contents in unit one ... p.4 natural English making people listen conversation openers hopes and plans responding with interest and sympathy grammar question forms question tags present perfect and past simple (1) in unit three ... p.u in unit five ... p.28 vocabulary conversation topics talking about work expand your grammar been or gone expand your vocabulary work in unit two ... natural English be I have got sth left giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing talking about priorities offers and requests grammar comparatives and modifiers superlatives present simple/continuous vocabulary types of journey everyday problems compound nouns expand your grammar not as ... as expand your vocabulary more compound nouns natural English me too/me neither imprecise periods of time grammar present perfect and past simple (2) past simple and used to do vocabulary music stages in your life likes and dislikes verb + noun collocation expand your grammar short responses expand your vocabulary more music in unit four... p.22 natural English expressing a preference saying how much you know grammar modal verbs would, could, might uses of will vocabulary facial anions food and drink TV programmes phrases expressing your opinion synonyms expand your grammar ■ing or -erf adjectives expand your vocabulary on the phone natural English thanking and replying suggestions and responses it depends generalizations (1) grammar adjectives and adverbs obligation and permission vocabulary clothes and dressing uses of $et expand your grammar obligation and permission in the past expand your vocabulary verb/adverb collocations in Unit Six ... p.34 natural English giving and responding to exciting news fortunately, hopefully, surprisingly grammar sentences with if. when, and unless -ing form vocabulary jobs in a company education agreeing and disagreeing course enquiries stages in a career expand your grammar infinitive and -ing form expand your vocabulary studies and jobs in unit seven pao in unit nine ... p.52 in unit eleven ... p.64 natural English have a great / dreadful/ good time do /did for emphasis commenting on a book or a film grammar verb patterns present tenses in narrative vocabulary relationships people in your life phrases with go and ./<•/ expand your grammar say. speak, tell, talk expand your vocabulary relationships natural English asking for help prepositions at the end of wh- questions permission and requests giving advice grammar present continuous and be going to predictions with will and going to vocabulary getting people's attention everyday accidents uncountable nouns everyday events in the home expand your grammar let /make sb do sth expand your vocabulary around the house natural English vague and exact time emotional reactions saying how quickly you do things grammar first and second conditional frequency adverbs and adverbial phrases vocabulary collocation words often confused prefixes expand your grammar past continuous expand your vocabulary time expressions in unit eight... p.46 in unit ten ... p.58 natural English the whole ... get * past participle (passive use) making and accepting excuses grammar the definite article the definite and indefinite article defining relative clauses vocabulary parties describing character reasons for being late suffixes expand your grammar the or no article expand your vocabulary groups of people natural English hove (got) sth on /with sth on (-wearing) giving opinions about moral issues which clauses changing plans grammar passive forms look, look like. look as if... modal verbs of deduction ellipsis vocabulary word building time expressions describing a picture expand your grammar past modal verbs of deduction expand your vocabulary photography in unit twelve ... p.70 natural English What a... ! realize, remember, find out numbers in phrases actually grammar past perfect simple plural nouns vocabulary driving money shopping phrasal verbs with back expand your grammar past perfect continuous expand your vocabulary spending money 2 3 one tl talk Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ making people listen O conversation openers □ hopes and plans □ responding with interest and sympathy grammar □ question forms □ question tags □ present perfect and past simple (1) □ expand your grammar been or gone vocabulary □ conversation topics □ talking about work □ expand your vocabulary work off natural English making people listen 1 Sam is showing a group of tourists around. Pul these questions into the conversation below. a Did you say 12.15? b Where are we now? c con everyone come over here pleone.' d is everyone ready? e what street did you say? I does everyone have a map? Sam OK, _£_ Before we leave there are a few things I'd like to talk about. First of all, 1 — Group Yes ... Yeah ... I've got one. Sam Good. If anyone gets separated from the group we'll meet back here at twelve. Tourist A 2_ Sam This is called Martin Place. We're on the corner of Pitt Street. Tourist B Sorry, 5_ Sam Look, let me show you on the map. That should be clearer ... We're just here. Tourist B Oh OK, that's fine. Sam Listen, please don't be late back. The bus will leave again at 12.15. Tourist A 4_ Sam Yes, a quarter past twelve ... Right, 5— ... OK, let's go. You are showing a group of visitors around your town or city. Make sentences using the words given. Listen, does everyone know where we are now? Listen/everyone/know/where/now? Look/let/show/map 1 Listen/please/meet/here/six o'clock Right / everyone / ready? I OK/go small vocabulary conversation topics think back! Remember five conversation topics. Read 11 io conversations, write the topics. A There's a lot in the news this week about politicians being paid too much money. B Well, I think they are. don't you? current affairs_ I A He's gorgeous. lust my type - tall with dark hair. B When are you going out again? 2 A So they're goine, to make everyone work late until the project is finished. B Are they going to pay you overtime? A No. I don't think so. 3 A I'm going to watch the match next week. B Who do you think will win? 4 A I like those skirts but everyone's wearing them at the moment. B I know, my little sister has got one. 5 A Isn't she married to Brad Pitt? B No. you're thinking ol Jennifer Aniston. grammar question forms 3 Ana Cristina and Tosliiki are nev\ students at an English college. Ask and answer their questions. Use the words given and the inlormation in the box. about five years ago Recife, Brazil for a month French/a little Italian arrived/Saturday No/part-time class 2b secretary quite often at work Where /come from? Toshiki Where do you come from? Ana Cristina Recife, in Brazil._ 1 Which class/be/in? 2 be / full-time student? 5 When/start learning English? 4 speak / any other languages? 5 How often / use English? 6 What kind/work/do? 7 When / arrive/in lingland? 8 How long / stay? 1 say it! Talk about Ana Cristina using the information above. Answer questions 1-6 about yourself. 4 Make questions. Use the verbs given. A Who drank_ (drink) my coffee? B Sorry, I did! 1 thought ii was mine. I A Who _ (go) with? B I went with my sister. 2 A It's a good book. B Who _ (write) it? _ (usually/get (invite) to 3 A What time _ home)? B He's often late - alter 8 p.m. 4 A How many people _ your party? B I've invited 40 but I don't think they'll all come. 5 A Right. Let's go. Who - (know) the way to Peter's house? B It's OK. I do. 6 A Who _ (go) to Monika's party tonight? B All of us. 7 A I hear Stephen and Claire are getting married. B Really? Who__(tell) yon? 8 A What time____(leave) the party last night? B About eleven. I was really tired. grammar question tags 5 Complete the sentences by adding question tags. Ursula's from Switzerland, isn't she_? 1 Irena was here last year, -? 2 Concha and Fernando aren't married, -? 3 They've been here for two months, -? 4 Yves doesn't like his job, -? 5 They didn't know each other before, 6 Marcello can speak three languages, 7 Julio hasn't been to England before, 8 Isla's an actress, -? 9 You don't know her, _ 10 She's Brazilian, -? 7 1 say it! Make sentences with question tags about your classmates. wordbooster talking about work 6 Make sentences with the same meanings. Use the words given. I don't have a job at the moment, (unemployed) I'm unemployed at the moment._ 1 I'm trying to get a job in advertising, (looking for) 2 My father doesn't work any more, (retired) 3 I'm the boss of my own company, (run) 4 I'm at college. I'm going to he a teacher. (train) 5 In my job I have to travel a lot. (involves) 6 I'm a journalist and I do work for lots of different publications. (freelance) 7 I work for an advertising company, (industry) 8 She stopped work when she had her first child. (gave) 1 say it! Make sentences using the words given. job / involve / meet / a lot of people freelance / accountant work /computer industry # fly job in vc train / be / nurse I meeting ; look for / job / sales unit one meetings natural English conversation openers 7 Reorder the words to make questions. Match the questions and responses. cold / it / isn't /'s / It It's cold, isn't it? 1 here / Excuse / sitting / is / anyone / me 2 the / way / all / London / you / going / Are / to 3 got / please / time / you / the / Have 4 haven't / before / think / I / we / met / 've / we 5 it / hot / really / isn't / It's a It's three o'clock. _ b I don't think so. _ c No, go ahead. _ d No, I'm getting off in Newcastle. _ e Yes, it's terrible. _ f Yes, it's freezing. example grammar present perfect and past simple (1) 8 Read the letter and underline the correct verb form. Dear- SuSona, EVer-yfUina 5 ^oina well Ucre,. I m r-eally enjoyina myse I sfar-fed/kgve sfarfod colleae six Weeks aao. If 5 OK and fUe people ewe. nnse. I tmade/ ve- made lofs of ft- lends and my EnaliSU 2,,v,p,c-Vcd/UaS improved a b.f, I fhink! wt*en I tVsf ^arr.vcd /Uave ai-nVed I couldn + under-sfand ar\y\U,v\c) buf .f 5 a lof easier now. I 4 WifU Some of my r-elafiVeS .n Wales for- a week af CUr-isfmaS. if 5 eaf buf fUen' ac.c-e.rAs wer-e Uard fo undei-sfand1 ar-ound England auife a lof. TUe. 5cUoo\ T I 6lvaVelled / Ve usually fr-ips fo differ-enf places af fUe Weekends. Lasf Safur-day I /have aone ko Oxford for fUe day. 8Did you jo /Have you fjone fwe»-e. lasf year-? f b, Tl"\iS Weekend I m aoina fo a musical! I 9 fo one befofe So I m lookina for-Wa>-d fo .f. I Uope you r-e enjoyina your- new job, and fUaf you 10 lof5 of nice people mer-e. LoVe, Uaniela. Complete the sentences. Include the words given and an adverb from the box. never ever just fllrefldy yet before A Don't forget to turn off the computer. B It's OK. I've already done it (do). 1 A Do you like Thai food? B I don't know. I _ - (try). 2 A Can I have my book back? B Could I keep it another day? I _ (not/ finished). 3 A Does she know how to use this computer software? B Yes, she _ (use). 4 A _ (ride / motorbike)? B Yes, lots of times. My brother's got one. 5 A We _ (miss/bus). B Oh no! Now we'll have to wait half an hour for the next one. unit one been or gone your grammar The verb go has two past participle forms - been and gone. Paul Where's Andrew? Rachel He's gone to Paris on business. Paul When's he coming back? Rachel Next Monday I think. Andrew is in Paris now. Rachel I'm going to Paris next month. Paul Great! You should talk to John about it. He's been there on business. John is not in Paris now. He went there sometime in the past but we don't know when exactly. Underline the correct word. A Can I speak to Mr Brown, please? B Sorry, he's been /gone out for lunch. Can I get him to call you when he gets back? 1 Can you tell me how to get there? I've never been/gone there before. 2 A Can you get some milk when you go shopping? B I've already been /gone shopping today. 3 A Is Christina home? B No, sorry, she's been/gone to the cinema. 4 I've been/gone to England three times. 5 A Where's Stephan? B He's been/gone home. He wasn't feeling well. 6 I tried to call him, but he's been/gone to a conference. 7 Have you ever been/gone to Italy? 