your Language natural English the best/ worst thing about... The best thing about (living in a city) is .... The worst thing is ... once, twice, etc Have you ever... ? No, never. Yes, once. Yes, twice. Yes, a couple of times. Yes, a few times. Yes, lots of times. a five-minute walk How long does it take to get there? It's a five-minute drive. a ten-minute bus ride. a twenty-minute walk. It's five minutes by car / by bus / on foot. . asking where things are Excuse me, ... is there a (post office) near here? where's the nearest (bank) ? how far's (the station) ? There's one down the road. It's over there. a great / horrible place a great place to live a horrible place to work an expensive place to stay It's opposite the pizza place. vocabulary prepositional phrases on the edge of town right in the centre quite near the centre in the countryside very dose to the centre round the corner from the hotel your language at the end of the road opposite (the bank) on the corner next to (the post office) down the road just outside / behind (the cinema) wordbooster describing towns car park factory park market library (night) club doctor's surgery petrol station noisy / peaceful clean / poLluted safe / dangerous quiet / lively ugly / attractive relaxing / stressful distance and time quite near not very far quite a long way a long way glossaries refugee (n) pale (skin) (adj) privacy (n) celebrity (n) shaving (n) 132 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005