Key to Exercises 8 He didn't even tell his wife (where he was going). 9 I don't even know the people next door. 112.3 2 even older 3 even better 4 even more difficult 5 even worse 6 even less 112.4 2 if 3 even if 4 even 5 even though 6 Even 7 even though 8 even if 9 Even though UNIT 113 113.1 2 Although I had never seen her before 3 although it was quite cold 4 although we don't like them very much 5 Although I didn't speak the language 6 Although the heating was on 7 although I'd met her twice before 8 although we've known each other a long time 113.2 2 a In spite of (or Despite) b Although 3 a because b although 4 a because of b in spite of (or despite) 5 a although b because of Example answers: 6 a he hadn't studied very hard b he had studied very hard 7 a I was hungry b being hungry / my hunger / the fact (that) I was hungry 113.3 2 In spite of having very little money, they are happy, or In spite of the fact (that) they have very little money ... 3 Although my foot was injured, 1 managed to walk to the nearest village, or I managed to walk to the nearest village although my ... 4 I enjoyed the film in spite of the silly story. / ... in spite of the story being silly. / ... in spite of the fact (that) the story was silly, or In spite of ... , I enjoyed the film. 5 Despite living in the same street, we hardly ever see each other, or Despite the fact (that) we live in ... or We hardly ever see each other despite ... 6 Even though I was only out for five minutes, I got very wet in the rain, or I got very wet in the rain even though I was ... 113.4 2 It's very windy though. 3 We ate it though. 4 I don't like her husband though. UNIT 114 114.1 2-5 Take a map with you in case you get lost. Take an anorak with you in case it rains. Take a camera with you in case you want to take some photographs. Take some water with you in case you're thirsty, or ... you get thirsty. 114.2 2 I'll say goodbye now in case I don't see you again (before you go). 3 Can you check the list in case we've forgotten something? or ... forgotten anything? 4 You should back up your files in case the computer crashes. 114.3 2 He wrote down the name (of the book) in case he forgot it. 3 I phoned my parents in case they were worried (about me). 4 I sent (Liz) another email in case she hadn't received the first one. 5 I gave them my address in case they came to London (one day). 114.4 3 If 4 if 5 in case 6 if 7 if 8 in case 9 in case UNIT 115 115.1 2 You won't know what to do unless you listen carefully. 3 I'll never speak to her again unless she apologises to me. or Unless she apologises to me, I'll ... 4 He won't be able to understand you unless you speak very slowly, or Unless you speak very slowly, he ... 5 The company will have to close unless business improves soon, or Unless business improves soon, the company ... 115.2 2 I'm not going (to the party) unless you go too. 3 The dog won't attack you unless you move suddenly. 4 Ben won't speak to you unless you ask him something. 5 The doctor won't see you unless it's an emergency. 115.3 2 unless 3 providing 4 as long as 5 unless 6 unless 7 provided 8 Unless 9 unless 10 as long as 115.4 Example answers: 2 it's not too hot 3 there isn't too much traffic 4 it isn't raining 5 I'm in a hurry 6 you have something else to do 7 you pay it back next week 8 you take risks UNIT 116 116.1 2 We all smiled as we posed for the photograph. 3 I burnt myself as I was taking a hot dish out of the oven. 4 The crowd cheered as the two teams ran onto the field. 5 A dog ran out in front of the car as we were driving along the road. 116.2 2 As it was a nice day, we went for a walk by the sea. 3 As we didn't want to wake anybody up, we came in very quietly. 361