8 A I haven't seen Maria for weeks. B Yeah, she's been/gone to Paris. She'll be back on Tuesday. keep a conversation going natural English hopes and plans 10 Tick the possible sentences. We're going to visit some Iriends. They're meeting us at the airport. / We're thinking ol visiting some friends. They're meeting us at the airport. X 1 I'm planning to call her. Do you think it's a good idea? 2 I'm thinking of calling her. Do you think it's a good idea? 3 We're going to Los Angeles or we might go to New York. 4 We're thinking of going to Los Angeles or we might go to New York. 5 He's planning to study medicine but it depends on his exam results. 6 He's hoping to study medicine hut it depends on his exam results. 7 They're going to move to the country. They've just bought a house there. 8 They're hoping to move to the country. They've just bought a house there. 9 She's going to sail round the world. She leaves on the eighth of Jan uary. 10 She's thinking ol sailing round the world. She leaves on the eighth of January. 11 Complete the sentences about yourself. I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I m thinking of going to the USA m hoping _ m going — m planning m thinking m hoping _ next summer. . next year. _ this weekend. 8 unit one it your vocabulary work Read the text. Match the underlined words with the definitions below. ►► I work for a company that makes children's toys. It's a big company with about 1,000 employees. I work in the sales department, doing tele-marketing. My job involves spending a lot of time on the phone. I have to call shops and try to sell them our products. I first had a temporary job here for a month last summer and when I left school they offered me a permanent position. The pay. is not very good, especially because at the moment I only work part-time but I earn extra money by also doing an evening job in a bar. My boss says I'm doing well and I think they are going to offer me full-time work soon. is to get money by working. describes a job that takes up all your working time, describes a job you only do for some of the time. _ is a person who does a job. _ is something that lasts a long time or forever. _ is something that lasts a limited time. _ is the person at the top of the company or department. _ is one of the sections of a business. is the money that you get for doing a job. Complete the sentences. Use the words above. It's a permanent_job, so I feel more secure. 1 My _ gets really angry if people are late for work. The shop where I work has about forty _ She works__from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 She was working I love my job but I had a _ I't _ a lot of money. _job there for three weeks last year. I work in the advertising__ My _ goes into my bank account every two weeks. _ but she still had time to teach her child to read and write. write it! If you work, write about your job. If you don't, write about someone else's job. natural English responding with interest and sympathy 12 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. I've hurt my Oh, what a leg so I can't go shame ! skiing. 1 My dog's died. Oh, I am 2 Did you know No! How that Józsel been in a car Is he OK? crash? 3 We're going That sounds to Michael's house to watch I'll just get a video. Do you my jacket. want to come? 4 We're going on Ooh. how safari in Africa. i I'd love to do that one day. 5 Pablo was That sounds riding his bike when a car Is he OK? pulled out and hit him. I say it! Cover and practise the responses. unit one 9 Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ be /have got sth left O giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing □ talking about priorities O offers and requests grammar □ comparatives and modifiers □ superlatives □ present simple and continuous □ expand your grammar not as ... as vocabulary □ types of journey □ everyday problems □ compound nouns □ expand your vocabulary more compound nouns k off natural English be/have got sth left 1 Write sentences. Use the words given. Do you want a coffee? There/milk/left There isn't any milk left. A Can I have a chocolate? B I/only one/left _ 1 A I'd like a ticket to the concert tonight. B Sorry / there / none / left _ A Is it ten o'clock yet? B No, we / 20 minutes / left _ A there / dinner / left _ B Yes - look in the fridge. A Can I buy a ticket later? B There / only/ten / left _ ] say it! Respond to the questions using the information given. I'd love a biscuit. none left When do your school holidays end? a week left Haven't you finished that book yet? ten pages left Do you want some juice? not any left vocabulary types of journey 2 Complete the sentences with suitable words. Marco Polo went on his first long voyage ai the age of 17. 1 My parents are going to do a _ of four Italian cities. 2 1 have to go on a business _ to New York next month. 3 The_took ten hours because of the traffic. 4 Our_ was delayed because of a problem with the plane. 5 We were staying in London but we went on an - to Oxford. 10 time out can be fun i*1111* 11 * * • 11111 ttttttttttttttttttr TUB SUNSHINE LODG-E LIZC PER nig-ht IOO-YEAR-OlD building-, VERY PRETTY. 30 rooks ZO-minute bus r/pe to env centre FACILITIES: small pool, children's club. THE BEACH INN 1130 PER NI6-HT, OR ClOO PER NIO-HT FOR THREE NIG-HTS OR MORE. NEW BvIlDING-, VG-ly 35 rooms 5-IO-MINirTE walk. FROM CITY CENTRE. FACILITIES: pool, g-ym, AnD sauna CREDIT CARDS, CHEQUES AND CASH ACCEPTED facilities fa'silatis/ (n) services and equipment that make it possible- to do sth grammar comparatives and modifiers 3 Read the information about the two hotels. Complete the sentences. Use an adjective and a modifier from the boxes. Use each adjective only once. adjectives pretty big fnodern close convenient expensive good cheap easy cash only modifiers much far a bit a lot slightly a little The Beach Inn was built last year, so it's far more modern_ than the Sunshine Lodge. The Beach Inn is _ Sunshine Lodge, which is £120 per night. The Sunshine Lodge is _ Inn Lodge is a bit ugly. The Beach Inn is _ than the __The Beach The Beach Inn is ten ire. with 35 rooms, to the lily _ facilities. 5 The Beach Inn has got _ There's a pool, gym, and a sauna. 6 The Sunshine Lodge has a children's club, so it's _ if you're travelling with children. 7 The Beach Inn has a special price for three or more nights, so it's actually _ if you want to stay longer. 8 The Beach Inn takes credit cards, so it's _ if you're travelling on business. ^| write it! Write an e-mail to an English friend in your town. Her parents are coming to visit her and she wants to take them out to dinner somewhere nice. Compare two restaurants that you know. ll your grammar not as ... 05 We can use not as + adj + as to make comparisons. These two sentences mean the same. Australia is bigger than New Zealand. New Zealand is not as big as Australia. Look at some more examples. The north of Australia is hotter than the south. The south of Australia isn't as hot as the north. Sydney is more expensive than Melbourne. Melbourne isn't as expensive as Sydney. When the listener knows which two things are being compared, it is natural to leave out the words in brackets. A Which is bigger - Sydney or Melbourne? B Melbourne's not as populated (as Sydney) but they're about the same size. Write sentences comparing New York and San Francisco. San Francisco's more relaxing. New York's not as relaxing. 1 New York's more expensive. San Francisco-- 2 The nightlife in New York is better. The nightlife in San Francisco - 3 The flight to San Francisco will be longer. The flight to New York .- 4 New York's more crowded. San Francisco - 5 The people in San Francisco were friendlier. The people in New York - 6 New York's more exciting. San Francisco _ 7 New York's warmer. San Francisco _ Look at the examples below and then compare two towns or cities in your country. 8 San Francisco's more beautiful. New York-- 12 unit two natural English giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing 4 Four friends are going on holiday logether. Complete Ihe conversation with the sentences given. Jack Personally, I don't think we should hook a hotel. Sally No, maybe not. Simon I think it would he better to book before we go. 1_ Sally I'm not sure about that. 2_ Simon Listen. '_ She'll he able to advise us. Lee Yes, I agree. 4_ a Let's ask her before we make a decision. b Remember - in the middle of summer, everywhere's going to be full, c Lot'o wait until wo got there and look around. d The big hotels might be full, but there will be lots of guesthouses, e I really think we should talk to the travel agent about it. 5 Write a conversation between three friends going on a trip together. Petra suggests not driving Kris/.ta agrees with Petra - too far Giovanni suggests bus Petra disagrees - bus uncomfortable Kris/.ta suggests train - more expensive but fast Giovanni agrees with Kriszta Petra Kris/ta Giovanni Petra Kris/i.i Giovanni I don't think we should drive. wordbooster compound nouns 6 Complete the sentences with a compound noun. It's so hot in here. 1 don't think the air conditioning is working. and order some Iiiih h.' __Do you want anything to eat? 1 Shall 1 call room_ 2 I'm going to the snack 3 Do you want a game of table _? 4 Do they sell postcards in the gift _? 5 My mum's having a haircut and facial at the beauty _ 6 I'm going to call the travel _ when we get home. 7 Have you booked a tennis _ for this afternoon? 8 The hotel has a terrace restaurant next to the swimming_ your vocabulary more compound nouns Match words to make compound nouns. 1 paper a cabinet 2 coffee \ b case Í filing \ c pen * laser \ d frame 5 alarm N. e printer 6 book clip 7 ballpoint 8 clock 8 picture h cup Match the compound nouns to the pictures. ^ say it! Look at the picture and name the objects. paper clip unit two 13 what makes natural English talking about priorities 7 Order the words to make sentences. a colleagues / priority / nice / a / are Nice colleagues are a priority._ b don't / hotel / need / you /a / luxurious c have /1 / peace / to / quiet / and / think / get / you / some d important / think / variety / the /1 / is / thing / most Complete the texts. Use the sentences above. talking about jobs talking about holidays I like to do something that's completely different to my normal life. I've got a stressful job so I do need to relax. 5--just to be able to read and have time to think. Where I stay is not important to me. 4-The best place I've ever stayed in was a little hut on a beach that cost almost nothing! I love what I do. Every day's a bit different. 1_ I'd hate to get bored. Who you work with is also important. 2- Some of mine are really good friends as well, so we enjoy working together. ] say it! j Having time^B to relax is 1 What's important to you ... in ajob? in a holiday? k important. ^\ write it! 1 | Write a short text about your attitude towards jobs or holidays. grammar superlatives 8 Juan wants to study English in the UK. His friend recommends three schools. Complete Juan's questions. Use the words in the box. good mix of nationalities cheap small classes nice location interesting social programme modern facilities good reputation old big Which school is the oldest ? The Oxford School. It opened in 1961. 1 Which school is _? The Cambridge School. It doesn't cost much at all. 2 Which school has _? The Shakespeare School. It only has 12 students in each class. 3 Which school has _? The Oxford School. There are Students from 20 different countries. Which school has _? The Cambridge School. There .inactivities for students every day. Which school is in _? The Cambridge School. It's opposite the beach. 6 Which school has _? 7 The Oxford School. It's got a new computer centre and a library. Which school has _? The Shakespeare School. Everybody s.iys it's very good. 8 Which school is _? The Cambridge School - there are about live hundred students! location bo'keijn/ (n) a place or position reputation 'repju'teijn/ (n) the general opinion about what sb/sth is like make a complaint vocabulary everyday problems 9 Use the prompts to make sentences. a have / problems / computer I'm having problems with the computer. b something wrong/ photocopier C air conditioning / not / work d problems / find / right documents e drinks machine / out of order f coffee machine / leak Match these explanations with the problems above. f^l I put some money in but it won't give me a drink. There are black marks on the paper. 