at 8 o'clock on Monday in April 8 o'clock at 10.30 midnight etc. on Sunday(s) / Monday(s) etc, 25 April / 6 June etc. New Year's Day etc. in & é 7 ß 3 10 It ja i3 i4 w «r™ 49 ÍO »' ii 23i*2| íí 21 27 SM Soü April/June etc. in 1985/1750 etc. summer/spring etc. • I start work at 8 o'clock. • The shops close at 5.30. • Goodbye! See you on Friday. • I don't work on Sundays. • The concert is on 22 November. • I'm going on holiday in October. • Emma left school in 1993. • The garden is lovely in spring. EXERCISES 96.1 Write at/on/in. 1 M.......6 June 2 ........the evening 3 ...............half past two 4 ...............Wednesday 5 ...............1987 6 ...............September 96.2 Write at/on/in. e We say: at the weekend at night at Christmas / at Easter at the end of... at the moment • Are you going away at the weekend? • I can't sleep at night. • Where will you be at Christmas? (but on Christmas Day) • I'm going on holiday at the end of October. • Are you busy at the moment? in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening • I always feel good in the morning. • Do you often go out in the evening? but on Monday morning / on Tuesday afternoon / on Friday evening / on Saturday night etc.: • I'm meeting Jill on Monday morning. • Are you doing anything on Saturday evening? D We do not use at/on/in before: this ... (this morning / this week etc.) last... (last August / last week etc.) next... (next Monday / next week etc.) every ... (every day / every week etc.) • Are you going out this evening? • The garden was lovely last summer. • I'm going on holiday next Monday. (not 'on next Monday') E in five minutes / in a few days / in six weeks / in two years etc. now in five minutes • Hurry! The train leaves in five minutes. (= it leaves five minutes from now) • Goodbye! I'll see you in a few days. (= a few days from now) [200] in/at/on (places) units 99-100 96.3 96.5 UNIT 96 7 ...............24 September 8 ...............Thursday 9 ...............11.45 10 ...............Christmas Day 11 ...............Christmas 12 ...............the morning 13 ...............Friday morning 14 ...............Saturday night 15 ...............night 16 ...............the end of the day 17 ...............the weekend 18 ...............winter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Goodbye! See you . 9*)......Friday. Where were you...............28 February? I got up...............8 o'clock this morning. I like getting up early...............the morning. My sister got married...............May. Diane and I first met............... 1979. Did you go out...............Tuesday? Did you go out...............Tuesday evening? Do you often go out.............. the evening? Lets meet...............7.30 tomorrow evening. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I often go away...............the weekend. I'm starting my new job................3 July. We often go to the beach...............summer. George isn't here...............the moment. Julia s birthday is...............January. Do you work...............Saturdays? The company started............... 1969. I like to look at the stars...............night. I'll send you the money...............the end of the month. Look at Lisa's diary for next week and complete the sentences. 1 Lisa is going to the cinema S1^..W?4^^4^.MS!S^ ■ 2 She has to phone Chris........................................................... 3 She isn't doing anything special..................................................... 4 She's got a driving lesson................................................................. 5 She's going to a party....................................................................... 6 She's meeting Sam....................................................... 96.4 Write sentences with in It's 17.25 now. The train leaves at 17.30. It's Monday today. I'll phone you on Thursday. Today is 14 June. My exam is on 28 June. It's 3 o'clock now. Tom will be here at 3.30. l^tM^J^MM. five, minutes. ni...............................1IIIIIIIT My........................................................................... Tom............................. days. Write al/on/in if necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition. 1 I'm leaving pn.....Friday. 2 I'm leavingnext Friday, (no preposition) 3 I always feel tired...............the evening. 4 Will you be at home...............this evening? 5 We went to France _„...........last summer. 6 Laura was born............... 1975. 7 8 9 10 11 12 What are you doing...............the weekend? I phone Robert...............every Sunday. Shall we play Sunday? I can't go to the party...............Sunday. I'm going out. I'll be hour. I don't often go out...............night. [201] [202] from until since for EXERCISES 97.1 Read the information about these people and complete the sentences. Usefrom from ... to • We lived in Canada from 1982 to 1990. • I work from Monday to Friday. You can also say from ... until... : • We lived in Canada from 1982 until 1990. from Monday to Friday Monday Friday until + the end of a period until Friday until December until 3 o'clock until I come back • They're going away tomorrow. They'll be away until Friday. • I went to bed early but I wasn't tired. I read a book until 3 o'clock. • Wait here until I