one í.i Byron, darling ... ... give me a big, big kiss. Shh! I'm watching Top of the Pops! Has anyone seen my glasses? Quiet, Dad! I'm watching Top of the Pops! Agrippine, poor Granny's not very well ... Mum, be quiet! I'm watching this! Oh, not now - I'm watching TV. Oh, it's you, hi. What are you doing? Oh, nothing special. Just watching Top of the Pops. It's really boring!! 1.2 What's your teacher like? What's your flat like? What was the party like? What's Anna's boyfriend like? 1.3 tune in 1 A Wow. So, how did you meet her? B Well, I was in one of her pop videos. 2 I was in New York, and I was visiting a friend who did her make-up. (Goodness me!) And I went to the premiere of her latest film and afterwards we went to a party and she was there. listen carefully 1 Michael W You've met Kylie? Really? Kylie Minogue? M Yep, Kylie Minogue. W Wow. So, how did you meet her? M Well, I was in one of her pop videos. W Oh, that is amazing! M I was one of her dancers. W Yeah? wh-what's she Like? M Oh, she's a really great dancer. W But, what's she like as a person? M Oh, oh, she's lovely. She's so down-to-earth, and she works so hard. She's one of these people who really knows what she wants. At the same time, she can have a good laugh too. But when it's time to work, you have to work, but that's OK. W Hmm, that's interesting. And do you see her a lot? M No. We worked with her for two weeks. W That's amazing! You've met Kylie. Incredible. 2 Roger 6 Jennifer Aniston! Where did you meet her? R I was in New York, and I was visiting a friend who did her make-up. G Goodness me! unit one And I went to the premiere of her latest film and afterwards we went to a party and she was there. Did you get to speak to her? Yes, for quite a long time. What's she like? She's really nice. She's charming, intelligent, and she really wants to become ... not just a famous actress, you know, but a really good actress. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. She seemed very confident and controlled, but in some ways she isn't. I mean, OK, she's famous for her television work, you know, Friends, but she really wants to do well in films. Really? Yeah, anyway, she's a lovely person. Have you seen her again? No, unfortunately. make up sth people, especially women, put on their faces to look more attractive down-to-earth practical and realistic amazing /s'meizirj/ incredible confident feel sure that you can do sth well unfortunately /An'foitfsnatli/ you say this when you are sorry or sad about sth 1.4 listening challenge D Wow! You've met Ralph Fiennes. L Hmm. Where did you meet him? Oh, it was a long time ago. I was, urn, 23. I did a play with him at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Fantastic. What's he like? Oh, lovely, really nice. I haven't seen him for quite a while - he's, he's been in Hollywood, but he's so, er, normal, so ordinary. Ah, interesting. Yeah. Oh, I do remember one funny thing - erm, this was a long time ago, I met him at a party and he told me this story, true story. He said he got a phone call and his wife took the phone call and she said, 'it's Steven Spielberg on the phone.' Well, well of course he didn't believe her, but you know what? It was Steven Spielberg. Wow. And he was phoning to ask him to be in Schindlers List. Really? 1.3 vocabulary uses of so We use so in different ways. 1 to emphasize an adjective or adverb: It's so hot in here. She drives so slowly. 2 to continue a conversation, especially to start a new subject or ask a question: So, we need to talk about the holiday. So, what did the doctor say? Look at the conversations about Kylie Minogue and Ralph Fiennes. How many examples of so can you find? Which meaning do they have? 1.3 pronunciation sentence stress Listen to these sentences from 1.3. Underline the words that have the main stress. example Where did you meet her? 1 I was visiting a friend who did her make-up. 2 And I went to the premiere of her latest film ... 3 ... and afterwards we went to a party and she was there. 4 Did you get to speak to her? 5 Yes, for quite a long time. 1.5 Who is Dannii Minogue's sister? Who is Ralph Schumacher's brother? Who is Julio Iglesias's son? Who is Brooklyn and Romeo Beckham's father? Who was Princess Diana's mother-in-law? one friends and family 1.6 Robert's boss Kate's daughter Paul's girlfriend Emma's ex-boyfriend 1.7 A OK, so leťs see - Mary, she's obviously Robert's mother, isn't she? B Yeah, that's right. A OK, and this girl here, is that Robert's sister? B Yeah, that's right, er, Kathy ... A Yeah, they look like brother and sister, don't they? (hmm) So, erm, who's this Sally woman then? B Oh, that's Robert's new girlfriend. She's lovely, actually. Much nicer than his last girlfriend, erm, Harriet - that one there. She was very strange. A Yeah, she looks it. So, that means Anna must be his boss? B Yeah, that's right. 1.8 Maria and Carmen both come from Spain. They both live in Barcelona. They're both journalists. Both of them speak English very well. 1.9 David and Lynne L David, have you got any brothers and sisters? D Yes, I have. I've got an older sister, and a younger brother. L Oh, right. And what do they do? D My sister is a television director, and my brother's a student. (Wow!) He's studying to become a doctor. L Hey! D And how about you? Do you have brothers and sisters? L Yes, I've also got a brother and a sister. D Ah! And what do they do? L Er, my brother is an engineer, and my sister's a teacher. D Ah! What age group does she teach? L Er, she teaches in a secondary school. D Ah. Seema and Roger R What was your last family celebration? S Erm, last year - summer - we all went to Delhi, (wow) to see my grandmother. R Fantastic! S That was fantastic! Yeah. And you? R Erm, my, my brother, erm, it was his fortieth recently, so, erm, fortieth birthday, so we all met up there. S Fantastic! Big party? R Great party, thank you. 6 unit one 1.7 apostrophe 's Look at these examples of 's. Circle 's when it means is, and underline 's when it is possessive. example Sh^s)obviously Roberťs mother. 