa was laughing so much at the joke that she couldn't.... B What is the word reading down (4,)? Write a sentence to show its meaning. ( >• Grammar reference, page 134 ) 5 The present simple A Write sentences 1-10 (positive, negative or questions) in the present simple. Use the verbs in brackets. Example Adam / any foreign languages (not speak) Adam doesn't speak any foreign languages. 1 teenagers / company logos very quickly (recognise) 2 you / French? (speak) 3 Petra / ten icons on her mobile phone (have) 4 we / the meaning of this symbol (not know) 5 everybody / the meaning of f and | (understand) 6 Martin / shopping on Saturdays? (go) 7 communication / easy with symbols (be) 8 my brother / in an office (not work) 9 you / hundreds of symbols on a computer (use) 10 the supermarket / at nine o'clock? (open) B Correct the information in these sentences. Example David Beckham plays tennis. No, he doesn't. He plays football. 1 A dolphin is a bird. 2 Swiss people speak Spanish. 3 Queen Elizabeth II lives in Germany. 4 Hollywood is in Brazil. 5 Burger King makes pizzas. 6 Elephants come from Poland. o -Unit 1 The present continuous Complete the report with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. We 1.......................................(do) a project on communication at school this term. We 2.......................................(work) in groups and all the groups 3.......................................(study) different forms of communication. In my group, we 4.......................................(look) at the use of satellites to bring pictures to people's televisions all over the world. 15....................................... (prepare) a short presentation about how satellites work. Michael 6.......................................(learn) how satellites are used for news broadcasts and Melanie 7.......................................(find out) about satellites and sports events. B Read the article and choose the correct alternative for 1-10. B Put the words in the correct order to make questions about the report, then answer them. Example doing / project / language / the / on / are / a / students / ? Are the students doing a project on language? No, they aren't. They're doing a project on communication. 1 on / communication / they / project / are / in / doing / computers/a/? 2 the / business / for / Michael / use / is / satellites / studying/of/? 3 Melanie / and / satellites / finding out / pop concerts / is / about/? 7 The present simple or the present continuous? A Complete sentences 1-5 with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 Babies always.........................(learn) to speak the language of their parents. 2 My baby is just over a year old and she .........................(start) to say a few words. 3 She.........................(listen) to me when I talk to her and she.........................(copy) me. 4 She.........................(not understand) my words but my voice and actions make the meaning clear. 5 But right now she.........................(learn) anything - she.........................(sleep) for a change! It's 10.30 in the evening and I ^have / am having a bath. Or maybe it's 7.45 in the morning and I 2cycle / am cycling to school. My mobile is always with me. I 3answer / am answering every call, because I Alike / am liking talking. 5Do you use / Are you using your mobile phone as much as I 6do I am doing? At school we're not allowed to have mobiles. At the moment, we 7try / are trying to change the rules. We 8ask / are asking for permission to use our mobiles at break and at lunchtime, because we 9need / are needing to read our messages. Why 10c/o teachers always make / are teachers always making life so difficult? 8 Adverbs of frequency Add an adverb of frequency (always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never) to sentences 1-8 so that they are true for you. Example often l^go to school by bike. 1 I forget people's birthdays. 2 My friends laugh at me. 3 I get good marks for my English homework. 4 I tell lies. 5 I help my friends with their schoolwork. 6 I help at home. 7 I dream about being rich and famous. 8 My family has lunch together on Sunday. Functions 9 Talking about meaning A Put the words in 1-4 in the correct order to make questions and answers. Then complete the dialogue using the dictionary entries below. 1 does / word / what / mean / 'pants' / the / ? 2 means /think/it/'..........71 3 know / you / do / 'cab' / what / means / ? 4 says / in / dictionary / it / the /1..........' drink 2a low area or point, Dt-iween two Sigter areas: a trough of low pressure i lass- jilver tition trousers /'trauzaz/ {US pants) noun- a piece of clothing that covers the whole of both your legs. ,p „r 3ving heese good, nush- recog-/ taste small tax i Look at duty-firee. taxi /'tceksi/ (also taxicab especially US cab) noun - a car with a driver whose job is to take you somewhere for money. B Now complete this dialogue. Use the prompts and the dictionary definitions below. jim What............................................? (vacation) Jane I................................................................. Do....................................................? (trash) Jim Yes............................................................. holiday /'haledei/ noun (US vacation) - a period of rest from t work or school, often when you go 3 and stay away from home linking affi careful]? rubbish /rAbiJ/ ({^garbage: trash) noun - things that you do not want any more; waste material • ; noun LUJ piecesof broken-brick,,_\ 10 Asking questions and understanding the answer A Complete the dialogue with these questions and sentences. a Sorry, that was a bit fast, I didn't understand. b Excuse me, do you know where the swimming pool is? c Could you spell that, please? d Could you repeat it more slowly? Anna 1................................................................. Jim Of course. It's next to the school in Felixstowe Road. Go to the end of this street, turn right and keep going. It's just past the school. Anna 2................................................................. 