CORRECTION SYMBOLS Symbol Meaning Example error Sp»', A spelling error The answer is obvious WO A mistake in word order I like very much it. Gf. A grammar mistake I am going to buy some furniture. T Wrong verb tense I have seen him yesterdav. C Concord mistake (e.g. the subject and verb agreement) People is_ angry. Something has been left out. He told A that he was sorry. WW Wrong word 1 am interested on jazz music. {} Something is not necessary. He was not {loo} strong enough. ?M The meaning is unclear. That is a very excited photograph. P A punctuation mistake. Do you like London. F/I Too formal or informal. Hi Mr Franklin, Thank you for your letter... \)0t Wont cMss //'s Jhl.jc,r^ -tUn*, kicoke 5: Correction symbols In order for students to benefit from the use of symbols such as these, they need to be trameu