OPAKOVÁNÍ GRAMATICKÝCH ČASŮ 1. Doplňte předpřítomný čas průběhový nebo předminulý čas průběhový 1. Jane /listen to/..............................loud music when her friends arrived, but she turned it off so all of them could study together. When they finished, she turned it back on, and they /dance/...................and /sing/..................for two hours now. 2. They /wait/...........................for Peter for the last five hours, but he still hasn't arrived. 3. They /wait/...........................for Peter for over five hours before he finally arrived. 4. The runner /run/.....................for. almost two hours when he collapsed to the pavement. 5. Jack had a hard time finding a job. He /try/...........................to get a new job for six months before he finally found a position at the Council. Now he has a two-year contract. He /work/..................there for only a few weeks, but he likes his new job very much. 2. Doplňte vhodné sloveso z daných výrazů ve tvaru minulého prostého nebo předminulého prostého času be finish invent sting burn teach design help spend turn on 1. By the time Jack arrived to help, we /already/.......................moving everything. 2. The apartment was hot when I got home, so I...............the air conditioner. 3. Alexander Graham Bell /already/.....................the telephone by the time I was born. 4. The farmer's barn caught fire some time during the night. By the time the firemen arrived, the building................to the ground. 5. The dress I bought cost more than my salary. Until then, I /never/..........so much on one outfit. 6. When I was putting on my shirt after work in the garden, I didn't notice that there was a hornet in it. It................me under my arm. That really hurt! 7. We were not happy with the plans for our new house that the architect showed to us. Obviously, he.............................a home like the one we wanted. 8. When I saw that Michal was having trouble, I.....................him. He was very appreciative. 9. My wife and I went to Disneyland when we visited Paris last spring. Prior to that time, we /never/....................to such an amusement park. We had a lot of fun. 10. Mr. Rower has had experience in teaching biology and physics, but he /never/................ mathematics until this year. He's found that he enjoys teaching maths. 3. Doplňte tvar minulého prostého nebo předminulého prostého času 1. Last night, I /eat/....................................four servings of food at the special "all-you-can-eat" dinner at the restaurant. Until that time, I /eat, never/................................... so much in one meal. I've felt miserable all day today. 2. Yesterday, I /go/.................to my daughter's recital. I /be, never/.............................. to a dance recital before. I /take, not/..............dancing lessons when I /be/.........a child. 3. I /see/................you in the school play last night. You /do/................a terrific acting job. /you, act, ever/................in a play before this one? Yes. I /start/.....................acting when I was in elementary school. 4. When I first /travel/..............abroad to study, I /stay, never/...................................... in a dormitory before. During the first year, I /have/.............a roommate from Switzerland who /become/.................a very good friend. Prior to that time, I /live, never/.................... with anyone from another culture. 5. Last year, I /go/......................mountain climbing for the first time. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. We /move/.............slowly and carefully, and it /take/........... us three days to get to the top. Imagine our surprise when we climbed onto the summit and found another group of climbers. They /arrive/.....................several hours ahead of us. They were having dinner and listening to Beethoven. We laugh/..................., and they /invite/................us to join them. The climb /be/................., to say the least, an unforgettable experience. PROCVIČTE I. Použijte vhodný gramatický čas 1. Na poušti nikdy neprší'. 2. Zrovna se vrátil. 3. Podívej se. Prší. 4. Když jsem vyšel z domu, pršelo. 5. Již 3 dny prší. 6. Často prší. 7. Když mi bylo 10, nemluvila jsem anglicky. 8. Letos jsem byla třikrát v Londýně. 9. Obloha je zatažená. Chystá se na déšť. 10. Znám ji dobře. II. Zítra bude pršet. 12. Moje angličtina se zlepšuje. 13. Našla jsem pero. 4 ALE Kde jsi ho našla ? Když jsme přišli do kina, film již začal. 2. Opakování slovesných časů. Použijte vhodný gramatický čas. 1 My mother /fly, never/.....................in an airplane, and she has no intention of ever doing so. 2. Tom isn't here yet. I /wait/.................for him since morning, but he /arrive, not/.............yet. 3. I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow, so I think I'd better go to bed. But let me say good-bye now because I won't see you in the morning. I /leave, already/......................... by the time you /get/.....................up. 4. Last night I /go/.................to a party. When I /get/....................there, the room was full of people. Some of them /dance/......................., and others /talk/......................One young man /stand/...............aside. I /meet, never/........................him, so I /introduce/......... .......................myself to him. 5. Yesterday while I /sit/.......................in the classroom, I /get/...........the hiccups. The person who /sit/...................next to me told me to hold my breath. I /try/...........that, but it didn't work. The instructor /lecture/...................., and I didn't want to interrupt him, so I just sat there trying to hiccup quietly. Finally, after I /hiccup/.........................for almost five minutes, | /raise/.............my hand and /excuse/.....................myself. 