one tick / when you know this i ■ r 'ii natural English Q asking people to be quiet □ What's... like? Q showing a lot of interest |~~1 possessive 's Q both □ How about you? grammar □ question forms □ past simple vocabulary Q relatives □ talking about you and your family in groups... 1 Which TV programmes do you watch with your family? Which programmes do you watch alone? Why? reading for fun 2 Read the cartoon with the glossary. Do problems like this happen in your family? 3 ( Yij natural English Listen and follow the cartoon. i-A^ * asking people to be quiet less polite Shut up! [impolite] Quiet! /'kwaiot/ Be quiet! Shh! more polite Could you be quiet, please? 4 Which of the phrases are in the cartoon? Underline them. 5 Work in small groups. Practise the conversation together. Then act it out for another group. darling used for talking to someone you love kiss (n) the woman is giving the boy a kiss in picture 3 Top of the Pops the name of a pop music TV programme dad /daid/ <§ father (also daddy) granny <§ grandmother mum /niAm/ <§> mother (also mummy); 'mummy' and 'daddy' are usually used by young children boring (adj) not interesting this symbol means that the word/phrase is informal 6 happy families e listening... ask questions lead-in 1 Think! Your best friend has a new boss. Write three questions to ask your friend. example How old is he / she? 2 Compare with a partner. Do you have similar questions? £N natural English Listen and complete Vu the questions. a A bit small, but very cheap, b We had a great time, c Really nice. I think she's in love! d She s excellent. 4 Match the questions and answers. 5 Tick / the correct answer. What's he like? = a Tell me about him. b What does he like? What's she like? = a What is she like? b What does she like? 6 Listen again and repeat. Practise the questions and answers in pairs. 7 Use the phrases to ask your partner about their: - flat / house - boyfriend / girlfriend / husband / wife - last holiday - doctor / dentist grammar question forms 1 You are going to ask your teacher about a close friend. Work in A/B pairs. A complete the questions below. B complete the questions on p.140. student: A example What 's your best friend's name? CPm just curious^ 1 2 3 4 5 B 7 8 9 10 When you first meet him / her? ________'s he / she like? How often ________ you see him / her? ________ old is he/she? _____ he/she do? What Where do you get on well? ______ he / she live? What does he / she live with? _____you do together? Has he/she any children? 2 A - find a B student. Read your questions aloud. Are they the same? 3 Answer questions 1-6 in the table below with your partner. How often do you /d.311:/ see her? Who does she /dsji:/ live with? Where did you go yesterday ? Is he married? Has she got any children? Does she have any children? IM 1 Why do we use 'do', not 'does'? 2 Why do we use 'does', not 'do'? 3 Why do we use 'did', not 'do'? 4 Why do we use 'is', not 'do'? 5 Why do we use 'has', not 'do'? 6 Why do we use 'does', not 'has'? _ go to language reference and practice exercises p. 150 4 Now ask your teacher the questions about their friend. Ask other questions if you like. 8 unit one listen to this tune in 1 Who are these people? Would you like to meet them? Listen to two short extracts. Which people in the photos 1^/ are they talking about? listen carefully 3 Read the sentences, then listen to Michael and Roger. Which person are they talking about in each sentence? 1 She's intelligent. 2 She's a great dancer. 3 She wants to do really well. 4 She likes to have a laugh. 5 She works very hard. 4 How long did the speakers spend with the two famous people? Do they see them now? listening challenge Listen to Lorelei talking about one of the other people 2y/ in the photos. 1 Who is it? 2 When did Lorelei meet him? 3 What's he like? 4 What happened at the party? listen again with the tapescript, listening booklet p.4 I don't forget! natural English Read the natural English box and listen to 1.4 again. Number the phrases in the order you hear them. Wow! Avao/ Really? (That's) interesting! Antrostirj/ (That's) fantastic! /faen'taestik/ 7 Practise the phrases with a partner. 8 Think! In your groups, tell each other three things about yourself. They must respond with interest. speaking it's your turn! Ask two different people about a close friend (their job, family, interests, hobbies, etc.), using questions from grammar exercise 1 and your own ideas. Remember to show interest. example A What does your friend do? B She's an architect. A Wow! Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.14. What's he like? Have you got any brothers and sisters? Who do you live with? Really? That's interesting! unit one 9 wordbooster relatives 1 Complete the table with a partner. U ale a father /'faiöa/ brother /'brAöo/ son /saii/ uncle /'Arjkl/ grandfather /'gnenfcnöa/ brother-in-Law /'brAÖsrinb:/ son-in-law /'sAninlo:/ nephew /'nefju:/ cousin /'kAzn/ stepfather /'stepfaiös/ mother 2 Complete these sentences. My mother and father are my My grandmother and grandfather are my My uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and cousins are all my____________ 3 (~**\ Listen and answer the questions vj^y with a partner. 