The Assessment of Writings Lay out heading on the left side (name, group, date) – in footer title: suitable to the text paragraphs: suitable amount of paragraphs (tabulator), 4(including introduction + conclusion) introduction, conclusion line space 1,5; Times New Roman Type; letter size – 12, quad (zarovnat do bloku) linking words (first of all, firstly, secondly, thirdly, in addition, moreover, furthermore, so, as a result, what is more, next, therefore, however, on the other hand, in fact, for example, for instance, in contrast, finally, lastly, last but not least, in conclusion, to sum up, on the whole) Vocabulary suitably used of words (based on your own vocabulary or correctly chosen in the dictionary), do not repeat words like is, have, but, better, be, etc., rich vocabulary Grammar mistakes like wrong tense, wrong word order in sentences, missing articles, wrong prepositions, wrong word class, spelling, punctuation, etc. Style your style of writing (including – fluency of the text, comprehensibility, creativity, coherency, etc.) distinction of formal[1] (essay, summary, application letter) and informal style (informal letter, email) for this composition use formal style: avoid personal pronouns – use better passive voice, one (as subject), short forms (e.g. isn´t =>is not), Advice: before you hand it in (send it) check the lay out, spelling mistakes, word order in sentences, etc. Handing in – in time to “odevzdávárna”, if you are sending a corrected paper, mark is with numbers 2, 3,… Abbreviations (that appear in your essays after I check them) and their meanings: V - missing word Gr. – grammar P – punctuation Prep. – preposition Spl. – spelling T – tense WC – word class WO – word order in sentences WW – wrong word Grading of above mentioned items 1. Excellent 2. Very good 3. Good 4. Needs improvement 5. Very Poor (VYSVĚTLIT STRUKTURU AJ VĚTY: důl. Sloveso, in… konec věty, ) ________________________________ [1] Formal paper – do not use shortened forms of verbs, do not use translated Czech metaphoric expressions, use passive voice, etc.