1 What's Doctor Harmer's phone number? 2 Mary's sister's living in Paris. 3 That's my ex-girlfriend's car. 4 A Who's that? B I think it's Larry's teacher. 5 How's your sister's boyfriend? 1.8 pronunciation th /9/ and /ČV a Listen to 1.8. Notice how we pronounce th in both /baü8/ and they /öei/. b Put these words in the correct column below. this thank you Thursday mother weather think thin there brother fourth /e/ /ČV both they For this, say /öis/ NOT /zrs/ or /dis/ For think, say /0irjk/ NOT /sink/ or /hrjk/. c Practise saying these sentences. 1 That's my brother over there. 2 His birthday's on the seventh of July. 3 She thought the party was on Thursday. 4 They told their father the truth. 5 They live south of the river. 2.1 What time do you have breakfast? What did you have for dinner last night? Where did you have lunch yesterday? Shall we have a coffee? 2.2 onion carrot pasta grapes spinach frozen peas aubergine bread nee red pepper chick peas olives courgette instant coffee 2.3 We eat a lot of cheese. We don't drink much bottled water. We don't eat many biscuits. We don't eat any frozen food. _—_-------------------------- something to eat 2.1 vocabulary have + noun There are many phrases in English with have + noun. examples have a wash = to wash (your hands, face, body) have a drink = to drink something Complete the sentences with words from the box. bath sleep shower swim drink shave 1 I'm thirsty. Can I have a ___________? 2 The sea looks fantastic! Let's have a__________ 3 He was tired, so he decided to have a__________ 4 It was so hot I decided to have a cold__________ 5 I cut my face when I had a _________ this morning. 6 I don't like showers, so I usually have a__________ Check your answers with the tapescript. 2.2 pronunciation sounds Look at the underlined sounds. Is the pronunciation the same or different? examples fish /ftjy + chips /tjips/ - the same meat /mi:t/ + bread /bred/ - different 1 coffee + oUves 2 pasta + grapes 3 spinach + chick peas 4 peas + bread 5 aubergine + olives 6 rice + spinach 7 onion + carrot 8 pepper + courgette unit two two 2.4 A I'm sorry I'm late - there was nowhere to park. B That's OK. Don't worry. A I didn't have time to do the shopping. I'm really sorry about that. B Don't worry. It doesn't matter. 2.5 tune in/listen carefully C Hi, Mikey! M Hello! C Happy birthday! M Oh, thank you - look, I'm sorry I'm late - the traffic was terrible. C That's OK, don't worry, come in. M Oh, thanks. C Erm, Mikey, I didn't have time to get you a present - I'm really sorry about that. M Never mind, never mind, it doesn't matter, really, doesn't matter. You can buy me one later! C OK, so, first of all, what do you want to drink? M I'd love some wine. C Red or white? M Er, red if you've got it. C Yes, we have. M Great. Gosh, this food looks wonderful! What is it? C Shall I tell you? M Hmm. C OK. It is ... chicken casserole (hmm) with red peppers, tomatoes, and onions. M Looks really interesting. C Hmm. I learnt it from Maria next door. (uhuh?) She's spent loads of time in Spain. M Oh, it smells wonderful! C Hmm. Lots of herbs. M Hmm ... and tastes ... oh, fabulous. Er, actually, this, the sauce is so good ... can, can I have some bread? C Yeah, sure. M Hmm. Delicious. Wow ... 2.6 listening challenge G Hello!! C Hi, darling. M Ah, hello Gerry. G Hello, Mike. Happy birthday! M Oh, thank you. C Would you like something to eat? G Ah, no thanks, I had a big lunch. C How about something to drink? G Mm, that would be lovely. Erm, white wine? C Hmm. OK. G Thank you. So, Mike, erm, Lucy not here? G Er, Gerry ... 8 unit two M Well, no, because we're not er, well, we're not together any more. Er, Lucy left me. Hmm. (oh) I'm afraid it's er, it's over. G Mike, I'm so sorry. M That's OK, I've got over it now. C Here's your wine. G Cheers! 2.7 Picture 1 Oh, look at the time. Kevins late again. Picture 2 Oh, hello darling - sorry Im late. Erm, heres some flowers for you. Thank you - theyre lovely. Picture 3 Good evening. Erm, tonights special is lobster. Oh, Lovely. Id like that please. And perhaps some champagne to go with it? I cant afford lobster and champagne! Picture 4 It looks delicious. Oh, this is terrible. Picture 5 Ugghh! Darling! Whats the matter? It tastes disgusting. Picture 6 Look at this! This lobster is off! Theres definitely something wrong with it. Picture 7 Im so sorry. Er, please accept the rest of the meal on the house. Picture 8 Is everything OK? Hmm, very good, thank you. Absolutely lovely. something to eat itim&uu can't afford not have enough money to pay for slh (the lobster is) off bad, not fresh ( you can't eat it) on the house if food or drink is 'on the house' in a bar / restaurant, it is free 2.4 pronunciation schwa hi Look at tapescript 2.4 and listen. The underlined words have the hi sound. This is the most common sound in English and is used for many unstressed vowels. A I'm sorry I'm late - there was nowhere to park. B That's ok. Don't worry. A I didn't have time to do the shopping. I'm really sorry about that. B Don't worry. It doesn't matter. Listen again and repeat. 