4 Test your partner, like this: talking about you and your family O ■•■' •. a ľ »1a ^*- .V Complete the sentences using these words. family ehitó married a lot strict with my sister own parent 1 I'm an only _£hi!si----------• 2 We're a close------------------ I live on my old celebration 3 4 5 6 7 8 Last year we had a big family 9 My aunt is a single My father was always very We argue _-------------- • I get on well My brother is twelve years 10 Last summer, my cousin got test your partner - I'm an only ... M ■■■■^9 - Thais right. 2 Tick / the sentences that are true for you and your family. Rewrite the other sentences to make them true. example I'm an only child. IVe got one brother. € don't forget! Use the vocabulary in this wordbooster in the extended speaking on p. 14. 10 unit one reading ,. relationships lead-in 1 Look at the picture of Robert with five of the women in his life. Who is Mary, do you think? Tell a partner. 2 f^\ natural English Listen. How do you say this in your language? H<*vňeV Use 's to describe relationships. Robert's boss NOT the boss of Robert Kate's daughter Paul's girlfriend Emma's ex-boyfriend (= a boyfriend in the past but not now) 3 pronunciation Listen again and repeat. Remember to pronounce the 's. 4 Look at the pictures again. With a partner, decide which woman is Robert's: mum sister boss girlfriend ex-girifriend 5 Compare ideas with another pair. 6 r^\\ Listen and write the answers. 111/ Were you right? Mary is Robert's____________ Kathy is________________________ Sally is_______________________ Harriet is_______________________ Anna is_______________________ go to language reference and practice exercises p.151 unit one 11 read on 1 Why do people finish a romantic relationship? With a partner, think of two more reasons. - they don't like each other any more - one of them moves to another place 2 Read the story. Is it about the start or the end of Robert and Harriet's relationship? special DELIVERY When Harriet didn't turn up for our first date, I wasn't too upset. It was an informal arrangement and friends told me that she was very unreliable. Actually, this was one of the things I found attractive about her, because I'm the complete opposite - very organized 05 and dependable. Anyway, she turned up for our second date (only 20 minutes late), and after that we had a great summer together. But as the months went by, she just got later and later, and by the end of August things were becoming impossible. io The 30th was my birthday and I invited four friends to my flat for a special dinner. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen getting everything ready, and the four friends all arrived on time at 7.30 - but not Harriet. Eight o'clock, still no Harriet. By nine o'clock I was angry and very hungry, so I rang her mobile. I could hear loud music at the other end, so I 15 shouted, 'Where are you?' 'I'm at Sophie's.' 'What!' 'She's having a party.' 'But it's my birthday! Don't you remember?' 20 'Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I completely forgot.' 'Oh, you're impossible!' Furious, I put the phone down, went into the kitchen, and put Harriet's dinner in a plastic bag. The next morning I posted it to her, with a note saying:'HERE'S YOUR DINNER!' 25 A week later I got a postcard back. It said: 'Too much salt.' I never saw Harriet again. Read the story again and write 'Robert' or 'Harriet' below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 It was _ August. was never on time, was never late. ______'s birthday in _ cooked a meal. _ didn't turn up. _ was furious. _ sent a parcel. _ sent a postcard. Discuss with your partner. 1 What do you think of Robert? 2 What do you think of Harriet? Think! Read these statements. Are they true for you? 1 I always turn up on time when I'm meeting people. 2 I get upset when other people are late. 3 I'm sometimes unreliable. 4 I never forget people's birthdays. Compare your answers in small groups. Who's the most reliable person in your group? turn up (v) arrive date (n) meeting with sb who is (or will be) your boyfriend / girlfriend upset (adj)/Ap'set/ sad or angry unreliable (adj) /.Ann'laiabl/ sb who doesn't always do what they say they will do spend (time) use your time to do sth furious (adj) /'fjoarias/ very angry 12 unit one grammar past simple 3 Write the past simple forms. 1 Do you remember Robert's story? Are these sentences true or false? Tell a partner. 1 Robert and Harriet had a great summer together. 2 It was his 30th birthday in September. 3 Harriet didn't go to the dinner because she forgot. 4 She sent Robert an e-mail a week later. 2 Answer these questions with a partner. 1 Is the past simple used for things in the past that are finished /not finished? 