2 [ ] I can't turn it on and it's much too hot in here. 3 [ ] Do you know where they are? 4 [ ] The screen's too dark. 5 I There's water all over the floor. 1 say it! Cover the exercise above and explain the problems. the computer the drinks machine the air conditioning the coffee machine the right documents I'm having problems with the ^ computer. The screen s too grammar present simple/continuous 10 Put the verbs into the present simple or present continuous. ALGARVE Hi Elena, rve 're haying (have) a fantastic time _ (sit) in a beachfront _(stay) in a lovely hotel, here. /'- cafe". We1- although it's a bit noisy sometimes because they 3___(build) some new rooms at the back but our room*--(have)* view of the beach. They 5-(serve) amaz-ing foott in the hotel restaurant. It's quite a long way to the city centre, but the bus 6_(stop) outside the hotel anc*- the shops 7__(Stay) open until io p.m. if k_(ram) at the moment but otherwise the weather has been great. Love, Tess. PORTUGAL - 91091 u IT u. < n ! w card to -J 2 < => a Ul -• D (E ul * ■ » O O o. U. 3C- 17 Tue ms /s natural English offers and requests 11 Here are some jobs in a hotel. Match the jobs and descriptions. receptionist >. a cleans rooms/changes towels, etc. 1 maid \ b fixes toilets/showers, etc. 2 porter prepares bills/helps the guests 3 plumber d carries bags/calls taxis for people 4 chef e fixes electrical problems 5 electrician f prepares meals 12 A hotel guest has some complaints and requests. Write the manager's replies. Guest There's a problem with my shower - it's leaking. Manager I'll get the plumber tn fix it. 1 The towels in my room are dirty. 2 I need a taxi to the airport. 3 I'd like to pay my bill please. 4 The air conditioning in my room isn't working. 5 I'm vegetarian but everything on the menu has meat in it. 14 unit two unit two 15 three Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ me too/me neither I imprecise periods of time grammar present perfect and past simple (2) □ past simple and used to do □ expand your grammar short responses vocabulary □ music □ stages in your life □ likes and dislikes □ verb + noun collocation ] expand your vocabulary more music Off natural English me too/me neither Complete the responses with too, neither, do or don't. A I haven't seen Yumi tonight. B Me neither . Maybe she couldn't come. 1 A I don't know anyone here. B Really? I__I'll introduce you. 2 A I'd like something to eat. B Yeah, me__I'm really hungry. 3 A I like your new haircut. B Really? I__I think it's too short. Write a suitable response. 4 A I'm going home. B _ 5 A I'm not hungry. B .. I'm really tired. .. I've only just eaten. 1 say it! Use the prompts below to agree or disagree with the other speaker. Me too. I like the music. I think it's great. don't understand this, don't like the food very much. what a vocabulary music think back!_ Remember five words connected with music. 2 Underline the possible word, or words. Madonna has just replayed / released / recorded a new album. 1 The lead / head / main singer's got an amazing voice. 2 I'd like to see the musk / lyrics / tune to this song. I just don't understand it! 3 My favourite composer/songwriter/conductor is Beethoven. 4 I used to sing in >i i hoii ,i band / an orchestra when I was in my teens. 5 He's had more success as a soloisl / solo/group artist than he did in the band. 16 Ér your vocabulary more music Read Ricky Martin's biography. Complete the sentences. Use the underlined words from the text. One style of music popular with young people is pop__ 1 If your performance is voted the best, you win an__ 2 If a song has the same name as the album it's on, it's called the ie who is very famous is a 4 A collection of songs on record, tape, or CD is called an 5 The song that has sold the most copies that week is at 6 When you want to join a band or get a role in a film you have to go for an__ 7 An individual song that you can buy is called a _ 8 The list of songs that have sold the most copies that week is called the__ art forms ricky martin Ricky Martin has established himself as one of the top Latin American pop. stars of all time. Ricky first began singing in primary school, and when he was ten he had an audition with Latin boy band Menudo. He eventually joined Menudo in 1984, and recorded and toured with them until the late 80s. Ricky then spent several years trying to establish a solo career until his third Spanish-language album, 1995's A Medio Vivir generated the hit Mario. His next album Vuelve was released in February 1998. The title track topped the Latin singles chart for four weeks, while La Copa De La Vida. the official song of the football World Cup, was also successful when released as a single. In 1999 he won the award for Best Latin Pop Performance at the American Music Awards. In May 1999, Ricky Martin's next single Livin' La Vida Loca became Columbia Records' biggest-selling single of all time. Later that year, his first English-language album, entitled Ricky Martin, entered the US chart at number one, and in July, Livin' La Vida Loca went straight to the top of the UK singles chart. Ricky Martin's next two English-language singles, She's All I Ever Had, and She Bangs have since confirmed his status as an international star. 17 wordbooster likes and dislikes X Hi 3 Make sentences. Use the words given. A What did you think of the film? I really loved it. (loved) B A Gwyneth Paltrow was great. (Gwyneth Paltrow/great) a A What do you think ol Madonna? B 1_ (not mind) What about you? A 2_ (not/keen/ music) b C The concert was good, wasn't it? D 5_ (not too bad) c E I'm leaving. F Why? E 4_ (can't stand /music) d G What did you think of the show? H 5_ (not like /at all) 1 say it! Respond to the questions. Use the words given. f 1 loved it. Did you enjoy the concert? love ^/"~" What did you think of the book? not like This picture's nice, isn't it? not mind Did you enjoy the meal? Do you like this song? great stand 18 unit three verb + noun collocation think back! Remember two things that you can ... take up play practise give 4 Tick the verbs and nouns that go together. take up give up join play become practise golf / / coffee the piano famous an orchestra an actor a tennis club 5 Complete the sentences using the verbs above in the correct form. You have to pay if you want to join 1 Can you _ the guitar? the c Inh. famous. 2 He was a bus driver before he - i He only _ tennis last year but he has had a lot of lessons and now he's really good. 4 They _ squash together once a week. 5 You should _ the violin more often if you want to be really good. 6 He _ basketball after he aroke his leg. 7 He _ a singer when he was only ten. 8 How long ago did you _smoking? 6 Write about yourself using the collocations. grammar present perfect and past simple (2) 7 Tick the correct option, a or b. a I lived here b I've lived here / 1 a I studied b I've studied ► ► since I was ten. French at University. I graduated two years ago. 2 When I was in my teens a I knew her b I've known her ► < i a I played a lot of sport. b I've played a lot of sport, since we were at school together. a I worked here for foe last 4 I really enjoy my job.«b IVe worked here (ive years. a I didn't see her b I haven't seen her ► for a few days. Maybe she's on holiday. 8 Write sentences using the present perfect with for or since. She / work here / five years She's worked here for five years. 1 1 / not see him / Christmas 2 They / be in the meeting/ two hours 3 We / know / each other / a long time 4 I/like it /1 was a child 5 He / be on holiday / three weeks 6 They / live in France /1980 7 My sister/be ill / last weekend 8 He / work / there / a few years ] say it! Use for and since to answer these questions about yourself. How long have you known your best friend? How long have you lived in your current home? How long have you been studying English? to you? 9 Tick the correct sentences. Correct the tense mistakes. I've lived in Spain for five years before I moved to Australia. I lived 1 He hasn't worked since 1999. 2 I liked maths when 1 have been at school. 3 How long have you known each other? 4 They didn't see Thomas since Tuesday. 5 She lived there all her life. I don't think she'll ever move. 6 I've spent two weeks in hospital last year with a broken leg. 7 She hasn't called since last week. 8 Have you seen Franca yesterday? natural English imprecise periods of time 10 Choose the correct meaning in ea< h sentence. I've known Andrea for quite a while. a a few days b a few years / 1 I saw Beata a couple of hours ago. a two or three b twenty-four 2 He's worked here for several years, a two or three b about ten 3 I haven't seen him for ages. a a short time b a long time 4 They lived together for quite a while. a a few years b a few hours 5 She was here quite a while ago. a a few hours b a few minutes 1 say it! Finish the sentences about yourself. I haven't._ for ages. I've _ for a couple of years. I've ... for quite a while. I haven't _ for several months. unit three 19 your grammar short responses When you want to sound interested in what someone is saying, you can give a short response using just an auxiliary verb and a subject. A J/ye just heard their new record. B Have you? C I can play the guitar. D Can you? E [ma singer. F Are you? Notice that you need to use the auxiliary verbs do/does in the present simple and did in the past simple. A I like that painting. B Do you? C He painted it when he was 18. D Did he? Complete the responses. A I'd like to learn to speak Japanese. B Would you ? Why? 1 A I've been here lots of times before. B _? It's my first time. 2 A She plays the piano really well. B _? I'd like to hear her play. 3 A We're going to stay for a year. B _? That's a long time. 4 A I saw your brother earlier. B _? Where? 5 A He's my brother! B _? He didn't tell me! 6 A I work in a bank. B _? So do I! 7 A They live next door to me. B _? Really? 8 A It's ten o'clock. B _? I thought it was later. talk about your past vocabulary stages in your Life 11 Jesse is talking about his grandfather. Order his words to make sentences. play / was / he / at / learnt / when / primary school / to / he / the piano He learnt to play the piano when he was at primary school._ 1 a member / in / of / was / when / the school orchestra / teens / he / he/was/his 2 late / in / married / he / his / twenties / got / when / was / he 3 moved/he/early/to/when/his/San Francisco/was/ twenties / he/in 4 painting/ retired/my grandfather/he/took up/when 5 got / when / lived / my grandparents / first / married / with / my grandfather's / parents / they Match the sentences above with sentences a to e. a example He said he remembers having his first lesson on his seventh birthday! b _There's a photo of him playing with them when he was about 15. c d e It kept him very busy in his old age! He was probably about 29. I think he was about 22 or maybe 23. They lived there lor about six months. 5l write it! Write about someone in your family at different stages of their life. grammar past simple and used to do 12 Write sentences about Sarah in 1980. Use used to or didn't use to I never used to. 13 Read the text. Underline the possible verb forms. Sometimes both forms are possible. I960 MovV Ua5 lovi^ Uaif doe.Sn I Srwoke-hveS ,n Chicago SrnokeS lives in New York- Uas lofs of" rv\ov 1 5M§ r near Long Island, NY. When she was / used to be three years old, her parents got divorced, and she was brought up by her mother, an opera singer. It was also around that time that Mariah 1 discovered / used to discover her love of music. She often 2 sang / used to sing along to her brother's radio. Mariah claims that she } wasn't / didn't use to be a very good student at school. At night she 4 sang / used to sing for her brother's band and often 5 missed / used to miss school the next day. She 6 made / used to make her first recording in a studio her friend worked for, but they could only record at night. Just days after she 7 finished / used to finish school, Mariah » moved / used to move to New York City where she 9 got / used to get several casual jobs. Before long, she i° started / used to start singing with pop star Brenda K. Starr. It was at a party with Starr in the late eighties that Mariah " met / used to meet some record company executives and 12 gave / used to give one of them a tape of her songs. The rest is music history! 