come back. You can also say till (= until): • Wait here till I come back. Compare: • 'How long will you be away?' • 'When are you coming back?' until Friday Friday 'Until Monday' 'On Monday' since + a time in the past (to now) Monday since Monday since 1968 since 2.30 since I arrived We use since after the present perfect (have been / have done etc.): • John is in hospital. He has been in hospital since Monday. (= from Monday to now) • Mr and Mrs Kelly have been married since 1968. (from 1968 to now) • It has been raining since I arrived. Compare: • We lived in Canada from 1982 to 1990. We lived in Canada until 1990. • Now we live in France. We came to France in 1990. We have lived in France since 1990. (= from 1990 until now) We use for (not since) + a period of time (three days / ten years etc.): • John has been in hospital for three days, (not 'since three days') now for + a period of time for three days for ten years for ten minutes • George stayed with us for three days. • I'm going away for a few weeks. I'm going away for the weekend for a long time for three days They've been married for ten years. Monday - Tuesday Wednesday present perfect + for/since => IffffiEl present perfect (I have lived) and past simple (I lived) =*> in;n«4i| UNIT 97 alex ALICE CAROL GERRY live in England, now. I Uved, in Canada, before. I came to England, in 1990. live in Switzerland now. i lived. In France before. I came to Switzerland in 1991. work in a, restaurant now. I worked, in a Hotel before. I started, work in the restaurant Ln 1993 I'm a salesman now. I was a teacher before. I started- work as a salesman in 1989. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Alex / Canada / 1982 -1990) (Alex / Canada / -> 1990) (Alex / England / 1990 -») (Alice / France / -> 1991) (Alice / Switzerland / 1991 -») (Carol / a hotel / 1990 -1993) (Carol / a restaurant / 1993 —>) (Gerry / a teacher / 1983 - 1989) (Gerry / a salesman / 1989 -») Alex lived ..i^J^fd^ from 19&Z to 1990. Alex lived in Canada...................................... 1990. Alex has lived in England............................................. Alice lived in.......................................................................... Alice has lived in................................................................. Carol worked............................................... 1990 ........... Carol has worked................................................................ Gerry was a............................................................................. Gerry has been..................................................................... Now write sentences with for. 10 (Alex / Canada) 11 (Alex / England) 12 (Alice / Switzerland) 13 (Carol / a hotel) 14 (Carol / restaurant) 15 (Gerry / a teacher) 16 (Gerry / a salesman) 97.2 Put in until/since/for. Alex lived, in Canada, for eight years. Alex has lived in England...................................... Alice has............................................................................. Carol worked................................................................. Carol .................................................................................... Gerry ................................................................................... Gerry................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mr and Mrs Kelly have been married 1968. I was tired this morning. I stayed in bed...............................10 o'clock. We waited for Sue...............................half an hour but she didn't come. 'Have you just arrived?' 'No, I've been here...............................half past seven.' 'How long did you stay at the party last night?' '...............................midnight.' David and I are good friends. We have known each other...............................ten years. I'm tired. I'm going to lie down.........„....................a few minutes. 8 Don't open the door of the train...............................the train stops. 9 This is my house. I've lived here...............................I was seven years old. 10 Jack has gone away. He'll be away...............................Wednesday. 11 Next week I'm going to Paris...............................three days. I usually finish work at 5.30, but sometimes I work...............................six. 'How long have you known Ann?' '...............................we were at school together.' Where have you been? I've been waiting for you...............................twenty minutes. 