3 Jim Sorry. Walk down this street. Turn right into Felixstowe Road. Anna 4................................................................. Jim F-E-L-l-X-S-T-O-W-E. B Complete this dialogue with questions and sentences. Follow the instructions. You (Ask where the department store is.) 1 Jane It's in Halliday Street, which is the second right after the High Street. You (Tell Jane you didn't understand, and ask her to repeat it.) 2 Jane Sorry. Go down here, cross the High Street, then the second turning on the right is Halliday Street. You (Ask Jane to spell the name of the street.) 3 How do you spell that? T-H-A-T Unit 7 Grammar 2 (> Grammar reference, page 134 ) 11 can and can't A Complete gaps 1-7 with can and one of these verbs. • find out • send • send • talk • contact • use • read New technology is wonderful. With email, my cousin in the States 1.........................me every day. He 2.........................a letter to my computer. I 3.........................my password to open the letters in my mailbox. With the Internet you 4......................... information about different subjects written by individual people and organisations. Fax machines 5.........................a message written on a piece of paper to another machine, which 6......................... the signals and print the words and pictures. With a mobile phone you7.........................to people anywhere in the world, wherever you are. B Complete sentences 1-6 with can or can't. 1 Michael.............come out with us tonight because he's got too much homework. 2 I haven't got a computer, but I.............go to an Internet cafe to read and send emails. 3 .............you spell the longest word in the English language? 4 You.............find a lot of information on the Internet. 5 Kate isn't good at music - she.............sing or play a musical instrument. 6 Please put the light on - we.............see our books. 12 can, can't or (not) be able to? Complete 1-10 with can, can't or (not) be able to. 1 When will you.........................speak English fluently? 2 We won't.........................see Tina so often in the future, because she's moving to Scotland. 3 A lot of people say they.........................dance very well, but in fact they can. 4 My sister's baby will.........................walk very soon. 5 .........................I use your dictionary, please? 6 Many young English people would like to .........................speak another language. 7 It's useful to.........................use the Internet. 8 Judith.........................always make me laugh. 9 Will I.........................to study Information Technology next year? 10 Adrian might.........................go climbing at the weekend, because he's hurt his foot. Writing a questionnaire and description 13 Asking and answering questions A A student is interviewing Sheena Davies. Match these questions with her answers. Questionnaire 1 What ambitions have you got? 2 How often do you go abroad on holiday? 3 Can you speak Welsh? 4 Do you like listening to music? 5 What time do you get up on schooldays? 6 How often do you go out with your friends? 7 What sports do you play? 8 How many people are there in your family? 9 Where do you live? 10 When do you finish a I five. b rx pi«y <*y. e lOv^^+Wice a year. f | Ac+ -tVee Irfieew. I designer, i j Yes, 1 l*ve"•+. XVe W« I of CDs. j \ Twice a WeeV,. B Now write the questions for Sheena's answers. 1 ...................................................................... Yes, i've 30+ o/ie tro+hzr AhJ oht. 2 ...................................................................... No, X'm +he. o/'*y>9 "> « 8............................................................; One. or fwo hours * Sfrec*. X otflV «»y of +he. o+hes- &o*p&. 10.................................................................;■"* X 90 ou+ my *° m*/"C w^c* TV- 14 Writing a description Complete this description of Sheena Davies with the information in 13. Sheen a V>AVieS lives in '........................., if] VaIoS. Ihere Are 2......................... people, in her -pAMily-. her parent's, herself an J her *......................... an J 4.......................... She jeis up at e......................... on schoolJAys AnJ joes "to &......................... ifijh School, ff er favourite Subject is 1......................... beCAUSe She ihinhs if-s 8.......................... She's learning ivJo foreign Un^uAje'S, 1......................... a,nJ '°.......................... She u/Airts -fo be Able fo "......................... "to people u/hen She irAVels. SheenA JoeSni like '2......................... A~t a/1. In her free "title She JoeS out iA/ith her frienJs, rtA~tcheS her fAvourrte '*......................... on ~JV An J listens io '4.......................... When she leAVeS school, She J like io be A 'e.......................... What is English? English is more multicultural than any other language. For centuries it has taken words from other languages, and today's international communication means that new words are appearing every day. In fact English contains words from more than 350 other languages! 'Goulash' from Hungarian, 'algebra' from Arabic and 'safari' from Swahili are just a few. Sometimes English even takes whole phrases. We use 'la dolce vita' from Italian, and 'e'est la vie' from French; we even have 'feng shui' from Chinese! New types of English In many countries, like India or Africa, there are hundreds of local dialects (different ways of speaking the same language). These countries often use English as a common language, and each country creates its own words. As a result new variations of English are born. In West Africa for example, traffic jams are called 'go-slows', clothes are called 'wears', and hairdresser's are known as 'barbing saloons'! International communication International communication has also created specialised English, such as Aviation English for air traffic controllers, Internet English, and even text message English for mobile phones! New words, such as 'email' and 'homepage' are added to the language when they are needed. Who does English belong to? What all this means is that English doesn't just belong to the English, but to all the people, professions and cultures who influence and change it. Today English is a truly global language ... because it belongs to everyone! Read the text and answer these questions. 1 Why is English a 'multicultural' language? 2 How many languages have given words to English? 3 Why is English useful in countries like India? 4 How has international communication influenced English? o c