Have you ever... ? (present perfect 3) We use the present perfect (have been / have had / have played etc.) when we talk about a time from the past until now - for example, a person's life: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO JAPAN? -time from the past until now - NOW past • 'Have you been to France?' (in your life) 'No, I haven't.' • I've been to Canada but I haven't been to the United States. • Mary is an interesting person. She has had many different jobs and has lived in many places. e I've seen that woman before but I can't remember where. • How many times has Brazil won the World Cup? e 'Have you read this book?' 'Yes, I've read it twice.' (twice = two times) present perfect + ever (in questions) and never: • 'Has Ann ever been to Australia?' 'Yes, once.' (once = one time) « 'Have you ever played golf?' 'Yes, I often play golf.' • My mother has never travelled by air. • I've never ridden a horse. • 'Who is that man?' 'I don't know. I've never seen him before.' gone and been ''He's away. He's gone v to Spain Bill has gone to Spain (— he is in Spain now) Compare two weeks later f Hello. I've been on holiday. I've V been to Spain. Bill has been to Spain. (= he went to Spain but now he is back) EXERCISES 17.1 You are asking Helen questions beginning Have you ever... ? Write the questions. /youv i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 re. • I can't find Susan. Where has she gone? (= Where is she now?) a Oh, hello Susan! I was looking for you. Where have you been? (London?) Ha.ve.jjO« ever been to London? (play / golf?). Have jjou ever played. goL-f ? (Australia?) Have ................................................................. (lose / your passport?) ....................................................... (fly / in a helicopter?) ....................................................... (eat / Chinese food?) ......................................................... (New York?) ............................................................................ (drive / a bus?)........................................................................ (break / your leg?) ............................................................... 17 No, never. Yes, many times. No, never. Yes, once. No, never. Yes, a few times. Yes, twice. No, never. Yes, once. 7.2 Write sentences about Helen. (Look at her answers in Exercise 17.1.) 1 (New York) Helen Has been to New York twice.. 2 (Australia) Helen............................................................................................... 3 (Chinese food) ....................................................................................................... 4 (drive / a bus) .......................................................................................................... Now write about yourself. How often have you done these things? 5 (New York) I.................................... 6 (play / tennis) ................................... 7 (fly / in a helicopter) .................. 8 (be / late for work or school) 7.3 Mary is 65 years old. She has had an interesting life. What has she done? be do write travel meet all over the world many diflcrcntjobs ten books a lot of interesting things a lot of interesting people married three times 1 .SHe Has had roar:y different jobs. 2 She.................................................... - • 3 ............................................................................................ 4 ............................................................................................. 5 ............................................................................................. 6 ................................... 7-4 Putin gone or been. Bill is on holiday at the moment. He's 9°"e.......to Spain. 'Where s Jill?' 'She's not here. I think she's......................................to the bank.' Hello, Sue. Where have you......................................? Have you......................................to the bank? 'Have you ever......................................to Mexico?' 'No, never.' My parents aren't at home this evening. They've......................................out. There's a new restaurant in town. Have you......................................to it? Ann knows Paris well. She's......................................there many times. present perfect => Ill.'IH.-UftliHr.lHl present perfect and past simple =5 |gj|gj] [43] How long have you ... ? (present perfect 4) Jill is on holiday in Ireland. She is there now. She arrived in Ireland on Monday. Today is Thursday. How long has she been in Ireland? since Monday. —■' She has been in Ireland for three days. Compare is and has been: EXERCISES 18.1 Complete these sentences. 