12 13 14 [203] B D [204] before after during while before during after |CfNEASA[ before the film after the film • Everybody is nervous before exams. • I went to sleep during the film. • We were tired after our visit to the museum. before while after Pf* r before we played while we were playing • Don't forget to close the window before you go out. ® I often go to sleep while I'm watching television. • They went home after they did the shopping. during, while and for We use during + noun (during the film). We use while + verb (while I'm watching): • We didn't speak during the meal. but • We didn't speak while we were eating, (not 'during we were eating') Use for (not 'during') + a period of time (three days / two hours / a year etc.): • We played tennis for two hours, (not 'during two hours') • I lived in London for a year, (not 'during a year') You can use before/after + -ing (before going / after earing etc.): • I always have breakfast before going to work. (= before I go to work) • After doing the shopping, they went home. (= after they did) Do not say 'before to go', 'after to do' etc.: • Before eating the apple, I washed it carefully, (not 'before to eat') • I started work after reading the newspaper, (not 'after to read') EXERCISES 98.1 Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes. 98.3 past continuous (I was -ing) ■ before/after/while/when = | UNITS 13-14 UNIT 110 w for: prepositions + -Ing: UNIT 105 UNIT 98 the concert the exam they went to Australia + the course lunch you are waiting the end the night Everybody was nervous . before f^e ex...... I usually work four hours in the morning, and another two hours................. The film was very boring. We left........................................................................................... Ann went to evening classes to learn German. She learnt a lot.......................... My aunt and uncle lived in London....................................................................................... A: Somebody broke a window................................................................................... Did B: No. I was asleep all the time. Would you like to sit down........................................................................................................... Are you going home...............................................................................?' 'No you hear anything? 98.2 Putin during/while/for. we re going to a restaurant.' We didn't speak wHite... we were eating. We didn't speak .durbnq ±e meaj George were out. I stayed in Rome...............................five days. SaUy wrote a lot of letters...............................she was on holiday. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The students looked very bored...............................the lesson. 7 I fell out of bed...............................I was asleep. 8 Yesterday evening I watched TV.............................. three hours. 9 I don't usually watch TV...............................the day. 10 Do you ever watch are having dinner? Complete the sentences. Use -ing (doing etc.). 1 After ..ftfiHQSL the shopping, they went home. 2 I felt sick after......................................too much chocolate. 3 I'm going to ask you a question. Think carefully 4 I felt awful when I got up this morning. I felt better after......................................a she 5 work, I left the office and went home. 6 a foreign country, it's a good idea to learn a few words of the language. lower. 98-4 Write sentences with before + -ing and after + -ing. 1 They did the shopping. Then they went home. After d^^g tiie shoppUigj..they..we^t.Home. 2 John left school. Then he worked in a bookshop for two years. John worked.................................................................................................................... 3 I read a few pages of my book. Then I went to sleep. Before................................................................................................................................... 4 We walked for three hours. We were very tired. After............................................ 5 Let's have a cup of coffee. Then we'll go out. Let's........... [205] m at on (places 1) EXERCISES 99.1 Look at the pictures and answerthe questions. Use in/at/on + the words in brackets {...)■ in in a room in a shop in a car in the water in a garden in a town in the city centre in France • 'Where's David?' 'In the kitchen. / In the garden. / In London.' • What's in that box / in that bag / in that cupboard? • Angela works in a shop / in a bank / in a factory. • I had a swim in the river / in the sea. • Milan is in the north of Italy. • I live in a town but I want to live in the country. B at the bus stop at the door at the traffic lights • There's somebody at the bus stop / at the door. • The car is waiting at the traffic lights. • Julia is working at her desk. at the top / at the bottom / at the end (of...): • Write your name at the top of the page. • My house is at the end of the street. at her desk at the top (of the page) on on a shelf on a plate on a balcony on the floor etc. at the bottom (of the page) on a wall on a door on the ceiling etc. [206] • There are some books on the shelf and some pictures on the wall. • There are a lot of apples on those trees. • Don't sit on the grass. It's wet. • There is a stamp on the envelope. also on a horse / on a bicycle / on a motor-bike: • Who is that man on the motor-bike? \ envelope stamp in/at/oo (places 2) unit 100 the top / the bottom etc. IllUHtiJ at/on/in (time) =» nmwii UNIT 99 1 Where is he? ,!#. f^e kiidieri, 2 Where are the shoes? ..................... 3 Where is the pen? ........................... 4 Where is the clock? ....................... 5 Where is the bus? ............................. 6 Where are the horses?................... 7 Where are they standing? 8 Where is she swimming? 9 Where is he standing? ........ 10 Where is the spider? ........... 11 Where is he sitting? ............ 12 Where is she sitting? .......... 