20 unit three unit three four choices Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English O expressing a preference □ saying how much you know grammar O modal verbs would, could, might □ uses of will □ expand your grammar -ing or -ed adjectives vocabulary □ facial actions □ food and drink □ TV programmes □ phrases expressing your opinion □ synonyms □ expand your vocabulary on the phone a off natural English expressing a preference 1 Complete the conversations. Use the words given. A Would you like a coffee? B (rather) I'd rather have tea. 1 A Shall we go to the cinema or do you want to get a video? B (prefer) _ 2 A What do you want to watch? There's tennis on channel one and football on two. B (rather) _ 3 A We could take the train. B (prefer) _ 4 A Do you want to get fish and chips? B (rather) _ 5 A If I cook dinner, will you clean the bathroom? B (prefer) _ ] say it! Answer the questions. Use I'd rather or I'd prefer. Chicken or fish? fish Do you want to watch the film or p|m the documentary? Would you like to go to Spain on holiday? Italy 7 I'd rather I V have fish. 1 22 vocabulary facial actions think back!— Remember five words for facial actions. 2 Complete the sentences using a suitable verb in the correct form. The first letter is given. A You look happy. Why are you grinning so much? B I've just heard that I got that job I wanted. A Really? That's great. Well done. I A I'm so tired - I can't stop Y _ I B Well, go to bed! 2 A What are you at? B This cartoon in the newspaper. It's really funny. 3 A Is Sue upset about something? B I don't know. Why? A I think she's _c_. 4 A That man's just M_ _at me. B Really? That's strange. Do you know him? A No, I've never seen him before in my life. 5 A What's thai tune you keep M_ ? B I think it's a George Michael song. choices vocabulary food and drink 3 Order the lines of the conversation. Mark each line customer (C) or the waiter (W). I | I'd like a mineral water. I | JUL And for your main course? — Baked potato please. Does it come with anything else? I_I _ Would you like that with bench fries or a baked potato? II [ _ What can I get you, sir? I | _ Still or sparkling? I | _ I'll have the steak. _ Well, to start with, I think I'll have the prawns. _ Rare, please. _ Yes, a mixed salad. Anything to drink? _ Sparkling. Oh, could I see the wine list please? _ How would you like it? _ Certainly sir, I'll bring it right over. wordbooster phrases expressing your opinion 4 Complete the conversations. Write sentences using words from the box. waste fascinating fun boring not / interest intriguing Alan How is your Italian class going? Nina OK, but it's a bit boring - we do lots of exercises but we don't talk much. I nearly fell asleep) in the last lesson! 1 Miki Are you enjoying the art class? Min Soo No, not at all. We just do the same kind of painting every time. _. 2 Isabel Do you like the aerobics class? Clare We all really enjoy ourselves. _. 3 Javier What's the history class like? Matleo__I'm learning so much. 4 Judy Are you going to take I he American literature class next month ? Nicola No,__I'd rather study older stuff. 5 Simone Does anyone know what Magic Class is all about? Katalin No idea, but__isn't it? 1 say it! Respond to the questions using the word given. Do you like the computer skills class? Are you enjoying the cookery class? What's the psychology class like? Are you going to do the Shakespeare class? 5l write it! You are doing an evening class. Write an e-mail telling a friend about it. £ your grammar -ing or -ed adjectives The adjective ends The adjective ends in -ing when it is in -ed when it is describing the thing describing how or person being people feel, talked about. The documentary was quite interesting. I've just had some very surprising news. My boyfriend's really boring at times, he just stays in and watches TV. He's not very interested in art. They were really surprised when we told them the news. My boyfriend was really bored at my parents' party - he didn't know anyone. Underline the correct form of the adjective. Was he very disappointing / disappointed that he didn't get the job? 1 She's really exciting/excited about her holiday. I think she's going to Hawaii. 2 Did you have a relaxing /relaxed weekend? 3 Have you seen the news today? That accident was shocking/shocked, wasn't it? 4 I'm going to bed. I'm exhausting/ exhausted. 5 My sister's son is in hospital and she's very worrying/worried about him. 6 I don't enjoy watching the news. It's always depressing/depressed. 7 Our teacher is really interesting/ interested because she's travelled so much. 8 Our teacher is really interesting/ interested in travelling. synonyms 5 Your friend doesn't understand these sentences. Explain them using different words. 'You need to choose a topic that interests you.' It means that you need to choose a subject_ that you find interesting. 1 'You should consider all of the options very carefully before making a choice.' It means that you should _all of the possibilities before you choose. 2 'You will see some excerpts from various videos.' It means that you'll see some video 3 'There's a lecture in the student hall at 8 p.m.' It means that someone's giving _ (here. 4 'In the afternoon you will have the opportunity to meet some other students.' It means that you'll have the _ to meet some other people. 5 'We welcome everyone's views.' It means that they want everyone to give their__ interested in? vocabulary TV programmes think back! Remember six types of TV programme. 6 Write the TV programmes being described. They ask you questions. You can win £1,000 for every question you gel right. A guiz show_ 1 it was really funny. I laughed all the way through! 2 It was quite interesting. Oprah Winfrey was interviewing Tom Hanks about how he prepares for his film roles. 3 It's all about fish and other sea animals. It's fascinating. 4 It's about a family living in England when Elizabeth 1st was queen. It's the story of what happens to the family and the country. It's really good. _ 5 It's a bit silly but it's entertaining. It's about all the people who live in one apartment block - who they fall in love with, who they argue with and stuff like that. _ write it! Write descriptions of three TV programmes that you watch regularly. 24 unit four unit four 25 natural English saying how much you know 7 Order ihe words to make sentences. about / doesn't / computers / anything / know/ Janek Janek doesn't know anything about_ computers._ 1 a / about / knows / Stefan / quite / computers / lot 2 lot / knows / a / about / Pablo / computers 3 computers / much / know / Olga / very / doesn't / about 4 Tomoko / about / bit / knows / computers / a Order the five people above from who knows the least (1) to who knows the most (5) about computers. grammar modal verbs would, could, might 8 Three managers are trying to decide who to promote in their company. Underline the most appropriate modal verb. Allan So who do you think would / could be best? Brian Personally. I'd choose Isabel. I'm sure she 1 would might do the job very well. Craig Yes. but she 2could / can be a bit bad-tempered sometimes. Brian But she's ambitious and she works really hard. Perhaps we J would /could talk to her about her bad moods? Craig Mnim, but I really think Jose 4 would / might be a much better choice. Allan But he's only been working for us for six months. He 5 would / might need a lot more training before he's ready lor promotion. Brian Yes, you're right. Of course, the other possibility is Carlos ... promote sb pr.Vmaot/ (v) to give someone a higher position or better job in a company 1 Janek 4 _ 1 say it! How much do you know about... computers football music cars gardening cooking 26 unit four your vocabulary on the phone Here are some verbs connected with telephoning. - answer the phone to pick up the receiver Could you answer the phone, please? - give sb a ring (informal) to call sb on the phone 7/7/ give you a ring in the morning. - call (sb) back to phone sb again later Sorry I'm busy now. I'll call you back tonight. - get through (to sb) to succeed in speaking to sb on the telephone I couldn't get through to Sylvia because her phone was engaged all day. - leave (sb) a message to leave spoken or written information for a person when you can't speak to them Can I leave her a message? - take a message to remember or write down a message over the phone for another person Can I take a message? Complete the conversations. Use the words above. A Do you have time to tell me now? B No, I've got to go now but I'll give you a ring tonight. A Hello. B Hi. Can I speak to Julie, please? A No, she's just gone out. Can I 1_? B No, it's OK. I'll 2__ A The phone's ringing. B Could you *_ A Did you speak to Dr Samuels? B No, I've been trying for an hour but I 4. ? My hands are wet. A Miss Saito is not in the office at the moment. B OK. Can I?_? A Sure, go ahead. B Could you tell her that Suzi Addams called. My number is 498261. grammar uses of will 9 Respond using will and the phrases in the box. phone you tomorrow be on time do it now open the window lend you some money get you a new one go with you give him a ring These bags are really heavy. I'll carry one of them._ 1 It's really hot in here. 2 Oh no, I've left my wallet at home. 3 I need an answer as soon as possible. 4 I don't want to go by myself. 5 Oh no, you've broken it. 6 Don't be late! 7 I need the report as soon as possible. 8 Jakub doesn't know about the party tonight. _ 10 Make offers using will. Your colleague is hungry but she's very busy. You are just going out to lunch. I'll get you some lunch. What would you like? 1 Your friend has dropped an earring somewhere in the house. 2 Your friend says that she's got a headache. 3 You've had dinner at a friend's house. There are a lot of dirty dishes. 4 Your friend needs to be at the station in half an hour. She's going to be late. You have a car. 1 say it! Cover your answers above and say the offers with will. I'll get you V some lunch. unit four 27 five 1 say it! Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ thanking and replying □ suggestions and responses □ it depends □ generalizations (1) grammar □ adjectives and adverbs □ obligation and permission □ expand your grammar obligation and permission in the past vocabulary □ clothes and dressing □ uses of get □ expand your vocabulary verb/adverb collocations Off natural English thanking and replying 1 Tessa has had a party in her flat. Marta offers to help her tidy up afterwards. Order the conversation. Write who is speaking, Marta (M) or Tessa (T). T The flat's in such a mess! I'm never going to have a party here again! _ No problem, Tessa. _ Don't worry, I'll help you tidy up. _ Yeah, you're right. OK, thanks a lot. _ No, no, that's OK Marta. I can do it on my own. _ No, let me help. It'll take you hours by yourself. Gustavo is staying with the Holmes family. He is going home tomorrow. Order the conversation. Write who is speaking, Gustavo (G) or Mr Holmes (H). G I have to be there at 6 a.m. so I'll have to take a taxi. _ Thanks, Mr Holmes, that's very kind of you but really I don't mind getting a taxi. _ Don't mention it. _ Look, it's fine. We'll leave here at five o'clock. OK? 1 _ How are you getting to the airport tomorrow, Gustavo? _ All right. Thank you very much. _ No, a taxi will be really expensive. I'll take you. 1 say it! Reply using the words given. Thanks a lot mention You can stay with us. kind Thanks for helping me. problem f Don't ^ 1 mention it! 1 —*v£ Thank you very much. OK situations natural English suggestions and responses think back! Remember three ways of making a suggestion. 