1 Jill is in hospital. She Has been m hospital since Monday. 2 I know Sarah. 1 .ha-ve. known .. her for a long time. 3 Linda and Frank are married. They..............................................................married since 1989, 4 Brian is ill. He..............................................................ill for the last few days. 5 We live in Scott Road. We..............................................................there for ten years. 6 Catherine works in a bank. She..............................................................in a bank for five years. 7 Alan has a headache. He..............................................................a headache since he got up this morning. 8 I'm learning English. I..............................................................English for six months. She is in Ireland now. . , , , 1 since Monday. She has been in Ireland \ for (j,^ is — present has been = present perfect Monday NOW Thursday B Compare: 18.3 present perfect simple (have been/have lived/have known etc.) Mark and Liz are married. They have been married for five years. (not 'They are married for five years') Are you married? How long have you been married? (not 'How long are you married?') Do you know Sarah? How long have you known her? (not 'How long do you know her?') I know Sarah. I've known her for a long time. (not 'I know her for...') Linda lives in London. How long has she lived in London? She has lived there all her life. I have a car. How long have you had your car? I've had it since April. present continuous present perfect continuous (have been + ing) I'm learning German. How long have you been learning German? (not 'How long are you learning German?') I've been learning German for two years. David is watching TV. How long has he been watching TV? He's been (= He has been) watching TV since 5 o'clock. It's raining. It's been (= It has been) raining all day. IB 18.2 Make questions with How long ..,? Jill is on holiday. Mike and Judy are in Brazil. I know Margaret. Diana is learning Italian. My brother lives in Canada. I'm a teacher. It is raining. How ^ p How long........................................................._............. How long.......................you .................................... Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Your sentence must end with one of these: for ten minutes all day all her life for ten years since he was 20 since Sunday 1 TVley Move beer. roame [45] 1 I have done (present perfect) and I did (past simple) EXERCISES 20.1 Use the words in brackets (...) to answer the questions. With a finished time (yesterday / last week etc.), we use the past (arrived/saw/was etc.): past simple + finished time yesterday. last week. We arrived at 3 o'clock. in 1991. six months ago. finished time yesterday last week six months ago past NOW ■ith a finished Do not use the present perfect (have arrived / have done / have been etc) witl time: • I saw Paula yesterday, [not 'I have seen') • Where were you on Sunday afternoon? (not 'Where have you been') • We didn't have a holiday last year, (not 'We haven't had') • 'What did you do last night?' 'I stayed at home.' • William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer. He wrote many plays and poems. Use the past simple to ask When ... ? or What time ... ?: • When did they arrive? (not 'When have they arrived?') Compare: present perfect • I have lost my key. (— I can't find it now) o Bill has gone home. (- he isn't here now) • Have you seen Ann? (= where is she now~i) time until now past now • Have you ever been to Spain? (= in your life, until now) • My friend is a writer. He has written many books. o The letter hasn't arrived yet. • We've lived in Singapore for six years. (= we live there now) past simpie • I lost my key last week. • Bill went home ten minutes ago. e Did you see Ann on Saturday? finished time past m°w s Did you go to Spain last year? • Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems. • The letter didn't arrive yesterday. • We lived in Glasgow for six years but now we live in Singapore. 20 Have you seen Ann? Have you started your new job? Have your friends arrived? Has Sarah gone away? Have you worn your new shoes? (5 minutes ago) (last week) (at 5 o'clock) (on Friday) (yesterday) Yes, 1 sow Her 5 minutes ago. Yes, I....................................last week. Yes, they.............................. Yes....................................... Yes,.......................... 