BsaaBaBOMHSs ux=*sa -^ Nouns, adjectives and adverbs Practice Write a few, a little, much or many to complete these sentences. Do not use some, any, or a lot of. 1 There's some food, but not .!VMS!n... drink. 2 .Af@y... people arrived before the party starled, but not many. 3 There's in the cupboard. 4 She hasn't got..................friends. 5 I'm sorry, I haven't got..................time. 6 The receptionist didn't give me..................information. 7 I can lend until tomorrow. 8 1 asked him to put..................milk in my coffee. 9 I've seen her..................times this year, but not very often. 10 We only have..................petrol left. 11 She started feeling ill only..................days before the exam. 12 Not..................people come here in the winter. 13 Did they pay for working there? 14 There aren't..................towns in this part of England. 15 I didn't at the party. 16 There are only..................people at the beach. 17 I didn't have..................opportunity to talk to him. 18 The bank only lent 19 Can I ask you..................questions? 20 The journey was a short one: it didn't take..................time. 21 Only..................students are going to fail the exam. 22 I don't think................... people will come tonight. 23 I haven't today. 24 I gave the cat..................milk. 25 I don't think I've made..................mistakes. Nouns, adjectives and adverbs 17 Counting the uncountables • It is not possible to say one water, two-flours, etc. Uncountable objects are counted in two ways; a) in litres, kilos, etc: Could I have a kilo of potatoes? I need three litres of milk. b) by counting the containers that hold the uncountable noun: I'd like three bottles of lemonade, please. or by dividing the object into pieces, which are then counted: Would you like a piece of cake? Practice Write the correct word for each object. 1 a 5 a 11 a of lemonade 2 a 3 a..................of bread tečsss, 4 a .. of peas 6 a of cake of chocolates of chocolate 7 a..................of Coca-Cola &\ 8 a..................of jam 9 a..................ofcigarettes [W:'\ 10 a..................ofbread of milk 12 a..................of toothpaste 19 verbs STAGE 2 3?b Circle the correct words to complete the conversation. A: This is(a^the nice restaurant. What's za/íh^\ooá like? B: Well, í came here last month with Jeremy and 'the/some food was very good. A: Oh good. Ah, here's 'me/some waiter. W: Good evening. Would you like to order? A: Yes, please. Have you got 'some/any fresh fish tonight? W: Yes, we've got ^some/a very good fish. The fishermen brought them in this morning. A: Ah, good. Well, I'd like 'some/any fish, please. W: And would you like ^some/the vegetables with your fish' A: Yes, please. W: And what about ''some/a starter? There's asorne/any very good vegetable soup and "some/the delicious fish soup. A: No, thank you. I don't want t:some/any soup. W: And would you like "a/ihe drink? A: Yes, I'd like "a/the glass of fruit juice before r'a/the meal, please. And then can we have "any/some mineral water with the meal? W: Yes, of course. And for you madam? B: Well, I don't want "a/the starter but I'll have ,sa/the glass of fruit juice too and then I'll have "a/some spaghetti with tomato sauce. W: Fine. Anything else? B: Oh yes, please. I'd like '"a/some bowl of salad. W: Yes, certainly. And would you like "a/some bread? B: Yes, please. And is there Ksome/any butter with the bread? W: Yes, there is. So is that all for now? A: Yes. I just have one Question. Where's "a/cke toilet, please? W: Over there on your right. A: Thanks. Practice 34 Write C after the countable nouns and U after the i--------------------------------------------------1----------------------------' i-------------------------------- uncountable nouns. paper U coffee U cassette r information bottle scup pen metal book rice spaghetti chiid milk Practice 37a Complete the sentences using a, an, some or any. 1 Have you got ,.?.!}y„ juice in the fridge? 2 There are ..?P.?!?.. letters on the floor. 3 I had...............cup of tea but 1 didn't have...............toast. 4 You need...............flour and...............egg. 5 I'd like...............rice but I don't want...............potatoes. 6 Would you like...............bowl of soup? 7 He gave me...............tea but he didn't put...............sugar in it. 8 There are...............nice trees in the garden but there aren't 9 Can 1 of orange juice? 10 There are...............knives and forks on the table but there isn't ...............salt or pepper. news job homework apple toothpaste bath salt girl money knife egg table shampoo | coat water tea flour bread bag ball soap food cup cat meat honey Practice 35 Choose a word from the box for each object. tube loaf bořilo glass bag jar Ms carton slice bar i M a ..ÍS?.?Í*. of shampoo a..?.'?.., cf soup f^| a.........ot sugar ž~l£lI3> a.........of bread a.........of juice ) a.........of soap 7 "^^Pfet? a.........of toothpaste a.........of water 9 fffij a.........of honey a.........of bread 36 Complete the sentences using a, an or some: 1 I would like .,?.?££„ soup, please. 2 Is there „#.. bank near here? 3 They drank..................milk and then went to bed. 4 Would you 5 There's..................rice in the cupboard. 6 Did you get..................bottle of lemonade? 7 Here' to buy your lunch. 8 Karen's job next week. 9 There's..................butter in the fridge. 10 I usually have..................cup of tea in the morning.