97 Zero Conditional and First Conditional 1 Look at this: If + present simple + present simple If I eat too much, I feel bad. (= Every time I eat too much, I feel bad.) We use this structure (if + Present Simple + Present Simple) for facts that are generally true. This structure is called the Zero Conditional: If I don't get enough sleep, I feel tired, (= Every time I don't get enough sleep, I feel tired.) If you want to become a doctor, you have to study hard. (= Anyone who wants to become a doctor has to study hard.) 2 We can say the same thing by reversing the two parts of the sentence: present simple + if I feel bad if Note that we do not use a comma (,) before if. 3 Now look at this: If + present simple If I'm late, + will/won't she'll be angry. (= Perhaps I will be late; then she'll be angry.) We use this structure (if + Present Simple + will/won't) to talk about things that may happen in the future. The verb after if is Present Simple, but we use it for a possible future action or situation; we use will/won't + verb for the result. This structure is called the First Conditional: future possibility If we don't hurry, + result we won't finish. + present simple I eat too much. 4 We can reverse the order: She'll be angry if I'm late. We won't finish if we don't hurry. 5 We do not use will/won't after if: not If I will be late, she'll be angry. Practice A Put these facts about various types of people into sentences with //+ Present Simple + Present Simple. Make you the subject of both parts of the sentence. ► Doctors treat people who are ill. If .you're a doctor; you treat people who are ill..................................................... 1 Vegetarians don't eat meat. If you're a vegetarian............................................................................... 2 People who live in a hot country don't like cold weather. If you live .............................................................................................. 3 Teachers have to work very hard. If you're a teacher, .................................................................................. 4 People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy. If you ................................................................................................... 5 Mechanics understand engines. If you're a ............................................................................................. 6 People who read newspapers know what's happening in the world. If you ................................................................................................... B Complete these sentences with if+ Present Simple + will/won't, using the words in brackets (). Sometimes you do not need to change the words in brackets. * lf fcflftfc............... (it/rain), we won't aq..........(we/not/go) out. (the weather/be) nice tomorrow, ........................ (we/drive) to (she/post) the letter now, ........................ (they/receive) it 10 11 1 If the coast. 2 If ........... tomorrow. 3 ........................ (Fiona/be) angry if........................ (John/arrive) late again. 4 ........................ (I/go) to their party if ........................ (I/have) enough time. 5 If ........................ (she/not/pass) this exam, ........................ (she/not/get) the job that she wants. 6 ........................ (you/learn) a lot if ........................ (you/take) this course. 7 If ........................ (I/get) a ticket, ........................ (I/go) to the concert. 8 ........................ (I/buy) that camera if ........................ (it/not/cost) too much. 9 If ........................ (you/run) very fast, ........................ (you/catch) the bus. (I/go) to the doctor's if ........................ (I/not/feel) better tomorrow ..... (they/win) this game, ........................ (they/be) the champions. C Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or will/won't forms of the words in brackets (). Sometimes you do not need to change the words in brackets. ► A: We must be at the airport at two o'clock. B: Well, if we take.............. (we/take) a taxi at one o'clock, we won't be.......... (we/not/be) late. 1 A: I'd like a newspaper. B: Well, ........................ (I/buy) one for you if ........................ (I/go) to the shop later. 2 A: Has John phoned yet? B: No, and if ........................ (he/not/phone) this afternoon, ........................ (I/phone) him this evening. 3 A: Is Fiona there, please? B: No, but if ........................ (you/want) to leave a message, ........................ (I/give) it to her. 4 A: Is Tim going to pass his exam? B: Well......................... (he/fail) if ........................ (he/not/work) harder. 5 A: Could I have some information about this year's concerts, please? B: Yes, if ........................ (you/fill in) this form......................... (I/send) it to you in the post. PAGE 212 • CONDITIONALS AND REPORTED SPEECH CONDITIONALS AND REPORTED SPEECH • PAGE 213