www.bridge-online.cz Reading You will get one point for each correct answer. PART ONE | QUESTIONS 1-5 Read these five short texts and tasks. According to the information given in the text, choose the best alternative: A, B, C or D for questions 1-5. 1 It is school-time and you are standing in front of this sign. What information does it give? A) Během vyučování je vstup do školy zakázán. B) V době vyučování je tato brána uzavřena. C) Během vyučování je hlavní vchod do školy uzavřen. D) Z důvodů bezpečnosti dětí nenechávejte během vyučování bránu otevřenou. For thee this gate is school hours. Please use the main entrance. HELP Na celou část Reading máte 60 minut. PART ONE Instructions Budete řešit úlohy s výběrem odpovědi ze čtyř alternativ. Pouze jedna odpověď je správná. Question 3 Snažíte se zjistit záměr autora textu. Čeho chtěl dosáhnout? Zkuste najít klíčová slovesa, např. BREAK. 2 What is the main idea of the quotation? Doing exercise... A) will make the brain work better. B) during illness is not good for health. C) can help prevent illness. D) doesn't take as much time as you think. "Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." Edward Stanley (Source: http://ririanproject.com/2006/09/21) 3 What is the author trying to do in the text? A) ask for something B) warn against something C) complain about something D) give a piece of advice Break the rules and do write your pin code down on post-its in your wallet, but encrypt* the pin code too. Try turning numbers into letters and make a word. For example the pin code 9268 makes the word 'want' when it's typed into a mobile. So you'll just have to remember you 'want' your PIN code, then look at your phone and see which numbers are represented by those letters. (Source: http://ririanproject.com/2007/02/16, adapted) to encrypt - zašifrovat »I Z LEVEL BRIDGE I January-February 120. 4 What does Samuel say about studying? A) Chocolate helps him study better. B) Preparing for school regularly is important. C) Reading foreign books helps him learn languages. D) Doing homework is not important for school results. ® INTERNATIONAL CHAT ROOMS Samuel Well, I know some say you must work every day and do homework and all the rest. But I don't think it's true. I always study the night before my exams and I do okay; I never fail an exam or test. I do my homework at school and often I don't bother to do it at all. Some teachers never correct our homework, so why should I care? I sometimes read foreign newspapers -1 grew up in an English-Italian family - so I speak good Italian, too, and can read books and magazines. But that's fun, that's not work or studying. And I always have a lot of chocolate when I read. I don't think chocolate would taste so lovely while studying... 5 What does the text say about the artist Pollyanna Pickering? When the artist was in the Himalayas... A) she saw a Yeti. B) she was told about a Yeti. C) she saw people who looked like a Yeti. D) she got a picture of a Yeti from the local people. British artist Pollyanna Pickering unveiled* this picture of what a Yeti could look like, after she spent ages talking to local people in the Himalayas who claim to have seen one. (Source: Pic All Credit Media/PA; http://news.bbc.co.uk, 2009, adapted) HELP Question 4 Podtrhněte si klíčové výrazy v otázce. Podtrhli jste si STUDYING? Pokud ano, již zn téma textu. Pokud se vám nedaří, zkuste si nejprve podtrhnout klíčové výrazy v alternativách, tj. chocolate, preparing for school, reading, doing homework. A nyní tyto výrazy, nebo jejich opisy/ synonyma najděte v textu. PARTTWO Instructions Vaším úkolem je porovnávat informace z několika krátkých textů. Řešení vám zabere i přes malou obtížnost výchozích textů dost času, pokud nebudete pracovat efektivně. Nejprve si pozorně přečtěte otázky a promyslete si, která slova jsou pro řešení opravdu důležitá. Tato slova (výrazy) si podtrhněte. PART TWO | QUESTIONS 6-10 Read the following opinions of five people on their internet use, taken from a chatroom. Answer the questions 6-10 based on the information given in the texts. For each question, choose the best alternative: A, B, C or D. How Do We Use the Internet? Martina (16) I must say I use it all the time - to do my homework and to be in contact with my friends and family. I think everyone I know uses it all the time. My grandparents don't, but my granddad is just taking a