2 Which of these time expressions are often used with the past simple? yesterday last week nowadays ten days ago next week in 1995 # don't forget! regular verbs work regular verbs ending in e arrive regular verbs ending in y carry irregular verbs find get spend start receive marry see ring forget negative I went out last night, so I that film on TV. (not see) question and short answer A last night? B Yes, I ___ (you see) that film on TV _____/No, I ________ 3 Go to p. 140, Complete Robert's story using verbs in the past simple form. go to language reference and practice exercises p. 152 4 í i gj natural English Listen and complete the sentences. Maria and Carmen both_______________________ (= Maria comes from Spain, and Carmen comes from Spain too) They both_________________________ They're both__________________________ Both of them_______________________ Listen again and practise saying the sentences. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to find six things you both did yesterday. Which pair can finish first? example A Did you come to school by bus? B No, I didn't. A OK. Did you watch TV last night? B Yes. Did you? A Yes. B OK. So, we both watched TV yesterday. That's one. Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.14. We both Jive with our parents. I spend a lot of time with my family. My father was very strict. My father's cousin lived with us. unit one 13 extended s your mine? you're going to: collect ideas listen to people talking about their families prepare a questionnaire think about your family and write follow-up questions have a conversation talk about your family with a partner writing write things that are the same or different about your families but first ... Look back at the don't forget boxes in this unit. You can use this language in the activity. £ collect ideas Q Listen to David and Lynne talking about their families. 1 How many brothers and sisters has David got? 2 What do they do? 3 How many brothers and sisters has Lynne got? 4 What do they do? Listen to Seema and Roger. 1 What was Seema's last family celebration? 2 What was Roger's last family celebration? 1 -í^i. M f ff9# j$Jm m é W Roger 3 natural English Read the box, then listen to 1.9 again. Say 'Stop!' when you hear the phrases in bold. How about you? You don't need to repeat questions in conversation. You can use How about you? or And you? A Have you got any brothers and sisters? B One sister. How about you? (And you?) A I'm an only child._________________ 4 Practise the conversation with a partner. & prepare a questionnaire 5 We use follow-up questions to continue conversations. Look at these examples. Have you got any cousins? How many have you got? Do you see them a lot? Where do they live? Do you get on with them? 6 Read the 'your family' questionnaire on p. 15. With a partner, write at least one follow-up question for each topic. 7 Think! Think about your answers to the questionnaire. ^ have a conversation 8 Find a new partner. Ask and answer the questionnaire. Remember to use follow-up questions and show interest. 14 unit one (T) Have you got any brothers and sisters? follow-up question(s): (2) Who do you live with? follow-up questions): (T) Do you spend a lot of time with your family? follow-up question(s): (?) What other relatives have you got? follow-up question(s): (T) What was your last family celebration? follow-up questions): (6) When you were young, what were your parents like? (7) What's your family like? {example We're a close family.) (8) your own question ^ writing Together, write down two things that are the same for both of you, and two things that are different. example s| Italian is 4 terrible /terribk and the waiter spofce veq 5 quicfc/quicfcty but I read the menu 6 careful /carefully and understood most of it. I had some 7 wonderful /wonderfully pasta. Their desserts looted 8 delicious/deliciousty, but I was on a diet. If ^ou ever go there, tq this restaurant - it's 9 absolute/absolutely fantastic. go to language reference and practice exercises p.154 speaking it's your turn! 1 Work in groups of three. You are friends. A has invited B and C to dinner. A go to p. 141 B go to p. 149 C go to p.144 2 Act out your situation. Use these phrases from this lesson in the extended speaking on p.22. I'm sorry I'm late... Don't worry, it doesn't matter. This tastes disgusting. Would you like something to drink? unit two 21 € s restaurant scene you're going to: collect ideas talk about your favourite restaurant or café invent a conversation plan a conversation in a restaurant writing write your conversation act out the conversation act out your conversation for other students listen listen to English speakers acting the same conversation but first... Look back at the don't forget boxes in activity. 22 unit two ^| collect ideas 1 Think! Think about these questions. Which is your favourite restaurant / café? What's it like? Where is it? How often do you go there? 2 Compare ideas in groups. ^ invent a conversation 3 With a partner, look at the pictures. Say how the people look. (T) The woman looks angry because___________ ja] The man _______ because (3] The man (customer) (b) The customer_____ The waiter_______ because because because because. (b] The man and woman__ 4 natural English Read the box. talking about a picture When you are inventing a conversation, give your ideas like this: think he's /she's saying, Til have...' I think he's /she's asking, 'Are you...?' ^ writing 5 Invent your conversation together and write it down. Use the language in the natural EngKsh box to give ideas. 