20.2 Right or wrong? Correct the verbs that are wrong. (The verbs are underlined.) RIGHT..... WRONG: Did. yew see. 1 I've lost my key. I can't fmd it. 2 Have you seen Ann yesterday? 3 I've finished my work at 2 o'clock. ........................................................................... 4 I'm ready now. I've finished my work. ................................................................... 5 What time have you finished your work? ........................................................................... 6 Sue isn't here. She's gone out. ........................................................................... 7 Jim's grandmother has died in 1989. .................................................................... 8 Where have you been last night? ........................................................................... 20.3 Put the verb in the present perfect or past simple. 1 My friend is a writer. He Ho* written.....(write) many books. 2 We JMi&i*™. (not/have) a holiday last year. 3 I..............................................................(play) tennis yesterday afternoon. 4 What time..............................................................(you/go) to bed last night? 5 .............................................................................................(you/ever/meet) a famous person? 6 The weather..............................................................(not/be) very good yesterday. 7 My hair is wet. I..............................................................(just/wash) it. 8 I..............................................................(wash) my hair before breakfast this morning. 9 Kathy travels a lot. She..............................................................(visit) many countries. 10 'Is Sonia here?' 'No, she..............................................................(not/come) yet.' 20.4 Put the verb in the present perfect or past simple. 1 A: Have ijOM ever beer, (you/ever/be) to Florida? B: Yes, we.....Went(gQ) there on holiday two years ago. A: .............................................................(you/have) a good time? B: Yes, it................................................(be) great, A: Where's Alan? ................................................... (you/see) him? B: Yes, he................................................(go) out a few minutes ago. A: And Julia? B: I don't know. I...................................................... (not/see) her. 3 Rose works in a factory. She ....................................................(work) there for six months. Before that she.................................... (be) a waitress in a restaurant. She ................................................(work) there for two years but she.................................................................. (not/enjoy) it very much. A: Do you know Martin's sister? B: I....................................................(see) her a few times but I................................................................ (never/speak) to her...................................... .............................(you/ever/speak) to her? A: Yes. I..................................................(meet) her at a party last week. She's very nice. past simple => ^'n-lLBU present perfect => IWWMflU 1491 KEY TO EXERCISES TD EXERCISES 11.5 Example answers: 2 I got up late yesterday. 3 I met some friends at lunchtime. 4 I played volleyball. 5 I wrote a letter. 6 I lost my keys. 12.1 2 didn't work 3 didn't go 4 didn't have 5 didn't do 12.2 2 Did you enjoy the party? 3 Did you have a good holiday? 4 Did you finish work early? 5 Did you sleep well last night? 12.3 2 I got up before 7 o'clock, or I didn't get up before 7 o'clock. 3 I had a shower, or I didn't have a shower. 4 I bought a magazine, or I didn't buy a magazine. 5 I ate meat, or I didn't eat meat. 6 I went to bed before 10.30. or I didn't go to bed before 10.30. 12.4 2 did you arrive 3 Did you win 4 did you go 5 did it cost 6 Did you go to bed late 7 Did you have a nice time 8 did it happen / did that happen 12.5 2 bought 5 opened 3 Did it rain 6 didn't have 4 didn't stay 7 did you do 13.1 2 Carol and Jack were at/in the cinema. They were watching a film. 3 Tom was in his car. He was driving. [268] 4 Catherine was at the station. She was waiting for a train. 5 Mr and Mrs Hall were in the park. They were walking. 6 I was in a cafe. I was having a drink with some friends. 13.2 2 she was swimming /she was having a swim. 3 she was reading a/the newspaper. 4 she was cooking (lunch). 5 she was having breakfast. 6 she was listening to music/... listening to the radio. 