F Language study 3 Look at these situations and imagine what each person might say, using I wish — Remember: use would(n't) when you are complaining about someone els's behaviour, but do not say: / wish I would ... Examples: Jenny's son has a lot of annoying habits. / wish he wouldn't make such a mess. Anna told her horrible boss exactly what she thought of him yesterday, and now she is worried, / wish I hadn't been so rude to him. 1 Jenny's son is complaining about his mother. 2 George sold his shares a few weeks ago for 235p and now they have gone up to 894p. 3 Jason is fed up with the behaviour of Sam, one of the other students in his class. 4 Lars has just started his military service, and doesn't like they way they treat him. 14 Wishes, regrets and preferences 14.1 Wishes and regrets [> pp. 43,47 1 I wish I were rich! If only we could see each other more often! I wish we didn't live in Ihis terrible place. 2 I wish you wouldn't make so much noise! If only they would stop that terrible noise! I wish it would stop raining! 3 I wish I had never married him, If only I had studied harder at school. I wish you hadn't told me your secret. 1 These examples express wishes (often suggesting that the speaker is sorry about something - I'm sorry I'm not rich). Notice the 'past' form of the verbs (were, could see, didn't live) after / wish and if only as with conditional 2. t> GS4.2 2 These examples express wishes for a change in the future and often suggest that the speaker is angry or dissatisfied about (or tired of) the present situation. > GS7.3. 3 These examples express wishes or regrets about the past (/ wish I had studied harder but I didn'ty. Notice the past perfect is used in the same way as conditional 3 sentences. t> GS4.3 I wish and If only > GS 14.1 A Which of these sentences (a or b) expresses most clearly that the speaker is sorry about something or regrets it? 1 a I don't want to be here, b I wish I weren't here. 2 a I want to have more money, b If only I had more money. 3 a I hope I can come to your party. b I wish I could come to your party. 4 a I want to be in London now. b If only I were in London now. B Rewrite the second sentence in each pair. Use no more than five words including the word in bold. Do NOT change this word. 1 I'm sorry I can't speak English perfectly. wish I_English perfectly. 2 I'm sorry I can't do this exercise. only if_this exercise. I'm sorry I'm not rich, only If_ _ rich. Are you ever sorry that you aren't rich? wish Do you ever_ ch? I'm sorry I can't answer that question. wish I_that question. It's a pity the weather isn't better today. only if_better today. I'm sorry you don't love me. only If_me. It's a pity you can't understand how I feel about you. wish I_how I feel about you. 5 Mick is in prison. 6 Harry has just split up with his girlfriend because she was unhappy with the way he behaved. 7 Peter went for a drive and is now completely lost. 8 Mrs Green's children have left home, and they rarely get in touch with her. A Explain the difference in meaning in these pairs of sentences. 1 I don't think you're very interested. I don't think you are very interesting. 2 The problem with you is that you're bored. The problem with you is that you're boring. 3 You aren't very amusing. You aren't very amused. Repeat the sentences that people do not like to hear about themselves. Then describe a situation or situations in which you might say the other sentences. Example: I don't think you're very interested. >■ Perhaps I would say this if I told someone a sioiy and I could see that he or she wasn't listening. B Read this text and the words in capital letters below it. Change the form of the word so that it fits the numbered space. An example is given (0). I saw a film last week that was not very (0) interesting it was a comedy but it was not very (1)_____But perhaps the real problem was not that the film was bad but that I was [2)_. The weather was very (3)_that day too. To add to my problems, I was (4)_ _because I had just had some very (5)_news. I had been hoping to get a very (6)___job that someone else got instead. In fact, I was very (7)_I didn't get it because I was (8)________that I had all the right qualifications. However, (9)__things like this happen all the time, don't they? So why was I (10) ? 0 INTEREST 6 INTEREST 1 AMUSE 7 SHOCK 2 DEPRESS S CONVINCE 3 DEPRESS 9 DISAPPOINT 4 DISAPPOINT 10 SURPRISE 5 SURPRISE / wish you would/wouldn't do it 1 wish you had/hadn't done it > GS 14.1 A Which two examples below could mean 'Please do or don't do this in the future'? Explain what the other two examples mean. 1 I wish you would phone me. 2 I wish you had phoned me. 3 I wish you wouldn't lie to me. 4 I wish you hadn't lied to me. B Complete the second sentence in each pair. Always begin the second sentence with I wish. Example: I'm sorry I said that. > I wish I hadn't said that. 1 Please don't say things like that. 2 Please don't do that. 3 I'm angry because you said that. 4 I'm angry because you did that. 5 Don't ask me so many questions. 6 Don't smoke here! 7 I'm sorry I asked you that question. 8 It was wrong of you to ask me that question. C In groups or pairs, say one or two sentences about each of the following things. 1 Some news that you would find surprising. 2 What you do when you are bored. 3 Something which you have found boring.