Refugees footprints Table of content šDefinition of refugees šEnvironmental refugees šEconomic migrants šHelp for refugees šAsylum seekers šThe safety šHuman rights šWays to better life š š š š Definition of refugees š„A person who is outside his or her country of nationality…has fear of persecution of his or her race, religion, nationality; and is unable to…return there for fear of persecution.“ šThey leave their homes and their country because they have no other choice. šFactors – war, persecution, natural disasters, environmental crises, poverty, no human rights šPlaces – Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq Environmental refugees šPeople forced to leave their homes because of environmental factors are considered a new type of refugee. šFactors – rising sea levels, soil erosion, lack of freshwater supplies, šPlaces – mostly Africa, Asia, India Economic migrants šPeople who normally leave their homes and countries voluntarily to seek a better life elsewhere. So do you know what are the differences between refugees and emigrants? Answer Where refugees can find help? šUNHCR (The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) šSpecial agenture responsible for assisting refugees (to protect them and solve their problems) šHow do they help? šWith seeking asylum šFinding place of safety in another state Problems of asylum seekers šThey are turned away at country borders šWhy? šRight identification šTravel documents šApplying for refugees status š Are they safe after they leave their home? šLive is never easy for them šWhy? šBad memories of past experiences šSeparating from family and friends šGet used to on life in a new country (language, job) Refugees and human rights šHuman rights are abused šEvery refugee has the right to safe asylum šChild refugees – rights are denied šSeparating from family šMistreating šAbusing šForcing them to work in dangerous environment Three ways for better life of refugees and asylum seekers š1) Governments need to consider actions which are forcing people to leave their home! š2) Safety in another country needs to be improve! šThey need financial support – health care, education š3) The same conditions for rich and poor people! Thank you for your attention!