2.5 intensive listening Cover tapescript 2.5. Listen and complete the gaps. C OK, so, first of all, what do you want_____________________? M I'd love______________________ C Red or white? M Er, red if you've __________ C Yes, we have. M Great. Gosh, this food looks wonderful! What __________ __________? C Shall I tell you? M Hmm. C OK. It is ... chicken casserole (hmm) with red peppers, tomatoes, __________ M Looks really interesting. C Hmm. I learnt it from Maria 2.5 and 2.6 vocabulary a Look at tapescript 2.5. Underline the phrases Mike uses to say what he thinks about the food. b Find phrases in 2.5 and 2.6 which mean: 1 don't worry / it's not important 2 I would like 3 a lot/lots 4 it's finished c Find phrases in 2.5 and 2.6 that yoy can use when: 1 it's somebody's birthday 2 you are talking to someone you love 3 you give something to somebody 4 you hold up your glass before you drink 2.7 vocabulary adjectives Look at the underlined words in tapescript 2.7. Write another word with a similar meaning. example Oh, thank you - they're lovely, gorgeous unit two review one review Rl.l I don't know what she said, but her face was very red. The trousers that I bought were really very short. The best thing that I sold was a teapot made of gold. The first time we spoke he offered me a Coke. I asked how much she paid for the fizzy lemonade. I stopped work and thought 'Now it's time for sport!' When the phone rang I heard a loud bang. The last film I saw was in 1984. two review R2.1 In this game, there are ten questions. For each question, you have to cross out pictures in the table. Sometimes you'll cross out one picture, and sometimes more than one. And you can talk to your partner about the answers. Are you ready? OK, number one. A vegetable that can be red or green - oh, you've already done that one. Number two. A fruit we use to make wine. Number three. Two things that come in cans. Number four. Something that grows on a tree. Number five. A vegetable which is frozen. Number six. Four things beginning with the letter 'c'. Number seven. Something you need to make toast. Number eight. Two vegetables which are countable. Number nine. There are two pictures left. One of them is white when it's cooked. Cross it out. Number ten. What's the last picture? Tell the class. three places 10 one review R2.1 pronunciation sense groups The speaker divides each sentence into groups of words - this makes it easier for the listener. In the example, there is a small pause after vegetable. example OK, number one. A vegetable / that can be red or green. / Listen. Are these pauses (/) in the same place as in the recording? If not, change them. Number two. A fruit we use to / make wine. Number three. TWo things / that come in cans. Number four. Something that / grows on a tree. Number five. A vegetable / which is frozen. Number six. Four things beginning / with the letter 'c'. Number seven. Something you need / to make toast. Number eight. Two vegetables which / are countable. Practise saying the sentences. Pause in the correct places. 3.1 The best thing about living in a city is the nightlife. The worst thing is the traffic. The best thing about my flat is the location. The worst thing is the noise. 3.2 A Have you ever lived abroad? B Yeah, I have. A Where was that? B South America - I worked in Rio for a while. A And how long were you there? B Ooh, about nine months - it was about ten years ago now. A Really? Did you like it? B Yeah, I loved it - it was fascinating. Completely different from Europe. fascinating /'fiesineitirj/ very interesting 3.3 A Have you ever been to America? B No, never. How about you? A Yes, once. I went to a friend's wedding in New York. A Have you ever made bread? B Yeah, lots of times. And you? A Yes, a couple of times, but it was horrible. 3.4 How long does it take to get there? It's a five-minute drive. It's a ten-minute bus ride. It's a twenty-minute walk. .2 pronunciation weak forms Look at the words in bold in tapescript 3.2. These words are not stressed. Listen and notice the schwa hi. Practise saying the dialogue. Remember to use the schwa hi. A Have you ever lived abroad? B Yeah, I have. A Where was that? B South America - I worked in Rio for a while. A And how long were you there? B About nine months - it was about ten years ago now. A Really? Did you like it? B Yeah, I loved it - it was fascinating. Completely different from Europe. 3.4 pronunciation the letter i a The letter i can be pronounced in different ways, e.g. sit /sit/ and mine /mam/. Underline examples of the letter i in tapescript 3.4. Is it pronounced lil or /ai/? b Practise saying the sentences in tapescript 3.4. c Put these words in the correct column. wine win time chip light sing fine nine promise middle opposite climb lil Iml sit mine unit three 11 3.5 tune in I need to get to Big Sound Studios I need to change some money too, I've got some dollars Is there a place I can get some coffee and a snack maybe? listen carefully D Hi. R Hi. D I'm Dane Crystal. I'm staying in room 101. (right) I need to get to Big Sound Studios. R Oh, it's very near. D Oh, OK. R Erm, it's about a five-minute walk, erm, if you, if you want to walk. Erm, all you need to do is go to the end of the road here (end of the road, OK), when you get to the station (yeah), you need to turn left, (turn left) and then the studios are just there, again, on the left, I mean, it's really not far. D I don't need to take a cab. R Oh, no, not at all, not at all. D OK, OK. I need to change some money too, I've got some dollars, and I'd like to turn them into pounds if you guys do that. R Yeah, no, unfortunately, we can't change any money in the hotel (OK) but, erm, there's a bank just down the road, it's called the Euro Bank (the Euro Bank), erm yeah, it's just down the road, on the opposite side. D I think I passed it. R Yeah, ifs just after the market. D OK, I'll find it. And I've got a little time before I need to get to the studio so, er, is there a place I can get some coffee and a snack maybe? R Oh, yeah, sure, there's a little snack bar erm, just next door to here. D Oh, OK. R Yeah. Or, actually, erm, if you want, there's a pizza place. D Oh, yeah, pizza would be good. R Well, yeah, it's just, erm, on the corner, er, opposite the cinema, just down there, next to the pub. D OK. R Yeah, so it's called 'Pizza House' (Pizza House). Yeah. D I'll find it. R OK. D Thanks a lot for your help. R Thank you very much. D Bye bye, have a good day. R See you later. 