99.2 Putin in/at/on. 1 Don't sit P^.... the grass. It's wet. 2 What have you got...............your bag? 3 Look! There's a man...............the roof. What's he doing? 4 There are a lot offish...............this river. 5 Our house is number 45 — the number is...............the door. 6 'Is the cinema near here?' 'Yes, turn left...............the traffic lights.' 7 I usually do my shopping...............the city centre. 8 My sister lives...............Brussels. 9 There's a small park...............the top of the hill. 10 I think I heard the doorbell. There's somebody...............the door. 11 Munich is a large city...............the south of Germany. 12 There are a few shops...............the end of the street. 13 It's difficult to carry a lot of things...............a bicycle. 14 I looked at the list of names. My name was...............the bottom of the list. 15 There is a mirror...............the wall...............the living room. [207] 100 in at on (places 2) B in in bed in hospital / in prison in a street in the sky in the world in a newspaper / in a book in a photograph / in a picture in a car / in a taxi in the middle (of...) • 'Where's Kate?' 'She's in bed.' • Davids father is ill. He's in hospital. • I live in a small street near the station. • I like to look at the stars in the sky at night. • What's the largest city in the world? • I read about the accident in the newspaper. • You look sad in this photograph. • Did you come here in your car? • There's a big tree in the middle of the garden. at at home at work / at school at university / at college at the station / at the airport • Will you be at home this evening? • 'Where's Kate?' 'She's at work.' • Helen is studying law at university. • Do you want me to meet you at the station? at lane's (house) / at my sisters (house) / at the doctor's / at the hairdresser's etc. • 'Where were you yesterday?' 'At my sister s. • I saw Tom at the doctor's. at a concert / at a party / at a football match etc. • There weren't many people at the party. Often it is possible to use in or at for buildings (hotels, restaurants etc.): • We stayed at a nice hotel, or We stayed in a nice hotel. on <=0 on a bus on the first floor on the way from A to B on a bus / on a train / on a plane / on a ship • Did you come here on the bus? on the ground floor / on the first floor etc. • The office is on the first floor, {not 'in the first floor) on the way (to ...) / on the way home • I met Ann on the way to work / on the way home. [208] in/at/on (places 1) => I'l'imni to/in/at = on the left/right; unit 102 EXERCISES 100.1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use in/at/on + the words in brackets (...). 100.2 UNIT 100 1 Where is she? 7 Where is Brian? ...................... 2 Where are they? ....................................................... 8 Where is the restaurant? ... 3 Where is he? ............................................................... 9 Where is she?............................ 4 Where are they? ....................................................... 10 Where are they? ...................... 5 Where are the stars? ............................................... 11 Where are they? ..................... 6 Where are they? ....................................................... 12 Where are they? ...................... Put in in/al/on. 1 Helen is studying law *S.. university. 2 There was a big table...............the middle of the room. What is the longest river...............the world? Were there many people...............the concert last night? Will you be...............home tomorrow afternoon? Who is that man...............this photograph? Do you know him? 7 Where are your children? Are 8 George is coming by train. I'm going to meet him ...............the station. 9 Charlie He's going to have an operation tomorrow. 10 How many pages are there...............this book? 11 'Are you hungry after your journey?' 'No, I had a meal...............the train.' 12 I'm sorry I'm late. My car broke down...............the way here. 13 'Is Tom here?' 'No, he's...............his brother's.' 14 Don't believe everything you see...............the newspaper! 15 I walked to work but I came home...............the bus. 3 4 5 6 [209] [210] to in at (places 3) EXERCISES 101.1 Write to or in. to go/come/return/walk (etc.) to --- To lonbn in/at (=> Units 99-100) be/stay/do something (etc.)in ... • We're going to London next week. • I want to go to Italy. • We walked from my house to the city centre. • What time do you go to bed? • Piccadilly Circus is in London. • My brother lives in Italy. • The main shops are in the city centre. • I like reading in bed. _ 101.2 be/stay/do something (etc.) at • The bus is going to the airport. • Sally didn't go to work yesterday. • I went to a party last night. • You must come to our house. RPORT • The bus is at the airport. • Ann wasn't at work yesterday. • I met her at a party. • Ann stayed at her brother's house. 101.3 home go/come/walk (etc.) home (without 'to'): • I'm tired. I'm going home, (not 'to home') • Did you walk home?___ be/stay/do something (etc.) at home: • I'm staying at home this evening. • 'Where's Ann?' 