ACTIVITIES Chapter 1 Before you read 1 Look at the picture on the front of the book. What can you see? Describe the picture. 2 Read the Introduction and answer these questions. a Who are the three most important people in the story? b What city do they live in? c What is Notre-Dame? d Which country was the writer from? 3 Look at the Word List at the back of the book. a What are the words in your language? Check new words in your dictionary. b Seven of the words can be words for people. What are they? While you read 4 Who does these things? Write the letters for people's names. Pierre Gringoire (PG) Quasimodo (Q) Esmeralda (E) Claude Frollo (CF) Sachette (S) Phoebus de Chateaupers (PC) a He is made the Pope of Fools, b She dances in the Place de Greve. c She lives in the Tower of Roland near the Place de Greve...... d He says that Esmeralda is evil. e He saves Esmeralda from Quasimodo in a dark street. f He goes by accident into the City of Thieves. After you read 5 January 6,1482 is a strange and exciting day, for Quasimodo. What happens to him? What does he do? Describe his day. 6 Discuss these questions. a At the end of the day, Esmeralda is married to Gringoire and in love with Phoebus. What does she know about these two men? b What is the City of Thieves? Who lives there? Who is the most important person there? What happens to visitors? 7 Imagine that you are Pierre Gringoire. On January 7, you meet a friend in a bar. He asks, "What happened to you after they stopped the play?" Tell him. Chapter 2 Before you read 8 Discuss this question. You have met the three main people in the story—Quasimodo, Esmeralda, and Father Claude Frollo. At this point in the story, which of these three do you think are good, kind, beautiful, intelligent, sad, lonely, or evil? While you read 9 Which is the right word? a As a young man, Frollo was unusually intelligent/strong. b After he becomes a bell ringer, Quasimodo can't talk/hear. c The people of Paris are afraid of/sorry for Quasimodo, d Quasimodo hates/loves Father Frollo. e As he grows older, Frollo becomes more and more alone/ religious. 10 Complete each sentence with one word. a Quasimodo cannot........................the judge's questions. b Quasimodo is punished with........................hours of flogging. c Paquette's baby girl was stolen by the......................... d There is a little pink........................ in the corner of Sachette's room. e Esmeralda gives Quasimodo some......................... After you read 11 How do these people feel? Give reasons for your opinions, a Quasimodo, about Father Frollo b Father Frollo, about Quasimodo •*r c Sachette, about Esmeralda d Esmeralda, about Sachette 54 55 12 Tell the story of Paquette la Chantefleurie in your own words. 13 Remember your discussion of the three main people in the story, in Activity 8. Have you changed any of your opinions now? Chapter 3 Before you read 14 Discuss these questions. a This chapter is called "Evil Thoughts and Evil Actions." Who will have evil thoughts? Who will do evil actions? b In this chapter, we meet Phoebus de Chateaupers, the handsome young officer, again. What do you remember about him? What kind of man is he? While you read 15 Who: a is rich and beautiful? ......................... b is going to marry a girl only because she is rich? ......................... c watches Esmeralda all the time from the cathedral tower? ......................... d can spell the name PHOEBUS with wooden letters? ......................... e is living with Esmeralda and loves Djali? ......................... f has never known her parents? ...........•.............. 16 Are these statements right (/) or wrong (/)? a Phoebus is going to meet Esmeralda at seven o'clock, b Frollo wants to fight Phoebus in the street, c Frollo hides in the closet in the hotel room, d Phoebus is completely in love with the young gypsy girl. e When Phoebus tries to make love to Esmeralda, she attacks him with a knife. After you read 17 Imagine you are Esmeralda. Tell a friend about your visit to the house of the Gondelauriers. Why did they invite you in? Who was there? What happened? 18 Work with another student. Have this conversation. Student A: You are Officer Phoebus. It is half past six and you are going to meet Esmeralda. But you have no money to pay for a hotel room. You meet a strange man in black in the street. Student B: You are Father Frollo. You know Phoebus is going to meet Esmeralda at seven o'clock. You are afraid that she loves him. You want to hide in his room. Offer him money. Chapter 4 (pages 28-35) Before you read 19 Discuss these questions. a Is Phoebus dead, or is he going to die? b What will happen to Esmeralda now? c Why did Frollo attack Phoebus? Is he crazy? While you read 20 Number these sentences, 1-6. a They take Esmeralda to the torture room. b Madame Falourdel teils the judge what happened on March 29. c Frollo tells Esmeralda that he loves her. d Esmeralda says that she killed Phoebus, e Frollo offers to save Esmeralda from death, f Esmeralda says that she did not kill Phoebus. 