3.6 listening challenge A Dane! D Andy! Good to see you, buddy! A Dane Crystal! Good to meet you at last. Did 12 unit three places you find the studio OK? Was it... D I got great directions, Andy, from the receptionist. A Good, good. Now tell me, about the flight - was everything all right for you? D Was great. I got upgraded! A Upgraded. You ... D They put me in first class! First class all the way! A Tell me, is everything all right at the hotel? Are you happy? D Yeah, the hotel's great. Got a nice big spacious room. Couldn't be happier. A Fantastic. Listen, I'm taking you out for lunch. There's a really nice place near the hotel, and - ifs French. D Oh, gosh, I love French food. A I know you love French food. Ifs opposite the pizza place. Have you seen it? D I passed it on the way here. A Grab your jacket - we'll go! Come on! D All right, buddy! Iäml guy §> /gai/ man cab (n) taxi buddy i> /'bAdi/ (US English) friend spacious /'speijss/ (adj) big grab (v) take sth quickly Beth, what's that, opposite your house? That's the tennis court. Really? Do you play? In the summer, we do, yeah. And what's that at the end of the road? Ah, the park. Oh, lovely. What's it like? It's lovely, it's really small and peaceful, you know, it's nice. Fantastic. So you've got a tennis court and a park. I know, we're really lucky. And, what's that, on the corner? The White Horse, our local, erm, local pub; ifs a bit noisy. I haven't actually been there. And, how about this, opposite the pub? The Chinese restaurant? Have you ever been there? Yeah, we've been there lots of times. We went there last week, actually. Did you? (yeah) Is it expensive? No, not really, no. And what's that, next to the Chinese? The chemist's? Oh, yeah, ifs really useful, having that there. Yeah. And this, down the road from the chemist's? That's the doctor's surgery. How far is it? Ifs a five-minute walk. And that's your doctor? Yeah - but I haven't actually been there, so, thafs good. 3.5 conversation feature repetition When you are listening, you can repeat important information. This shows the speaker that you have understood. example A You have to take the number 73 bus. B The number 73, OK. Look at tapescript 3.5. Underline four examples where Dane repeats what the receptionist says. 3.5 and 3.6 vocabulary place a Look at tapescripts 3.5 and 3.6 and circle examples of the word place. (There are two examples in each conversation.) b In the examples, does it mean: a shop? b bar / restaurant? c hotel? c Now look at the natural English box on p.31 of the Student's Book. 3.7 pronunciation syllables Count the syllables in each word. Which one in each group is different? (Pharmacy has three syllables; the other words have two syllables.) tennis court post office supermarket surgery cinema museum restaurant chemist petrol station bus station studios coffee bar swimming pool factory cathedral snack bar Practise saying the words. unit three 13 4.1 A Which one do you prefer? B I like this one. A What, the blue one? B Yeah, ifs really pretty. A Hmm. I prefer that one, actually. B Do you? A Yeah. It's more, for men, you know? B Mm, yeah. 4.2 The woman in the picture's wearing a jacket. She's carrying an umbrella. Do you usually wear glasses? You wear a ring on your finger. 4.3 turn it off turn it on put it down hang it up take it off try them on take it back put it on pick them up 4.4 1 A What size are you? B I'm a 28. 2 A Could I try these on? B Yes, the changing room's over there. 3 A Do they fit? B No, they're too tight. 4 A Have you got them in a bigger size? B Yes, here you are. 5 A What do you think of them? B I like them - they look good on you. 6 A Where do I pay? B Over there, at the counter. 4.5 tune in/listen carefully Ji I had this interview for a job last week, and erm, I suddenly realised that I hadn't got any clothes, you know, er, er, a good suit for the interview (hmm, right) so I went to buy one, erm, I went down to the department store, erm ... the first thing I saw was this beautiful, blue suit (hmm), it was just fantastic, erm, and then I saw the price, and it was too expensive, (oh) so erm, anyway, the shop assistant came up and was really nice, erm, and then I tried on a grey suit, (hmm) erm, but that was the wrong size, (oh), you know, the, the trousers weren't long enough, erm, anyway, the shop assistant was really helpful, and, erm, brought lots of suits and was, said lots of nice things, like, you know, 'that looks very good,' and er, then finally after about half an hour there, he said, erm, 'Oh, yeah, that looks really good', (hmm) and it did, so I decided that was the suit for me, and I went to pay ... 4.6 listening challenge So I went to the cash desk, and the manager of the department store was actually working on the cash desk, (hmhm) and he said, 'did you get good service today?' (right) and I said, 'yes, yes, I did, the assistant was, was very helpful,' and I pointed to the assistant who'd been helping me, and at that moment, he was just walking out of the door of the store, and the manager said, 'oh, he doesn't work here.' Ju I - I don't understand. Ji Well, the assistant that had been helping me try on the suit wasn't an assistant at all, he was just another customer, or somebody that had come in off the street! cash desk (n) place in a shop where you pay 4.7 A Can I help you? C Could I try these on? A Yes, of course. What size do you take? C 43. C Sorry, they're too tight. A Right. Would you like to try on the next size, then? C Yes, OK. A I'm sorry, we've only got these in the next size. C OK, I'll try them on. C Hmmm ... What do you think of them? A Oh, I think they look fantastic. C OK, I'll take them. A Fine. Thafs, erm, 60 euros, please. W Oh, look! Your shoes are the same as mine! C Oh, yes! C Would you like a drink? W Yes, I'd Love one. I'll have a white wine, please. three review R3.1 It's the opposite of interesting. It's the place where you borrow books. It's another way of saying 'a five-minute walk'. 