OPAKOVANÍ GRAMATICKÝCH ČASŮ PROCVIČTE str. 47 1, Použijte vhodný gramatický čas 1. It never rains in the desert, /neměnný jev, opakovaně/; 2. He has just come back. /3. bod předpřít. prostého času/; 3. Look. It's raining, /teď, přít. průběhový/; 4. When I went out of the house, it was raining, /min. průběhový/; 5. It has been raining for 3 days, /předpřít. průb./; 6. It often rains, /přít. prostý, opakovaná činnost/ 7. When I was 10, I didn't speak English, /min. čas/; 8. I have already been to London 3 times this year, /předpřít. čas, mám šanci/; 9. There are clouds in the sky. It's going to rain, /vazba to be going to - příznaky v přítomnosti/; 10. I know her well, /vyjádření stavu, přít. prostý/; 11. It will rain tomorrow, /bud. čas, předpověď/; 12. My English is getting better, /přít. průb., změna stavu v současnosti/; 13. I've found a pen. /předpřít. prostý, důležitý je výsledek - nalezení pera/ ALE Where did you find it? /min. prostý, ptám se na místo/; When we came to the cinema the film had already begun, /předminulý čas, nejdřív začal film a pak jsme přišli/ str. 47-48 2. Opakováni' slovesných časů. Použijte vhodný gramatický čas. 1. has never flown; 2. have been waiting..................hasn't arrived; 3. will have already left/ will have already left...............get; 4. went.....got.....were dancing.....were talking.....was standing ......had never met.....introduced; 5. was sitting .... got.......was sitting .... tried.....was lecturing ......had been hiccupping/had hiccupped.......raised.......excused; 6. will have been......will be meeting........have missed........will be........get..........will take.........will no longer be.......... will have grown..........will be. 3. Vyberte správnou odpověď 1. Ď; 2. A; 3. C; 4. B; S. B; 6. C; 7. 10. D 4. Sloveso v závorce dejte do správného gramatického tvaru 1. believes; 2. heard; 3. were you talking; 4. have been looking; 5. is leaving; 6. have you been....... have been;.7. sell; 8. have changed; 9. slept/sleeps; 10. is shining........ are singing; 11. caught; 12. has been raining; 13. leaves; 14. Will you open - zdvořilá žádost; 15. were doing; 1 6. will you cook; 17. moves; 18. has been studying/has studied; 19. has been; 20. don't wear. str. 49 5. Přeložte a použijte vhodný gramatický čas 1. They didn't want to come/go with us because they had already seen the play; 2. I haven't been able to sleep lately/recently; 3. When I see him, I'll give him the money; 4. What book were you reading when I came?; 5. Why are you laughing?; 6. I never travel in the winter; 7. Why are you lying here?; 8. Whose coat were you wearing?; 9. I'm going home soon; 10. Have I given you enough information?; 11. She was nervous when she got to India. She had never been there before; 12. She was ill because she had eaten something bad; 13. Although I'd never met him before he was very friendly to me.; 14. Thank you. I've never received such beautiful earrings; 15, We didn't go out yesterday. We stayed at home; 16. Is your son leaving school this year?; 17. I've been teaching here for two weeks and I haven't met the headmistress yet. /at school/; 18.1 was pleased with my students because they had made great /good/ progress; 19. Are they still showing the film Chocolate?; 20. Be quiet! I'm watching television; 21. You were going to help us, weren't you?; 22, On Friday afternoon it was raining; 23. I'm learning to drive; 24. I've lost my keys and I can t find them anywhere; 25.1 hope these problems will soon be solved; 26. Who are you waiting for?; 27. They know that he stole the money. They have a lot of evidence; 28. She usually doesn't go to work by car; 29. When did he come?; 30. I'm going to buy her the book which she wanted so much for her birthday; 31.1 will be working there from next Monday; 32. Since he visited us I've been very happy; 33. Why is he smoking again?; 34. He has just appeared; 35. Where was she hiding?; 36. He was a terrible student. He was always failing exams; 37. No, I'm not hungry I've already had lunch/I've had lunch already; 38. She won't enjoy/like the party unless you're there; 39. She's the kindest person I've ever met,; 40. They couldn't believe what had happened.