Racism c528edf9bc_70030749_o2.jpg —Carol —Petra —Definition of racism — —Two groups of racism — —High time of racism —Rwanda ¡where ¡when ¡what ¡testimonies Table of content [1]_Valentine%20with%20daughter,%20Amelie_2.jpg Precise definition of racism in wikipedia: —Racism is generally understood as either belief that different racial groups are characterized by intrinsic characteristics or abilities and that some such groups are therefore naturally better to others or as practices that discriminate against members of particular racial groups. — s_13.jpg —Two groups of racism — —Creation —Racism was born in the age of romanticism (eighteenth century) because of enlightenment theories of civil equality in connection ethnic nationalism. —The first big name of rasism is in the age of slavery. (Roma, South America, Izrael, etc.) — Racism 2f4be4a93b_32716786_o2.jpg High time racism —The age of the second world war is considered as the high time of racism. Racism was work there as the most powerfull nazi propaganda technique. In this war died sixty milions people. In nazi doctrine about races was jewish race considered as the bigest danger so nazis wanted to destroy jewish race. Jews were sent to concentration camps and there were destroied. The main representative of nacism was Adolf Hitler. — 6000c76fc0_2291185_o2.jpg • Racism in Rwanda 19a-africamapcolor.jpg scarred-head-of-a-rwandan-man11.jpg •1994 •TUTSIS AND HUTUS TRIBES •20% OF HUMAN POPULATION •250 – 500 000 WOMAN RAPED • •AND WHAT EXACTLY HAPPEDNED ? — •HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=TDV1MHFPWXO&FEATURE=RELATED • During 100 days were killed 1 000 000 people Rwandan refugee camp in east Zaire Rwandan_refugee_camp_in_east_Zaire.jpg —HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=A-AUO4EMQVI&FEATURE=RELATED — — — —HTTP://WWW.FOUNDATIONRWANDA.ORG/TESTIMONIES/BRIGITTE.ASPX Rwanda testimonies brigitte%20with%20children,%20emmanuelle,%20ambroise,%20and%20rosette.jpg