14 unit four 4.1 pronunciation n and Hi Notice the pronunciation of this /Öis/ and these löhzl. Change the vowel sound from III to li'J and write the new words. liil exam pie hill/hil/ heel/hhV lil 1 live 2 ship 3 fit 4 sit 5 chip 6 fill 7 his 8 bin _________ Practise saying the words. 4.2 pronunciation the letter r When r is followed by a vowel sound, it is pronounced. examples Carol /'kseral/ fatherland son /'faicferand sait/ When r is followed by a consonant sound, it isn't pronounced. examples sister /'sists/ car park /'ka: peak/ Circle the letter r in tapescript 4.2. Is it pronounced or not? Listen and check. Then practise saying the sentences. 4.4 pronunciation sounds /ea/ and /is/ a Look at these examples: wear /wea/ chair /tjea/ clear /klia/ dear /'dis/ Find three words in 4.4 with the sound lesl (like air), and one word with the sound /is/ (like ear). b In each sentence, underline a word with leal and a word with lis/. 1 Where's my beer? 2 There's a park quite near us. 3 We're going to share an apartment. 4 I liked their idea. 5 There's a big music festival this year. 6 Her hair is really long now. Practise saying the sentences. 4.5 conversation feature In conversation, we often say something general and then give more specific information. Match the general statements (1-5) with the specific information (a-e). 1 I went to buy one 2 I saw the price 3 that was the wrong size 4 the shop assistant was really helpful 5 said lots of nice things a the trousers weren't long enough b and brought lots of suits c 'that looks very good' d I went down to the department store e it was too expensive Listen again, and check your answers. 4.5 and 4.6 conversation feature a When we are telling a story about the past, we often use direct speech. example I was in the bank, and a man behind me said, T think I know you.' And I looked at him and said, 'Yes! We were at school together!' Underline the examples of direct speech in tapescript 4.5 and 4.6. b Does direct speech make the story: a more interesting and dramatic? b more formal? unit four 15 5.1 A The giraffe has a long neck.' A Giraffe with double F, not PH. B The teacher said PH. A What do you mean, the teacher? B The teacher said giraffe with PH. A The teacher said giraffe with PH? B Yes, you spell it with PH. A No, you spell it with double F. A I'M GOING TO HIT YOU! M Agrippine! M I'm paying you to help him, not hit him. A He's stupid. M OK, I'll carry on. 'The elephant has a long trunk.' M Thafs elephant with PH, not F. B That's Agrippine's fault. M Agrippine said elephant with an F? B Yes. A You liar! A How did you produce such a stupid child? M Two children. B It's Dad's fault. 5.2 A I don't know how to spell giraffe. How do you spell it? B You spell it with double F. G-I-R-A-double F-E. 5.3 bookshelf CD computer cassette recorder file headphones video photocopier cassette 5.4 tune in/listen carefully T OK, people, now this is the study centre, and remember, it's your study centre for you to use. Erm, if we look over here, we have the bookshelf and there are dictionaries, er, grammar books, and the course books, for the stuff you're doing. Er, there are also practice books so you can improve your grammar and vocabulary, and if you're interested, there are readers in Italian, simple Italian, and there are short stories. Now, you can borrow most of the books here, and take them home, but you can't take the dictionaries home. If you want to use the dictionaries, you have to use them here. Remember that. Now, you have to write your name in the book at the desk -you write your name, the name of the book you want to take out, and the date you're taking it out, OK? SI Urn, how many books can we borrow? T Three - and you can keep them for a week, (right) OK. OK, now moving on here, these are the computers, and you can do exercises - don't worry, I'll show you how to use them later. And look, there's the printer, so when you finish an exercise, you can print it out, and you don't have to pay to use the printer, OK, which is good. And if you look over there, that's erm, the cassettes and videos- they have all the latest films there (cool) - anything you want to see, and finally, there's the, erm, photocopier - you have to pay, but, don't worry, it's, it's not expensive. Now, if we carry on over here ... 5.5 listening challenge T OK. So, is there anything you want to ask? 51 Yeah, urn, when does the, erm, centre open? T Er, it's open from 9.00 in the morning to 7.00 in the evening. Now, you can come in and use the centre before your lesson, or any time during the day when you have some free time, (right) 52 Is it OK if we borrow videos and take them home? T Erm, I'm not sure about that, but I don't think you can. 53 Er, can we practise pronunciation here? T Yes, of course. You can use the cassettes. Now, you listen, and then you repeat into the tape recorder, and then you play it back and listen to what you said, OK? Now, I'm going to show you how to use the computers to practise your vocabulary, so if we all come over this way please ... 16 unit five 5.2 pronunciation the alphabet All the letters of the alphabet contain a vowel sound, e.g. a /ei/ and d /di:/. In the table, a is in the wrong place. Find four more letters in the wrong place. Put them in the right place. feti IvJ Id gh, b, c, d i, p, t, v e, f, 1, m, n r, s, x, z Iml /sul /u:/ /a:/ y 0 q, u, w a 5.4 intensive listening Cover tapescript 5.4. Listen again and complete the gaps. T Now, you can borrow most of the books here, and take _________ --------------, but you can't take the dictionaries home. If you want to use the dictionaries, you have to use____________________ Remember that. Now, you have to write your name in the book - you write your name, the name of the book you want to ----------------------------, and the date you're__________________ _________t OK? SI Um, how many books can we borrow? T Three - and you can keep them (right) OK. OK, now moving on here, these are the computers, and you can do exercises - don't worry, I'll show you how to use Check your answers with the tapescript. 