13.3 2 What were you doing 3 Was it raining 4 Why was Ann driving so fast 5 Was Tim wearing a suit 13.4 2 He was carrying a bag. 3 He wasn't going to the dentist. 4 He was eating an ice-cream. 5 He wasn't carrying an umbrella. 6 He wasn't going home. 7 He was wearing a hat. 8 He wasn't riding a bicycle. 14.1 1 happened ... was painting ... fell 2 arrived ... got ... were waiting 3 was walking ... met... was going ... was carrying... stopped 14.2 2 was studying 3 did the post arrive ... came ... was having 4 didn't go 5 were you driving ... stopped ... wasn't driving 6 Did your team win ,.. didn't play 7 did you break the window ... were playing ... kicked ... hit 8 Did you see ... was wearing 9 were you doing 10 lost... did you get... climbed 15.1 2 She has closed the door. 3 They have gone to bed. 4 It has stopped raining. 5 He has had a bath. 6 The picture has fallen down. 15.2 2 've bought / have bought 3 's gone / has gone 4 Have you seen 5 has broken 6 Ve told / have told 7 has taken 8 has she gone 9 've forgotten / have forgotten 10 *s invited / has invited 11 Have you decided 12 haven't seen 16.1 2 He's/He has just got up. 3 They've/They have just bought a car. 4 The race has just started. 16.2 2 they've/they have already seen it. 3 I've/I have already phoned him. 4 He's/He has already gone (away). 5 I've/I have already read it. 6 She's/She has already started (it). 16.3 2 The bus has just gone. 3 The bus hasn't gone yet. 4 He hasn't opened it yet. 5 They've/They have just finished their dinner. 6 It hasn't stopped raining yet. 16.4 2 Have you met your new neighbours yet? 3 Have you written the letter yet? 4 Has he/Tom sold his car yet? 17.1 3 Have you ever been to Australia? 4 Have you ever lost your passport? 5 Have you ever flown in a helicopter? 6 Have you ever eaten Chinese food? 7 Have you ever been to New York? 8 Have you ever driven a bus? 9 Have you ever broken your leg? 17.2 Helen: 2 Helen has never been to Australia. 3 Helen/She has eaten Chinese food a few times. 4 Helen/She has never driven a bus. You (example answers): 5 I've / I have never been to New York. 6 I've / I have played tennis many times. 7 I've / I have never flown in a helicopter. 8 I've / I have been late for work a few times. 17.3 2-6 She has done a lot of interesting things. She has travelled all over the world, or She has been all over the world. She has been married three times. She has written ten books. She has met a lot of interesting people. 17.4 2 3 4 gone been been .. be gone been been 8 gone 18.1 3 have been 4 has been 5 have lived / have been living 6 has worked / has been working 7 has had 8 have been learning 18.2 2 How long have they been there / in Brazil? 3 How long have you known her? 4 How long has she been learning Italian? 5 How long has he lived in Canada? / How long has he been living...? 6 How long have you been a teacher? 7. How long has it been raining? 18.3 2 She has lived in Wales all her life. 3 They have been on holiday since Sunday. 4 The sun has been shining all day. 5 She has been waiting for ten minutes. 6 He has had a beard since he was 20. 18.4 2 know 3 have known 4 have you been 5 works 6 has been 7 have you lived 8 I've had 9 is ... has been 19.1 3 for 4 since 5 since 6 for 7 for 8 for ... since 19.2 Example answers: 2 A year ago. 3 A few days ago. 4 Two hours ago. 5 Six months ago. 19.3 3 for 20 years 4 20 years ago 5 ten minutes ago 6 an hour ago 7 for six months 8 for a long time 9 a few days ago 19.4 2 been here since Tuesday. 3 raining for an hour. 4 known Sue for two yean. 5 had my/a camera since 1989. 6 been married for six months. 7 been studying medicine (at university) for three years. 8 played / been playing the piano since he was seven years old. 19.5 Example answers: \ I've hved in ... all my life. 2 I've been in the same job for ten years. 3 I've been learning English for six months. 4 I've known Chris for a long time. 5 I've had a headache since I got up this morning. 20.1 2 I started (it) last week. 3 they arrived at 5 o'clock. 4 she went (away) on Friday. 5 I wore them yesterday. 20.2 3 WRONG - I finished 4 RIGHT 5 WRONG-did you finish 6 RIGHT 7 WRONG-Jim's grandmother died 8 WRONG - Where were you 20.3 3 played 4 did you go 5 Have you ever met 6 wasn't 7 've/have just washed [269] KEY TO EXERCISES 8 washed 9 's/has visited 10 hasn't come 20.4 1 Did you have was 2 Have you seen ■ went haven't seen 3 has worked / has been working was worked didn't enjoy 4 've/have seen 've/have never spoken Have you ever spoken met 21.1 3 Glass is made from sand. 4 Stamps are sold in a post office. 5 This room isn't used very often. 6 Are we allowed to park here? 7 How is this word pronounced? 