This year our Lent calendar takes seven of the last sayings of Jesus from the cross as inspiration for reflection and preparation. i ROOts WORSHIP AND LEARNING fOR THE WHOLE CHURCH WEEK BEGINNING Words spoken by Jesus t Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. Luke 23.34 Today you will be with me in Paradise. Luke 23.43 Woman, here is your son... here is your mother. John 19.26-27 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Maflhew 27,46 t I am thirsty. John 19.28 J l-. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. Luke 23.46 THEMES Forgiveness Ho Family and friends Courage Justice SUNDAY Smile! Share happiness with those around you. Pray for your church community today. Have courage in your faith in God - share it with others! Raise some money for charity during this week. Pray Jesus' words today: 'Into your hands 1 commend my spirit.' Start Holy Week by making a palm cross. MONDAY Pray the Lord's Prayer. How can you make your bit of earth more like heaven? Spend some quality time with your family or friends. Pray for Ihose who are facing an uncertain or challenging future. Be grateful for all that you have - try not to waste anything. If you have any worries pass them over 1o God. Jesus prays wilh his disciples. Pray for your friends today. TUESDAY Think before you judge people - give them a chance. Be grateful for the little things that happen today. Look out for anyone who appears to be lonely. Make time for them. Read a newspaper. Pray for any situations that trouble you. Pray for the first (non-family) person thai you see today. Jesus is denied by Peter - be confident and proud of your faith In the Lord! WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday Start Lent in prayer - ask God to help you each day. Pray for all who are persecuted. Are there any housebound people in your neighbourhood whom you could help? Pray for the unemployed and for all who feel desperate. Look at a charity website (e.g. Tearfund, Oxfam) and pray for their current work. Do you know anyone who is recently bereaved? Give them a call. Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane. Spend some quiet time today. THURSDAY Do you need to seek forgiveness from anyone? Talk to somebody you'd normally ignore. Surprise a friend by doing something special for them. Ask God to help your belief to grow stronger. Think about how you treat olhers. Are you always fair? Keep focused on God - think before you speak and ad. Jesus washes the disciples' feet - show compassion to someone today. FRIDAY Try to be peaceful all day - no negative words or actions! Surprise someone by sending an affirming text message. Make contact with someone you have not seen for a while. Think about those who are in hospital - pray that they will be strengthened. Check any prejudices that you might have. Change any negative attitudes. Think about your relationships with others - put right any disagreements. Fast today as you think about the cross - just have a simple meal and water. SATURDAY Make friends with anyone you've fallen out with - forgive as Jesus forgives. Pray for those who are sick - that they will be comforted. Do a positive aclion to show appreciation to someone who cares for you. Think differently: challenge yourself to do somelhlng new! Try not to spend any money on yourself. Ask someone to pray for you and your inlentions. Pray for them too! Jesus is placed in the tomb. Pray for those who have died. ©roots for churches Limited 2010 Resourcing the church each week through ROOTS Adult & All Age and ROOTS Children & Young People magazines, supported