course at the moment and I hope we'll send emails to each other soon! *to unveil - odhalit www.bridge-ontine.cz Z LEVEL 9 Josh (19) Because I'm now travelling in Bulgaria, I only stay outdoors. That's why I'm not online as usual. I still have my cell phone with me to text my mum and dad, but the truth is I'm not using the internet now and I won't use it until October. Dave (44) I cannot live without the web. I need it for work, and in my free time I look for information, too. Without it I never know what is happening in town or with friends and my children, of course. Pete (62) I don't have the internet at home, but I go to places where I can have a coffee and be online. Sometimes I go to the library where you pay nothing to be online. I'm actually still learning to work with it and it's such great fun! Mandy (49) I know it is crazy but I never use it. How is it possible? Of course we have it at home, but I prefer books and magazines and I like going shopping in real shops, so I just don't need it. My children can't believe it. Can you? 6 Which person is usually online but not at the moment? A) Mandy B) Pete C) Dave D) Josh 7 There is only one person who... A) always uses the internet. B) doesn't need the internet. C) uses the net to be in contact with family. D) prefers using the mobile to the internet. 8 How many people say they use the internet but not from home? A) one B) two C) three D) four 9 Which sentence is true about the texts? All the people... A) think the internet is great. B) think the internet is good fun. C) think everybody uses the internet today. D) usually have access to the internet. 10 Nobody says that they... A) need the internet for work. B) can live without the internet. C) hate the internet. D) are learning to use the internet. HELP Question 6 Rozhodujeme se mezi čtyřmi lidmi, nebudeme tedy nutně číst text o Martině. Zajímá nás výraz online a určitě informace at the moment. Jak jinak může být v textech vyjádřeno online! Co třeba look for informationl Nebudete-li online, nebudete moci hledat informace. Question 7 Pozor! Potřebujete zjistit, co dělá pouze jedna osoba z pěti. Řešte každou alternativu zvlášť. Zkuste si pomoci podtrháváním v textu nebo značkami. Question 8 Pozor na zápor v otázce. Question 9 Tady budete muset číst všechny texty. Jakmile při čtení textu zjistíte, že jedna osoba neodpovídá alternativě, alternativu vyřaďte (např. křížkem) a dále sejí nezabývejte. Question 10 Pozor na zápor! Nobody says that... - Nikdo neříká, že... Zkuste si podtrhnout klíčový výraz v každé alternativě. Tak se vám bude lépe vyhledávat, zda někdo internet potřebuje (needs), dokáže žít bez něj (can live without), nesnáší ho (hates), učí se ho používat (learns to use). 10 Z LEVEL BRIDGE I January-February | 2G PART THREE | QUESTIONS 11-20 Read statements 11-20 and information taken from the website of one of London's museums. Based on the information in the texts decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). 11 If I show my London Pass, I'll get a discount in the gift shop. 12 There was only one cartoon museum in London before 2006. 13 I don't have to book any event organized by the Cartoon Museum. 14 The Cartoon Museum organizes courses for adults. 15 The archive is not open to the public. 16 I may use a laptop only in a specific area of the Heneage Library. 17 I may visit the Heneage Library on Wednesdays. 18 The Cartoon Museum opens at the same time every day. 19 The Cartoon Museum is open only till 5.30 pm during the last week of the year. 20 If I am 17,1 can visit the Cartoon Museum for free. T F HELP PARTTHREE Instructions Budete řešit úlohy dichotomické, neboli úlohy pravda/nepravda, kde se rozhodujete, zda je tvrzení pravdivé (T), nebo nepravdivé (F). Úlohy jsou pokud možno řazeny tak, aby odpovídaly pořadí informací v textu. Vaším úkolem je vyhledat informaci v textu, případně porovnat informace z více částí textu. Možná jste si všimli, že úlohy předcházejí textu. V reálných situacích si před čtením také nejprve ujasníte, jaké informace chcete zjistit - např. kolik stojí lístek, v kolik zavírají. Naučte se pracovat s tužkou a podtrhávat si důležité výrazy, respektive indicie, které mohou být důležité pro rozhodování 0 (ne)pravdivosti. Kontrolu provedete tak, že si označíte 1 místo v textu, kde se informace nachází. Question 17 Potřebujete zjistit, KDY můžete navštívit knihovnu. Question 