Requirements Please · Bring positive attitude and your will to work! · Don´t be late (come on time)! · Don´t disturb yourself and others with your mobile phone! · Don´t eat! · Try to use the time by talking in English, to an English question always answer in English! · Be ready for lessons: have your homework, bring your course books and your school aids! · Don´t discuss your private business in the lessons (unless you want to share it with the class in English)! · Be honest! Feel free to share your ideas, opinions with your teacher (either personally or write an email:! · Hand your written tasks into your portfolio. · To take a new test you have to pass the previous one first. · Try to study languages in your free time Bonus 100% attendance – you don´t have to write the final test Being ready in time – you don´t have to write for/against essay Passing 1st version of a test (65%) - 5% added to the next one How to pass our English course? * be active in the lessons * 75% attendance (you can miss four sessions) * hand in written tasks * perform a presentation * pass tests (chance to retake 2x each) * keep your portfolio ( If you don’t keep the requirements repeatedly (you can be asked to leave the classroom) and the lesson will be registered as you were absent.