<$ relationships natural English possessive 's 6 Look at the family tree on p.6. Answer the questions. More than one answer may be possible. Who's Sally? She's Paul's wife. 1 Who's John? He's husband. 2 Who's James? He's father. 3 Who's Jane? She's . mother. 4 Who's Luke? Who's Elsie? He's . son. 5 She's grandmother. 6 Who's Katie? She's sister. 7 Who's Sally? She's sister-in-law. 8 Who's Loraine? She's aunt. f test yourself! Look at the family tree again and taLk about the people. Sally is Paul's wife. Sally is Lynda's sister-in-law. grammar past simple 7 Complete the article using verbs from the box in the past simple, get start have sit rent be leave do meet talk move friends... I met my best friend Kate on our first day at school 15 years ago. We _}____________ a new school on the same day. We _____________next to each other in class every day and we_________ on the phone every evening. In fact, we f____________everything together. When we were sixteen we even 5 jobs in the same shop on Saturdays. When we £____________school we chose the same university in London and we 1____________a flat together. It ^____________terrible. I'm really tidj' and she's messy. She loves loud music whereas I'm quieter. After two days in the same house we f____________our first argument! After three months she ™___________out. We're still best friends but we never lived together again! grammar past simple question forms and negatives 8 Complete the sentences using the words given. A What did you do (do) last night? B I watched TV. 1 A What was the restaurant like yesterday? B We___________(not / go). We got a takeaway instead. 2 A ___________(Miki/win) her match last week? B No, she lost. 3 A Where's Elena? B She left ten minutes ago. She ___________(not / feel) very well. 4 A When school? B In 1998. A_______ (you /leave) (you/buy) anything? B No. It was all too expensive. 6 A Why (Sonia/go) home so early last night? B She was really tired. 7 A What was the film like? B I___________(not / enjoy) it. 8 A (your parents/pay) for the trip? B No, I saved the money myself. takeaway /'teikswei/ (n) a meal from a restaurant that you eat at home write it! Write an article about your oldest school friend. When did you meet? Why did you get on? How did you meet? Do you still see each other now? unit one