8. Modální slovesa Modální slovesa Úroveň A (Cvičení 1-80) oznamovací a tázací věty s canft) (1-35), s must, (don't/doesn't) have to a needn't (36-55); oznamovací věty s (not) allowed to, can't a mustn't (56-80) Úroveň B (Cvičení 81-165) minulý čas: could(n't), was(n't)/were(n't) able to, had to/didn't have to, was(n't)/were(n't) allowed to (81-115); budoucnost: will/won't be able to (is(n't)/are(n't) going to be able to), will/won't have to, will be allowed to (is/are going to be allowed to) (116-145); zdvořilé zadosti s could (146-155); návrhy se shall (156-165) Úroveň C (Cvičení 166-270) should (166-185); can + see/hear/smell/taste/feel/believe/understand/remember (186-195); předpřítomný čas s have to, be able to, be allowed to (196-210); podmiňovací způsob s could (211-225); could v souslednosti časů (226-235); vyvozování závěrů pomocí must a can't (236-250); vyjadřování možnosti v přítomnosti s might/may (not) (251-270) Úroveň D (Cvičení 271-320) vyjadřování možnosti v budoucnosti might/may (not) (271-300); might/may s be able to, have to (301-320) Úroveň E (Cvičení 321-415) had better... (321-330); modální slovesa s minulým infinitivem: must (331-340), could (341-350), can't/couldn't (351-360), should(n't) (361-390), needn't (391-395), might/may (not) (396-415) Úroveň F (Cvičení 416-440) won't/wouldn't ve větách vyjadřujících, že něco nejde udělat, či že někdo něco odmítá udělat (416-425); rozdíl mezi should a be supposed to (426-435); podmiňovací should pro vyjadřování spekulací o budoucnosti (436-440) □ □ □ Úroveň A (Cvičení 1-80) Přeložte následující věty za použití can('t). can 1) Můžeme přijít v sedm. 2) Můžeš se zeptat mého otce. 3) Mohu ti pomoct. 4) Můžeš použít můj slovník. 5) Můžeme to udělat společně. 6) Umím mluvit anglicky. 7) Umí mluvit čtyřmi jazyky, [on] 8) Umí jezdit na koni. [ona] 9) Umí hrát na kytaru, [on] 10) Umím používat anglická modální slovesa. can't 11) Nemohu to vysvětlit. 12) Nemůže ji najít, [on] 13) Nemůže to udělat, [ona] 14) Nemohou tomu věřit. 15) Nemůže si vzpomenout, [ona] 16) Nemohu odpovědět na tyto otázky. 17) Neumím plavat! 18) Neumí vařit, [ona] 19) Neumí lyžovat, [on] 20) Neumíme zpívat. 8. Modal verbs Modal verbs Level A (examples 1-80) declaratives and interrogatives with can('t) (1-35); declaratives and interrogatives with must, (don't/doesn't) have to and needn't (36-55); declaratives with (not) allowed to, can't and mustn't (56-80) Level B (examples 81-165) modals in the past: could(n't), was(n't)/were(n't) able to, had to/didn't have to, was(n't)/were(n't) allowed to (81-115); modals in the future: will/won't be able to (is(n't)/are(n't) going to be able to), will/won't have to, will be allowed to (is/are going to be allowed to) (116-145); use of could for polite requests (146-155); use of shall for suggestions (156-165) Level C (examples 166-270) should (166-185); can + see/hear/smell/taste/feel/believe/understand/remember (186-195); present perfect with have to, be able to, be allowed to (196-210); conditional sentences with could (211-225); could in tense agreements (226-235); use of must and can't for making deductions (236-250); use of might/may (not) for expressing possibility in the present, simple and continuous (251-270) Level D (examples 271-320) use of might/may (not) for expressing possibility in the future, simple and continuous (271-300); might/may + be able to, have to (301-320) Level E (examples 321-415) had better... (321-330); modal verb + perfect infinitive: must (331-340), could (341-350), can't/couldn't (351-360), should(n't) (361-390), needn't (391-395), might/may (not) (396-415) Level F (examples 416-440) use of won't/wouldn't in the sense of refuse(d) to (416-425); should and be supposed to (426-435); conditional should for future speculation (436-440) Level A (examples 1-80) Sentences with can('t) can 1) We can come at seven. 2) You can ask my father. 3) I can help you. 4) You can use my dictionary. 5) We can do it together. 6) I can speak English. 7) He can speak four languages. 8) She can ride a horse. 9) He can play the guitar. 10) I can use English modal verbs. □ □ □ can't 11) I can't explain it. 12) He can't find her. 13) She can't do it. 14) They can't believe it. 15) She can't remember. 