quickly/badly/suddenly etc. (adverbs) He ate his dinner very quickly. Quickly and suddenly are adverbs. Suddenly the shelf fell down. adjective + -ly —> adverb: adjective quick adverb quickly Spelling (=> Appendix 5): bad badly easy —> easily sudden suddenly careful carefully heavy heavily etc. heavy —> heavily Adverbs tell you how something happens or how somebody does something: • The train stopped suddenly. • I opened the door slowly. • Please listen carefully. • I understand you perfectly. Compare: It's raining heavily. adjective (=>Unit84) • Sue is very quiet. • Be careful! • It was a bad game. • I feel nervous. (= I am nervous) adverb • Sue speaks very quietly, (not 'speaks very quiet') • Listen carefully! (not 'listen careful') • Our team played badly, (not 'played bad') • I waited nervously. bard fast late early These words are adjectives and adverbs: • Sue's job is very hard. • Ben is a fast runner. • The bus was late/early. • Sue works very hard, (not 'hardly') • Ben can run fast. • I went to bed late/early. good (adjective) —> well (adverb) • Your English is very good. • It was a good game. • You speak English very well, (not 'very good') • Our team played well. But well is also an adjective (- not ill, in good health): • 'How are you?' 'I'm very well, thank you. And you?' adjectives => unit 84 EXERCISES 85.1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with one of these adverbs: angrily badly dangerously fast heavily quietly 85.2 85.4 UNIT 85 1 Its raining h^-yUy, 4 She shouted at me 2 He sings very................................................................. 5 She can run very .... 3 They came in ................................................................ 6 He was driving........ Choose a verb (Box A) + an adverb (Box B) to complete the sentences. A come know sleep win explain listen think work + B carefully carefully clearly easily hard quickly well well I'm going to tell you something very important, so please . U$ixn..c^t^ulh^..... Ann! I need your help..............................................................................! They..............................................................................At the end of the day they're always tired. I'm tired this morning. I didn't.............................................................................last night. You're a much better tennis player than me. When we play, you always........................... 6 .............................................................................before you answer the question. 7 I've met Alice a few times but I don't.......................................her very........................................ 8 Our teacher isn't very good. Sometimes he doesn't..................................things very.......... 85.3 Which is right? 1 Don't eat so-q^ick/quickly. It's not good for you. 2 Why are you angry/angrily? I haven't done anything. 3 Can you speak slow/slowly, please? 4 Come on, Dave! Why are you always so slow/slowly? 5 Bill is a very careful/carefully driver. 6 Jane is studying hard/hardly for her examinations. 7 'Where's Diane?' 'She was here but she left sudden/suddenly.' 8 Please be quiet/quietiy. I'm studying. 9 Some companies pay their workers very bad/badly. 10 Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can I have one? Putin good or well. 1 Your English is very 9?o