Exercises Unit 13 13 1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible. Otherwise use the past simple. 1 [ can't get in. I ...Vfe-toSt.....(lose) my key. lis The office is empty now. Everybody (go) home. MARY (go) to Egypt for a holiday, but she's back home in England now. 13.2 Yes, I (have) a headache, but I feel fine now. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple. 1 It.....S.topE§Sr..„. raining for a while, but now it's raining again, (stop) 2 The town is very different now. It.....htt5 dWffidr.....a lot. (change) 3 I did German at school, but I........................................................................most of it now. (forget) 4 The police........................................................................three people, but later they let them go. (arrest) 5 What do you think of my English? Do you think it........................................................................? (improve) 6 a: Are you still reading the paper? B: No, I........................................................................with it. You can have it. (finish) 7 I........................................................................for a job as a tourist guide, but I wasn't successful, (apply) 8 Where's my bike? It........................................................................outside the house, but it's not there now. (be) 9 Look! There's an ambulance over there. There........................................................................an accident, (be) 10 a: Have you heard about Ben? He ........................................................................ his arm. (break) b: Really? How............................that........................................................................? (happen) a: He ........................................................................off a ladder, (fall) 13.3 Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1 Do you know about Sue? She's given up her job.....fiS.......................................................................................................... 2 My mother has grown up in Scotland. 3 How many plays has Shakespeare written? 4 Ow! I've cut my finger. It's bleeding. 5 Drugs have become a big problem everywhere. 6 The Chinese have invented paper. 7 Where have you been born? 8 Mary isn't at home. She's gone shopping. 9 Albert Einstein has been the scientist who has developed the theory of relativity. jrew. 27