Clauses of concession (Přípustková souvětí) Although / Though However / Nevertheless In spite of / Despite In spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that Although / though I was tired, I went on working. I was tired, nevertheless / however I went on working. In spite of being tired, I went on working. Despite being tired I went on working. In spite of the fact that I was tired, I went on working. Despite the fact that I was tired, I went on working. However tired I was, I went on working. Make one sentence from two. Use words in brackets: 1. I could not sleep. I was tired. (despite) ................................................................................................... ...... 2. They have very little money. They are happy. (in spite of) ................................................................................................... ......... 3. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (although) ................................................................................................... ......... 4. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other. (Despite) ................................................................................................... ........... 5. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly. (In spite of) ................................................................................................... ............... Do the exercise according to the examples: A: Shall I wait for John? Perhaps he will not come. B: You will have to wait for him, although he may not come. John may not come, nevertheless/however you will have to wait for him. 1. Shall I ring the doctor? Perhaps it will not be necessary. ................................................................................................... .............. ................................................................................................... ...................... 2. Shall we be in time? Perhaps the meeting will not start at seven. ................................................................................................... ......................... ................................................................................................... .......................... 3. Should Mr. Anderson sign it? Maybe he does not agree with all those conditions. ................................................................................................... .............................. ................................................................................................... ...............................