'At home.' arrive and get arrive in a country or town (arrive in Italy / arrive in Paris etc.): • They arrived in England last week, (not 'arrived to England') arrive at other places (arrive at the station / arrive at work etc.): • What time did you arrive at the hotel? (not 'arrive to the hotel') get to (a place): • What time did you get to the hotel? • What time did you get to Paris? get home / arrive home (no preposition): • I was tired when I got home, or I was tired when I arrived home. UNIT 101 101.4 101.5 been to: UNIT 17 get (to ...)=> UNIT 55 in/at units 99-100 1 I like reading M... bed. 2 We re going...............Italy next month. 3 Sue is on holiday...............Italy at the moment. 5 I was tired, so I stayed...............bed late. 6 What time do you usually go...............bed? 7 Does this bus go...............the centre? 8 Would you like to live...............another 4 I must go...............the bank today. country? Write to or at if necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition. 1 Paula didn't go ..$?„. work yesterday. 2 I'm tired. I'm going home, (nopreposition) 3 Ann is not very well. She has gone...............the doctor. 4 Would you like to come...............a party on Saturday? 5 'Is Liz...............home?' 'No, she's' 6 There were 20,000 people...............the football match. 7 Why did you go...............home early last night? 8 A boy jumped into the river and swam...............the other side. 9 There were a lot of people waiting...............the bus stop. 10 We had a good meal...............a restaurant and then we went back...............the hotel. Write to, at or in if necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition. 1 I'm not going out this afternoon. I'm staying home. We're going...............a concert tomorrow evening. I went...............New York last year. How long did you stay...............New York? Next year we hope to go...............Canada to visit some friends. Shall we go...............the cinema this evening? Is there a restaurant...............the station? After the accident three people were How often do you go...............the dentist? 'Is Diane here?' 'No, she's...............Ann's.' My house is...............the end of the street on the left. I went...............Mary's house but she wasn't...............home. 13 There were no taxis, so we had to walk................home. 14 'What did you' 'I didn't' Write to, at or in if necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition. 1 What time do you usually 4 When did you arrive...............London? 2 What time do you usually get...............home? 5 What time does the train get...............Paris? 3 What time did you arrive...............the party? 6 We arrived...............home very late. Complete these sentences about yourself. Use to/in/at. 1 At three o'clock this morning I was 2 Yesterday I went.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 At 11 o'clock yesterday morning I was.............................................................................................................................. 4 One day I'd like to go.................................................................................................................................................•.................... 5 I don't like going ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 At 9 o'clock yesterday evening I was.................................................................................................................................. 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 [211] 102 under behind opposite etc. (prepositions) A next to (or beside) / between / in front of/ behind A is next to B. or A is beside B. B is between A and C. D is in front of B. E is behind B. aho A is on the left. C is on the right. B is in the middle (of the group). opposite / in front of A is sitting in front of B. A is sitting opposite C. C is sitting opposite A. by (= next to / beside) H • Our house is by the sea. (= beside the sea) • Who is that man by the window? • 'Is there a public phone here?' 'Yes, by the door.' by the window under under the table • The cat is under the table • The girl is standing under a tree. 1 lie gin is stanamg unuei <» ucc. I'm wearing a jacket under my coat above and below m A is above the line. (= higher than the line) B 22& B is below the line. (= lower than the line) The pictures are above the shelves. The shelves are below the pictures. up/over/through etc. by 102.1 EXERCISES Where are the people in the picture? Complete the sentences. UNIT 102 LEFT A = Alan D = Donna B — Barbara E = Emma C — Colin F = Frank 1 Colin is standing Frank. 2 Frank is sitting...............................Emma. 3 Emma is sitting...............................Barbara. 4 Emma is sitting...............................Donna and Frank. 5 Donna is sitting...............................Emma. 6 Frank is sitting...............................Colin. 7 Alan is standing...............................Donna. 8 Alan is standing...............................left. 9 Barbara is standing...............................middle. 102.2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 102.3 1 The cat is JfflsAfcL. the table. 2 There is a big tree...............................the house. 3 The plane is flying.............................the clouds. 4 She is standing...............................the piano. 