3 Order the words to make suggestions and responses. A I want to buy a second-hand sofa. B you / looking / adverts / Have / newspaper / about / thought / at/the/the/in Have you thought about looking at the adverts in the newspaper? A I'll/do/Yes,/thai Yes. I'll do that. 1 A I need to save a lot more money to go on holiday this year. B an evening job / Have / about / you / getting / thought _7 A that / Yes / sure /1 / about /'m / not / but 2 A I want to sell my CD player. Do you know anyone who might buy it? B don't / putting/you / an advert / in / try / the paper / Why _~> A sounds/That/sensible 5 A Where can I get a new suitcase? B new / try / You / shopping centre / could / the A a / idea / good /'s / That Write a suggestion and a response. I A I need to do some more exercise but I just don't have time. B _ A _ 5 A There's something wrong with my computer but I don't know how to fix it. B _ A _ Your friend has had an argument with his girlfriend. Make some suggestions to him. grammar adjectives and adverbs 4 Tick the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes with adjectives or adverbs. Sorry I'm late. I had to drive 4mv because of the rain, slowly 1 It's cheap, but the food's OK. 2 She's a very nicely woman. 3 He looks unhappy. Do you think something is wrong? 4 It's extreme hot, isn't it? Can we open a window? 5 Please be patient. It won't take long. 6 That sounds really well. I like it. 7 Don't speak so quiet. I can't hear you! 8 I've got a terribly cold at the moment. I can't stop coughing and sneezing. 9 I was so happily because it was sunny. 10 Don't drive so fast - you'll kill us both! 28 29 your vocabulary verb/adverb collocations Some adverbs and verbs are often used together, for example to speak a language fluently. Match the adverbs with the definitions. clearly d 1 completely 2 fluently 3 neatly 4 patiently 5 carefully 6 politely I dangerously 8 well a doing something with good manners and showing respect for others b doing something in a way that's likely to cause injury or damage c thinking about what you are doing so that you don't make a mistake d doing something in a way that's easy to see, hear, or understand e doing something in a way that's tidy and in order f doing something calmly without getting angry g speaking and writing a foreign language easily and accurately h doing something in full with nothing missing i knowing somebody for a long time or in a deep way Complete the sentences. Use the adverbs above. It's amazing. She speaks three languages fluently I was terrified in the car. He was driving really__ Listen _ because you will only hear this once. I waited _ for twenty minutes, but then I had to go. Without my glasses I can't see _ at all. My boyfriend behaved _ when he met my parents. Thanks for your help. I understand it _ now. I don't write____ so I usually send e-mails rather than letters. ., but I like him a lot. 8 I don't know him very ] say it! Cover the exercise above and say the verbs with the adverbs speak English wait drive see understand write listen behave know sb dressed up vocabulary clothes and dressing 5 Match the sentences with the clothes. a tracksuit an evening dress jewellery shorts a suit a tie a top sandals trainers Pascal My dad always wore one to work, and the day he retired 1mm his job wc made a fire in the garden and burned them - he haled wearing them all his working life and never told anyone! a suit_ 1 Katya This is what I wore when I went to a ball once. Ii was in a very grand hotel and everyone looked really elegant -1 felt like a princess. 2 Selena I usually wear these at the seaside, although I hate it when I walk on the beach and the sand gets between my toes! _ 3 Marek 1 have to wear one for work but I always take it off the minute I gel home - it feels so tight around my neck-- 4 Rachel I don't usually wear much of this -just a necklace sometimes, and my wedding ring, of course. _ 5 Fatima It's not common lor women to wear these in my country, except for playing sports. We usually wear skirts or trousers instead. _ 6 Daniel The only dress code in my office is that we're not allowed to wear these. It's really annoying because they are so much more comfortable than 'proper' shoes! _ 7 Leila I don't know how many of these I have in my wardrobe hut it must be about fifteen or twenty, I always wear jeans, and I wear one ol these with them so I look >i little bit different every day. _ 8 Simona I usually wear one at the weekend when I'm working in the garden, or maybe if I go out running in the evening. _ natural English it depends 6 One ending is wrong. Correct it. A Are you going to the party tomorrow night? i who's going. 1 I took exams 2 I did a two-year tourism course 3 The course was expensive but I got 4 I left 5 I turned down 6 I did 7 I went 8 Alter college 9 I stayed 10 I passed a a year off to travel, b a grant. c a degree in Spanish. d to university in London. e in eight subjects. f school when I was 17 and worked for my dad. g a place at university because I got a great job. h I was offered a great job. i before getting a job in a hotel. j all my exams! k in my first job for two years. 35 your vocabulary studies and jobs Match a job with a definition and a field of work. a journalist an accountant keeps the accounts of a business designs, builds, or repairs engines, machines, etc. studies how people behave cooks professionally designs buildings collects and presents news in newspapers, or on TV or radio works in government or public life advises people about the law, prepares legal documents changes sth that has been written in one language to another language Complete the sentences. Use the words above. He qualified as a lawyer and wanted to specialize in criminal law. 1 I work as _. I specialize in the design of factories. 2 I'm good with numbers so I've decided to do a course in-- 3 I'm _. I write for a current affairs magazine. 4 I'm interested in how people think, so I'm studying-- 5 He did a _ course, and now he works in a restaurant. 6 I love languages. I'd like to become _ when I leave school. 7 He's enjoys repairing machines. He should become-- 8 She works in__She's the Member of Parliament for Hull. Isay it! How would people with these jobs answer the question? an architect an engineer a journalist an accountant grammar sentences with //, when and unless 4 Roberto Mancini is an advertising executive who works very hard. Match the questions and Roberto's answers. Are you a workaholic? How many hours a day do you (7^ work on average? 1 What time do you usually leave homo in the morning? 2 What time do you get home? O 3 Do you always have a lunch break? 4 Do you ever bring work home with you? 5 Do you ever wake up in the night thinking about work? 6 Do you normally enjoy your time at work? 7 Do you do any regular exercise? (3 © Most of the time I really enjoy it, unless I'm just too busy to do everything well. (J) Not always, no. But when I don't have time to go out for lunch, my secretary gets me a sandwich. (T) I work for about eight hours, unless we've got something special happening - then it's much longer. ® © Yes, I'm afraid I do. If I can't finish it all during the day I have to bring it home because we have deadlines to meet. I play tennis once a week and go swimming when I have the chance. It depends on the weather. If it's bad I drive, sc I leave at about 7.45 a.m. If it's nice I get the train, so I have to leave at about seven. g) Occasionally. If I'm worried about something at work, I often think about it at home. (h) Generally I get home at about 7 p.m. unless the traffic is bad. of course. 1 say it! If you have a job, answer the quiz questions yourself. If you don't work, answer them about someone you know. 5 Ted's friend K on rati is going to visit hint in Edinburgh. Underline the correct words in Ted's e-mail. from: Ted Handley subject: RE: coming to Edinburgh sent: Friday. April 12, 2002 12:03 pm Dear Konrad, I'm really looking forward to seeing you again. Of course it's fine for you to stay at my place. Your train gets in at five, doesn't it? If /When you don't mind waiting, I'll pick you up from the station ' if /when I finish work at 5.30. 2 If/Unless the train is late, call me on my mobile and I'll wait for you. You haven't been to Edinburgh before, have you? 5 If/When my boss agrees I'll take a couple of days off work to show you around town - I think you'll like it. 4 It /Unless we suddenly have lots more work next week, that should be no problem. I'll tell you all the news 5 if /when I see you! See you soon, Ted. natural English fortunately, hopefully, surprisingly 6 Tick the correct ending in each sentence. I left m\ wallet .u home but fortunately a my friend doesn't have any money. X b I hod in\ credit card with me. / 1 I had an interview yesterday - hopefully, .i I'll get the job. b I wasn't at all nervous. 2 He didn't study at all, but surprisingly a he did well in the exam. b he failed the exam. 3 We missed the bus. but fortunately a it was too far to walk. b my mum gave us a lilt. 4 The hotel we chose was very cheap, but surprisingly a it was really nice. b it was terrible. 5 Juan's been taken to hospital. Hopefully a he'll have to stay there for a week. b he'll be able to come home tomorrow. wordbooster stages in a career 7 Complete the two texts using verbs from the box in the correct form. work go borrow apply look after get take find set up «te go back I did a full-time course in tourism for three years. After graduating I 1_ for several jobs before I was offered one in a travel agency. I liked the job as I 2_ a lot of useful work experience and I had the opportunity to travel a lot. After five years I decided to ^_ my own travel company aimed at budget travel for young people. I 4_ a lot of money from the bank and everyone thought I was crazy to begin with, but now my business is successful and I'm my own boss. I think you have to 5_ a risk if you want to be successful." " I've just6_ to work again now my children are seven and three years old. I used to 7_as an accountant for a large company in London. I liked the work and the pay was good, but when we decided to start a family I knew that I had to make a choice. I know a lot of women who 8_ back to work soon after they have a baby but I wanted to 9_ my children myself. I think it was the right decision for me and now I've 10_ a new job quite easily. 55 ^ write it! If you work, write about the stages in your career. If you don't work, write about your mum or dad's career. 36 unit six unit six 37 and against vocabulary agreeing and disagreeing 8 Four parents are talking about their teenage children working part time. Complete the conversation. Use the words from the box. with that agree with that I'm not sure 1 agree true at all sure about that you're absolutely right Tony I think it's really good lor teenagers to do some work while they're still at school. Louise Like what? Tony Oh, a Saturday job in a shop or something like that. James Yeah, you're absolutely right . It's important for them to earn their own money when they're young. Louise Why? James Well, they learn to take some responsibility for themselves. They don't expect their parents to give them everything. Louise I'm not 1 . I think that children should be able to just enjoy themselves when they're young. Tony I'm not sure I 2_. If teenagers work a bit, they might enjoy their tree lime even more. Louise I don't think that's 1_. 1 had a part-time job and I hated ii. li didn'l make me enjoy myself more al other times! I think children should just be allowed to be children. Julie 4__Young people have lo learn how to balance work and leisure. James Well, I worked on Saturdays and it was great. I also think that it's a big advantage when you apply for real jobs. Louise I don't agree 5__I don't think it helped me get my first real job at all. 1 say it! i 1 don't agree ^ Respond to the opinions. Use the words given. \ with that. J If you do a job when you're young, it can help not / agree you decide what to do in the future. If you buy something with money you've earned right you appreciate it more. 1 think kids should just enjoy themselves at the weekend. not /sure You shouldn't just expect your parents to give you money not / true Now respond saying what you really think. grammar -ing form 9 Complete the sentences. Use a preposition from box A and the -ing form of a verb Irom box B. Use each verb once only. A for about of at with in B go war. j--j.