16) I can't answer these questions. 17) I can't swim! 18) She can't cook. 19) He can't ski. 20) We can't sing. nramatiky Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 99 8. Modálni slovesa can't? 31) Cožpak se jí nemůžeš zeptat? 32) Cožpak nemohou přijet vlakem? 33) Cožpak se nemůžeš snažit? 34) Cožpak neumí mluvit česky? [on] 35) Cožpak mi to nemůžete říct? can? 21) Může přijít také? [on] 22) Mohou nám pomoct? 23) Může nás vzít na letiště? [ona] 24) Můžeme tady kouřit? 25) Mohu teď jít domů? 26) Můžeš pro mě tohle přeložit? 27) Mohu vám pomoct? 28) Umí hrát na hudební nástroj? [on] 29) Umí jezdit na kole? [ona] 30) Můžete mi dát jeho telefonní číslo? Přeložte následující věty za použití must, (doesn't/don't) have to, nebo needn't. must, has/have to (has/have got to) 36) Musíme tam být. 37) Musím vám říct něco důležitého. 38) Peter musí v sobotu pracovat. 39) Musíš se zeptat sekretářky. 40) Musím odejít o půl desáté. don't/doesiťt have to (hasn't/haven't got to), needn't 41) Nemusíš se ptát. 42) Nemusí přijít, [on] 43) Nemusí to být drahý dárek. 44) Nemusíš nic nosit. 45) Nemusí nám vařit, [ona] 46) Nemusí na nás čekat, [on] 47) Nemusíte to vysvětlovat. 48) Nemusíme odjet dnes. 49) Nemusíš se omlouvat. 50) Nemusí sedět spolu. have to?/have got to? 51) Musíš mít do Austrálie vízum? 52) V kolik musíte odejít? 53) V kolik musíš ráno vstát? 54) Kdy musíme dát učiteli tento úkol? 55) Musí ve vaší zemi děti nosit školní uniformu? Přeložte následující věty za použití (not) allowed to, can't a mustn't. allowed to 56) Smí chodit ven jen jednou za týden, [ona] 57) Smíš si s sebou přivést dva kamarády. 58) O víkendech smí používat tatínkovo auto. [on] 59) Smíš si vzít tři týdny dovolené. 60) V pátek smíme chodit domů dříve. not allowed to (can't, mustn't) 61) To nesmíš dělat. 62) Dnes večer nesmím jít ven. "l0D Nnvá cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 8. Modal verbs can't? 31) Can't you ask her? 32) Can't they come by train? 33) Can't you try? 34) Can't he speak Czech? 35) Can't you tell me? can? 21) Can he come too? 22) Can they help us? 23) Can she take us to the airport? 24) Can we smoke here? 25) Can I go home now? 26) Can you translate this for me? 27) Can I help you? 28) Can he play a musical instrument? 29) Can she ride a bicycle? 30) Can you give me his telephone number? Sentences with must, (don't/doesn't) have to and needn't must, has/have to (has/have got to) 36) We must be/We have to be/We've got to be there. 37) I must tell/I have to tell/I've got to tell you something important. 38) Peter must work/Peter has to work/Peter's got to work on Saturday. 39) You must ask/You have to ask/You've got to ask the secretary. 40) I must leave/I have to leave/I've got to leave at half past nine. don't/doesn't have to (hasn't/haven't got to), needn't 41) You don't have to ask/You haven't got to ask/You needn't ask. 42) He doesn't have to come/He hasn't got to come/He needn't come. 43) It doesn't have to be/It hasn't got to be/It needn't be an expensive present. 44) You don't have to bring/You haven't got to bring/You needn't bring anything. 45) She doesn't have to cook/She hasn't got to cook/She needn't cook for us. 46) He doesn't have to wait/He hasn't got to wait/He needn't wait for us. 47) You don't have to explain/You haven't got to explain/You needn't explain (it). 48) We don't have to leave/We haven't got to leave/We needn't leave today. 49) You don't have to apologize/You haven't got to apologize/You needn't apologize. 50) They don't have to sit/They haven't got to sit/They needn't sit together. have to?/have got to? 51) Do you have to have/Have you got to have a visa for Australia? 52) What time do you have to/have you got to go/leave? 53) What time do you have to get up/have you got to get up in the morning? 54) When do we have to give/have we got to give the teacher this homework? 55) Do children have to wear/Have children got to wear school uniform in your country? Sentences with (not) allowed to, can't and mustn't allowed to 56) She's allowed to go out only once a week. 57) You're allowed to bring two friends with you. 58) He's allowed to use his father's car at the weekends. 