natural English both 9 Read the article in exercise 7 (on p.7) again. Are sentences 1 to 5 true / or false / ? They both started school on the same day. / 1 Kate and Amanda both worked in the same shop at the weekend. 2 They both went to university in London. 3 They are both very tidy people. 4 They both love loud music. 5 Both of them moved out of the flat. 10 Simon and Marcus are twin brothers. Write sentences about them using both. football What sport do you Like? 1 What do you study? 2 What are you good at? 3 Do you play an instrument? tke. guitar &r\gir\e-e.rir\g art footbtJt e.-n.a.ľne.ári'Hí {We. %uif(\r 4 What do you hate? 5 Where do you live? waiting for things wfl.iti'K» -for fki-n»s in 'Z-uriok i-n ZwitW They both like football, or Both of them like football. ■ Sayuri and I both i like singing. Say five things that are the same about you and your best friend or someone in your family. your grammar neither Notice that a singular verb is used after neither m written English. Neither Karin nor Sabine was at the party./ Neither of them was at the party. (= Karin wasn't at the party. Sabine wasn't at the party.) Neither my brother nor I speaks French./ Neither of us speaks French. (= My brother doesn't speak French. I don't speak French.) Write sentences about Simon and Marcus using neither. Simon Marcus Do you have a job? Hot at t fie No. r^otv\e-ř\t. 1 Do you smoke? Ho. NJO; I do-n'i. 2 Can you speak No another language? No. 3 Do you live at home? Ho - b MMSe-l No - w/itk -prie.-H L fee. 5 Are you interested in computers? Ho Wot Ar