-TTTrTc borrow help learn dance do forget My brother's worried about taking his exams. He doesn't think he's studied enough. I'm interested _ _ 1 2 3 You must he excited other languages. I'm tired _ Let's go. for him. on holiday! •I I'm really led op _ _ so much work. 5 She's very good___ 1 think she's won some competitions. 6 My (1.hI's not very happy _ him _ the car. 7 Thanks 8 me yesterday. I'm so sorry birthday! vour ] say it! Talk about yourself using these adjectives. worried V. interested y good excited % fed up I'm worried X about taking 1 my exams. m *» your grammar infinitive and -ing form A verb after a preposition is usually in the -ing form. Look at the examples. One advantage of working from home is that you don't have to waste time travelling. He took a year off before going to university. A verb after an adjective is usually in the infinitive form. Look at the examples. It's very difficult to get a place on that course. It's expensive to set up your own business. Complete the sentences. Use the verb given in the infinitive or -ing form. It's easy to get (get) to our house, .lust turn left after the swimming pool. 1 Instead of _ a taxi, why don't you be much cheaper. 2 It was really difficult _ (take) a bus? It would (hear) what he was saying because of the noise. 3 It's not safe home alone at night in this area. 4 I'm not ready _ (walk) yet. Can you wait for me? 5 Don't make a decision without _ (speak) to me about it first. 6 I thought about _ (go) to university but then decided to take a year off first. 7 I found it really hard _ (get) a job when I left school. 8 He took a year off before _ (start) university. 9 She wasn't happy about (work) in London, but she couldn't get a job in Manchester. 10 It's very difficult _ (understand) someone who speaks too fast. enquire about a course vocabulary course enquiries 1ŠKÉ 10 Here are some things you might say when enquiring about a course. Tick (/) or correct these sentences. Is the course full or half time ? X fi*rt-ti»te. 1 Are there any entry requirements? 2 I'd like to enrol the exam course. 3 Do I have to make a test ? 4 When have I to pay the fees? 5 I've filled an application form. 6 Do I have to pay a deposit? 7 Do I get a certification at the end of the course? 8 I'd like to make an exam course. 9 Could you send me a brochure? 10 I'd like to take the two monihs course. 38 unit six unit six 39 seven relationships Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ have a great/dreadful/good time □ do/did for emphasis O commenting on a book or film grammar □ verb patterns □ present tenses in narrative □ expand your grammar say, speak, tell, talk vocabulary □ relationships □ people in your life □ phrases with go and get O expand your vocabulary relationships off natural English have a great/dreadful/good time 1 Order the words to make conversations. Anna holiday /your /How /was How was your holiday? Maria a/had/time/great/We We had a great time. 1 Angelika you / out /going/ Are Bartek there / party / Yes/a /college / the/'s/at Angelika good / time / Have/a 2 Miko Catherine/saw/yesterday/I Xavier is / she / How Miko moment / having / dreadful / a! / She / a /'s / the / lime 3 Jose enjoying / you / Are / your / holiday Cosette great / a / having /'m / time /1 1 say it! Respond using have a great/dreadful/good time. Did you enjoy the party? Did you have a good weekend away? I'm going out now. handlinq grammar verb patterns 2 Tick the correct verbs. One, two, or three may be possible. i explained / He m refused that he couldn't go. 1 said/ A persuaded 1 She m promised him to help her. \ asked decided 2 He *Sj agreed " offered to lend her the money 3 My teacher f allowed advised suggested me to do the course. that there was a I explained problem with the told machine. warned them not to 5 The old man p told go near the asked dog. 3 Complete the letter. Use the words given. Mr Jenkins, Tne Ova-lock Hotel, Malvern R.cad, Ambleside, Cumbria. Banc/tery. Aótrrfŕeiti/tirf. ABX2BB January. Pear Mr Jenkins, I recently stayed m your notel. Unfortunately, I was net satisfied witn tne service I receded, from t'ne notel manaqcr, Mr 5imms. w'nen my wife and I arrived ne told us to wait I' m tne restaurant, He I_ (cxplam/tWerc/bc) a problem witn cur room. After tnree ncurs 'nc finally snowed us tne rcom but we 2_ (refuse/'stay) tnere - it was really dirty and tne snowcr was leak**). Mr 5imms 5_ icffer/mcvc,1 us to anofner room but it didn't nave a sea view. Eventually ne 4_ (persuade / move) into tne frst room after tney nad cleaned it aqain. However, wnen I 5_ was no water. I 6_ _ (try/nave) a snower tnere (ask/Mr 5imms/qet) it fixed but nc didn't. TKat niqnt t'ne room was so nosy tnat I couldn't sleep. It was directly above t'ne disco! I asked for a different room and ne 7_ (promise/'move) us tne next day. we stayed at tne notel for a week but we were never qiven a new room. Mr 5imms never spoke to us aqain, we 8_ (decide/'not/arquc) about it because we just wanted tc erycy our ncliday. I nope you will discuss this matter witn Mr 5imms, and I wculd, at tne very least, appreciate an apcloqy for tne problems we experienced. Yours sincerely, Ckistopne Martiqnac write it! You recently stayed in a hotel. Think of some problems you had and write a letter of complaint to the manager. 40 41 Ir your grammar say, speak, tell, talk These verbs are commonly confused. Look at the examples and verb patterns below. SAY She said that she had made a mistake. Did you say something? I didn't say anything. SPEAK Have you spoken to Toshiki today? TELL I told her not to worry. Did you tell her that I'd be late? Will you tell her about the party? TALK What were you talking to her about? Underline the correct verb. A What's wrong with Tim and Christine? B They had an argument and now they're not speaking/telling to each other. A What did they argue about? B Christine was 1 saying/talking to another guy at a party and Tim got really angry about it. A What happened? B She - said/told him not to be jealous, and he 1 said/told that he didn't want her to 'talk/say to other men. A You're joking! B No I'm not! She 'spoke/told me herself! A So what did she '• say/tell.' B She "said/told him that she didn't want to see him anymore. A But the last time I saw them they were 8saying/talking about getting married. B Not now! A So when did she ''say/tell you about it? B Yesterday. But please don't "'say/tell anything to anyone else! A No, I won't 11 say/tell anything. B You mustn't, she's really worried that everyone's '•' telling/talking about her! A No, I won't, I promise! wordbooster people in your life think back! Remember the words for five people in your life. 4 Replace the underlined phrases with a suitable pronoun and noun. The guy you live with is really untidy, isn't he? Your flatmate 1 The people who live in the house next to them have got a clog that barks all the time. _ 2 I wish the boy I used to go out with would stop calling me. 3 Most of our aunts, cousins, etc. live in the same town as us. 4 Natalia has been the person I've been closest to since we were at school together. _ 5 I love my job. The people I work .villi are really nice. 5 Match the beginnings and She gets frustrated 1 I get nervous 2 He gets depressed 3 I'm getting excited 4 The teacher gets angry 5 The children get tired 6 My mum gets worried 7 I often get bored 8 My sister gets upset endings ol the sentences. a if I don't call her every week. b about my holidays. c during my lectures at college. d when she can't say what she wants in English. e when they've been playing all day. f before tests and exams. g when his wife's away on business. h when she argues with her boyfriend. i if the students don't do their homework. 1 say it! When do you get... ? nervous angry depressed bored upset phrases with go and get 6 Complete the sentences. Use ../,> or ./.7 in the correct form. A Did you know that Sandra's going out with Patrick? B Really? 1 A Have you arranged your holiday yet? Ii A II We're definitely going to decided exactly where. abroad but we haven't How's your new job? I wasn't very happy at first, but now I'm people there it's better. to know i A How was work today? B Terrible, everything _ wrong! 4 A Hasn't Janet got her own business? B She did but she A B A 15 A 15 Do you want to bankrupt last year. out lor a drink alter work? Sorry, I'm working late tonight. Where's Carolina? In the bedroom - she's _ Did you like school ? No - not really. I used to _ teachers a lot. ready lor the party. _ into trouble with the 8 Don't tell the dog we're going out lor a walk! He _ excited he runs around the house breaking things! She applied lor hundreds of things before she a mechanic! so a job as 10 Let me read the map! I know we after Manchester. wrong somewhere get going out with went went gQ gettm ing? et on a date natural English do/did for emphasis 7 Make these sentences more emphatic Use do or did. Karolina You didn't enjoy the film, did you? Maria Actually. I liked it. Actually. I did tike it. 1 Luca Do you want me to explain it again? Marta No, I understand. 2 Alessandro You said you'd ring me yesterday. Anastasia I called you but there was no reply. 3 Helena I don't think your sister likes me. Barbara She likes you but she's shy. 4 Lucia He promised to talk to the manager. Stefan He talked to her but she said she couldn't help. 5 Montse Don't you want to go to the match? Agata I want to go but I'm really tired. go abroad 42 unit seven unit seven 43 tr relationships your vocabulary Order the events to make a story. a £ ] The next day they went out for a meal. They had a great evening and realized they had a lot in common. b [T] Tony and Sarah were introduced at a friend's party. They talked for hours and at the end of the evening Tony asked Sarah out. c £ They made up but decided to put off the wedding. d [ They started making wedding plans but they couldn't agree on anything! Then they fell out and didn't talk to each other for a week. e [ ] However, they never did get married and eventually they split up. f [ ] They started going out together. g I Tony proposed to Sarah on her birthday. Sarah accepted and they got engaged. h £ It took Tony a long time to get over Sarah, but now he's getting married to her best friend. Sarah says she's not jealous, but she's refused to go to the wedding. Match the phrases and the correct definitions. propose to sb get/be engaged (to sb) ask sb out have a lot in common (with sb) make up (with sb) put sth off Fall out (with sb) jealous get over sb to ask sb to marry you propose to sb 1 argue and stop being friendly with sb 2 agree to get married _ 3 share interests with sb else _ 4 become friends again after an argurrent 5 move sth to a later time _ 6 ask sb to go on a date _ 7 feel normal again at the end of a relationship____ 8 upset/envious _ Complete the conversations. Use phrases from the story. If you like her, why don't you ask her out ? I already have. We're going on a date tomorrow night! Where _? In a restaurant. He suddenly said, let's get married!' So, you're not getting married next month? No, we decided _. Why? We couldn't organize everything in time. Did you know that Brian and Jennie _ Really? So when are they planning to get married? Lewis and Renata have split up, haven't they? Is she OK? Well, yes, but it'll take her ages to_ Why _? It was just a stupid argument about money. Is everything OK now? No, we're not talking to each other. Jayne hates it when her boyfriend talks to other girls. Yeah, she's really__ Have you _? Yes! I apologized and gave him some flowers! What do you like about him? Well, we__We both love sports. 1 say it! Tell the story of a relationship you've had, or one that you know about. 