46 47 6. On April 21st, I will return home. I /be/.............................away from home for three years by that time. My family /meet/......................me at the airport with kisses and tears. They /miss/.......................me as much as I have missed them. I /be/................very happy to see them again. When I /get/................a chance, I /take/................a long look at them. My little sister /be, no longer/.............................so little. She /grow/...................at least a foot. She /be/......................almost as tall as my mother. D. depends D. stayed D. am watching 3. Vyberte správnou odpověď 1. The earth........on the sun for its heat and light. A. is depend B. depending C. has depend 2. I don't feel well. I........home from work tomorrow. A. am staying B. stay C. will have stayed 3. While I..........TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor. A. watch B. watched C. was watching 4. "What........of the new simplified tax law?" "It's more confusing than the old one.1 A. are you thinking B. do you think C. have you thought D. have you been thinking 5. The phone............constantly when John announced his candidacy for president. A. has been ringing B. rang C. had rung D. had been ringing 6. I've been in this city for a long time. I.........here twenty years ago. A. have come B. was coming C. came D. had come 7. The little boy started to cry. He............his toy, and no one was able to find it for him. A. has lost B. had lost C. was losing D. was lost 8. It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros. They..........extinct. A. became B. have become C. become D. are becoming 9. Our family loves this house. It..........the family home ever since my grandfather built it a hundred years ago. A. was B. has been C. is D. will be 10. John, why don't you take some time off? You...........too hard lately. Take a holiday. A. worked B. work C. were working D. have been working 4. Sloveso v závorce dejte do správného gramatického tvaru 1. He usually /believe/ you. 2. We /hear/ a terrible noise last night. 3. Who you /talk/ to on the telephone as I came in? 4. Have you seen my bag anywhere? I /look/ for it for ages. 5. He /leave/ in a few days. 6. Where you /be/? - I /be/ to the dentist. 7. 'They /sell/ fresh fruit here every day. 8. Things /change/ since I was a girl. 9. He/sleep/till 10 o'clock. 10. It is a lovely day. The sun /shine/ and the birds /sing/. 11. The police /catch/ the thief last week. 12. It /rain/ for two days now. There'll be a flood soon. 13. The last train /leave/ at midnight. 14. You /open/ the door for me, please? 15. I went into the garden to see what the children /do/. 16. If I catch the fish, you /cook/ them for me? 1 7. That planet /move/ round the sun. 18. He /study/ Russian for two years and doesn't even know the alphabet yet. 19. It /be/ very foggy since early morning. 20. Students /not wear/ uniforms in the Czech Republic. 48 5. Přeložte a použijte vhodný gramatický čas 1. Nechtěli s námi jít, protože už tu hru viděli. 2. Poslední dobou nemohu spát. 3. Až ho uvidím, dám mu ty peníze. 4. Jakou knihu jsi četl, když jsem přišel? 5. Proč se směješ? 6. Nikdy necestuji v zimě. 7. Proč ležíš tady? 8. Čí kabát jsi měla na sobě? 9. Brzy pojedu domů. 10. Dal jsem vám dost informací? 11. Byla nervózní, když se dostala do Indie. Nikdy předtím tam nebyla. 12. Bylo jí špatně, protože snědla něco zkaženého. 13. Přestože jsem ho nikdy předtím nepotkal, byl ke mně velice přátelský. 14. Děkuji. Ještě nikdy jsem nedostala tak krásné náušnice. 15. Včera jsme nešli ven. Zůstali jsme doma. 16. Tvůj syn letos končí školu? 17. Učím tady již týdny a ještě jsem se nesetkala s ředitelkou. 18. Měla jsem radost ze svých studentů, protože udělali velký pokrok. 19. Dávají ještě film Čokoláda? 20. Buď zticha! Dívám se na televizi. 21. Hodlali jste nám pomoci, že ano? 22. V pátek odpoledne pršelo. 23. Učím se řídit. 24. Ztratila jsem klíče a nemohu je nikde najít. 25. Doufám, že tyto problémy budou brzy vyřešené. 26. Na koho čekáš? 27. Vědí, že ukradl ty peníze. Mají mnoho důkazů. 28. Obvykle nejezdí do práce autem. 29. Kdy přišel? 30. Koupím jí k narozeninám tu knihu, kterou tolik chtěla. 31. Budu tam pracovat od příštího pondělí. 32. Od té doby, co nás navštívil, jsem velice šťastná. 33. Proč zase kouří? 34. Zrovna se objevil. 35. Kde se schovávala? 36. Byl to strašný student. Vždycky propadal u zkoušek. 37. Ne, nemám hlad. Už jsem obědval. 38. Ten večírek se jí nebude líbit, pokud tam nebudeš. 39. Je ta nejlaskavější osoba, kterou jsem kdy potkala. 40. Nemohli uvěřit tomu, co se stalo. 49