5 The cinema is...............................the right. 6 She's sitting...............................the phone. 7 The switch is...............................the window. 8 The cupboard is...............................the sink. 9 There are some shoes.............................the bed. 10 The plant is...............................the piano. 11 Paul is sitting...............................Fiona. 12 In Britain we drive...............................the left. Write sentences about the picture. Use the words in brackets (...). 1 (next to) The, bank is next to the bookshop. 2 (in front of) The................................................................................................ 3 (opposite) ........................................................................................................... 4 (next to) ........................................................................................................... 5 (above) ........................................................................................................... 6 (between)........................................................................................................... pmjl : THEATRE [213] 93 103 up over through etc. (prepositions) 103.1 to into (in) We jumped into the water. A man came out of the house and got into a car. Why are you looking out of the window? I took the old batteries out of the radio. We say put something in ... (not usually 'into'): I put the new batteries in the radio. on Us"! over through along Jane is going to France next week. We walked from the hotel to the station. A lot of English words come from Latin. from out of Don't put your feet on the table. Please take your feet off the table. I'm going to hang some pictures on the wall. Be careful! Don't fall off your bicycle. We got on the bus in Princes Street. off We walked up the hill to the house. Be careful! Don't fall down the stairs. down The plane flew over the mountains. I jumped over the wall into the garden. Some people say it is unlucky to walk under a ladder. under A bird flew into the room through a window. The old road goes through the village. The new road goes round the village. The bus stop is just round the corner. I walked round the town and took some photographs. You can also use around (= round): We walked around the town. round the town I was walking along the road with my dog. Let's go for a walk along the river. The dog swam across the river. past They walked past me without speaking. A: Excuse me, how do I get to the hospital? B: Go along this road, past the cinema, under the bridge and the hospital is on the left. cinema [214] get in/on etc. unit 55 in/on => units 99-100 to => unit 101 fall off/ run away etc. unit 107 EXERCISES Somebody asks you the way to a place. You sav which way to go. Look at the pictures and write sentences beginning Go .... UNIT 103.2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with a preposition. 103.3 10 Suddenly a car came..........................the corner They drove............................the viJkge ,he>' gQt............................the train The Moon travels............................the Earth. T,lc>rgot.................the house................a window. 1 The dog swam ..***?**....the river. 2 A book fell............................ the shelf. 3 A plane flew............................the village 4 A woman got............................the car. 5 A girl ran............................the road. Put in a preposition (over/from/into etc.). 1 I looked.......................the window and watched the people in the street. 2 My house is very near here. It's just.......................the corner. Do you know how to put a film.......................this camera? How far is airport? We walked.......................the museum for an hour and saw a lot of interesting things. You can put your coat.......................the back of the chair. In tennis, you have to hit the ball.......................the net. Silvia took a key.......................her bag and opened the door. [215] 104 B on at by with about (prepositions) on holiday on television on the radio on the phone on fire on time (= not late) • Jane isn't at work this week. She's on holiday. • We watched the news on television. • We listened to the news on the radio. • I spoke to Carol on the phone last night. • The house is on fire! Call the fire brigade. • 'Was the train late?' 'No, it was on time.' at (the age of) 21 / at 50 kilometres an hour / at 100 degrees etc.: • Lisa got married at 21. {or... at the age of 21.) • The car was travelling at 50 kilometres an hour when the accident happened. • Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.