44 unit seven tell the story of a book or film vocabulary relationships 8 Complete the conversations with a suitable word or phrase. Is it over between them? Yes, I think they split up a month ago. What's wrong? _ because I forgot our anniversary yesterday. I feel _ Diil you have Yes. We argued about money! Has she been involved with him for long? B No, I don't think it's a very _ relationship. 4 A So you just bumped into him at the party? B No, we arranged to _ in a bar before. 5 A When did Nicola and Sam _? B Oh, a few weeks ago. I was at their wedding. natural EngKsh commenting on a book or film 9 Complete the sentences. Use the words given. A Did you like the film? B make/laugh IL made me laugh 1 A What was it like? B be/funny_ 2 A What did you think of it? B find / moving _ 3 A Did you enjoy it? B make /cry _ 4 A It was an interesting documentary, wasn't it? B make/think _ 5 A How was the film? B find / a bit sentimental _ 1 say it! Respond to the questions. Use the words given. T 1 found it 1 depressing 1 What did you think of the book? depressing ^— Did you enjoy the film? silly What was the documentary like? fascinating How was that comedy show? laugh grammar present tenses in narrative 10 Complete the text. Use the verbs from the box in the present simple or present continuous. r~ ..... / The Beach The story is set in Thailand. It starts with a guy on holiday there. He 1_ in a backpackers' hostel in Bangkok when one day another traveller 2_ him a map of some islands and '_ him that there's a beach there where people 4_ in paradise. Later that day he 5- a French couple who have heard of the beach but 6_where it is. He 7_ _them the map and they 8- to look for it together. The three of them do eventually get to the beach but soon 9_that it is not quite the paradise that they hoped for. The people who live there 10_ they are alone, but they are not... j^l write it! If you have seen this film, continue telling the story. If not, tell the story of a different film. unit seven 45 eight Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ asking for help □ prepositions at the end of wh- questions □ permission and requests □ giving advice grammar □ present continuous and be going to □ predictions with will and going to □ expand your grammar let/make sb do sth vocabulary □ getting people's attention □ everyday acridpnts □ everyday events in the home □ uncountable nouns D expand your vocabulary around the house 46 Off vocabulary getting people's attention 1 Match ihc pictures with the phrases. a wave at sb b call out sb's name c whistle d top sb on the shoulder e touch sb's arm natural English asking for help 2 Underline the correct word. Nicole Roman, could you do me .1 hand / a favour / something? Roman Of course. What is it? a Nicole Nicholas, could you give me 1 a hand / a favour / something? This box is really heavy. Nicholas Sure. Where are you taking it? b Nicole Gabi, could you do 2 a hand/,t favour / something for me? Gabi It depends what it is. I've got to leave in five minutes. 1 say it! Could you I give me a hand? i Ask for help. Use the words given. I 1 need to move something/give Pedro a message hand/carry/bag ^^^•^^^tI favour/look at/computer/not working hand/move this desk ^ adapting to a grammar present continuous and be going to 3 Complete the conversations. Use Silvio's diary. Thursday 16 II Friday IP' {See.) 17 I I Saturday 11 a.m. CoiVe) folk \a ■few staff. \%.?jQom. (Uave,) luricU~ w.-rU Ja^k.e 8 p.m. (qo fo) c-iiie-wa~ 9 am. vUavc.) rvMim cvwj dad. Marcus Can I meet you this afternoon to discuss the proposal? Silvio No, I'm afraid I'm busy. I'm meeting Steve Branston at two. then I 1_ at four. Marcus What about tomorrow morning? Silvio I'm free until eleven, then I 2_ Marcus Could we meet for lunch? Silvio I 3_t but you could join us. Jim Hi Silvio, how are you? Silvio Good thanks. Jim Do you want to go out tomorrow night? Silvio I can't. Sam and I 4_ life changes 4 Underline possible verb forms. In some sentences both are possible. When I leave college I'm locking I going to look for work in the city. 1 I'm having/going io have dinner with my grandparents this weekend. 2 I'm relaxing/going to relax this weekend. It's been such a busy week. 3 I'm apologizing / going to apologize to my girlfriend later. We argued this morning! 4 We're staying / going to stay with an old school friend. 5 I'm working/going to work harder next term. I really need to get better marks. natural English prepositions at the end of wh- questions 5 Write questions to complete the conversations. Who's he talking to?_ Elena What are you doing on Saturday, Silvio? Silvio In the morning I 5_ but I'm noi doing anything in the afternoon. Why? 5l write it! Reply to this e-mail. You are busy tomorrow and Saturday, but free on Sunday. Hi! Do you want to do something tomorrow night or maybe on Saturday afternoon or evening? Paul. He's talking to Bob, his new boss. 1 _? I got it from the High Street bookshop. 2 _? She works for a computer company. 3 _? I'm looking for my keys. 4 _? She's going out with Richard. 5 _? It's made of glass. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. 7 _? We were laughing at this cartoon. We were just arguing about something stupid! 47 grammar giving advice 6 Martin is going travelling in Australia. He is talking to a friend who has been there. Write the sentences. Use the words given. I think you should buv a good guidebook. Try to get one with maps of all the cities, (think / buy / good guidebook) 1 _. It's spectacular. (recommend/go/The Great Barrier Reef) 2__. Then you could rent a car for smaller trips. (best/fly between the major cities) .. Australia's too big to see it all. (not think/go/too many different places) ___It's a beautiful journey. (recommend/get/train from Alice Springs to Darwin) .. It's much cooler down there. (best/go/the south /first) 1 say it! Give advice to someone planning to visit your country. Use the words given. think (language) recommend (clothes) best (money) not / think (something dangerous) II in the dark vocabulary everyday accidents think back! Remember five everyday accidents. 7 Complete the conversations. Use the words from the box. over a toy on his feat into a wall into a table a glass of water over off my bike all over the floor it on it A Why's he angry with you.1 B I stepped on his foot_. 1 A How did you get that bruise? B I bumped _■ 2 A How did you break your arm? B I fell_• 3 A Why's the carpet wet? B I knocked _• 4 A What happened to you camera? B I dropped _• 5 A How did you hurt your leg? B I tripped _. 6 A Why was your foot sore? B Someone stood - 7 A What happened to the car? B I crashed - 8 A What look so much time? B 1 was cleaning up the sugar that I spilt__ bruise /bruz/ (n) a blue mark that appears on the skin after a person has fallen or been hit 48 unit eight grammar predictions with will and going to 8 Tick the verb form(s) that are possible in each sentence. [(■■ home late, so don't wait up for us. We'll probably be / We're probably going to be / a The car will break The engine's making a terrible noise! A b The car's going to 2 I'm sure A a they'll offer b they are going to offer 3 Quick! Help her! A a She'11 droP & ^ b She's going t< break down. you the job. to drop it. 4 It's already 8.1 5. A * We',11 m,ss the start of the film. ^ b We re going to miss 5 Do you think A a they'll get married? ^ b they're going to get married? 1 say it! vocabulary everyday events in the home 9 Pablo is talking about his ex-flatmate. Complete the sentences. He made meals for himself and then didn't do the washing up. 1 He invited _ round all the time without asking me. 2 He sent and received a lot of _ so he was always on the computer. 3 He made more _ than me but refused to pay more than half of the phone bill. 4 He always used the _ then left his wet clothes in it for two days! 5 He always paid his _ late, so our landlord wasn't very happy with us. natural English permission and requests 10 You are staying at someone's house. Make requests. Use the words given. (could/phone) Could I use the phone, please? 1 (do / mind / computer) 2 (think/could / washing machine) 3 (would / mind /TV) 4 (could / shower) 5 (could / coffee) 6 (do / mind / friend/come round) 7 (would / mind / Internet) 8 (think / could / borrow your bicycle) unit eight 49 wordbooster uncountable nouns 11 Underline the ten countable words. traffic suggestion choice research idea information money news homework course equipment furniture spaghetti problem qualification knowledge journey weather luggage queue progress advice government priority 12 Tick (/) the correct sentences. Add a I an where necessary. I've gottoroblem. 1 Did you have good weather? 2 They are doing medical research. 3 Can I make suggestion? 4 We've made progress. 5 It's difficult choice to make. 6 She gave me good advice. 7 She has teaching qualification. 8 Did you have long journey? 9 I got stuck in traffic on the way home. 10 There is really long queue. your vocabulary around the house Here are some words for things around the house. freezer frying pan tin opener corkscrew kettle toaster saucepa cooker cupboard fridge I dishwasher washing machine fan pillow wardrobe radiator cushion drawer Underline the correct word in each sentence. Have you got a large saucepan / frying pan lor the pasta? 1 I got a bottle of wine. Do you have a corkscrew /tin opener.' 2 The towels are in the bathroom wardrobe/cupboard. 3 The kettle's/toaster's just boiled. Do you want a cup of cdffee? 4 The dictionary is on the top shelf / drawer ol the bookcase. 5 I've spilt coffee on one ol the pillows/cushions on the sofa. 6 The fan/radiator in my room isn't working. It's really cold. 7 .lust put those plates in the washing machine/dishwasher 8 Can you gel me the milk? There's a carton open in the cooker / fridge your grammar let/make sb do sth Marco lives with his parents. Here are some things that they make or let him do. Dad makes me cut the grass every week. This means that he doesn't want to cut the grass. His dad says he has to do it. They sometimes let me borrow the car. This means that he wants to borrow the car and his parents say this is OK. Mum doesn't let me go out on school nights. This means that his mum says he has to stay at home. They won't let me buy a motorbike. They say it's too dangerous. This means that he is not allowed to buy a motorbike. Notice that we use won't, rather than don't, when we are talking about a specific request rather than something general. Make new sentences with the same meanings. Use make or let. My mum says I have to do my washing. My mum makes me do my washing. 1 I am allowed to use the garage for band practice. My parents__ 2 I am not allowed to make calls on my mobile when I'm at home. They 3 My brothers and I have to tidy our bedrooms once a week! They__ 4 My sister wants to go on holiday with her friends but she's not allowed. They__ 5 My dad says I can't play my CDs in the living room. My dad__ 6 Our teacher says we have to speak only English in class. Our teacher__ 7 My parents say I'm not allowed out after midnight. My parents__ 8 My teacher says it's OK to use the Internet at school. My teacher__ 1 say it! When you were a child did your parents let/make you do these things? watch TV choose your own clothes do your homework tidy your room stay the night at a friend's house eat things you didn't like 50 unit eight unit eight 51 nine Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ vague and exact time □ emotional reactions □ saying how quickly you do things grammar □ first and second conditional □ frequency adverbs and adverbial phrases □ expand your grammar past continuous vocabulary □ collocation □ words often confused □ prefixes □ expand your vocabulary time expressions Off natural English vague and exact time 1 Look at the clocks. Tick (/) the correct sentences. 1 It's four fifty-seven. 2 It's around five. 3 It's getting on lor five. 4 It's five on the dot. 5 It's five-ish. 6 It's around three. 7 It's three-oh-six. 8 It's getting on for three. 9 It's three on the dot. 10 It's three-ish. 1 say it! Say the times using the words given. -ish I eight-ish. I -ish 51 around getting on dot nowhere fast vocabulary collocation think back! / Look at the pictures. V Say what each person is doing. 