5 She shouldn't be doing 50. / She shouldn't he driving so fast. / She should be driving more slowly. 6 I should have written down her address. /1 should have written her address down, or I should have written it down. 7 The driver in front shouldn't have stopped without warning. / ... shouldn't have stopped so suddenly. 8 I should have been looking where I was going. / I shouldn't have been looking behind me. UNIT 34 34.1 2 I should stay / I stay /1 stayed a little longer 3 they should visit / they visit / they visited the museum after lunch 4 we should pay / we pay / we paid the rent by Friday 5 I should go /1 go / I went away for a few days 34.2 1 b OK c OK d wrong 2 a OK b wrong c OK 34.3 2 should say 3 should worry 4 should leave 5 should ask 6 should listen 34.4 2 If it should rain 3 If there should be 4 If anyone should ask 5 Should there be any problems 6 Should anyone ask (where I'm going) 34.5 2 I should keep 3 I should phone 4 I should buy UNIT 35 35.1 2 You'd better put a plaster on it. 3 We'd better reserve a table. 4 You'd better not go to work. 5 I'd better pay the phone bill (soon). 6 I'd better not go out (yet). 7 We'd better take/get a taxi. 35.2 3 'd better 4 should 5 should 6 "d better 7 should 8 should 35.3 1 b 'd/had c close/shut d hadn't 2 a did b was done c thought 35.4 2 It's rime I had a holiday. 3 It's time the train left. 4 It's time I/we had a party. 5 It's time some changes were made. 6 It's time he tried something else. UNIT 36 36.1 Example answers: 2 I wouldn't like to be a teacher. 3 I'd love to learn to fly a plane. 4 It would be nice to have a big garden. 5 I'd like to go to Mexico. 36.2 2 'd enjoy / would enjoy 3 'd have enjoyed / would have enjoyed 4 would you do 5 'd have stopped / would have stopped 6 would have been 7 'd be / would be 8 'd have passed / would have passed 9 would have 36.3 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 d 36.4 2 He promised he'd phone. / ... he would phone. 3 You promised you wouldn't tell her. 4 They promised they'd wait (for us). / ... they would wait, 36.5 2 wouldn't tell 3 wouldn't speak 4 wouldn't let 36.6 2 would shake Key to Exercises 3 would always help 4 would share 5 would always forget UNIT 37 37.1 2 Can/Could I leave a message (for her) ? or Can/Could you give her a message? 3 Can/Could you tell me how to get to the station? or ... the way to the station? or ... where the station is? 4 Can/Could I try on these trousers? or Can/Could I try these (trousers) on? 5 Can I give/offer you a lift? 37.2 3 Do you think you could check this letter (for me}? / ... check my letter? 4 Do you mind if 1 leave work early? 5 Do you think you could turn the music down? /... turn it down? 6 Is it OK if I close the window? 7 Do you think I could have a look at your newspaper? 37.3 2 Can/Could/Would you show me? or Do you think you could show me? or ...doit for me? 3 Would you like to sit down? or Would you like a seat? or Can I offer you a seat? 4 Can/Could/Would you slow down? or Do you think you could ...? 5 Can/Could/May I/we have the bill, please? or Do you think I/we could have ... ? 6 Would you like to borrow it? UNIT 38 38.1 3 'd take / would take 4 closed down 5 wouldn't get 6 pressed 7 did 8 'd be / would be 9 didn't come 10 borrowed 11 walked 12 would understand 38.2 2 What would you do if you lost your passport? 3 What would you do if there was/were a fire in the building? 343 Key to Exercises 4 What would you do if you were in a lift and it stopped between floors? 38.3 2 If he took his driving test, he'd fail (it). / ... he would fail (it). 3 If we stayed at a hotel, it would cost too much. 4 If she applied for the job, she wouldn't get it. 5 If we told them the truth, they wouldn't believe us. 6 If we invited Bill, we'd have to invite his friends too. / ... we would have to ... 38.4 Example answers: 2 I'd be very angry if somebody broke into my house. 3 If I didn't go to work tomorrow, I'd have a much nicer day than usual. 4 Would you go to the party if you were invited? 5 If you bought some new clothes, you'd feel much better. 6 Would you mind if I didn't go out with you this evening? UNIT 39 39.1 3 'd help / would help 4 lived 5 'd live / would live 6 would taste 7 were/was 8 wouldn't wait...'d go / would go 9 didn't go 10 weren't ... wouldn't be 39.2 2 I'd buy it /1 would buy it if it weren't/wasn't so expensive. or ... if it were/was cheaper. 3 We'd go out / We would go out more often if we could afford it. 4 If I didn't have to work late, I could meet you tomorrow, or ... I'd meet /1 would meet ... or ... td be able to meet ... 5 We could have lunch outside if it weren't raining / wasn't raining. 6 If I wanted his advice, I'd ask for it /1 would ask for it. 39.3 2 I wish I had a mobile phone. 3 I wish Helen were/was here. 4 I wish it weren't/wasn't (so) cold. 5 I wish I didn't live in a big city. 6 1 wish I could go to the party. 344 7 I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. 8 I wish I knew something about cars. 9 I wish I were feeling / was feeling better. 39.4 Example answers: 1 I wish I was at home. 2 I wish I had a big garden. 3 I wish I could tell jokes. 4 I wish I was taller. UNIT 40 40.1 2 If he'd missed / he had missed the train, he'd have missed / he would have missed his flight. 3 I'd have forgotten /1 would have forgotten ... you hadn't reminded 4 I'd had /1 had had ... I'd have sent / I would have sent 5 we'd have enjoyed / we would have enjoyed ... the weather had been 6 It would have been ... I'd walked /1 had walked 7 I were /1 was 8 I'd been /1 had been 40.2 2 If the road hadn't been icy, the accident wouldn't have happened. 3 If I'd known / If I had known (that Joe had to get up early), I'd have woken / I would have woken him up. 4 If Jane hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to buy the car. or ... I couldn't have bought the car, 5 If Karen hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she'd have been injured / she would have been injured (in the crash). 6 If you'd had / If you had had (some) breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now. 7 If I'd had / If I had had (some) money, I'd have got / I would have got a taxi. 40.3 2 I wish I'd applied /1 wish I had applied for it. or ... for the job. 3 I wish I'd learned / I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument (when I was younger). 4 I wish I hadn't painted it red. or ... the gate red. 5 I wish I'd brought /1 wish I had brought my camera. 6 I wish they'd phoned / I wish they had phoned first (to say they were coming), or I wish I'd known /1 wish I had known they were coming. UNIT 41 41.1 2 hope 3 wish 4 wished 5 hope 6 wish ...hope 41.2 2 I wish Jane/she would come. or ... would hurry up. 3 I wish somebody would give me a job. 4 I wish the/that baby would stop crying. 5 I wish you would buy some new clothes, or I wish you would get some new clothes. 6 I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. 7 I wish you wouldn't leave the door open (all the time). 8 I wish people wouldn't drop litter in the street. 41.3 2 OK 3 I wish I had more free time. 4 I wish our flat was/were a bit bigger. 5 OK 6 OK 7 I wish everything wasn't/weren't so expensive. 41.4 3 I knew 4 I'd taken / I had taken 5 I could come 6 I wasn't / I weren't 7 they'd hurry / they would hurry 8 we didn't have 9 we could have stayed 10 it wasn't / weren't 11 he'd decide / he would decide 12 we hadn't gone UNIT 42 42.1 2 is made 3 was damaged 4 were invited 5 are shown 6 are held 7 was written ... was translated 8 were overtaken 9 is surrounded