20 Odpověď hledejte na konci textu. www.bridge-online.cz 11 On February 23,2006 London's first cartoon museum opened to the public. Situated at 35 Little Russell Street, a stone's throw from the British Museum, the Cartoon Museum exhibits the very finest examples of British cartoons, caricature, and comic art from the 18th century to the present day. You can find an exhaustive collection of all types of cartoons in this museum, including caricatures and rare examples of cartoon art. It's an ideal place to entertain kids of all ages as well as a serious collection for cartoon enthusiasts. There are over 900 pieces on exhibit and the museum regularly holds events where both children and adults can participate. Booking for these events is recommended due to the year-round popularity of this London museum. The Cartoon Museum offers adult lectures and exclusive courses in the field of cartoons and their use and place in society. As with all London museums, it is advisable to ring in advance of your visit to ensure that facilities are available at the time you come, and to allow staff to help you find what you need as efficiently as possible. If your interest in this fascinating graphic history of British satire and creativity is more academic, there is an archive and reference library available to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Both children and adults will enjoy this unique London attraction. THE HENEAGE LIBRARY • The Heneage Library contains over 4,000 books on cartoons, comics, caricature and animation. There is also a collection of 2,500 comics. • The library is available for reference use only. All users must sign in and provide identification. • Laptop computers may be used in the study area. • Seating is limited. So if you are planning to visit it is advisable to contact us in advance. • The library is currently open on Wednesdays from 10.30 am-1.30 pm. Visit this wonderful museum with your London Pass and enjoy free entry for the whole family as well as 10% off any purchase in the gift shop. OPENING TIMES Please note that the museum is closed on Mondays and open Tuesday to Saturday 10.30 am-5.30 pm and Sunday 12.00-5.30 pm. Pre-booking for groups is advised. Christmas/New Year hours: The Cartoon Museum will close at 5.30pm on Thursday December 24th and remain closed until it reopens on Saturday January 2nd. We apologise for any inconvenience. ADMISSION £5.50 Adults £3 Students with valid student ID Free to Under-18s, Art Fund Members and Friends of the Cartoon Museum. Children 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult. (Source: http://www.cartoonmuseum.org, 2009/12, adapted) Z LEVEL BRIDGE I January-February | 20; PART FOUR | QUESTIONS 21-30 Read questions 21-30 and information on Wales from a travel guide. Based on the information in the text, answer the questions 21-30 and choose the most suitable alternatives: A, B, C or D. You can use each alternative more than once. For some of the questions there is more than one correct answer. The first two questions (0,00) are done for you. HELP 0 Which place offers classes to adults who cannot swim? 00 Which place is open every day? 21 Which place doesn't offer any swimming classes? 22 Which place doesn't offer hot meals? 23 Where can't you go if you wish to swim on a Monday? 24 Which place suggests reading magazines? 25 Which place has a swimming pool in the open air only? 26 Where can you currently exercise in the gym? 27 Which place offers alcoholic drinks? 28 Which place offers food? 29 Which place opens the earliest? 30 Where can't you go if you want to enjoy swimming at noon? A A,C,D PARTFOUR Instructions Vaším úkolem bude hledat a porovnávat informace ve více textech. Nemusíte rozumět všem výrazům v textech, abyste vyřešili úlohy správně. Pozor! Některé texty (A-D) mohou být použity více než jednou. Nejprve si opět podtrhejte klíčové výrazy v otázkách. Usnadníte si tak hledání. Question 21 Potřebujete zjistit, kde je v textech zmínka o hodinách plavání. Question 29 Porovnáváte otevírací dobu. Nemusíte tedy číst celé texty. www.bridge-online.cz Z LEVEL 13 Dear Readers, Welcome to Wales. We hope you find the information in our brochure interesting. There are many places to choose from if you like boating, swimming or just walking. Let's start with suggestions for swimming. A) Polo Swim, Cardiff Polo Swim is an open swimming pool where