1/me/my/mine EXERCISES 61.1 Answer the questions in the same way. I etc. (=> Unit 58) me etc. (=> Unit 58) my etc. => Unit 59) mine etc. (=> Unit 60) I know Tom. Tom knows me. It's my car. It's mine. it We know Tom. Tom knows us. It's our car. It's ours. si You know Tom. Tom knows you. It's your car. It's yours. He knows Tom. Tom knows him. It's his car. It's his. She knows Tom. Tom knows her. It's her car. Ushers. They know Tom. Tom knows them. It's their car. __-— It's theirs. . 'Do you know that man?' "Yes, I know him but I can't remember^s name. . She was very pleased because we invited her to stay with us at our house. • A- Where are the children? Have you seen them? B-' Yes they are playing with their friends in the park. • That's my pen. Can you give it to me, please? • 'Is this your umbrella?' 'No it's yours_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • He didn't have an umbrella, so she gave him Hers. J, sue g • I'm meeting a friend of mine this evening, {not a friend of me) elf/yourself etc. => EM3 Give me that book / Give i, to me = 61.2 Gl .3 614 ^~>^ [Do you know that man? ] 4fv^ \\1 Yes, I know hum but I cWfc. remember Vits name. Yes, I....................................................but I, Yes, 1 know . remember..... . but I can't Yes, I. .. but. Finish these sentences in the same way. 1 We invited her te stay niiM MS ah our House. 2 He invited us to stay with..............................................................house. 3 They invited me to stay with..............................................................house. 4 I invited them..............................................................................................,..................... 5 She invited us.................................................................................................................... 6 Did you invite him........................................................................................................ Complete the sentences in the same way. 1 I gave him my cutdress tkr.d. Yx. gave ire Vits. I gave her...............address and she gave me................ He gave me...............address and I gave.......................... We gave them...............address and they gave............ She gave him...............address and..................................... You gave us...............address and ......................................... They gave you...............address and.................................. Put in him/her/yours etc. 1 Where's Ann? Have you seen h?T... ? 2 Where are my keys? Where did I put.......................? 3 This letter is for Bill. Can you give it to.......................? 4 We wrote to John but he didn't answer.......................letter. 5 'I can't find my pen. Can I use.......................?' Yes, of course.' 6 We're going to the cinema. Why don't you come with................ 7 Did your sister pass.......................exams? 8 Some people talk about.......................jobs all the time. 9 Last night I went out for a meal with a friend of........................