9 The house was painted last month. 10 Three people were injured in the accident. 11 My bicycle was stolen a few days ago. 12 When was this bridge built? 13 Were you invited to the party last week? 14 How were these windows broken? 15 I wasn't woken up by the noise. 21.2 2 Football is played in most ... 3 Why was the letter sent to ...? 4 ... where cars are repaired. 5 Where were you bom? 6 How many languages are spoken ... 7 ... but nothing was stolen. 8 When was the bicycle invented? 21.3 3 is made 4 were damaged 5 was given 6 are shown 7 were invited 8 was made 9 was stolen ... was found 21.4 2 Sally was born in Binningham. 3 Her parents were born in Ireland. 4 I was bom in ... 5 My mother was born in ... 22.1 2 A bridge is being built. 3 The windows are being cleaned. 4 The grass is being cut. 22.2 3 The window has been broken. 4 The roof is being repaired. 5 The car has been damaged. 6 The houses are being knocked down. 7 The trees have been cut down. 8 They have been invited to a party. 22.3 3 has been repaired 4 was repaired 5 are made 6 were they built 7 Is the computer being used (or Is anybody using the computer) 8 are they called 9 were blown 10 was damaged ... hasn't been repaired 23.1 3 are 7 do 4 Does 8 Is 5 Do 9 does 6 Is II) Are 23.2 2 don't 6 doesn't 3 'ra/im not 7 Warn not 4 isn't 8 aren't 5 don't 23.3 2 Did 3 were 4 was 5 Has 6 did 7 were 8 Has 9 did 10 have 23.4 2 was 6 've/have 3 Have 7 is 4 are 8 was 5 were 9 has 23.5 3 eaten 4 enjoyin 8 understand 9 listening [need 5 damaged 10 pronou 6 use 11 open 7 gone away 24.1 3 got 10 happened 4 Drought 11 heard 5 paid 12 put 6 enjoyed 13 caught 7 bought 14 watched 8 sat 15 understood 9 left 24.2 2 began begun 3 ate eaten 4 drank drunk 5 drove driven 6 ran run 7 spoke spoken 8 wrote written 9 came come 10 knew known 11 took taken 12 went gone 13 gave given 14 threw thrown 15 forgot forgotten 24.3 3 slept 4 saw 5 rained 6 lost ... seen 7 stolen 8 went 9 finished 10 built KE*T0 EXERCISES 11 learnt/learned 12 ridden 13 known 14 fell ... hurt 24.4 2 told 8 spoken 3 won 9 cost 4 met 10 driven 5 woken up 11 sold 6 swam 12 flew 7 thought 25.1 2 He used to play football. 3 She used to be a taxi driver. 4 They used to live in the country. 5 He used to wear glasses. 6 This building used to be a hotel. 25.2 2-6 She used to play volleyball. She used to go out most evenings. / She used to go out in the evenings. She used to play the guitar. She used to read a lot. / She used to like reading. She used to go away two or three times a year. / She used to travel a lot. 25.3 3 used to have 4 used to be 5 go 6 used to eat 7 watches 8 used to live 9 get 10 did you use to play 26.1 2 Richard is going to the cinema. 3 Barbara is meeting Dave. 4 Denise is having lunch with Ken. 5 Tom and Sue are going to a party. 26.2 2 Are you working next week? 3 What are you doing tomorrow evening? 4 What time are your friends arriving? 5 When is Liz going on holiday? 26.3 Example answers: 3 I'm going away at the weekend. 4 I'm playing basketball tomorrow. 5 I'm meeting a friend this evening. 6 I'm going to the cinema on Thursday evening. 26.4 3 She's getting 4 are going ... are they going 5 finishes 6 I'm not going 7 I'm going ... We're meeting 8 are you getting ... leaves 9 does the film begin 10 are you doing ... I'm working 27.1 2 I'm going to buy a newspaper. 3 We're going to play football. 4 I'm going to have a bath. 27.2 3 'in/am going to walk 4 's/is going to stay 5 'm/am going to eat 6 're/are going to give 7 's/is going to lie down 8 Are you going to watch 9 is Rachel going to do 27.3 2 The shelf is going to fall (down). 3 The car is going to turn (left). 4 He's/He is going to kick the ball. 27.4 Example answers: 1 I'm going to phone Ann this evening. 2 I'm going to get up early tomorrow. 3 I'm going to buy some new clothes tomorrow. 28.1 2 she'll be 5 she's 3 she was 6 she was 4 she'll be 7 she'll be 28.2 Example answers: 2 I'll be at home. 3 I'll probably be in bed. 4 I'll be at work. 5 I don't know where I'll be. 28.3 2 TI/will 3 won't 4 won't 5 '11/will 6 '11/wiU 7 won't 28.4 3 I think we'll win the game. 4 I don't think I'll be here tomorrow. 5 I think Sue will like her present. 6 I don't think they'll get married. 7 I don't think you'll enjoy the film. 28.5 2 are you doing 3 They're going 4 she'll lend 5 I'm going 6 will phone 7 He's working 8 Will 29.1 2 I'll send 5 I'll do 3 I'll eat 6 I'll stay 4 I'll sit 7 I'll show 29.2 2 I think I'll have 3 I don't think I'll play 4 I don't think I'll buy 29.3 2 I'll do 3 I watch 4 I'll go 5 is going to buy 6 I'll give 7 Are you doing ... I'm going [270] [271]