USING THE WORKBOOK Teacher development workshop, April 2008 ^^■^^^^■■i^B ------,----,—- 'J l J U word list natural English asking people to be quiet Shut up! Quiet! Be quiet! Shh! Could you be quiet, please? what's... like? What's (your flat) like? What's (her new boyfriend) like? showing interest Wow! Really? (That's) interesting! (Thafs) fantastic! possessive 's Robert's boss Emma's ex-boyfriend both They both come from Spain. They're both journalists. Both of them speak English. how about you? How about you? And you? wordbooster relatives father / mother brother / sister son / daughter uncle / aunt grandfather / grandmother brother-in-law / sister-in-law son-in-law / daughter-in-law nephew / niece cousin stepfather / stepmother parents grandparents relatives (also relations) your language your language talking about you and your family an only child a close family on my own strict argue a lot get on very well with sb ten years old family celebration single parent get married glossaries darling (n) kiss (n) dad / daddy © (n) granny (n) mum / mummy % (n) boring (adj) turn up (v) date (n) upset (adj) unreliable (adj) spend (time) furious (adj) 130 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005