6 Have you used contractions? e.g. I'm, he's. Check your writing. 7 Ask your teacher to check your conversation. ^ act out the conversation 8 With another pair, look at one conversation. Practise acting it out, each taking a role. Do the same for the other conversation. 9 In your group, choose one conversation. Act it out for the class. Which is the best conversation in your class? d ^Sten 10 f^f\ Listen to these people acting out the conversation. \.}JJ Write down three things that are different to your conversation. 11 Put apostrophes (') in their conversation (listening booklet po- test yourself! How well do you think you did the extended speaking? Mark the line. 0 ..............;.......... 10 test your vocabulary From this unit: 1 write down five vegetables beginning with these letters: on_____, au_____, co_____, sp--------pe------- 2 write down three extreme positive adjectives, e.g. fantastic, and three extreme negative adjectives, e.g. terrible 3 underline the uncountable nouns in this list: pasta, banana, rice, grape, bread, olive, pea, coffee, toast score 16 gap-fill Fill the gaps with a suitable word. Contractions, e.g. it's, count as one word. A I'm sorry B Don't__ late. - it doesn't matter. I had chicken for my main _______ A Was it very nice? B Yes, it was________ delicious. 4 A Would you like to drink? B That would be lovely. Coffee, please. score 5 error correction Correct the errors. When do you usually have the lunch? We eat much meat in our family. My teacher speaks perfectly English. We had spaghettis for dinner last night. score total score 25 Look back at the unit contents on p.16. Tick / the language you can use confidently. For more practice, go to the review on p.25. unit two 23 one re w grammar past simple 1 Work with a partner. Each choose a circle. Write the past simple forms for your circle. see saw wear wore j wear read break f , spend sing make cost begin see buDyaY rungoSeii, sav, speak nng 'lose shut 2 Say your past simple forms. Your partner must find a rhyme from their circle, e.g. wore /wo:/ and saw /so:/. 3 Find a past tense from either circle to complete these rhymes. I don't know what she said_______, but her face was very red. The trousers that I ___________ were really very short. The best thing that I ____ was a teapot made of gold. The first time we _______ he offered me a Coke. I asked how much she for the fizzy lemonade. I stopped work and 'Now it's time for sport!' When the phone I heard a loud bang. The last film I was in 1984. 4 f^ij Listen. Are the rhymes the same as yours? 5 Practise saying the rhymes. vocabulary family and relationships Find eleven more words/phrases connected with family or relationships. They can be horizontal (<—>)or vertical (J). SÍAlTCHNESKY R P 0 E P H 0 N S I D 0 A R E W N M E C R I U L MARRIEDNMA 0 N T E H C E S R P L Y C H I L D T B B A R 0 A 0 I 0 U S I N W P V A G R A N N Y E A R E N T S L S grammar question practice Find a partner you don't know very well. Write down eight questions about their family, hobbies, job / studies, etc. examples Who do you live with? Are you from a big family? Ask your partner the questions. natural English Correct the errors. How is he like? We go both to the same school. I gave the money to the mother of Paul. A I work for a newspaper. B Oh, really? It's interesting. Please be quite. The students are working. Check your answers using the natural English boxes in unit one. 24 unit one review two review ^Jjjj natural English vocabulary adjectives 1 With a partner, talk about these situations. Then write your answers. 1 Complete these adjectives with a, e, 1, o, u. You arrive, for class five- minutes after the- start of the lesson. What do f)u sa>( to ^our teacher? What's his / her answer? Someone is late for a meeting. The-^ sa>( sorq and give a reason. What do the-f sa-f, and what's >four answer? Someone comes to ^our house, and -\o\x want to offer them a drinü. What do >jou sa^f? What's their answer? You're in a restaurant, and f3u want to order -\o\x meal (tuna salad, and then roast beef). What does the waiter ask? What do fou sa^(? M the end of the meal, >jou want to paf. What do fou sa^j to the waiter? 2 Check your answers using the natural English boxes in unit two. 3 Practise the dialogues with your partner. vocabulary food / uncountable nouns 1 Work with a partner. Can you name all the things in the pictures? Are they countable or uncountable? 2 fT"""^ With a partner, listen and cross out the things you hear. v»—-^ example 'A vegetable that can be red or green.' answer - a pepper BR*LL"NT 0«SG«ST*NG F«B«L«S •WW D«L«0««S With a partner, ask and answer the questions. Use each word from exercise 1 once. More than one answer is possible. 1 What's the traffic like on Monday mornings? 2 What's your brother's girlfriend like? 3 What's the weather like in Siberia? 4 What's your university professor like? 5 What was the meal like? 6 What was the room like after the party? 7 What's New York like? 8 What's that book like? unit two review 25 32