5.4 and 5.5 pronunciation want to I going to In spoken English, people sometimes pronounce want to as wanna and going to as gonna. I want to (/'wons/ or /'wonts/) go home. I'm going to (/'gAna/ or /'gaorrjta/) finish this later. Listen to 5.4 and 5.5 again. How does the teacher pronounce want to I going to? 5.6 A Can we borrow the cassettes? B Yes, of course. A Is it OK if I use the printer? B Yeah, no problem. A Can we take the dictionaries home? B No, I'm sorry, you can't. 5.7 At university, you can wear what you like, and you can study what you like. On holiday, you can eat when you like, and you can sleep when you like. 5.8 Exams are a good thing. I think that's true. I'm not sure about that. I don't think that's true. That's not true. Hmm ... it depends. 5.9 a You can't go to primary school until you are six. s Hmm, I'm not sure. 0 No, that's, that's not true, I think you can, you go to primary school when you're five, don't you? s Yeah, because my sister started primary school when she was five. J Exactly. s Yeah. 3 You don't have to wear a uniform at primary school. I think that's true, actually. S I'm not sure. J But, we didn't have to wear a uniform at... s I think that's not true, because we had to wear a uniform, and there were about three or four primary schools around where I lived, and they all had to wear school uniform. J But we didn't have to, and the school that my little boy goes to, they don't have uniforms, so ... s Oh, really? J Yeah! So that can't, well, maybe it just depends on the school. s I'm not sure. J You can't study more than two foreign languages at school. s That's not true. 3 I think it's generally true, er, you don't usually learn more than two languages at school, do you? S Well, we studied French, German, and Italian. J OK, so ... 18 unit five S But maybe our school was more languages orientated. Generally people only tend to take one or two, don't they? J Yes, yeah. Hmm. J You have to go to school on Saturday. J and S That's not true! J That's definitely not true, definitely not true. 5.6 pronunciation intonation Listen again. Notice how the voice goes up at the end of the questions. Practise saying the questions. miw exactly here, it means, 'I agree with you' tend to do sth usually do sth definitely certainly 6.1 tune in/listen carefully J So tell me, the north and south in England are very different from each other, (uhuh) Is it the same in Germany? T Yes, absolutely. 3 In what ways? T Well, the north is more industrial, erm, especially the Ruhrgebiet, and erm, I would say more cosmopolitan, (uhuh). Cities like Hamburg, Berlin and so forth are more international. The south is more rural and more agricultural, and the cities are smaller, or tend to be smaller than in the north. We have fewer big cities there (uhuh) and erm, the climate is different as well. 3 Right. T Erm, for example, the north is, erm, wetter and more moderate, whereas the south is more extreme. It's continental climate, so in the summer, it's hotter, and in the winter it's colder. 3 Right. J So, so, er, what, what about the countryside in that case? T Well, the north is flatter, er, a bit like Holland, erm, I mean, there is a bit of some hills and things, but it's not very dramatic. The south has a much more dramatic landscape; you have the mountains and the lakes, and so if you want to see nature (hmm), I recommend the south. J Great. And what about the people? T Well, I would say in the north, they're livelier, because there [are] many cosmopolitan cities, and in the south, they're perhaps a bit more, more relaxed and laid back. (Uhuh). 6.2 listening challenge E Lynne, I often hear about this divide between north and south in England. What are the differences between the north and the south? L Well, the weather - I think there's a big difference there (uhuh), erm, I think the north is probably wetter, and probably a little cooler as well, whereas in the south, it, it does rain obviously, because, well, it's England, but it, it, rains a little less, I would say. E What about the people? Are they different? L Well, now, people say that er, in the north it's much friendlier, and I think that probably is true. It takes longer to get to know people in the south, perhaps. E Yeah, yeah, I've heard that. Erm, what about the cost of living? L Well, I think the north is definitely cheaper there, er, if you want to buy a house, it's much cheaper (uhuh). I think things Like food and just the general cost of living I think is, is cheaper in the north. 20 unit six E I think of London in the south, erm, is it more cosmopolitan in the south? L Well, London is certainly very cosmopolitan, but there are other cities in the north of England as well, like Manchester or, or Leeds or Liverpool, that are also now very cosmopolitan and, and have become very interesting cities. E Uhuh. rural /'rosral/ in the countryside moderate /'mrxterat/ not extreme (e.g. moderate temperatures = not very hot and not very cold) laid back i> relaxed the cost of living the money you pay for basic things - a flat, food clothes, etc. 6.3 There'll be some sunshine today. It'll be sunny today. There'll be a lot of cloud tonight. Ifll be cloudy tonight. There'll be some wind tomorrow. It'll be windy tomorrow. There might be some fog this evening. It might be foggy this evening. There'll be some snow tomorrow. It'll snow tomorrow. There'll be a lot of rain tonight. Iťll rain tonight. 6.4 Er. What's this? I'm not sure. It might be a cat. Oh, right. What do you think? I've no idea. 6.5 A My grandmother loves fast cars. B Yeah? What sort of car has she got? A Oh, a Ferrari. B Yeah? A Are you going to the shop? B Yeah. What kind of bread do you want? A Oh, anything. A I buy loads of CDs. B Yeah? What kind of music do you like? A Jazz, mostly. A I don't like this very much. B Really? What sort of cheese do you usually eat, then? A Well, I don't really like cheese, actually. 