you can spend sunny days during your holidays. The pool is open daily from 10 am-6 pm and offers swimming classes for babies, young children and adult non-swimmers. If you enjoy a lot of swimming, you are welcome to have your lunch or snacks at the swimming pool bar. The bar serves cold meals and fresh drinks, tea and coffee. No alcohol is served here. B) AquaStyle, Penarth AquaStyle is a beautiful pool not far from the capital. It offers its visitors indoor swimming and is also attractive for people who enjoy spending their time in the gym. The gym and swimming pool are included in the price of the all-day ticket. Hot meals, tea and coffee are served at the buffet. If you take children with you, we offer baby and children's swimming classes in the morning hours. AquaStyle is open Tuesday - Sunday, 10 am-8 pm. G) Cymru Swim, Hollow Cymru Swim is an ideal place for every lover of swimming. It has outdoor as well as indoor pools and it is easy to spend a day here with family or friends. Cymru Swim is open daily from 9 am-7 pm. There is an excellent sandwich bar and also a reading room where you can relax after exercising There is no need for you to buy magazines - the room offers a small library at no extra fee. For further details, call 4667 - 7786 765. Lin's Park, Newport Lin's Park is a favourite with young Welsh swimmers. It is open daily from 1 pm-10 pm, and offers live music at weekends. You can enjoy indoor swimming, a game of polo or even a dance. The swimming pool also has a large gym, which is now under renovation and cannot be used. But you can visit the bar, where you can get tea, coffee, milk shakes, beer and wine. Bring your own magazine to read after your swim. Come and see! 14 BRIDGE I January-February | 2( PART FIVE | QUESTIONS 31-45 Read the text about a person whose name is Harry Potter. Choose the correct alternative: A, B or C for each space 31-45.There is one example (0). HELP The Real Harry Potter The real Harry Potter was born (0)_B_1989 and his mother named him Harry (31)_Charles and Diana's younger son, Prince Harry. Nine years (32)_his mother gave him his first book (33)_J. K. Rowling and for a moment Harry thought his real name could be fun. (34)_, his name is not fun. People ask the same questions. Everyone feels they can be arrogant or too friendly towards Harry Potter, and very (35)_ they don't even believe it is his real name! The real Harry Potter, who is 20 now, works for a bank and is (36) employee who mustn't give his name on the telephone. (37)_ knows it would be too much trouble and lead to a (38) irrelevant things if he says: "Good morning, (39)_ what (40)_I do for you?" only company _conversations about is Harry Potter speaking, have Harry Potter is a registered label* and so the real Harry Potter (41)_ a Facebook profile. He is also fond of (42)_football, but even this simple pleasure is ruined by the same repeated joke: "Harry Potter doing magic with the ball!" _girlfriend who wanted to see his passport and Harry also had (43) _ a driving (44)_ (45)_Mrs Rowling has spoilt his life. to believe Harry Potter is his real name. The young man 0 A) at B) in C) during 31 A) for B) after C) along 32 A) later B) late C) latest 33 A) from B) of C)by 34 A) So B) Unfortunately C) Therefore 35 A) much B) usually C) often 36 A) the B) - C) an 37 A) A B)The C) -- 38 A) lots of B) plenty of C)lot of 39 A) this B) there C) here 40 A) must B) will C) can 41 A) isn't allowed B) isn't allowed to C) isn't able 42 A) play B) playing C) to play 43 A)- B) a C) the 44 A) licence B) card C) paper 45 A)speaks B) tells C) says PARTFIVE Instructions Tento typ cvičení všichni znáte. Zkuste postupovat tak, že si tam, kde si nejste odpovědí jisti, vypomůžete vyškrtnutím té alternativy, která to určitě není neboje nejméně pravděpodobná. Tak se vám rozhodování zúží na dvě alternativy. Velmi často v cizím jazyce platí, že první, co váš mozek vygeneruje, tzn. první odpověď, která vás napadne, bývá správná (pokud si ji ovšem mozek pamatuje v nějakém kontextu správně). Question 34 Kterými výrazy můžeme uvést věty? Question 35 Kterému výrazu může předcházet VERY? Který slovní druh to je? Question 36 Výraz, který hledáte, má těsný vztah k podstatnému jménu employee. Question 41 Tady potřebujete rozumět kontextu. Question 42 Který z výrazů může následovat po FOND OF? SOLUTIONS Řešení části Reading najdete vTF. label - značka