1.3 Cannabis Grass or weed = the dried, chopped leaves. Skunk = a type of herbal cannabis. Can be 2-3 times stronger than other varieties. Usually mixed with tobacco and smoked as a spliff or joint. Can also be used to make tea or can be baked in hash cakes and cookies. Smoking a spliff makes a lot of people happy and relaxed and the effects can last a few hours. It can make colours and sounds seem brighter and sharper. Some people throw up, especially if they have been drinking. Some people get anxious or paranoid. It has been linked with mental health problems, especially if these things run in the family. Smoking it increases your chances of getting diseases like lung cancer and bronchitis. Long-term use may affect memory and concentration levels, which can hinder performance in school, college or work - in some cases causing people to give up or drop out. Skunk is a very strong and artificially modified form of cannabis, known for its powerful smell and effects on the mind. So be aware: skunk can really mess you up. Crack cocain It is called crack because it makes a crackling sound when it is being burnt. Usually smoked in a pipe, glass tube or plastic bottle. Can also be injected. Makes you feel wide awake, cool and confident. It can give your ego a real boost, so you might end up thinking you are the world's greatest flirt, dancer or comedian. Crack cocaine is extremely addictive and it is an expensive habit because the effects wear off so quickly. It can cause hallucinations, mood swings and masive paranoia. High doses can raise your temperature and stop you breathing and, if you overdose, it can be fatal. Heavy users often get anxious and paranoid, have trouble sleeping and feel sick quite a lot. Ecstasy Ecstasy sold on the street usually doses in tablets. It also comes in all sorts of colours and designs and it is getting more common to see it sold as powder. You have loads of energy. Sounds, colours and emotions feel more intense - you might feel like you love everyone around you. Ecstasy can cause anxiety, panic attacks and confusion. It raises your temperature and makes your heart beat faster. There have been over 200 reported ecstasy-related deaths in the UK since 1990. You never know what you are getting with an E or how you will react.