POOH Vocabulary to explain explanation Then I will go on. He said to himself. He began to climb the tree. He got tired. to suppose to decide He thought of him. suspicious(ly) It will spoil the balloon. I try to remember. Don't bother about the bread. The front door is not big enough. He looked up at the sky. You went by yourself. = You went alone. She went by herself. = She went alone. He scratched his nose. I am sorry about that. He said in surprise. He was a little surprised by that gesture. The more he tried to sleep, the more he couldn't. There was a little left at the very bottom of the jar. Nobody minds. Nobody cares. He tried to think it out. What is the matter? Many happy returns to you. Let me do it for you. He knocked at the door. I've got one balloon left from my party. cautious(ly) You ran too fast. He became quite excited. Nobody seemed to know where they came from. He could hardly sit still. Kanga runs faster than any of us.