52 2 Complete the sentences. Use the pictures to help you. She uses her mobile phone all the time. She must have .i huge bill. 1 Wait a minute. I'm _. 2 I usually in the newspaper every day. 3 You look _ go home She 6 _ The waiter in a restaurant brings you a bill for £30 but you've only had two coffees. be right make a mistake It 7 The waiter 8 You see a friend in a restaurant with a woman who is not his girlfriend. be a colleague She 9 _ split up with Maria He 10 _ 68 unit eleven unit eleven 69 twelve money matters Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ What a O realize, remember, find out □ numbers in phrases □ actually grammar □ past perfect simple □ plural nouns □ expand your grammar past perfect continuous vocabulary □ driving □ money □ shopping O phrasal verbs with back □ expand your vocabulary spending money natural EngHsh What o ...! 1 Read the conversation below. Write Rachel's responses. Claire Rachel Claire Rachel Claire Rachel Claire I had a job interview at two o'clock. I left home early -1 had plenty of time to get there but then I got stuck in traffic for ages. Oh no. what a nightmare! (nightmare!) When the traffic started moving again I realized that there was something wrong with my car - it wouldn't start. i_(disaster!) I was panicking about the interview - it was already 1.45 p.m. and I had no idea what was wrong with the car. 2_(must / be / stressed) Anyway, I ended up having an argument with the man in the car behind me. It was awful. Eventually I got the car started again but I was really late for my interview. S_(it / be / OK?) No! The receptionist asked me to wait. Then she showed me into this office and there was the man who was going to interview me - it was the man I'd just had the row with! 4_(terrible/thing/happen!) I was so embarrassed! We did the interview anyway, and actually I think it went quite well. 5_(think / get / job?) I'd be very surprised if he offered me it! 1 say it! Remember Claire's story and say Rachel's responses. 70 vocabulary driving think back!_ Remember five verbs associated with driving. 2 Match the verbs and pictures. 1 park 2 reverse 3 slow down 4 pull out 5 overtake what happened grammar past perfect simple 3 Put the verbs into the correct tense - past simple or past perfect simple. When I got up (get up) yesterday I knew it was going to be a bad day! First there was no milk for breakfast because I 1_ (forget) to buy some. Then I 2_ (spend) ages looking for my car keys which I 5_ (leave) in the bathroom! I was late for work, which annoyed my boss, who 4_ (want) to know why I 5_ (go) home the day before without finishing his report. In fact I 6_ (work) until 9 p.m. By lunchtime I was starving as I 7_ (not have) any breakfast, but when I went to buy lunch, I couldn't find any money. 1 was sure that I 8_ (pick up) my wallet before leaving home. When I 9_ (get) back to my desk there was a message from my wife. I 10_ (forget i to meet her for lunch. natural EngHsh realize, remember, find out 4 Carole is telling a story about missing a plane. Write sentences using the words given. not / realize / lose passport / until / get to / check-in desk I didn't realize that I'd lost my passport until I got to the check-in desk. think /put /in my bag i 2 suddenly / remember / lake out / wallet / pay taxi driver 3 maybe / it / fall out / then 1 find out later /someone /find /it 5 but by then / miss / my Might ] say it! Remember and retell the story. 71 your grammar past perfect continuous Read the last line of a story about a car accident. LU Apparently the driver had been talking on his mobile phone and hadn't noticed the traffic lights changing, so he went Ltl straight through the red light and hit the truck. The speaker uses the past perfect continuous to describe something happening at the time (1), and the past perfect simple to describe a single event (2). Underline the correct form of the verb. By the time he arrived I had waited/been waiting for half an hour. 1 When it started to rain, they'd only played /been playing for five minutes. 2 My mum couldn't believe that I'd offered/been offering to make dinner. 3 Their families were surprised by the engagement as they had only gone/been going out together for a couple of months. 4 My girlfriend was really upset with me. Apparently she had tried/ been trying to call me five times but I had my mobile switched off. 5 By the time we arrived, Claire had left/been leaving. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs given in the past perfect simple or continuous. 6 I had to stop for a break. I _ hours. 7 When I got home I remembered I pick my sister up. 8 We cancelled the holiday because it (drive) for five _ (promise) to _ (rain) there for weeks, and the area was flooded. 9 I was sure that we (meet) before, but I couldn't remember when. 10 He _ (look) for work for nearly a year, so he was delighted when someone finally offered him the perfect job! write it! Imaginetliatyo^ to money vocabulary money 5 Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences. lie borrowed LH 1 She inherited 2 2 I usually spend 3 They have invested 3 4 I earn □ 5 Can you pay 4 6 Can you lend 7 She won 5 8 I found a the electricity bill today? b £20 from me Kt.i year. c £1 million in a lottery! d more money than my husband. e £20 when I washed your jeans. f a house from her grandfather. g a lot of money in the company. h about £20 a week on transport. i me some money? I'll pay you back soon. ]say it! Finish the sentences. ^^^^^ 1 spent... | 1 spent £50 "X 1 invested... on petrol 1 borrowed... last week. i 1 earned... 1 inherited... natural English numbers in phrases 6 Rewrite the sentences. Use a phrase u ith a number. lie gave her a ring worth five thousand pounds for their wedding anniversary. He gave her a five-thousand-pound ring lor their wedding anniversary. 1 Can 1 have a stamp worth ninety pence, please? 2 It's a walk that lakes ten minutes. 3 I've only gol a coin worth two euros. 4 I've asked the bank lor a loan of ten thousand pounds. 5 He's taking a holiday lor two weeks. wordbooster shopping 7 Match these phrases/words with the sentences. a refund overcharged us the receipt a deposit exchange it in b sole I bought this jacket when everything in the shop was reduced. I bought this jacket in a sale . 1 I didn't really like the bag my mum gave me for Christmas but the shop let me take it back and gel a different one instead. 2 It was lucky that we checked the bill because the waitress had charged us too iniicli. 3 The assistant refused to give me my money back because she-said I had worn the jeans. 4 We had to pay some money in advance when we ordered our new sola. 5 1 wanted to change the shirt lor a bigger one but I'd lost the piece ol paper from the shop. phrasal verbs with back give get ask for go take send pay come 8 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of a verb above, back, and ,i pronoun if necessary. I ordered a book but they've sent me the wrong one. I'll have to send it back._ 1 Can you lend me £20? 1 promise I'll _ tomorrow. 2 I liked it in the shop but now I think the colour's wrong. I'm going to _ and get a blue one instead. 3 He still has the Walkman that I lent him six months ago. Do you think I should call him and _? 4 We had a great holiday there. I'd love to _ next year. 5 We had an argument in the restaurant and he left. He didn't _ for half an hour so 1 finished my meal alone! 6 The police are looking lor the car. But they said that we might never 7 Could I borrow your dictionary? I'll _ in a minute. 8 Can I borrow five pounds? I'll _ tomorrow, 1 promise! 72 unit twelve unit twelve 73 your vocabulary spending money 7 spend everything I earn - and more!' Friday night's come round and you're going out after work. You check your wallet and find that you'll need to get some cash out again ... sound familiar? Claire Moody, 23, is an actress and director of her own theatre company. 'I'm very had with money. I can never keep track of where it all goes. As a director of my own company 1 have to invest lots of money in wining and dining business associates. I'm often at work from nine in the morning until ten at night. The bad thing about working so late is that 1 can end up spending a fortune on taxis but I'd rather spend the extra money and be safe than risk the bus. I love buying clothes and it's important for me to look good for auditions. I usually spend about £150 a month on clothes, but it I've just done an acting job that's quite well paid then I'll go out and treat myself to something nice. I'm lucky because my acting agency pays for most of my expenses but if it's something small I don't always claim it back. When I went to university I worked during the holidays and managed to graduate without any debts. But nowadays I do spend everything I earn and more and I don't expect I'm going to get any better. I'm still hoping that I'll become famous one day and my finances will finally catch up with my spending habits.' Read the text and took at the phrases underlined. Match them with the definitions beiow. a fortune a very large amount of money 1 _ money that you owe to sb 2 _ describes a job that you earn a lot of money for 3 _ have information about what is happening or where sth is 4 _ withdraw money from the bank 5 _ to give yourself sth that is very special or enjoyable 6 _ necessary spending, or business costs 7 _ when you ask your company to pay you for work-related spending 8 _ financial situation Choose a word or phrase from the text to complete the sentences below. I haven't got any debts . I don't like owing people money. 1 My new job's really _. It's great to earn so much more money than before. 2 I try to _ _ what I spend money on by writing everything I buy down in my diary. 3 When I travel on business I spend a lot on taxis, but I _ from my company. 4 If I'm feeling depressed I usually go shopping and _ to something special. 5 I had so many presents to buy that I spent _ Christmas. over 6 I've only got h've pounds. I need to dinner. before we go to 7 My _ are not looking very good at the moment. I think I'll have to get an evening job as well. 8 Unfortunately, at the moment my weekly are often more than what I earn so I have to borrow money from my parents. say the right thing in a shop grammar plural nouns 9 Match the beginnings and endings ol these sentences. I like these. 1 These trousers 2 I'll take these 3 This shirt 4 I'll take this 5 I've already got some 6 Can I try this 7 This 8 Those ___a shoes. Can I try them on? b doesn't suit me. It's the wrong colour. c jeans look good on you. d don't fit me. Can I try a smaller size? e jacket's nice. Why don't you try it on? f sunglasses. g watch. Can you wrap it for me? h jumper in size 12? i shoes like these. 10 Tick the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes. Where is my jeans'? X wtierc arc myjcans? 1 I need a new pair of shoes. 2 I think politics are a hit boring. 5 The news is always depressing, isn't it? 4 Maths were my best subject at school. 5 Could I borrow a scissors? 6 There were a lot of people there. 7 Be careful. The stairs is wet. 8 I enjoyed gymnastics ai school and I was very good at them. 9 The children are very quiet today. 10 I can't find any socks to wear! natural English actually 11 Complete the sentences using the words given. A So how was the concert? B (ad ually / be / terrible). Actually, it was terrible._ I A Coffee? B (actually /prefer/cold drink) 2 A I'll see you at seven. B (actually / can / meet / eight / instead?) 3 Everyone thinks Joseph Conrad was English, but (actually/be/Polish) 4 A I'll see you in class this afternoon. B (.uiually/not/go) 5 Everyone thinks it's an American film, but (actually /he/ Australian) 1 say it! Respond to the questions. Use the words given. I nctuaiiy, % I took a taxi, j How long did you have >*" 1 to wait for the bus? / Actually, ^ actually /take /taxi How was the play last night? actually/ not/go Maria's boyfriend's nice, isn't he? actually / never/ meet / him That was boring, wasn't it? actually/enjoy/it 74 unit twelve unit twelve 75