__ C r- by car / by bus / by plane (or by air) / by bike etc. • Do you like travelling by train? • Jane usually goes to work by bike. but on foot: • She goes to work on foot. (= she walks) by bus a book by ... / a painting by ... / a piece of music by . • Have you read any books by Charles Dickens? • Who is that painting by? Picasso? by after the passive (=> Unit 21): • I was bitten by a dog. etc.: (the title) by (the writer] with/without: • Did you stay at a hotel or with friends? • Wait for me. Please don't go without me. • Do you like your coffee with or without milk? • I cut the paper with a pair of scissors. a man with a beard / a woman with glasses etc.: • Do you know that man with the beard? • I'd like to have a house with a big garden. a man with a beard a woman with glasses 104.3 talk/speak/think/hear/know about ... : • Some people talk about their work all the time. • I don't know much about cars. a book / a question / a programme (etc.) about Did you see the programme about computers on TV last night? by units 21, 62,102 at/on units 96,99-100 preposition + -ing time EXERCISES Complete the sentences. Use on + one of these: holiday the phone the radio television 1 We listened to the news 2 Please don't be late. Try to be here...................................................................... 3 I won't be here next week. I'm going...................................................................... 4 'Did you see Linda?' 'No, but I talked to her......................................................................' 5 'What's......................................................................this evening?' 'There's a film at 9 o'clock.' Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with a preposition (at/by etc.). i-- UNIT 104 I cut the paper with... a pair Qf scissors. She usually goes to Who is the woman...............short hair? They are talking...............the weather. The car 6 7 8 9 10 She's listening to some music...............Mozart. The plane is flying...............600 miles an hour. They' Do you know the man.............. sunglasses? He's reading a book...............grammar Vera P. Bull. seare. Complete the sentences with a preposition (at/by/with etc.). 1 In tennis, you hit the ball...............a racket. It's cold today. Don't go out...............a coat. Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth are plays...............William Shakespe Do you know anything...............computers? My grandmother died...............the age of 98, How long does it take from New York to Los Angeles...............plane? I didn't go to the football match, but I watched it...............television. My house is the one...............the red door on the right. These trains are very fast. They can travel...............very high speeds. I don't use my car very often. I prefer to Can you give me some in this town? I was arrested...............two policemen and taken to the police station. The buses here are very good. They're nearly always...............time. What would you like to drink...............your meal? We travelled from Paris to Moscow...............train. One of the most famous paintings in the world is the Mona Lisa...............Leonardo da Vinci. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 f217j afraid of... good at .. eta preposition + -ing (good at -ing etc.) EXERCISES 105.1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with a preposition (of/in etc.). afraid of... / good at ... etc. {adjective + preposition) afraid of... angry with somebody angry about something different from ... fed up with ... full of... good at... / bad at... interested in ... married to ... nice/kind of somebody to ... (be) nice/kind to (somebody) sorry about (something) sorry for (doing something) • Are you afraid of dogs? • Why are you angry with me? What have I done? • Are you angry about last night? (= something that happened last night) • Ann is very different from her sister. • I'm fed up with my job. I want to do something different. (— I've had enough of my job) • The room was full of people. • Are you good at maths? • Tina is very bad at writing letters. • I'm not interested in sport. • Sue is married to a dentist. (= her husband is a dentist) • It was kind of you to help us. Thank you very much. • David is very friendly. He's always very nice to me. • I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm sorry about that. • I'm sorry for not phoning you yesterday, (or I'm sorry I didn't phone you) preposition + -ing After a preposition (at/with^ef^a^ stories. the same thing every day? I'm not very good at telling Are you fed up with doing I'm sorry for not phoning you yesterday. Mark is thinking of buying he &m say goodbye) Tom left without saying gooauyc. v After doing the shopping, they went home. 105.3 105.5 before/after-ing => EMll think about/of = unit 106 4 She's very good...............languages. 5 He's fed up...............the weather. 6 'Can I help you?' 'Oh, that's very kind . you. 1 He's afraid .811., dogs. 2 She's interested.............. science. 3 She's married...............a footballer. 105.2 Put in the right preposition (of/in/with etc.). 1 I'm not interested ..(*V sport. 2 I'm not very 3 I like Sarah. She's always very 4 I'm sorry.......................your broken window. It was an accident. 5 He's very brave. He isn't afraid.......................anything. 6 It was very nice.......................Julia to let us stay in her flat. 7 Life today is very 50 years ago. 8 Are you interested.......................politics? 9 Some people are afraid.......................spiders. 10 Chris was angry.......................what happened. 11 These boxes are very heavy. They are full.......................books. 12 I'm sorry.......................getting yesterday. Complete the sentences. 1 I'm not very 990