REFORMATION Christianity: An Introduction Alister E. McGrath 2006 reformace02(1) Reformation * is name for a movements in the 16.century * Especially in Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Skandinavia, England * Leading figures: M. Luther, J. Calvin, H. Zwingli, Henry VIII. * * luthermap Structure • * Lutheran Reformation * Calvinist Reformation * Anabaptist Reformation * Catholics Reformation * Reformation in England * Main features of Protestantism The Lutheran Reformation * Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) * in Germany * 95 Theses * reform of church and society • * luther11 do prez The Calvinist Reformation * In Switzerland around the big cities (Zurich, Berne, Basle) * So called Reformed church * ReformationWallGeneva2 The Radical (Anabaptist) Reformation * Switzerland * Huldrych Zwingli * Person should be baptized only when is adult * „Left wing of the Reformation“ * * • • * • • • zwingli do prez The Catholic Reformation * Also called the „counter-reformation“ * Group of responses against the „Protestant reformation“ * Reforms in Catholic church * Council of Trent * Council_Trent Reformation in England * 16th century * Henry VIII. (he need to divorce his wife) * King is head of the church * * 220px-Henry-VIII-kingofengland_1491-1547 The leading features of Protestantism * Rejection of papal authority * Scripture principle * Sacraments * Communion in both kinds * Relation between clergy and laity * Rejection of Mary vépéčko Any questions, sweethearts? • • • •Thank you for your attention!