56 57 After you mad 21 Why: a does Esmeralda say that she killed Phoebus? b does everyone believe that Esmeralda is a murderer? c does Frollo offer to save Esmeralda from death by hanging? d does Esmeralda refuse his help? 22 Imagine that you are Madame Falourdel. Tell the judge what happened on the night of March 29. Give your opinion of the prisoner. Chapter 4 (pages 36-41) Before you read 23 Esmeralda will die the following day. Frollo can save her life, but she refuses his help. Does she want to live? Can anyone save her now? What do you think? 24 Check the meaning of the word sanctuary in the Word List at the back of the book. Where in the story is a place of sanctuary for criminals? While you read 25 Which is the right word? a Esmeralda sees that Phoebus is dead/alive. b Phoebus doesn't hate/love Esmeralda or Fleur-de-Lys—only himself. c Esmeralda is taken into the cathedral by Frollo/Quasimodo. d The crowd in the square are very angry/happy that Esmeralda is safe in the cathedral, e On his return to the cathedral, Frollo thinks that Esmeralda is dead/with Phoebus, f Quasimodo gives Esmeralda a kiss/whistle. g Frollo's love for Esmeralda is making him mad/happy. After you read 26 Is Frollo really an evil person? Maybe he is only unhappy? What do you think? 27 How do these people feel? Give reasons for your answers, a Quasimodo, about Esmeralda b Esmeralda, about Quasimodo c Quasimodo, about Frollo d Frollo, about Quasimodo 28 Discuss why the whistle is important to the story. Chapter 5 Before you read 29 Esmeralda is safe if she stays inside the cathedral. Discuss these questions. a How long can she stay there? b What will Frollo do? c Can Quasimodo protect her? Why (not)? 30 The chapter is called "Together in Death". Who will be together in death? Will the story have a happy ending or an unhappy one? How would you like the story to end? Tell the class. While you read 31 Who: a does Gringoire ask to save Esmeralda? ......................... b will stop Father Claude from attacking Esmeralda? ......................... c throws stones at the crowd? ......................... d stops the fight? ......................... e comes to Esmeralda's room with Gringoire? ......................... f does Gringoire leave the boat with? ................ g is Esmeralda's mother? ......................... h kills Sachefte and Esmeralda? ......................... 58 59 After you read 32 Who says these words and why are they important in the story? a "This little shoe is the only thing that the gypsies left me." b "All that I ever loved!" 33 Work with another student. Have this conversation. Student A: You saw the attacks on the Cathedral, but you did not see Esmeralda's death. Speak to your friend about what you saw. Ask questions about Esmeralda. Student B: You did not see the attacks on the Cathedral. Ask your friend about them. Answer your friend's questions about the deaths of Esmeralda and Sachette. 34 Discuss these questions. a Is the end of the story a good one? Why (not)? b Would you like a different ending? What is it? Writing 35 You are a reporter for a Paris newspaper. You were in the Great Hall today, January 6, 1482. Write a news report about what happened there. 36 You are Frollo. You have taken the young Quasimodo into the cathedral and you are teaching him. The head of the cathedral asks you for a report. He wants to know why you took this ugly hunchback boy into the cathedral. Give your reasons. Tell him what the boy has learned. 37 You are Fleur-de-Lys de Gondelaurier. Every day, you write in a notebook what you did that day. Write about the day Phoebus visited you and your friends. Write about the gypsy girl who danced. 38 You are Madame Falourdel, the hotel keeper. When Phoebus and Esmeralda are found in a room in your hotel, the police ask you for a full report of that evening. You must write about everything that happened. Who did you see? When? What did you hear? When? What did you think? 39 Who do you think is the most interesting person in this story? Write about that person. What are they like? What did they do? What happened to them? Why? 60 40 Imagine that you are looking for a husband. Choose one of these people: Phoebus, Gringoire, Frollo, Quasimodo. Write about the man. Give your reasons for choosing him. 41 A movie company wants to make a movie of this story, but the ending is too sad. Write a new, happier ending. Start from Sachette's realization that Esmeralda is her lost daughter. 42 Did you enjoy this book? Write about it for other students. Tell them about the book and why they should (not) read it. Answers lor the Activities in this book are available rmm the Penguin Readers website A free Activity Worksheet is also available from the website. Activity Worksheets are part of the Penguin Teacher Support Programme, which also includes Progress Tests and Graded Reader Guidelines. For more information, please visit: w w sv.pengui nreadc rs. c om.