6.1 pronunciation missing syllables The word different has a 'missing syllable', so we pronounce only two syllables, not three: 1 2 different /'difrant/ How many syllables do these words have? Two or three? SYLLABLES 2? 3? vegetable/'ved3t3bl/ chocolate /'tjoktat/ comfortable /'kAmftabl/ secretary /'sekratri/ restaurant /'restrant/ dictionary /'dikjanri/ favourite /'feivant/ interesting /'mtrastrrj/ generally /'d^entsli/ history /'histri/________ / / Practise saying the words. 6.2 pronunciation weak forms Look at the extract, and listen to the end of the recording again. Notice the schwa hi sounds in bold. London is certainly very cosmopolitan, but there are other cities in the north of England as well, like Manchester or Leeds or Liverpool, that are also now very cosmopolitan and have become very interesting cities. Practise reading the extract two or three times. Then read and listen at the same time. 6.2 conversation feature In spoken English, we can use words that give us time to think. example A What do you think of Joe? B Erm, he's very friendly and ... Look at Lynne's answers. She uses one word five times to give herself time to think. Which word? You will often hear this word used in this way in spoken English. the world around us 6.6 R Where do you think people will go on holiday? G I think people will stay at home. I think it'll probably be so dangerous and so polluted to go anywhere, that people will stay at home. S Hmm. S Where do you think people will live? What will the house of the future look like? R I think houses will... be made a lot of glass, people seem to want a lot of light in houses at the moment, I think there'll be a lot of different materials now, not always using brick, and generally very light spaces. G I think because the population is going to get bigger, that people will live in smaller houses, and maybe they'll have to live closer to each other, and have less space between their houses. C What kind of hairstyles will people have in the future? 3 I think fashions will probably carry on the way they're going, in that men and women's hairstyles will become the same, and so, erm, yeah, men will have long hair, women short hair, and, and vice versa. brick (n) walls are often made of bricks vice versa /vais 'v3:sa/ the opposite is true 6.7 Good evening - well, it's been a mixed day today, but let's have a look at the forecast for the next twenty-four hours. First of all, for tonight, it's going to be very cold indeed in the north, and after today's rain, it might be icy on the roads, so motorists will need to drive very carefully. Further south, it will be warmer, but there will be some rain during the night. Er, now, on to tomorrow morning - the rain in the south will move away quite quickly, and in most parts it will probably be warmer than today with some sunshine. Er, temperatures will rise to about 16 degrees in the south, and perhaps 14 in the west, where it's going to be a bit windy. Er, it will stay cold in the north, with temperatures around 8 degrees, but it will be sunny along the north-east coast, so it'll probably be quite pleasant. Er, but the good news is that in the next two or three days, we're going to see warmer and drier weather with some sunshine in all areas. And now, back to the news desk ... 6.6 pronunciation the Letter w a Look at Seema's question and Roger's answer in 6.6. Circle six more 'w's, as in the examples. b Listen to the extract. The w isn't pronounced in one of the words -which one? c Is the w pronounced in these words? Write / or /. answer Q now □ window Q between D new D women □ twenty D tomorrow D west D windy D news d two D always G what D know D wrong D follow □ write Q d Is w usually pronounced when it's the first letter of a word? Which word is an exception? Is w usually pronounced when it's the last letter? 6.7 linking ideas Cover tapescript 6.7. Put the phrases into the correct place below. on to tomorrow morning and after today's rain further south first of all but so Good evening - well, it's been a mixed day today, but let's have a look at the forecast for the next twenty-four hours. __________, for tonight, it's going to be very cold indeed in the north, __________, it might be icy on the roads, __________motorists will need to drive very carefully. __________, it will be warmer, . there will be some rain during the night. Er, now, __________- the rain in the south will move away quite quickly, and in most parts it will probably be warmer than today with some sunshine. Er, temperatures will rise to about 16 degrees in the south, and perhaps 14 in the west, where it's going to be a bit windy. Check your answers with the tapescript. 22 unit six BäKSOO stones 7.1 tune in/listen carefully T Well, a few years ago, I was with my girlfriend, Janet, and erm, we were having a picnic in a field, and while we were having our picnic, we suddenly heard this dubba-dubba-dubba-dubba in the sky - a helicopter! And I love helicopters, I've always loved helicopters, and I heard it getting closer and closer, and I decided to wave. The helicopter started to circle the field, and it got lower and lower and finally, the helicopter landed right in front of us. The noise and the wind were tremendous. Janet stood next to me, not sure what was happening. Then, the pilot ran over and said to my girlfriend, 'Hello, Janet, my name's Ian, come in the helicopter, please!' (Wow!) Well, she didn't want to go, she didn't know what was happening, (not surprising!) but we got in. In fact, er, I'd organized this before, erm, I'd organized it about two weeks before, and Janet didn't know. So anyway, we were up in the helicopter, we flew over the sea, and I said to Janet, 'Please, marry me.' Erm, I had to shout, it was so noisy. L Wow! T And she looked at me and she