/ ow to ... use a study centre vocabulary study centre 1 Look at the picture for a minute. Then shut your book and tell a partner what you can remember. example There's a computer in the room. listen to this tune in 2 Together, label 1-9 in the picture. 3 Cť7\ Listen and check your answers. 4 pronunciation Underline the stress. example computer Listen again to check. Practise saying the words. 5 Tell your partner which things you've got at home. Use the phrases below. IVe got... (a computer) I haven't got... I'd like to have... These students are studying Italian. Their teacher is going to explain how to use the study centre. What do you think she will say? Tell your partner. example You can use the photocopier. Listen. Which part of the study OJ centre does she talk about first? listen carefully 3 Read the sentences below, then listen to the whole conversation. Write T (true) or F (false). 1 You can use the vocabulary practice books in the study centre. 2 You can't take the grammar books home. 3 You can take dictionaries home. 4 You can borrow three books. 5 You can't use the printer. 6 Photocopies are free. listening challenge 4 f^PN With a partner, write three more vj'S/ questions about the study centre. Listen. Are your questions the same as the ones on the recording? listen again with the tapescript, listening booklet p. 16 46 unit five 5 Discuss these questions in small groups. Do you have a study centre in your school? If yes,,. If no,,, What do you like about it? What do you like about the study centre on pA6? How is it different from the one on pA& What would you like to do in a study centre? Do you use it? What do you like doing there? Which of the things can you do at home too? 6 ŕ c Ä natural English Listen and repeat - copy the intonation. asking for permission Can we borrow the cassettes? Is it OK if I use the printer? Can we take the dictionaries home? Yes, of course. Yeah, no problem. No, I'm sorry, you can't. 7 With your partner, ask and answer about the things in the study centre picture. Use the language in the natural English box. example A Can we use the photocopier? B Yes, no problem. grammar can/can't, have to/don't have to 1 Look at these sentences. Then complete the table. You can /ksn/ borrow most of the books. You can't /ka:n(t)/ take the dictionaries home. You have to /'haefta/ write your name in the book at the desk. You don't have to /daon(t) 'hiefta/ pay to use the printer. Can often means 'it's possible/it's permitted'. Can't means ,_______________________ example You but you (borrow) most of the books, __ (not/borrow) the dictionaries. Have to means 'it's necessary/you need to'. Don't have to means_______________________ example You ---------------- (not/pay) to use the computers, but you (pay) for photocopies. 3 Underline the true answers for your class. 1 We can/can't smoke in the classroom. We have to/don't have to speak English most of the time in class. 3 We can / can't use dictionaries in class. 4 We have to / don't have to sit in the same place every lesson. 5 We have to/don't have to do homework three times a week. 6 We can / can't speak in our own language in class. 7 We can / can't bring drinks into the classroom. 8 We have to / don't have to do a test every month. 4 Think! What do teachers and students have to do? Complete the table like this: / = they have to do it X = they don't have to do it TEACHERS STUDENTS MI do homework correct homework prepare lessons study grammar answer students' questions learn vocabulary listen carefully explain grammar Q teach pronunciation [~J [ | practise pronunciation Q| Work in small groups. Say what you think, like this: A Teachers don't have to do homework. B That's true. But students have to do homework. A Yes, that's right. 2 pronunciation Practise saying the sentences in exercise 1. unit five 47 grammar had to /didn't have to /didyou have to ...? 1 Complete this table with your partner. present tense past tense examples hnvp tn/hns f n \Np Hn a lot of homework last night. ffnn't hpvp fn T qn fn srhool last week - I was on holiday. nnynn hnvptn ..? ? go tn the meeting yesterday? 2 Correct the errors. 1 She have to go to the dentist yesterday. 2 Did you had to work on Saturday? 3 I hadn't to pay for the book; it was free. 4 We didn't had to take an exam before the course. 5 Did you have to asked your teacher to help you? 3 Are these sentences true for you? If not, make them true. example When I was twelve, I had to study German. French I didn't have to study German. When I was twelve, 1 ... I had to study German. 2 ... I didn't have to do homework. 3 ... I had to walk to school. 4 ... I didn't have to go to school on Friday afternoons. 5 ... I had to go to bed before 9.00. 6 ... I had to eat with my family. 