59) You're allowed to take three weeks of holiday/three weeks' holiday. 60) We're allowed to go home early on Fridays. not allowed to (can't, mustn't) 61) You're not allowed to do/You can't do/You mustn't do that. 62) I'm not allowed to go/I can't go out this evening. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 101 8, Modálni slovesa 8. Modal verbs 63) Nesmí kouřit ve svém pokoji, [on] 64) Nesmí zůstávat venku po desáté hodině, [ona] 65) Nesmí u stolu mluvit, [oni] 66) Nesmí chodit s chlapci, [ona] 67) V knihovně nesmíš mluvit. 68) Nesmí si domů vodit kamarády, [on] 69) Ve třídě nesmíme jíst. 70) Ten pes nesmí sedět na nábytku. mustn't 71) Nesmíš to rozbít. 72) Tenhle dopis nesmím ztratit. 73) Nesmíme si zapomenout vzít pasy. 74) Nesmíš nechat otevřené okno. 75) Nesmíš dávat králíkovi hlávkový salát. 76) Dnes večer nesmím zapomenout zavolat rodičům. 77) Nesmí být moc horko. 78) Nesmí nás tady najít, [on] 79) O tomhle nesmí slyšet, [oni] 80) Nesmí si myslet, že se nám to nelíbí, [ona] Úroveň B (Cvičení 81-165) Minulý čas modálních sloves. Přeložte. couldn't 81) Nemohl najít koupelnu. 82) Nemohli uvěřit mému příběhu. 83) Bolelo mě v krku a nemohl jsem mluvit. 84) Nedokázali jsme na mapě najít tvůj dům. 85) Snažila se, ale nemohla zapomenout. 86) Nemohli jsme se rozhodnout, co dělat. 87) Byla tak šokována, že nemohla mluvit. 88) Byl jsem tak sytý, že jsem ani nemohl dopít kávu. 89) Ta krabice byla tak těžká, že ji ani nezvedl. 90) Je mi líto, ale nemohl jsem udělat úkol. Byl moc těžký. Vyberte správné modálni sloveso: couldn't, nebo was(n't)/were(n't) able to. 91) Peter had a free morning, and so he_go with us. 92) We looked everywhere but we find her 93) It was late and I didn't have my key, but luckily I window. 94) They spoke a little English at the embassy, and so 1 _ 95) He was so drunk that he _ get in through the bedroom explain my situation to them. contact him immediately, listen to music again. " " /-------- 96) Luckily I had Paul's number, and so I _ 97) He repaired the radio for her, and she _ 98) She_dance very well but she was a good singer. 99) Nobody at the conference spoke Czech, but I_communicate with people in English. 100) Fortunately we had a map, and so we_find the hospital quite quickly. i no hi™,* r.vióebnice anglické gramatiky 63) He's not allowed to smoke/He can't smoke/He mustn't smoke in his room. 64) She's not allowed to stay/She can't stay/She mustn't stay out after ten o'clock. 65) They are not allowed to speak/They can't speak/They mustn't speak at the table. 66) She's not allowed to go/She can't go/She mustn't go out with boys. 67) You're not allowed to talk/You can't talk/You mustn't talk in the library. 68) He's not allowed to bring/He can't bring/He mustn't bring friends home. 69) We're not allowed to eat/We can't eat/We mustn't eat in class/in the classroom. 70) The dog's not allowed to sit/The dog can't sit/The dog mustn't sit on the furniture. mustn't 71) You mustn't break it. 72) I mustn't lose this letter. 73) We mustn't forget to take our passports. 74) You mustn't leave the window open. 75) You mustn't give a/the rabbit lettuce. 76) I mustn't forget to phone/call my parents this evening. 77) It mustn't be too hot. 78) He mustn't find us here. 79) They mustn't hear about this. 80) She mustn't think we don't like it. Level B (examples 81-165) Modals in the past couldn't 81) He couldn't find the bathroom. 82) They couldn't believe my story. 83) I had a sore throat and I couldn't speak. 84) We couldn't find your house on the map. 85) She tried, but she couldn't forget. 86) We couldn't decide what to do. 87) She was so shocked (that) she couldn't speak. 88) I was so full that I couldn't even finish my/the coffee. 89) The box was so heavy (that) he couldn't even lift it. 90) I'm sorry, but I couldn't do the homework. It was too difficult. couldn't or was(n't)/were(n't) able to 91) was able to 92) couldn't/weren't able to 93) was able to 94) was able to 95) couldn't/wasn't able to 96) was able to 97) was able to 98) couldn't 99) was able to 100) were able to Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 103