hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Ježíšova blahoslavenství jako inspirace pro pomáhající profese 3. Blahoslavení plačící: Člověk a kultivace jeho vztahů k okolí hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png We Are One - Action Aid - Renee & Jeremy •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkOTwVX1cb4 • •There's all kinds of people in this world Colors and sizes of boys and girls We come from all places and have different faces Learning to share this big world • •'Cause We are one And that's wonderful You are you And there's never gonna be anyone like you Never gonna be anyone like you hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png •Mountains and deserts and seas Rivers and forests rocks and trees All kinds of weather sky ties us together Wouldn't the flowers agree That We are one And that's wonderful You are you And there's never gonna be anyone like you Never gonna be anyone like you •Wherever you go Whatever you see However you grow You're a part of me hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Otázky… •Jak proběhlo jedno vaše dnešní setkání s nějakým člověkem (doma, nebo cestou do školy)? •Jak byste charakterizovali „otevřeného člověka“? •Jaká s sebou otevřenost nese rizika? •Otevřenost a vztah ke klientovi v pomáhající profesi… • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Blahoslavení plačící (Mt 5,4) •„Blahoslavení plačící, neboť oni budou potěšeni.“ •(řecký text: maka,rioi oi` penqou/ntej( o[ti auvtoi. paraklhqh,sontai) • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Výklad •„Plačící“? •Iz 61,1-3 || L 4,18-19 || Mt 5,3-4! •Co truchlení (penthan) působí? •Smrt, hřích (Gn 23,2; 1Mak 2,6-14; Ž 35,12-14; Sir 7,32-36; Mt 9,15; Mk 16,10; Jk 4,8-10; 1K 5,1-2) •Co má truchlení nad smrtí a nad hříchem společného? •VZTAH, zkušenost Henriho Nouwena •Johnny Cash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWnUItw1ElU • • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Johnny Cash - I See A Darkness •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWnUItw1ElU •Well, you're my friend And can you see Many times we've been out drinking Many times we've shared our thoughts But did you ever, ever notice The kind of thoughts I got? Well, you know I have a love A love for everyone I know And you know I have a drive To live, I won't let go But can you see this opposition Comes rising up sometimes? That its dreadful imposition Comes blacking in my mind hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png •[Chorus] And that I see a darkness[x3] Did you know how much I love you? Is a hope that somehow you Can save me from this darkness hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png •[Verse 2] Well, I hope that someday, buddy We have peace in our lives Together or apart Alone or with our wives And we can stop our whoring And pull the smiles inside And light it up forever And never go to sleep My best unbeaten brother This isn't all I see hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Výklad •„budou potěšeni“ •NZ 2K 1,3-7; 7,4-7; 2Sol 2,16-17 •Pavlův Bůh: Milosrdenství a Útěcha •SZ Iz 40,1-2; 61,1-3; 51,12-13; 66,13 •Utěšitel, neboť Stvořitel hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png Praktické důsledky •1. blahoslavenství: uznání vlastní chudoby – závislost v tom, co mne přesahuje •2. blahoslavenství: vztahy působí bolest, ale ona zranitelnost je jedna z forem lidské chudoby; • je zbytečné ji falešně překonávat uzavřeností, hmotnými náhražkami nebo planými útěchami… • Boží útěcha je darem skutečného společenství, je osobní a plná lásky •Co je útěchou otevřenému člověku bez Boha? Je třeba to hledat. •Otevřenost osobní implikuje otevřenost společnosti! Viz U2… • hashOverlay-FullResolve.png HD-ShadowLong.png HD-ShadowShort.png U2, Paříž, 6. prosinec 2015 •Stephen Hawking: •When we see the Earth from space we see ourselves as a whole. We see the unity, but not the divisions. One planet, one human race. We are here together and we need to live together with tolerance and respect. •Our only boundaries are the way we see ourselves, the only borders the way we see each other. We must become global citizens. Our voices are important. We give our elected officials their power, but we can take it away. •We at all time travelers, traveling together into the future. But let us make that future a place we want to visit. •Be brave. Be determined. Overcome the odds. It can be done. • •City of Blinding Lights (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YJIzFA49Ac) •