7 ... I didn't have to do sport at school. 4 Find a new partner. Ask them questions, like this: A Did you have to study German? B Yes, I did. / No, I had to study French. go to language reference and practice exercises pp.158-159 speaking it's your turn! 1 Think! Think about these questions. Don't write. HOW DO YOU STUDY? At the moment, you're studying English. Are you studying any other subjects? If so, what and where? Do you like studying alone? Or do you prefer to study with other people? Where do you like studying, and why? [at home? in an office? outside?) Do you study a] because you want to? b] because you have to? When in your life did you have to study a lot? Why? # don't forget! Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.52. You cant study... You don't have to learn... You have to go... 2 Compare your answers in small groups. had to wear „. 48 unit five r wordbooster verb + noun collocation Match the verbs on the left with the correct noun on the right. More than one answer may be possible. a club an exam to school for an exam a uniform/'jumifoim/ test your partner language reminder Remember that we don't say the in these expressions: I'm going to school/university. (= to study) NOT go to the school/ university BUT I'm going to a concert at the school/university. (= at the building) I left school at 18. (= I finished my studies.) I met him at school/university. (= when I was a student) school and university 1 Put these places in the order you go to them. secondary school college /university primary school nursery school pronunciation Underline the stress in each word. Practise saying the words. example nursery school Correct the errors, using the words in the box. You don't need all the words. at to in old on age the until it are 1 In my country, most children go in state schools, which are free. 2 You go to secondary school when you have eleven years. 3 You go to primary school with the age of five. 4 Sometimes you can wear what you like. It depends of the school. 5 People don't usually go to university by they are eighteen. 6 Most students study English, but depends. Read your corrected sentences to a partner. Are they the same? natural English Listen and complete 5JJ the sentences. natural EngH At university, you (= wear anything) and you ,you like. On holiday, you_________ you----------------when you like. what .you like --------what when you like and 6 pronunciation Go to the listening booklet p. 18. Practise the sentences, stressing the underlined words. 7 With your partner, think of five good things about the weekend, using the natural English phrases. example You can get up when you like. C don't forget! Use the vocabulary from this wordbooster in the extended speaking on p.52. unit five 49 I rng exams lead-in 1 Think! Read the questions. 1 What was the last exam you took? 2 What was it like? 3 Did you pass? Tell a partner. natural English Listen. Do you hear 5-V the words in (brackets)? saying if things are true 'Exams are a good thing.' (I think) that's (usually) true. NOT For mc is true. I'm not sure (about that). NOT I don't sure. I don't think that's (usually) true. (I'm sure) that's not true. It depends. NOT it's depend 3 pronunciation Listen again and repeat. Remember the contractions, e.g. that's. 4 Think! Are these statements true or false? EXAMS IN YOUR COUNTRY 1 You can write your answers in pencil. 2 You have to take your identity card to the exam. 3 You can use dictionaries in an exam. 4 You have to wait until the end of the exam before you can leave the room. 5 You can take food and drink into the exam room. 6 You can't revise for an oral {= spoken) exam. 5 Compare your ideas with a partner. Use the natural English phrases. read on 1 Look at the pictures. What's happening in each one? language reminder Use the present continuous to describe what's happening in a picture. example I think he's revising for an exam. 2 Read the article. In which pictures is the student doing the right things? In the other pictures, what is he doing wrong? —„.„-.- 3 Cover the article. Match 1 to 6 with a to f. 1 It's not a good idea to 2 Read all the questions 3 It's a good idea to 4 Have a good breakfast 5 On the day of the exam, 6 In the exam room, a before you go to the exam. b don't look at the other students. c answer a difficult question first. d finish ten minutes before the end. e before you start writing. f don't arrive too early. 4 Think! Choose the three most important pieces of advice, and one or two you don't think are important. 5 Compare in groups. Agree on the three most important pieces of advice. Do you have any other advice? 