said, 'yes.' And the pilot turned round and gave us two glasses and a bottle of champagne! L Ahh! T And we drank this flying all the way back home. Anyway, we landed, we got out of the helicopter, and in the end, we sat in the field and finished our picnic - it was, it was like a dream. L Oh, what a lovely story. T It was an amazing day! 7.2 listening challenge L And what did Janet say afterwards? T She was so surprised and shocked, she didn't, she didn't speak for quite a long time, erm, and then we, we sat in the field, and as far as I remember, er, she cried. L Ahhh. T So, and so did I when I got the bill! L Oh, really? Can I ask how much it cost? T I don't remember, it was, er, a lot of money, a lot of money. L But was it easy to, to set up, to organize? T It was very easy, erm, probably it took three phone calls and I sent the pilot a map of where the field was. And that was it. He did the rest. L And erm, did Janet actually marry you in the end? T She married me, yes. We got married, erm, five years ago. L Ahhh. T Yeah. 7.1 pronunciation Linking Listen to 7.1. Notice how Tyler links the phrases below. a few years^ago rightjn front^ofjas. the pilot ran^over she looked^at me and she said, 'yes.' we got„outvof the helicopter we satjn the field^and finished^our picnic When a word ends in a consonant sound, and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we often link them in this way. Listen again and practise saying the phrases. 7.1 and 7.2 vocabulary Find words in 7.1 which mean: 1 happening very quickly or by surprise 2 to go round and round 3 the person who flies a plane 4 to speak in a very loud voice In 7.2, find something: 5 you do when you're sad (or sometimes when you're very happy) 6 you can use to plan a journey unit seven 23 stories 7.3 You know, we had a really nice evening on Saturday. Yeah? First of all, we went for a meal. After that we went to a musical, which was great. Oh, right! And then we met some friends for a few drinks. It was really good. 7.4 A Hi! How are you? B OJl I'm having a very nice time. A How was the trip? B Oh, I had a terrible time. A What are you doing tomorrow? B I'm going to a music festival. A Oh, wow! Have a great time! 7.5 T We had an amazing day on Sunday. 3 Oh, yeah? T Yeah, you remember it was a warm day, really hot? 3 Yeah, yeah, I do (yeah). T So we decided to go for a picnic, and there's a lake not far from us, so we went there, and we were having a lovely time by the water, (hmhm) you know, having nice food, it was all nice and peaceful, and then this family came along. Really noisy! (uh) The father had his radio on at full volume, their dog was barking all the time, a girl was shouting and running after the dog ... 3 So annoying. T Yeah, anyway, Penny got fed up, (hmm) so we decided to leave and went back to the car. Anyway, we got to the car, and there were two young men standing by my car. (Right.) One of them got a brick and smashed the window of my car. 3 You're joking! T No! I couldn't believe it. (uh) Anyway, I, I shouted and ran after them. Fortunately they didn't steal anything. 3 Oh, that's good. T Anyway, one of them fell over, so I managed to catch him. (Right.) And Penny rang the police, and they came a few minutes later and arrested him. 3 Oh, fantastic! T Yeah, and they got the other guy on Monday. I'HIWI at full volume very loud annoying (adj) if sth is annoying, it makes you feel angry you're joking! <§ you say this when you are very surprised arrest sb (v) if the police arrest sb, they take him/her to the police station because they think this person has committed a crime guy (n) f> man 7.4 pronunciation the letter o In the dialogues, the letter o is pronounced in different ways. /d/ hö! tomorrow oh go tomorrow IxvJ /au7 hi do wow tomorrow Put these words from the unit into the correct column above, according to the sound of the letter o. so shopping soon throw correct set off lie down pilot broke knock phone shower lose how helicopter 7.5 conversation feature showing you are listening a When Tom is telling the story, John uses some words and phrases to show that he is listening and interested. Underline these phrases in the tapescript. b Complete the dialogues using the words / phrases in the box. You're joking! That's good Oh yeah? So annoying 1 A I've lost my car keys. B ________________________ 2 A We can all come to the cinema tomorrow. B ________________________ 3 A There are two policemen in our front garden. B ________________________ 4 A I'm going on holiday next week. B ________________________ BL« Lil free time 8.1 1 Mum, is anyone coming to dinner this evening? Yes, Uncle Bill and Auntie Jean. 2 Oh, no! 3 What are we doing on Sunday? Oh, I don't know ... we could go shopping ... 4 Ugh! 5 What are we doing in the Easter holidays? I told you. We're going to the seaside with your cousins. 6 Ugh! 7 So when are we going to California? Oh, ha, ha, very funny. 8 Oh yeah? 9 Most parents organize things for their kids. 10 Well, how about going abroad this summer? You could go and stay with a Spanish family and study Spanish. 11 WHAT? 12 STUDY IN MY HOLIDAYS? No way. I'm staying here! 8.2 A We could go to the cinema. B Hmm. Maybe. A OK. How about renting a video? B Yes, good idea. A We could go for a burger. B Oh, I don't like burgers very much. A Well, what about going for a pizza? B Yeah, lovely. 8.3 Football is extremely popular in my country. Gardening isn't very popular with young people. Programmes about cookery are quite common. 8.2 pronunciation sounds /u/ and /u:/ Look at these examples: good /gud/ food /fu:d/ could /kud/ school /skuil/ Look at the underlined sounds. Are they pronounced lul or IwJ? 1 They took me to the bookshop. 2 Don't lose your suitcase! 3 He's very good-looking. 4 She got some blue boots at the supermarket. 5 We're going to get some food soon. 6 Put your foot down! Practise saying the sentences. 24 unit seven unit eight 25