50 unit five MM ro DO WELL til WMM writ1ng / Before an exam, revision is very important The reason is that when you get nearer to the exam, it's easier to remember important information. But don't do too much; sleep, exercise, and relaxation are also very important v A good daily routine can help you through an exam period, so in the days before an exam, try to get up quite early and be ready to work by nine o'clock, because that is when exams often start. ď On the day of the exam, have a good breakfast, and pack two of everything you need: two pens, two pencils, two rubbers, etc. Arrive at the exam room in good time, but not too early, because seeing other people looking nervous can make you feel more nervous. *f In the exam room, sit down, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and try to relax. When you look at the test paper, spend a short period reading all the instructions and questions. Decide which questions you want to answer, and how much time to spend on each one. v Answer your best question first, because this will give you more confidence. Always make a plan of the important points before you write your complete answer. v Iťs a good idea to finish ten minutes before the end of the exam, to give you time to go back and check your answers. Remember to write clearly. • • Don't look at the people around you, or at the clock. If you need something to look at, choose something in the room, such as the window. When you finish the exam, don't wait around afterwards to talk about it. Go away and have a rest, and then prepare for your next exam. # don't forget! Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.52. That's true. I'm not sure. I don't think that's true. natural English Complete the sentences with a word or phrase. Use the article to help you. giving instructions / advice write clearly. look at the people around you. make a plan before you write, finish ten minutes before the end. With a partner, write instructions for one of these topics. Use all the phrases you wrote in the natural English box. buying clothes going for a job interview cooking pasta buying a car or bicycle learning to ski improving your English buying a dog your own topic ^u^ing dothes - Always talce ^our credit card with >(ou. - It's a good idea to tq something on before ^ou bu^ it. - Don't spend too much! - F-emember to ... 3 Look at another pair's instructions. Add one more instruction to their list. routine (n) /rui'tim/ doing the same things again and again pack (v) put things into a bag or suitcase breathe (v) /briicV You breathe air in through your nose or mouth. confidence (n) /'kDiifidsns/ If you have confidence, you believe you can do tilings well. It depends. unit five 51 extended speaki education you're going to: collect ideas read statements about schools in your country listen Listen to people talking about school discussion talk about school prepare a survey write true/false statements about school/university interview other people use your survey to interview other students but first ... Look back at the don't forget boxes in this unit. You can use this language in the activity. collect ideas 1 Think! Read these statements. Write answers for your country, using these phrases. that's (generally) true / I'm not sure / I don't think that's true / that's not true / it depends 1 You can't go to primary school until you're six. That's not true-. 2 You have to learn English now in most primary schools. 3 You don't have to wear a uniform at primary school. 4 You can't leave secondary school until you're 16. 5 At secondary school you can wear what you like. 6 You can't study more than two foreign languages at school. 7 You don't have to go to school near your home. 8 You have to go to school on Saturday. 9 You don't have to go to school. You can learn at home. 10 You can call your teachers by their first names. I I You don't have to do final exams when you leave school. 12 You have to pass an English exam before you go to university. 52 unit five {| listen Listen to Julia and J>$J Seema talking about schools in Britain. Which statements in the questionnaire are they talking about? 3 Listen again. Do they agree with each other about each statement? ^ discussion 4 Work in small groups. Which of your answers in exercise 1 are the same? Explain why the others are different. example A You can't go to primary school until you're six. I think that's true. B No, I don't think that's true. My cousin went to primary school when she was four ... 5 Choose three true statements. Are they a good thing or a bad thing? Tell your group. H prepare a survey 6 You're going to write a TRUE / FALSE survey. With a partner, write sentences using the ideas below - remember to make some sentences true and some false. UHlVERSľriEiS/SCHooLS IN OUR CoUKTRY At- scWôo) / iMÜvevsiVy in oiw coi^t-vy, you U<*ve f o ... Yôia M'V Uť*ve fö ... y<5i\ c